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02x13 - A Daring Duck/The Trouble with Bubbles

Posted: 02/27/24 12:32
by bunniefuu
MAN: ♪ Well, it's a sunny day

♪ I feel brand-new

♪ There's about a million things that I could do ♪

♪ Whoa, would you like to...

♪ Do them, too?

♪ Yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting for me and you. ♪

[clapping to music]

♪ Let's look around

♪ What will we see?

♪ Round every corner, a discovery ♪

♪ Whoa, there's no place I'd... ♪

♪ Rather be

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting

♪ For me and you.


CUSACK: Each morning, Chirp tries to fly from her bush.

Most of the time, she lands on her head.

But this time...


I'm doing it!

I'm flying!

Di-di-did anybody see that?

Peep, Quack!

Where are you?!

You see, Peep, once upon a time,

birds could only fly in the air.

But then, some birds got smarter,

turned into ducks and began to swim.

After that, they got hats.

CHIRP: You have to come

right now!

It's the greatest thing ever!

Are you ready?

We're ready!

All right, then.

Here I go.






You flew, Chirp!

You did it!

I know, I know!



Why aren't you excited?

Oh, I am.

I'm excited.

Excited and, uh... and, uh, thrilled.

Then why aren't you going, "Woo-hoo!

"Chirp did it!

She's a real, live flying bird!"

Well, I guess I'm not that excited.

I mean, a duck could fly off that branch.

Oh, yeah?

Then let's see you do it.

I dare you.

You can't dare me.

Why not?

Because, uh...

Because I dared you first!

So ha!

CUSACK: Even though no one actually heard it,

Quack insisted that he dared Chirp first.

He dared her to fly from a tree.

No problem.

It'll be easy.

It'll be the easiest thing I ever...

[gulps ]


Don't worry.

You can chicken out if you want.

No offense, Peep.

I'm not afraid.

I just don't think I can get up there.

Oh, well.

Too bad.

Don't move.

I'll be right back.

BEAVER BOY: Like this?

A little lower...

Uh-huh, there, oh, there!






I'm ready.

I'm ready to fly.

Bet you can't!

Bet I can!

[takes a deep breath]

[Chirp groaning]

I can't.

CUSACK: There's nothing worse

than chickening out in front of a duck.

It doesn't matter, Chirp.

You flew off your own branch, and that's good enough.


Yeah, but a real bird can fly from anything.

[inhales, then blows]

I wonder why it's hard to fly.

Those leaves make it look so easy.

That's it!

You're the most brilliant Peep ever!


What did I say?

I just need something

that will catch the air and slow me down.

Something like...


Mmm, maybe.

PEEP: How about this?

It's pretty.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.


Here I come!


This'll work much better.

Are you ready?

This is going to be great!

Aah, it ripped!

Do you think a leaf will work?

There's only one way to find out.


CUSACK: Although it wasn't perfect,

the leaf worked better than the strainer or the umbrella.

Prepare to be amazed!


All right!





You're kidding me, right?

That wasn't flying.

Well, it was better than falling.

Sorry... doesn't count.

In fact...

forget the tree.

There's only one way to prove you're a flying bird.



Fly across my pond.


The day you do that, I'll eat my hat.

CUSACK: Quack should have known better.

Chirp can be very determined.


Do you understand?



Are you sure, Red Round?

I'm sure.

It'll be our secret, okay?

A secret?

You mean hush-hush, I can't tell anyone,

cross my heart and stuff?



Okay, so tell me what I have to do again?

Okay, you have to go from there...

to there.

And you have to flap your wings.


All set, Beaver Boy?

All set!

On your mark, get set...



I did it!


I did it!

Th-th-that wasn't flying!

I did just what you said.

I went from there to here,

and I flapped my wings.

Yeah, but you...

You had beaver help!

You didn't say I couldn't.

I'm not eating my hat.

No, no, not doing it.

You have to.

You promised!

Well... one bite.

And th-th-that's it.

That is it!

Four bites!

Four big bites!

Two... and that's my final offer.


I flew and you have to eat your hat.

You did not fly!

You were flung.

Flunging is not flying.

CUSACK: You know, watching a duck eat his hat

might be too embarrassing.

Let's just end the story here.

GIRL: That's Logan and Evan and me.

These are called helicopters.

When you drop them, they go like this.

That was so cool!

These are leaves.

I'm going to drop them

and see how fast they go down.

GIRL: The leaf dropped slowly.

This is how it fell.

The leaf swishes back and forth.

I'm going to try to drop my doll.

I think it's going to just go...

It dropped straight down.

The leaves fall slow; the doll falls fast.

I'm trying to slow the doll down with leaves.

It actually doesn't slow it down.

It still just drops straight down.

My mom is helping me make a parachute for my doll.

She is using this string, a trash bag.

I think it's sort of going to go...

[imitating breeze blowing]


It really works!

