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01x28 - Cheesy Con/Stanley's One-Dragon Show

Posted: 02/26/24 19:47
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie!

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ She loves adventure. She loves surprise. ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries. ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie!

-♪ And if she fails, she'll bounce right back. ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack! ♪

-Kay kay! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ When she plays with Bob Dog they have a ball! ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all! ♪

-Bow wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip, ♪

♪ with Purple Panda in his spaceship. ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ With a hee and a haw and a haw and a hee, ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ with our pal Donkey Hodie!


-Now, where's my cheese flag?



Got it!

Now, where's my cheese hat?

Hm... Ah!

[from in the chest] Whoop! Oof.

Ah. Ah, where is it?

Ah-ha! Found it!

Oh yeah!

This is gonna be so much fun! [giggles]

Who is it?

-It's your cheesy pal!

-Come on in, cheesy pal!


[grunts while fitting through the door] Hey-o!


-Who's ready for the largest cheese celebration

in all of Someplace Else?

-I am! [giggles]

-Then let's go to Cheesy Con! -Oh, wait!

-Hm? Wait?

Wait for what, Panda?

-Well, first I wanted to plan out our day at Cheesy Con.

-Oh! Yeah!

Yeah, it's always good to have a cheesy plan in place.


Okay, now what do you want to do the most?


Well, I'm really looking forward to the Cheesy Con sing-along,

so I can sing all my favorite cheesy songs!

-Oh, singing cheesy songs is cheesy good fun!

Uh, I'm really excited

to see a show starring the Cheesy Town Players!

-Me too!

But the thing I want to do the most

is meet the cheesiest superhero

in the whole world, Captain Cheese!

-Oh, Captain Cheese is super awesome!


-And now we have a super awesome plan!

-Let's hurry, I don't want to miss

one cheese-errific bit of Cheesy Con!

Let's go! -Okay!




-[grunts] Yeah, I'm fine.

Just tripped. Haha!

Now let's go to Cheesy Con!

Oh, ow!!

-Oh, what's wrong, Donkey? -Oh, it's my hoof.

It hurts when I try to walk.

-Oh, we should call someone.

-Oh no, I'm sure I'll be fine in a moment!

-Okay, but just a moment. -Hm.


Now, let's test out that hoof.


-Uh, Donkey, um, maybe we should get some help.

-No, no, no, wait!

Let me try again.





-Okay, Donkey, I'm gonna call the doctor now.

-But what about Cheesy Con?

-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Well, I'm afraid you've sprained your hoof, Donkey Hodie.

-[gasp] A sprain!

Uh, it's a sprain?!

-Mm-hmm. -Oh no!

-Well, getting some rest

and staying off your hoof will help it heal.

Okay, goodbye Purple Panda and feel better Donkey Hodie.

-Bye. -Thank you, Doctor.

Okay, Donkey, so what do you need?

-Aren't you going to Cheesy Con?

-Oh, no-no-no-no-no!

I want to be a helpful friend

and help my cheesy pal who's injured.

Plus, it wouldn't be as much fun without you, Donkey!

-[giggles] Thanks, pal, but I don't really need anything.

-Hm. [gasp]

Maybe you need a healthy, hoof-healing snack!

Here's a delicious burlynut butter

and grumbleberry jam sandwich.

-No, thank you, I'm not really hungry!

-[sighs] But I want to help you, Donkey.

[phone rings]

Ooh! Let me help you with that.

-Haha. Hello, this is Donkey.

-Oh, hey there, my little Donkaroo!

I just heard from Doc Skunk that you sprained the old hoofer!

-Hm, yeah, but I'll be okay, Grampy.

Panda's with me!

-Oh, he's a good friend.

Now make sure you get plenty of rest and stay off that hoof.

-Will do, Grampy! Thanks.

-Feel better, my little Donkaroo!

-Let me just helpfully hang this up for you!

-Thanks, Panda!

-You're welcome!

Now, what else can I do to help you feel better, Donkey?

-Hmm, well, I was kind of thinking

maybe you could help me get to Cheesy Con!

-But the doctor and Grampy said that you can't go anywhere.

-Well, they just said I had to rest and stay off my hoof.

-Sooo you want me

to help you get to Cheesy Con without standing on your hoof?

-Mm-hmm! -Okay.

Uh, I, Purple Panda, will help you get to Cheesy Con!


Now, how can I get to Cheesy Con without standing on my hoof?

Think, Donkey Hodie, think!

-[gasp] I know!

I can carry you!

-All the way to Cheesy Con?

-I think so.

-Okay, let's give it a try!

-[straining] Okay, here we go!

-Yup. -Uh.

[almost dropping Donkey Hodie] -Woah...

Okay, this is not really very comfy.

