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01x06 - The Waffle Man/Loopapalooza

Posted: 02/27/24 08:30
by bunniefuu
♪Lyla in the Loop!

♪Yeah, Lyla's in the loop!

♪C'mon in the loop!

♪Lyla in the loop, round and round with Stu!♪

♪Now you can jump in too, with Lyla in the Loop!♪

♪Got a big idea? Step it out, break it down!♪

♪Now put it all together! Loop around and around!♪

♪You've got what it takes to imagine and discover♪

♪That we can solve it one way and another and another!♪

♪So keep trying, thinking, asking.♪

♪Now we're building, now we're laughing.♪

♪We keep growing, ideas flowing, let's get going,♪

♪Lyla in the Loop!

[Lyla] The Waffle Man.






[Lyla] Aaaaand--


Do you know... the Waffle Man?

Which Waffle Man??

This Waffle Man!

-[Lyla] [giggle] -[Everett] [giggle]

Hey Stu!


We made this costume for you. Want to try it out?



Let's serve this waffle-- in the diner!!

C'mon, Stu!


Mmm! Mmm! [chef's kiss]

[Lyla] Hey Mom, Dad?

Do you know--the <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Waffle Man</span>??

- The Waffle Man? - The Waffle Man?

The <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Waffle Man</span>.

Two sheets of cardboard,


[Lyla] --half a roll of tape--


And percent, waffle!

This guy is more than just a snack.

The Waffle Man!!!


Ohhh, wow!!


Does this Waffle Man have anything to do with tomorrow being National Waffle Day?


We made it so Stu can stand outside the diner!

And let people know about the Waffle Day special tomorrow.

Great idea!

And so crafty! [gasp]

Do you think Waffle Man can hand out samples today?

Ooh yeah, one bite of these and you're coming back tomorrow for the rest, guaranteed!

Sure! Waffle Man can do that!


Or maybe Waffle Man <span tts:fontStyle="italic">can'tdo that.</span>

Aww, too bad...


Maybe you can improve the costume just a likkle bit so Stu's arms can reach?

Hmmm. Wait,

Of course--we just need to give Stu arm holes! C'mon!

[waddling trills]

Now presenting--

The Waffle Man <span tts:fontStyle="italic">.</span>--


<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Twice</span>the waffle!



I see. You put in arm holes!

A big improvement for a little waffle.

And more importantly, we've given him--

- Liiiiiiiiife!! - [trills]


Thanks, Mom! Now--

--let's give Waffle Man . a test run!

Hey Stu,

Please stand on the corner, holding the tray up high, and give out waffle samples.


[struggling trills]

[flipping trills]

[gasp] Stu!


[A pigeon scoops a waffle]


Are you okay?

Back already??

Those waffles must be popular!


The pigeons loved them...

Pigeons? got really windy, and--

The wind blew underneath the costume!

And lifted Stu up off the ground!

Which sent all the waffle samples flying.

Then, a pigeon ate them.

Seemed to enjoy 'em, though.

Well -- what're you gonna do?

I don't know.

Me neither...

Wait, no!! I think we can try improving the costume!

To make it wind-proof!

But how? Wind is hard to control.

Yeah, wind got underneath the flaps-

- kinda like how it gets underneath a parachute to make it float.

Important for parachutes, bad for waffle costumes.

Exactly! We need to make sure wind can't get underneath the costume,

And blow it around.

So Stu can stay on the ground and hand out samples.


[gasp] I've got an idea! Let's go!

Stu--hold still, please!

Everett-- tape?

[Everett] Here you go!

Perfect. Now, no wind will get under those flaps.





We taped it way too tight.

Now, Stu can't even walk.

Let's improve our tape job!

Aaaand that should be good!

[relief trills]

Stu, please try walking.






We did it!!

-[Lyla] Woo! -[Everett] [laughing]

Good work, team!

I like it.

Let's test it outside!

Alright Stu. You should be wind-proof now.

Please stand here on the corner, hold the tray up high, and give out waffle samples.



- Nice! - Nice!


Mmm. Oh my, that's tasty.









No no no!

- Shoo! Shoo, pigeon! - Outta here! Shoo!



Hey you three--what's up?

We told Stu to hand out samples--

But he started handing them out to <span tts:fontStyle="italic">everybody</span>.


Like to a cat.

And a pigeon.

And now we're out of waffles.

Oh boy, well, pigeons are definitely not our customer base...

Did you give Stu clear, specific instructions?


Not exactly....

Maybe we can improve on our instructions to Stu.

Yeah, just like we improved the costume by making arm holes,and taping the flapsdown.

We can be more specific and tell him to only hand out samples to people.

I do have one more batch of waffles-

-if you give Stu the improved instructions, maybe your idea will work!

