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01x10 - Un-make a Mess/Hide and Go Stu

Posted: 02/27/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
♪Lyla in the Loop!

♪Yeah, Lyla's in the loop!

♪C'mon in the loop!

♪Lyla in the loop, round and round with Stu!♪

♪Now you can jump in too, with Lyla in the Loop!♪

♪Got a big idea? Step it out, break it down!♪

♪Now put it all together! Loop around and around!♪

♪You've got what it takes to imagine and discover♪

♪that we can solve it one way and another and another!♪

♪So keep trying, thinking, asking.♪

♪Now we're building, now we're laughing.♪

♪We keep growing, ideas flowing, let's get going,♪

♪Lyla in the Loop!

[Luke] Un-Make a Mess

[in unison] [snoring]


[sigh] Lyla!

Your stuff is everywhere!


[Lyla snoring]




My trains!


[Luke] Ow!

[Luke] [straining efforts]

Ugh! It's way too messy in here!




Hi, Stu.


What are you doing down there?

Are you...


This is where I live now.

Ha-ha, very funny.

It's NOT a joke.

[gasp] You're serious?

You don't want to share a room with me anymore?


[Lyla] But--but who will play with me?

And invent stuff with me?

And talk to me '‘til I fall asleep at night?

You're the fun-est to share a room with!

You can't go!

[Stu whimpers]

But you're too messy!

Your stuff is everywhere!

Okay, okay, just give me one more chance?

I'll un-make the mess right now!

I promise.

I'll miss you too much if you live under this table

for the rest of your life!



[Stu] [trills] But I'm coming to make sure you.

don't just stuff things under my bed.

Who would do that?


It's not so bad...

You're right.

It's a disaster.

But I'm gonna clean it for you, bro.

I really want to put my trains back on the shelf.

But I can't.



I'll just move all this over there.

No! You have to put it away!


Oh, I know!

We can organize by putting different things

into each box.

Which things go in which box?

[Lyla] The small things can go in the small box,

medium things can go in the medium box,

and big things can go in the big box!







[Luke] [groans] This will take forever!


[gasps] But I know someone who can do it super quick.


[Lyla] [whispering] It's you!


Hey Stu, please pick up all the

things on the floor...

But not the furniture!

...and put them into these boxes.

If it's a small thing, about this

size, put it in the small box.

If it's a medium thing,

put it in the medium box.

And anything bigger than that, put it in the big box.

Oh! And stop once all the piles are picked up.

Go, Stu, go!


[gasp] My trains!

Aw, my trains are all mixed up with the

medium-size stuff.

Ugh, it's '‘cause I told him to pick up everything in

the floor piles--

--and my trains were in a pile.

Yeah, oops...

Hey Stu, please take all of Luke's trains out of the

box, and put them on the floor.

Go, Stu, go!


Good job, Stu!


Hey Stu, please put all Luke's trains on the shelf!


Oh wait! Stu, stop!


[Stu] [Oof!]

They have to go in order from most

favorite to most un-favorite.


How would Stu know which is which, unless you told him?

That's okay.

Now that I can reach the shelf, I'll do it myself.

[Luke] That goes there.

[Luke] This one over here.

[Luke] This right here. And... boom!

All done with trains, but...

[sniffing] What's that smell?

[Lyla] [sniffing] Hmm... I smell something, too.

[Lyla] [sniffing] [Luke] [sniffing]


[Luke] Gross!

You said you were gonna put all our dirty clothes in

the hamper last week.


I think I started inventing something and forgot.

And there's more dirty clothes over here!

[awkward laugh]

And over here!

[awkward laughter]




[Luke] [muffled] And here...

[gasp] Uh oh.

Don't worry.

I got you.

[struggling effort]

[Lyla] Ughh! Oof! [Luke] Ughh! Oof!


[Stu] [trills]

Hey Stu, please gather up all the clothes and put

them in a pile in the middle of the floor.


Go, Stu, go!

Great job, Stu!

Oh no, wait--

[Lyla] Stu, STOP!


[groan] I should have told Stu to gather up

ONLY the DIRTY clothes!

Now all the clean AND dirty clothes are mixed up together!


We'll have to separate the dirty clothes

from the clean ones.



The [sniffing] Sniff Test!


[sniffs] This one smells clean.

[sniffs] Mine too.

Oh... maybe Stu can help.

Hey Stu, sniff this.

Does it smell good or bad?

[happy trill]

It must smell good!

Good or bad?

[happy trill]

Maybe they're all clean after all!

Or, what if Stu can't tell the difference?

Luke, these are fine!


[sniffs] Ughh, this stinks!