The parachute is grabbing the air.

And that makes the doll fall slowly.

ALL: Three...

two... one!

Try figuring out ways to make things fall slowly.

[wind blowing]


CUSACK: After a dark and stormy night,

Quack was finally getting some sleep.

[mumbling sleepily]

CUSACK: The wind, however, was not cooperating.



Are you done?

Can I go back to sleep?

[wind stops blowing]

Thank you!


[wind picks up again]


Oh, for Pete's sake!

You can have the rest of the pond, okay?

Just stay away from here!


Peep, Peep! Peep! Peep!

[Peep snoring]




Hi, Peep.


Hi, Quack.

Uh... yeah.

Is something wrong?


Well, actually...

There was this thing in my pond--

all different colors and stuff,

and it was round like a, you know, round thing,

and it flew over my head, and then it went away!

Like that.

Like what?

You know, that!

Well, just thought I'd tell you.



It was right... there.

I was swimming, and I turned around and...


I don't see anything.

I know.

It came from over there, and it flew over my head,

and then it went away.

Maybe you were dreaming, Quack.

You know, you might be right.

That would explain everything.



I'll go find Chirp.

I'll see you later, okay?

Yeah, yeah, sure, Peep.


Thanks for clearing that up.


Quack, quack, quack.


[sleepily]: Cut it out, okay?

You're tickling my, uh...



[takes deep breath]

Hey! Fish! Where are you?

What's the matter, Quack?

Did you see a... thing?

A round, floaty thing?

I think it came down here.

Oh, okay.

Well, if youdosee it,

just give me a, uh... bump or something, okay?

Thanks, everyone.

[light wind begins blowing]



Where are you going?!

Come back!

[huffing and puffing]

You're going too fast!

These feet were made for walking!

Slow... [pants] down!


CHIRP: Uh... Quack?

Who are you talking to?

I'm talking to those flying things.

[sighs deeply]

Come down to my pond and see for yourself.

CHIRP: I don't see anything.

Oh, just wait.

They'll be back.


Are you sure you're not dreaming?

I'm sure.

They're very tricky.

When you fall asleep,

they sneak up and sit on your nose.

Are you talking about mosquitoes?

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm talking about stuff that floats in the air--

like birds-- only much,muchbetter.


Come on, Peep, let's go find more leaves.

Don't blame me if you miss out on the fun!

Too bad for her, huh?

If you see any more, just yell, okay?

Better than birds?

That's just crazy.

Quack needs to get more sleep.

I know.

We should go back later and check on him.

CUSACK: Poor Quack.

It's really hard to describe a bubble

if you don't know the name for it.


Now, you've seen them, right?

They're round, they go into the air, then they disappear?

You must know what I mean.

They fly so fast, not even a duck can catch them!

QUACK: Round? Floaty?

Kind of... bouncy?

I'm sorry.

I don't know what you're talking about.



Yeah, yeah, nice dance.

Got to run, kid.

I'm not crazy.

I know what I saw.

I saw round, floaty, bouncy things come out of my pond

and fly into the air.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Quack.


[wind starts blowing]

Enough with the wind, okay?

I'm not in the mood!



There they are!

They're here!

That's them!

Uh... Peep! Chirp!

Peep! Chirp!


If I leave, they'll disappear, and no one will believe me!


You'll tell everyone, right?

You'll tell them what you saw?



CUSACK: The next day, with the frog as his witness,

Quack had the last laugh.

Yep, I was wide awake, notdreaming,

and the roundy things landed on my pond

and grew gigantic and then...

they were gone-- gone with the wind.


Oh, yeah, right.

I forgot.

They had lots of colors on them.


Sonexttime, maybe you'll believe me,

because you missed out-- hmm-hmm-hmm--

on something really special.


CUSACK: That's right.

The next time a duck and a frog have something to say,

you'd better listen.

What does "ribbit" mean, exactly?

I wish I knew, Peep.

I wish I knew.

GIRL: Yuki and I are washing some toys with water.

I'm going to get some soap.

GIRL: I am getting some dishwashing soap.

This is helping a little bit.

Oh, wow! Look at that!

GIRL: The soap is sticking to this round thing.

That was cool.

That's round,

and round stuff, like, makes bubbles.

GIRL: She's blowing a big bubble.

Wow! That's a huge one.

This yellow thing is round, so it makes a round bubble.

Whoa, those are big bubbles.

This is a waffle flipper.

The bubbles should be the shape of these holes.

Instead, the bubbles are round.

It's just weird!

YUKI: It doesn't matter what shape it looks like,

all bubbles turn out to be circle.

GIRL: Hers only does one.

Mine does only,

like, a million- thousand of them!

My bubbles look just like a snowman.

This is a piece of string.

BOTH: We're putting our strings together.

GIRL: Try using soapy water and things you can find around the house

to make bubbles.