-Okay, well, I'll just try carrying you a different way!



Nope. -Hmph.

-Oh, oh, this is quite un-comfy.

Oh, I'm sorry, Panda pal, this isn't working.

I guess I'm not going to Cheesy Con today.

-But I don't want to give up!

I don't want you to miss out, Donkey!

Uh, I want to be a helpful friend!

[doorbell rings]

-[yells] Ooo, come in!

-Special delivery for Donkey Hodie!

These are from Harriett Elizabeth Cow.

She heard you hurt your hoof and hopes you heal!

Bye! -Thank you.

-[gasp] That delivery just gave me an idea.

I'll be right back.

-I wonder what it is.

[doorbell rings]

-[gasp] Who is it?

-It's a helpful friend with some...

Cheesy Con fun!

[giggles] -[excitedly] What kind of Cheesy Con fun?


How about a Cheesy Con sing-along?!

-Yes, please!

-[singing to the tune of BINGO] ♪ There was a panda,

♪ Who had some cheese

♪ And Gouda was its name-ah!

-♪ G-O-U-D-A!

-♪ G-O-U-D-A!

-♪ G-O-U-D-A!

♪ And Gouda was its name-ah!

-[singing to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb] ♪ Donkey had a Gor-gon-zola,

♪ Gor-gon-zola, Gor-gon-zola!

♪ Donkey had a Gor-gon-zola, and it was really stinky! ♪

-[singing to the tune of On Top of Old Smokey] ♪ On top of spaghetti,

♪ was Parmesan cheese.

-♪ But I was allergic, and so I did sneeze! ♪


-[singing to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm] ♪ Old MacDonkey

♪ had some cheese,

♪ Cheese-cheese-cheese- cheese-cheese. ♪

♪ And on that cheese was some more cheese. ♪

♪ Cheese-cheese-cheese- cheese-cheese. ♪

♪ With a cheese-cheese here, And a cheese-cheese there. ♪

♪ Here a cheese, there a cheese, Everywhere a cheese-cheese! ♪

♪ Old MacDonkey had some cheese, ♪

♪ Cheese-cheese- cheese-cheese-cheeeeeeese ♪

♪ Cheese-cheese- cheese-cheese-cheeeeeeese ♪

-Ha ha, wow!

That was the best Cheesy Con sing-along I've ever been to.

Thanks, Panda.

-I'm so glad you like it, Donkey.

But I'm not done helping yet.

How would you like a show from the Cheesy Town Players?

-Yes, cheese!

Oh, I mean, yes, please! [giggles]

-The Cheesy Town Players proudly present...

"The Tale of the Cheese That's Gone Bad!"

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Camembert,

there were two friends!

Ella Mozzarella!

[as Ella Mozzarella] Hello!

[as himself]... And Pierre Gruyere...

[as Pierre Gruyere] Hiya!

[as himself] And they liked to do everything together.

-They're best pals like us, Panda.

-[giggles] They sure are!

[as himself] But one day, a mean, old wizard...

...named Melted Muenster came along

and put a spell on Ella,

so she would turn mean and stinky.

The wizards said [as Melted Muenster]


[as himself] And Ella Mozzarella started to go bad.

[as Ella Mozzarella] GRRRRRRRRRRR!

-Oh no.

-[as himself] Oh yes!

And now she never wanted to do anything with Pierre Gruyere!


The two best friends aren't friends anymore.

This is so sad.

-[as himself] Oh, don't worry,

Donkey, because Pierre Gruyere

wrapped her in a magic cheesecloth.

[as himself] And it turned her back to her fresh and fun self.

[as Ella Mozzarella ] [gasp] I'm back!

[as Pierre Gruyere] Hurray!

[as himself] And they lived cheesily ever after!

-That was the best Cheesy Town Player story I've ever seen.

Thank you, Panda. -You're welcome, Donkey.

But I'm still not done helping.

[giggles] -You're not?

-Nope, I know that you wanted to meet someone super cheesy,

so I arranged for a meeting with...

[with a superhero persona]...

Captain Cheese!

Greetings, cheese lovers!

-It's Captain Cheese! Oh my goodness!

It is so great to meet you! I can't believe you're here!

-[as Captain Cheese] Oh, of course!

Anything for my fans!

-You know, you are the greatest helpful hero of all.

-Awww! Donkey, I'm sorry,

I couldn't really get Captain Cheese.

It's just me. See? [giggles]

-[giggles] I know that, Panda.

-But you just said

that I was the greatest helpful hero of all.

-I was talking to you. [giggles]

-Oh, you think I'm the helpful hero?

-The most helpful hero!

I could have never gotten to Cheesy Con today,

so you brought it to me instead.

And it was the best Cheesy Con I've ever been to.