Thanks, Dad!

Here we go! Waffle Man .!

Now both wind and pigeon-proof!!



Please give waffle samples only to PEOPLE--who stop and look.











Oh no!



- [sigh] - [sigh]

Mission accomplished!

Tomorrow's gonna be the best National Waffle Day ever!


- Stu!! - Ohhh no--

- [sigh] - [sigh]

Maybe we should tell him to not do that again?


I think he'll be fine.


♪Do you know the Waffle Man?

♪Which Waffle Man?

♪This Waffle Man!

[Everett] ♪Come and meet the Waffle Man--♪

--♪on this here Waffle Dayyyyyyy!♪

[trills musically]


♪Yes I know the Waffle Man! The Waffle Man!♪

Uh huh, I know him. Mama knows him.


Hi, Zakiya!

How about a quick pic with Waffle Man?

Of course! As long as you don't mind, Stu?



It looks like the Waffle Man's gonna go down in Loops Lunch history!


Ready, Everett?


Liana and I are twins.

But it doesn't mean we always like the same things.

Facts! See, I like volleyball.

And I'm a balloon artist also known as a twister.

So, together, we came up with a way to do a mash-up of volleyball--

--AND balloons, that we call--

- Volleyball-oon! - Volleyball-oon!

In volleyball-oon, you use two balloons instead of one volleyball.

Instead of a net, we tape a line on the floor between our beds.

You hit your balloon and if it lands on the other person's bed, you score!

First person to score two points gets a SPECIAL prize.




And that's how you win Volleyball-oon!

Uh uh uh. You didn't win yet. That's only one point! Let's go!

You're on, Liana.

Big spike comin' at ya!

Which way am I gonna go?

Oooo, gotcha!


WOOOOO! So, what's the secret prize?



[gasp] I want one!

Then you're gonna have to win volleyballoon!

You're on!

Gotta go!

[Lyla] Loopa-palooza!

♪Game night, game night,

♪Playing with my family on game night!♪

♪Be a winner or a loser,

♪It's a Loopa-palooza,

♪ We're all having fun on game night!♪

We're all set, Stu.

Game night! C'mon everybody!

[alarm trills]

Hey, what's going on? C'mon, Stu.

Hey, Luke, game night, let's go!


Time for game night!

In a minute, Sweetie...

A seven letter word for something that scoops?


Time for game night.

Okay okay...we'll be there.

As soon as we see who blinks first.

It's gonna be you.

Nuh-uh! It's gonna be you!


They'll come soon, everybody loves--

♪Game night, game night!


Okay, that's it!

Time for the Loops alarm. That'll get '‘em moving!

Go, Stu, go!

[alarm trills]


[alarm trills]

Hurry up!


[alarm trills]

What's the matter?

What happened?

We're not mad.

We're disappointed,

Right, Stu?


[Lyla whispers] Look disappointed, Stu...


It is Saturday night. <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Game</span>night.

A family tradition.

The most fun night of the week.

How come y'all didn't come to play? Whaddup?


We're kinda tired of playing the same games over and over.

Yeah, some games are too easy.

And some of '‘em are too hard.

Some take hours to play.

I don't like the sticky pieces!

Maybe we just need some new games?

Yeah, but it's getting kinda late to go out and buy one.

And it won't be quick and easy deciding what game to buy.

Okay. Fine. I'll make up a game!

A game we've never played before?

Yeah, I'll create a brand new game.

So we can all play tonight!

Stu will sound the Loops alarm when it's ready.


- Sure. - Alrighty

- Yeah, Lil' Loops, let's do this. - Sounds good.

You can drop the sad face, Stu. Time to start creating!


These games have their own rules and pieces you use for just that game...


But a deck of cards...?

I could make up a new game with these, right Stu?


And...I can use the sand timer

To make sure the game doesn't take hours to play

like Mom said.

Hey Stu. Please put all the other games away.

Go, Stu, go!


This is a lot of cards.

I could just use the hearts or diamonds,

but that would be too easy -

Liana wouldn't like that.


Maybe I could use some of each.

A few hearts, some spades and diamonds, a few clubs and--

--these two jokers.


Hey, Stu. I've got an idea.


Okay, Stu, sound the Loops aalarm please!

[alarm trills]

Y'all ready for a brand new game?

I hope it's not too hard.

I hope it's not too easy.

I hope it doesn't take all night.

Give Lyla a chance to explain the game, please.

Thanks Dad.

Okay, so there are cards with different symbols.




And-- Clubs.

What do you do with them?

I'll turn all the cards face down and mix them up,

Then everyone gets a turn to pick a card.

Too easy so far...