[coughing] Guess Stu can't help with the sniff test.

Hey, where you goin'?

I'm moving back under the table.

[Lyla] No, Luke... wait!

Hey Stu, come play with me

in my new under-the-table room.


So I guess I have to live here alone?

Just you and me.

Right mess?



You're my mess.

And I'm cleaning you up.


only one way to tell which clothes are clean

and which are dirty.

Sniff test - which Stu can't do,

because nothing smells stinky to him.

[determined exhale]

[sniff] Clean.

[sniff] Ugh, definitely dirty.

Now to sort my clean clothes from Luke's.



Oh Luuuuke, I have a surprise for you...

[gasp] Really?

Yeah, c'mon!

Okay, you can look now.

[gasp] Wow...

All cleaned up!

Can you believe it?

I can't believe it... but I like it.

You can unpack your suitcase now, right?

[Lyla] Wait, why--

I didn't really want to move out.

[Lyla] Really? [Stu] [trills]

I like having someone to talk to '‘til I fall asleep, too.

Aw, Luke!

[Luke] [smooshed] Ahh!

Too tight!

[exhale] You're gonna keep our

room clean from now on... right?

No more stinky sock pile?

I'm gonna keep our room clean like this forever!

Forever is a long time, Lyla.

For reals, if I make a mess again,

[Lyla] I'll sniff every sock in our room. [Stu] [trills]



[Luke] [sigh] Another day, another mess.

[sniffs] Clean.

[sniffs] Clean.

[sniffs] [gasping for breath] Not clean.


Okay, Lyla... Action!

Have you ever packed your lunch in your

backpack, only for it to get smushed by all your books?


[exasperated sigh] My lunch is smushed!

That's why I invented... the undefeatable, keep ya lunch

EATable, incredible-- Lunch Saver!


[Lyla] Hey, Stu! [Stu] [trills]

Please activate the Lunch Saver System!


As you can see, Stu is putting Luke's lunch

in a more secure lunch bag.

And now he's wrapping it in bubble wrap to protect it--


--and tape it all together!


And that's the Lunch Saver System in action!


Now it doesn't matter where you put

your lunch in your backpack.

It's totally un-smush-able!




But Lyla, I just have one question...

How do I get my lunch out of the Lunch Saver?

You just... You pull...


Uh oh.

Looks like the Lunch Saver works a little too well.

The Lunch Saver is unbeatable!

But also uneatable.


[in unison] [gasp] [Stu] [trills]

It's fun to pop, though!

[in unison] [laughing]

[Lyla] Hide and Go Stu

[Luke] Ooh, here's a good one.


Can you see me, Stu?

[trills affirmatively]

Oh. [giggle]



'‘Scuse me!

Everything good?

[Lydia] Where'd she go?



[surprised yelp] Oh my goodness!

Just trying to find a good spot!

[laughing] And give me a heart att*ck in the process.

[Stu] [excited trills]

[confused laughter] What in the world is going on?

Everett's coming over to play hide and seek.

We're trying to find the best hiding places.

Okay! Sounds like fun!

[knocking on door]

[Everett] [muffled] Are you ready?

Hello, Everett.

Uhh, Everett?


[Lydia] [surprised yelp and laughter]

Should've have seen that coming.

[in unison] Hi, Ev!

Who's ready for some Hide and Seek?!

[in unison] Woohoo! [Luke] Yeah!

If you need me, I'll be hiding in my room.

Well, not really hiding.

I'll just be in there.

If you need me.

Have fun!

I know exactly where I'm gonna hide.

Me, too!

You'll never find me in a million years!

Wait. Who's gonna be the seeker?

You can't play Hide and Seek without a seeker.



Hey Stu, please be the seeker.


Ready, go!


Out of my spot, Luke.

It's my spot. I was here first.


What are you doing here, Stu?

We're the hiders, you're the seeker.

You should be counting.

Did you tell Stu how to play?


Ev, come out.

We've got to start over!

Okay, Stu.

As the seeker, the first thing you do is close your

eyes and count to five.

Then, you open them.

And then you make a loud sound to tell us that

you've started looking for us.

Search everywhere--

Everywhere in THIS apartment--

You don't want him seeking on the moon, do ya?

Right, good catch.

Search the whole apartment--

except Mom and Dad's room, which is out of bounds--

until you find all three of us.

Then tag us.

Got it?


Go, Stu, go!

[Stu] [counting to five really fast] [trills]

Wait- Stu got us already?!

Aw, I wasn't even hiding yet.

[giggles] Stu, you counted too fast.

This time, do it slower.

Got it?


Go, Stu, go!