-Aww, I'm so glad I could help you, best cheesy pal.

[giggles] -Thanks, cheesy pal.

Now, what do you say we have another cheesy sing-along?!

-[gasp] Hey-o!

-♪ With a cheese-cheese here, And a cheese-cheese there. ♪

♪ Here a cheese, there a cheese, Everywhere a cheese-cheese! ♪

♪ Old MacDonkey had some cheese, ♪

♪ Cheese-cheese- cheese-cheese-cheeeeeeese. ♪

♪ Cheese-cheese- cheese-cheese-cheeeeeeese. ♪

-Ah! Someplace Else Park,

you're always so calming and quiet.

[a crash of musical instruments] -[gasp]

Well those are surprising sounds.

What was that?

Stanley? Wha-


Wha-what is all this?

Are you okay? -Oh, hello, Donkey.

I'm better than okay -- I'm spectacular.

Would you like to know why?

-Does it have anything to do with all these instruments?

-It does.

Because I am performing in a show!

-[gasp] What kind of show? -Ohh!

Well, let me tell you all about it!


♪ If you want to laugh, If you want to cheer, ♪

♪ If you want pretty music In your ear, ♪

♪ If you want a thrill, If you want to sigh, ♪

♪ If you want some tears, Rolling from your eyes, ♪

♪ See the most entertaining Dragon you know, Yes! ♪

♪ Grab a ticket, You've got to go, To Stanley's ♪

♪ Wonderful, Super-Spectacular, Incredible, One-Dragon Show. ♪

♪ I'll wave a wand, And just like that, ♪

♪ A penguin will appear, From this magic hat. ♪

♪ My one-dragon band, Will perform some tunes. ♪

♪ I'll toot and strum, And play the spoons. ♪

♪ See the most entertaining Dragon you know, Yes! ♪

♪ Grab a ticket, You've got to go, To Stanley's Wonderful, ♪

♪ Super-Spectacular, Incredible, One-Dragon Show. ♪

♪ I could play a cherry, I could play an elf, ♪

♪ I will act this show, All by myself. ♪

♪ I'll play a chicken, Hey! I'll play two! ♪

♪ For there is nothing, That I can't do. ♪

♪ I'm the most entertaining Dragon you know, Yes! ♪

♪ Grab a ticket, You've got to go, To Stanley's Wonderful, ♪

♪ Super-Spectacular, Incredible, One-Dragon Shoooooow. ♪

-[gasp] Ah!

That sounds like an incredible show.

I can't wait to see it!

-Well, you don't have to wait!

You can watch me rehearse it right now.

-Ohhh, thank you! I'd love to watch.

What are you gonna rehearse first?

-I call this, "Stanley's Wonderful,

Super-Spectacular, Incredible One-Dragon Orchestra"!

-Oooo! Go for it.

[takes a big breath in and blows into the tuba]

-♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star. ♪

-Um. Hey, Stanley?

-♪ How I wonder what-

-That music doesn't sound like "Twinkle, Twinkle."

-[gasp] Oh no!

A show can't be super spectacular

without "Twinkle, Twinkle."

[sigh] Looks like I'll have to cancel the show.

-Wait! Don't! -But why?

-Because, I, Donkey Hodie, will help you with your

Super-Spectacular One-Dragon Show.

-But if you assist me, then it won't be a one-dragon show.

I won't be doing it all myself.

-Sometimes a problem can't be solved alone, Stanley.

You can still perform it alone, but you may need some help.

-Hm okay!

But how can you help me with my one-dragon orchestra?


Think, Donkey Hodie, think! Hm...

Ooh! I know! Be right back.

-Yes! Oh, this is exciting!

What's this contraption?

-I call it the MusicMaker .

It helps you play many instruments all at once.

-How exciting! -Mm hmm.

-Now, how does it work?

-Oh, well you just blow into this mouthpiece

after you take a really deep breath!

Let me demonstrate.

[takes a big deep breath]

["Twinkle, Twinkle" plays]


-Hooray! My one-dragon show is saved.

Oh, let me try!

Here we go. [takes a big breath in]

[cacophony of sound]

-Mmmmm hmm!

[cacophony of sound]


Well, does it sound like "Twinkle, Twinkle"?

-Uhhh... I'm afraid not, Stanley.

-Oh! I'll never be able to play my one-dragon orchestra!

-Oh yes, you will, Stanley.

Remember just take a real deep breath and wooooooooosh!

Hmph? -Got it.

-Hmph. -[takes a deep breath]

["Twinkle, Twinkle" plays]

-[gasp] You're doing it, Stanley!

Wow! Hee-haw!

Great job, Stanley!

-Mmm hmm!

-Well, you know it really is good to get help.

-Mmm hmm.

-Thank you, Donkey, and thank you, Harriett!

