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03x93 - Where's Woofster?

Posted: 02/27/24 10:14
by bunniefuu


you're here

me Wyatt

welcome to Storybrooke village where all

our fairy tale friends live



let's go see what she's making

come on


hi Princess P hi Wyatt hello cutie pie


nice chalk drawing thanks it's a garden

it just needs some more flowers I can

draw super flowers for you

a flower here and here

and here

my chalk Garden is finished there

now what should we play


I think Worcester has an idea what is it

what do you want to play Maybe fetch

or chase


jump rope Hopscotch oh pass the pee

I don't know what he wants to play but I

really want to figure it out

what does Worcester want to play

this is a super big question and a super

big question needs us the Super Readers

we need to call the rest of the Super

Readers call them with me say calling

all super readers calling off Super


to the book club

come on to the book club

Wyatt here


P is for pig

Red Riding Hood rolling it


Princess P At Your Service

and you say your name

great we're all here together we will

solve our problem let's go


okay Wyatt State your question

woofster wants to play a game but we

don't know what it is oh my I wonder

what it could be

what game does Worcester want to play

good question Wyatt and when we have a

question we look in a book which book

should we look in



split pea I said book come out please

please please


oh there it is thanks Webster


for the title of this book

where's Webster

is this book about you

super we know what to do we need to jump

into Webster's Book

and find the answer to our question

first we look for super letters

and then put them into our super duper


super duper computer how many super

letters do we need



in this story we need 11 super letters

whoa that's a lot of letters

and then we will get our super story



it's time to transform


super duper arms in

put your arm in

Super Readers





with spelling power


Super WHY with the power to read


together we are


why Flyers we're ready to fly into this



Super Readers k*ll the rescue it's time

to fly with a super readers cause we've

got a problem to solve

Super Readers

working together with powers to read


Super Readers to the rescue

Presto we're in the book where's


hey where is Worcester super question

maybe that's why the book's called

where's Worcester

let's read

why Rider highlight read with me this is

a book about Webster


hey that's not wolfster nope I'm not

Wooster but I have a message from


Worcester has a game he wants to play

it's a great game and he wants to play

it with you


try to figure out what Worcester wants

to play


a game that sounds like fun can we sure

we can and that super readers is why we

are in this book

we need to figure out what game wolfster

wants to play

but first we need Worcester let's roll


where are you we got it for Worcester


so many adorable puppies nice to meet

you puppy

but where's our puppy where's Worcester

over there oh yeah there he is

wait now where'd he go there aha there

he is

and there he goes

upstairs behind one of these fruit bins

but which one

k*ll the rescue

with my lucky letter lasso I can move

the fruit bins and see where Wooster is

what letter bin is woofster behind

who are you w for watermelons

lucky letter lasso


he ran behind another fruit bin now what

letter bin is wolfster behind


oh all four oranges

lucky that or lasso


oh there he is we found him cool

oh wait where is she going

which bin is he behind now




four hmm

strawberries lucky letter less so move

that strawberry bin


Lickety letters we move the fruit out of

the way and there swiftster

let's give ourselves a big song

oh where did wolfster go hmm


Worcester come back we need to know what

game you want to play

don't forget to look for super letters


you see super letters which letters

d e k s

in the big doggy Bowl let's dry them off

and put them in our super duper computer




seven more Super letters and then we'll

get our super story answer super job

Super Readers


the train station run by puppies



so many puppies leaving the train

but where's Lobster

do you see Wooster where

there there he is come on here boy


where'd he go




how will we catch up to him now we need

another train

not rain

train double drats worcestors on the

train it's starting to rain


hey that rhymes

and we still don't know what game

Monster wants to play

One Direction


with my Wonder words basket I can turn

this rain into a word that will help us

catch up to Webster


this word says rain rain isn't a word

I love aim words

it's time to rhyme

rain rain

wonder if it's your terrific brain game

plain wonderific your terrific thing

how about this one this is a tea

sound does tea make

and this is an R what sound does r make

er er

what sound does T and R make together

that's right

and this says aim

now let's put them together

enter aim what word is this




another train

wonder if it you're terrific we changed

the word rain into train and now we can

get on this train and catch up to


Let's Roll


you see more Super letters which ones

i e n

i e n cool we need to put them in our

super duper computer



four more Super letters and then we'll

get our super story answer

nice work Super Readers


look it's Webster's train

wait I know that tail could it be I

think it is




no Worcester


no Worcester at all

look puppy prints

those are just puppy prints I know who

those belong to


let's follow these Webster Prince




there are no more paw prints there's

still no Webster I see other puppies but

where's Worcester

maybe he's behind that tree


no Worcester here


where else can we look we can't look

anywhere else

look at the story

the Super Readers look behind the tree

oh my peas we don't know where woofster

is and we can only look behind the tree

what do we do

with the power to breathe I can't change

the story and save the day

let's change the word Tree in this


is that

why Ryder right

Super Readers we need to find wolfster

should we look behind a train

rock or bench


let's try Rock where's the word Rock

it starts with an r

there is the word Rock



this is that let's read our new sentence

the Super Readers look behind the Rock

no wolfster did looking behind the rock

help us find woofs there

no no

he wasn't there

we need another word


where should we look next

train rock or bench


let's try bench where's the word bench

it starts with a B

there there's the word bench zap


Zach let's read our new sentence the

Super Readers look behind the bench


there's one there's water yay

it's me

hey buddy hey

we found him did the word bench help us

find Worcester

yes yes super jump Super Readers we

changed the story and found Worcester


now you can tell us what game you want

to play

we've been playing it online we have

come back to the book club and you'll


book club


oh yeah we can't go back to the book

club without our last Super letters

thanks for finding them which letters

are they

d a h e

d a h e let's put them in our super




we found all of our super letters now we

can get our super story answer




back to the book club




give us our super story answer

read the letters with me













hi and C the super story answer is hide

and seek


because the game wolfster wants to play

is hide and seek that's what he was

doing the whole time hiding and we were


is that the game you want to play with

sir hide and seek

I love hide and seek

so do I

let's play


okay Webster we'll hide and you try to

find us okay

cover your eyes and count to five no




the swoopster you're a super seeker and


hip hip hooray this super reader saved

the day

we changed the story we solve the




Save the Day