[Stu] [counting to five at normal speed] [trills]

[Luke] [gasps]


Aw, Stu found me!


[Stu] [trills] [Everett] [gasps]



That was so fast!

It sounded like a tornado blew through here...

[gasp] Oh!

And it looks like one too.

Stu was the seeker and he whooshed around really,

really fast to find us.

And it was so fun!


I'm sure Stu can help you clean this all up just as fast.



[in unison] Right!


Hey Stu, please put everything back to where it

was before you found us, then stop.

Go, Stu, go.


[Luke] Whoooa! [Stu] [trills]

[Everett] [laughing] Weee! [Stu] [trills]

[Stu] [trills] [Lyla] Ah!

[giggles] You put everything back to where it was.

Even us.

Thanks, Stu.



Ready to play again?


But maybe this time Stu should hide, since he

was a little too good at seeking.

Good idea.

I'll be the seeker this time.

Ready, go!

[Lyla] One, two, three...

[whispering] Psst Stu, you have to hide.



I forgot to tell Stu how to hide.

Hey Stu.

When I start counting, you go find a hiding spot--

--in THIS apartment.


A hiding spot where nobody will see you.

Got it?


Okay, ready, go!






Ready or not, here I-- Huh?


[Lyla] Stu?

You're supposed to find a hiding place.


Oh, Stu! [giggles]

What's going on?

I told Stu to find a hiding place.

And he found one, under the desk,

but he didn't hide there because...

Because you forgot to tell him to?


I never knew hide and seek had so many rules!

Hey Stu, when I start counting,

go find a hiding place--

--in this apartment where nobody will see you.

Then, hide there.

Go, Stu, go!






Ready or not, here I come!

[playfully] Luke?



Come out come out wherever you are.


[playfully exasperated] What? No. Stu!

I didn't mean for you to really come out when I said,

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">"Come out, come out,</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> wherever you are."</span>

It was just a thing you can say while you're playing!


New instructions?


And I'll definitely get it right this time.

First, when I start counting, you go find a hiding spot--

--in this apartment.

[sigh] Yes, in this apartment where nobody will see you.


Second, you hide there.

And third, don't come out until I find you.

Sound good?


Okay, go, Stu, go!






Ready or not, here I come!

Anyone in the kitchen?


I don't think I see anybody hiding in the bedroom

Guess I'll just check another room...


[gasp] [Everett] [muffled laughter]

[muffled laughter]

[Lyla] Found you, Ev! [Everett] [laughter]

I can't believe I got you with the

ol' pillows under the covers trick.

[giggles] Classic.

Now I have to find Luke and Stu.

[playfully] Is someone in the bathroom?


[laughing] You found me!

Yup, now Stu.

Turns out Stu is just as good

at hiding as he is at seeking.

I can't find him anywhere!

And you've been looking forever.

I've got to get home for dinner soon.

Should we just end the game now?

[sigh] Yeah.

Okay, Stu.

You won!

You can come out now.

Hey Stu, come out here please.

Why isn't he coming?

Shouldn't he be following your instructions?



I told Stu not to come out of his

hiding spot until I find him.

That's why!

So he is following your instructions, just

really, really, really well.

[laughs] And he's a really good hider.


If Stu found the best hiding spot ever and we can't find

him, he could be hiding there forever!

Let's split up.

You two look for him in Liana and Louisa's room.

I'll search all the closets.

But you already looked there.

I know, but we gotta look everywhere just in case.

Holler if you find him, then meet back in our room!


Stu, come out wherever you are!

He's not in here. C'mon!

We've looked everywhere!

I'm sure you'll find him.

You're the best seeker out of all of us.

Yeah, you found me and Everett.

But I only found Ev because I heard him laughing.

That's it!

Hey Stu, if you can hear me, make a sound!

[Stu] [distant trill] [Lyla] [gasp]

Do it again, Lyla.

Hey Stu, make a sound!

[Stu] [distant trill] [Lyla] [gasp]

I think it's coming from that way!

Follow that sound!

Hey, Stu!

[Lyla] Make a sound!

[Stu] [softer trill]

Stu's chirp is still quiet in here.

Let's try that way.

Hey Stu, make a sound!

[Stu] [louder trill]

[in unison] [gasp]

The kitchen!

Hey Stu, make a sound, over and over again

until I see you!

[Stu] [loud, repeating trills]

It sounds like he's right here,

but I don't see him anywhere...

Wait a second...

[gasp] Stu!

There you are!

[happy trills]

Whoa! I need to look up more.

I wanna hide up there next time!


I'm so glad we found you.

Stu, you're the Hide and Seek Champion of the World!

[Everett] [giggles] [Stu] [trills]