Hold on... IF you pick a heart, diamond, spade or club,

THEN you have do to a fun trick before the timer runs out.

Could be a challenge,

Depending on what you have to do.

IF you don't b*at the timer, THEN you're out.

Last one in the game has to do a trick.

IF they b*at the timer, THEN they're the winner!

If they don't b*at the timer?

There's no winner and the game starts all over again.

So, who's ready to play?!

- Alright, count me in! - Yeah!

- Let's go! - Yeah! - [trills]

I'm the host, y'all are the players.

Who dares to go first?

Pfft. Me. I ain't skurred!

[Lyla] A spade!

When anyone turns over a spade,

You have to do a crab walk to your room, grab an object-

- And get back before the timer runs out.

Crab walk all the way there and back?


Mmhmm. Ready, set, go!


- Go, Dad, go!- Hurry!- Faster!- Yayyy!

- Go go go Dad! - Go Daddy!

[Louisa] C'mon! C'mon, Dad!

[everyone cheers their Dad on]

I'll show you I'm the duke of double dutch.

Go, Dad!

Alright, Louis, you better represent!

[Everyone cheers]

♪I still got it!

[Louis dances]

Nice crabbin', Dad!


Who's next?

Ooo. I'll go.

A diamond!

IF you get a diamond,

THEN you have to do the mystery smell test.

Hey Stu, blindfold Liana please.

Now, bring the bowls, please.


Okay, Liana, there are three bowls.

You have to use your nose to tell what's in each.

IF you get them all right in time, THEN you stay in the game.

IF you miss any, THEN you're out.

Okay, ready, set, go!

Um...that's barbecue sauce.

Right! Next, Stu.

Um...that's a pickle!

Yeah! Next, Stu, hurry!'s uh... Dish soap?

Time's up!

Oh no, it's toothpaste! Good try Liana, but you're out.


Ooo. Me next! Me next!

Okay, flip over a card, Louisa.

A heart!

Okay, what do I have to do?

Oh, I forgot to say the rule that says,

IF you're out THEN you get to make up a trick.

Ha ha! I got a good one for you, Lou!

Okay... MC Lou ain't skurred.

♪I got this. I ain't no fake. MC Lou's got what it takes.♪

IF you get a heart,

THEN you have to hop on one foot to every room and back.


WITH Stu balanced on your head.

- Oooooh! - Oooooh!

No sweat. Come on, Stu, hop on!

[Everyone cheers Louisa on]

[Luke] Faster!

[Lyla] Go, go, go Louisa!

[jumping efforts]

- Man! You almost got it, baby girl, good job. - Oh, it's okay, it's okay. You tried.

Sorry but, you're out!

That's okay. It was fun, right Stu?


According to the rules, now I get to make up a trick!

Who's next?

[Luke] Me!

That's not a heart, spade, club or diamond!

What do I have to do with this?

Oooo. That card is called a Joker.

IF you don't want to do a trick,

THEN you pass the Joker onto another player to do it for you!

Oooh, sneaky!

Yeah... strategy - I like it!

Okay, turn over another card, Luke.

[Lyla] That's a club.

What do I have to do?

It's up to Louisa.

Oh, I got it! IF you get a club,

THEN you have to close your eyes, spin around five times fast,

THEN open your eyes, walk all the way around the dining room table,

THEN into the living room and sit in Mom's chair before the time runs out.


You gonna do it, Luke?

Nope. I'm gonna pass my Joker to...


Me? Luke, why? [laughs]

You didn't get a turn yet.

Don't worry, honey, you got this!

[fake evil laugh]




One, two, three, four, five!

Oooo. Okay, okay, okay. Steady, steady. Steady, Lydia, steady.

You got it!

[Louis] Wooo, careful now!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, watch out!

- [trills] - Hurry!

Focus, focus!

[everyone cheers]


That was great, honey!

Yeah!!! Who's next?!

- Alright! - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! - Go! go!

- Wooo! Alright! - You got this, you got this, c'mon!

Awww, so close!


- Ohhh... -[everyone cheers]


Luke, you're the last player.

You have to do a trick AND b*at the timer to win.

IF you turn over a diamond,

THEN you do the mystery sniff test.

Hey Stu, please, blindfold Luke.


Trust your nose, bro, you got this!

Gummy worms!

Right! Next bowl, Stu.


[Louis] Come on, Luke, your nose knows!


Hurry, the timer's almost out!

Let's go Luke!

Uh! Uh! Lyla's smelly socks!

[everybody cheers]

I won! I won! Yayyy!

Oh, that was so FUN!

Looks like we've got a new game night tradition, thanks to Lyla!

- Yayyy! - Whoo-hoo! - Yes, Lyla!

Loops all day!

All day!