-Oh, you're welcome, Stanley!

I'm looking forward to that big show of yours! [giggles]

-[giggles] Next up,

rehearsals for my one-dragon magic act!

Friends and neighbors, prepare to be amazed

as I make a penguin magically appear from my hat!

[makes mystical sounds] Woooo-oooooh-ooooh-ooooooh!

-Oh! This is very exciting!


Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind.


You didn't make the penguin magically appear

out of your hat.

-No...? Oh, wait!

I see the problem -- I forgot my wand.

Let us try that again.


And here comes the penguin....

Ha! Thank you!

-Hm. Still no penguin, Stanley.

-Oh, we'll have to cancel.

All my fans will be so disappointed.

Oh... -Remember, Stanley,

sometimes a problem can't be solved alone.

-Right! Um, shall we call Harriett again?


I think I know of someone else who can help.


I didn't know you were a magician, Duck Duck.

-Oh, I certainly am. -Do you know how to make

a penguin magically appear out of a hat?

-Ah, yes yes, that's a good one.

Kay kay, so first,

you have to wave your magic wand three times.

Wave! Wave! Wave!

And then you have to say this magic phrase...

"Not a dog, not a cat, bring a penguin from this magic hat!"

And then you tap the hat with your wand.


-Ho ho oh, goody! Ha ha ha! Let me try.

Uh uh...

-Hm hm. -What do I do?

What do I do? -Well, don't worry!

I'm gonna help you.

We'll take it one step at a time.

First, wave your wand three times.

-Wave! Wave! Wave!

-Then say, "not a dog,

not a cat, bring a penguin from this magic hat!"

-"Not a dog, not a cat, bring a penguin from this magic hat!"

-Then tap your wand on the hat! -Tap the wand.

Got it! -Mm hm.

-Hm hm.



-Hee-haw! -Ho ho!

It really is helpful to get help!

Thank you, Duck Duck!

-D'ah you're welcome, Stanley!

Have a great show!

C'mon penguin. Let's fly.

-Uh...squibbit! -What what?

D'aw yeah that's right right. [giggles] Let's just walk.


It is now time for the greatest part

of my spectacular one-dragon show!

-Oooo... What is it?

-A one-dragon dramatic scene from the classic play

"Two Chickens of Verona."

And I will be playing the part of both chickens.

-Oooo... This is exciting!

-Here I go! [takes in a deep breath]

[dramatically] Meow-meow-meow!

Meow! Meowie! Meowie!

Well, what do you think, Donkey?

-Uh, it-it- was very dramatic, Stanley,

but you didn't really sound like a chicken.

You sounded like a cat.

-Oh, well, do you know what I'm going to have to do now, Donkey?

-Don't tell me you want

to cancel your one-dragon dramatic scene.

-Of course not. I am going to ask for help.

For I once heard that when a problem can't be solved alone,

it can take a group to figure things out.

-[giggles] Great idea, Stanley.

-But whom shall I ask?

-Well, ya know Stanley, maybe you can ask me for help.

I do know a lot about animal sounds.

-Oh, but do you know what a chicken sounds like?

-Ha! I do. Like this...

BAWK! BAWK! Ha ha!

-Ho ho! Very nice!

[clears throat] Here I go.


-Mmm no, it's more like this...

BAWK! -Hmm!

[clears throat] BOWARK!

Oh, that sound's very hard for my dragon tongue to get around.

-Oh, you can do it! Just repeat after me.

Buh. -Buh.

-Awk. -Awk.

-Now put them together.

Bawk! Bawk!

-Hmm. Buh-awk! Buh-awk!


-Oh, you got it, Stanley!

Okay, now do the scene...

-Right! Here I go!

[dramatically] Bawk.

Bawk-bawk-bawk! Bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk!

Bawk! Bawkie-bawkie-bawk!

Bawk. Bawk. Bawk.

-[gasp] You did it, Stanley!

-Why, I did!

And now, I'm ready for my super spectacular show!

♪ Welcome friends, From near and far, ♪

♪ I'll knock your socks off, I'm the star! ♪

♪ Yes, Stanley's Wonderful, Super-Spectacular, Incredible, ♪

♪ One-Dragon Shooooow!

[the audience applauds and cheers]


...bring a penguin from this hat!


-[higher pitch voice] Bawk! Bawk-bawk, bawk!

[in a deeper voice] Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!

[back to a higher voice] Bawkie-bawkie bawk!

[takes a deep breath in]

Thank you.

[silence, then crowd cheers]


A-thank you!

I could have never performed tonight's show

without the help of my friends Harriett, Donkey and Duck Duck.

How about a big round of applause

for all their spectacular help!

[more cheers]


-Good job, Stanley!

-Thank you! [crowd cheers]




