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01x16 - Go West Young Peep / A Delicate Balance

Posted: 02/27/24 12:41
by bunniefuu
MAN: ♪ Well, it's a sunny day

♪ I feel brand-new

♪ There's about a million things that I could do ♪

♪ Whoa, would you like to...

♪ Do them, too?

♪ Yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting for me and you. ♪

( clapping to music )

♪ Let's look around

♪ What will we see?

♪ Round every corner, a discovery ♪

♪ Whoa, there's no place I'd... ♪

♪ Rather be

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting

♪ For me and you.

NARRATOR: It was the end of a long, happy day

and Peep, Quack and Chirp were enjoying the beautiful sunset.

( sighs )

It sure is pretty.

( sighs )

It sure is.

Um... yeah, gorgeous.

Can we go now? I'm hungry.

Where do you think the sun goes at night?

Nellie says the sun sets in the west,

but I don't know where west is.

It must be right behind that hill.

Let's go see.

( Chirp and Peep laughing )




Pfft! Hmph!

NARRATOR: Peep and Chirp went over the mountain-- well, hill--

to see what they could see.

( both huffing and puffing )

We're not west enough, I guess.

It'll be dark pretty soon.

( melodic humming )

Oh, hi.

( hummingbird chirping )

Yeah, well... we wanted to get to west

and see where the sun goes,

but it's too late.

( chirping )


Really? Uh-huh.

Your back to the sun-- yup.

Wow, thanks.

Let's go home.

I'll explain on the way.

NARRATOR: Chirp told Peep what the hummingbirds had said.

CHIRP: If you want to go west,

all you have to do is get up early,

turn your back to the sun and follow your shadow.



Let's go tomorrow.

Are you sleeping over?

Oh... yeah-- why not?

( yawns )

( sighs )

( scratching )

Good night, Peep.

Good night, Chirp.

( loud snoring )

NARRATOR: Chirp wasn't used to Peep's snoring.

( snoring continues )

( sighs )

And Peep wasn't used to Chirp...

who talks in her sleep sometimes.

( drowsily ): You're right, Quack-- ducks do know best.

I wish I were a du...

( screams )

( yells )

( panting )

Sorry, Peep.

I had a nightmare.

( exhales )

( sighs sleepily )

NARRATOR: So when it was time to get up, they were both very tired.

( yawning )

This is going to be so much fun, Peep.


( big yawn )

NARRATOR: Peep and Chirp found their shadows right away.

Right after that, they found themselves talking to Quack.

Hi, Quack-- we're following our shadows

to see where the sun sets.

Do you want to come?

( mumbling )

If you want to see where the sun sets,

why don't you follow the sun?

Well, uh... because it's hard

to follow something that's in the sky.


Have fun.


We'll say hi to the sun for you.

( Quack yawns loudly )

Yeah, you do that.


Keep in touch.

Crazy birds.

( chuckles )

( Peep and Chirp laughing )

( Chirp yawns )

( Peep yawns loudly )

It's the deep, dark woods.

Don't talk, Peep.


You know something?

Our shadows look really different.

They must be tired.

I think they need to take a nap.

( sighs tiredly )

( begins snoring )

( sighs tiredly )

( fluttering )

( sighs again )

( both birds snoring )

NARRATOR: Peep and Chirp slept for a couple of hours.

By the time they awoke, the sun was high in the sky

and their shadows had disappeared.

( snoring )

( sighs )

I hate when the sun gets in my eyes.

( gasps )

Peep, our shadows!

They're gone.

They must be around here someplace.

NARRATOR: Peep and Chirp searched everywhere,

but all they found were these little... black things.

Those can't be shadows.

They're just... blobs.

NARRATOR: Eventually, Peep and Chirp decided

to go back to the napping place and wait for their shadows.

Their plan was to stay wide awake and keep a sharp lookout.

( both snoring )

( snoring )

( sighs )

Peep. Hmm?

You fell asleep.

You weren't supposed to fall... ( gasps )

They're here!

Shadows-- we missed you.

You know, we appreciate your taking us west and all,

but next time don't go running away.

Thank you.

Ready, Peep?


NARRATOR: So once again, Peep and Chirp followed their shadows.

But as you probably noticed,

the sun had moved

and their shadows were now pointing towards home.

Weren't we just here?

It must be a shortcut.

Is that the deep, dark woods?

It can't be.

We passed it already.

Big Bay? What are we doing here?

This isn't west.

Did you get lost, shadows?

Great, just great.

You know what?

I'm mad!

Me, too.

( growls )

We get up early, we do what we're supposed to do,

and our shadows run away.

And then they bring us to Big Bay.

I don't get it-- we can go to Big Bay anytime.

( gasps )


CHIRP: We wanted to go west, shadows.

PEEP: Hey, Chirp-- wait.

CHIRP: We wanted to see where the sun goes.





( gasps )

NARRATOR: Well, it wasn't west,

but their shadows had brought them

to the most beautiful sunset they had ever seen.


NARRATOR: Which was a fitting end to their day-- almost.


You guys are really loud.

What are you yelling about?


( gasps )



Hey, is anyone hungry?

BOY: That's me and Emma playing on the playground.

This is a piece of playground equipment.

BOY: Emma is using chalk to trace the beautiful shadow

made by this thing on the playground.

A few minutes later, we looked at the shadow.

The sun is facing this way

and the shadow was right here before.

But then this shadow moved up while the earth was spinning.

Now the shadow is right here.

Pretend this was the sun,

and then the sun was back here and the shadow was right here.

And then the sun I think is moving slowly

and then the shadow went forward.

BOY: The shadow really moved pretty fast.

Now Emma's tracing me--

I mean, not me, but my shadow.

That looks pretty good.

My shadow looks pretty weird.

We're taking a snack break.

Then we went back and I stood in the same spot.

The shadow has grown taller and moved that way.

Watch what happens to shadows as the sun moves across the sky.

( munching )

Mmm, simply delicious.


Best I've ever tasted.

NARRATOR: Chirp knew that one day she'd be able to fly

and do everything else that grown-up birds do.

( Chirp sighing )

NARRATOR: But today...

BIRD: Delectable!

NARRATOR: Especially today, she just didn't feel like waiting.

( gasps )

( yelling )

( grunts )


Hi, Chirp.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to figure out

how I can reach that sunflower.

I want to eat the seeds.

Chirp, I hate to tell you this,

but some dreams are simply out of reach.

Sad, but true.

Actually, I have an idea.


Let's see if this works.



( grunts )

Just as I suspected.

There's something very wrong

with that stake.

Let it be a lesson to us all.

Maybe it'd be more steady if you two sat on it.

But it's facing the wrong way.

I can fix that.


( stake creaks )


Come on, Quack!

( Quack sighs )

This better not take too long.

I'm a duck on the go, you know.


Here I go.

It's working!


I made it!

( munching )

( gulps )

These seeds really are good.

I want to try one.

I'm coming up.

( munching ): Wait until I get down!

What did you say?




Put me down!

( Quack yelling ) Peep, go back!

( stake creaking )

Thank you.

Now you can go, Peep.


( munching )

These are good.

( swallows )

Quack, you have to try some.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no...

no, no.

Just one, Quack?

They're really good.

No, no, I couldn't possibly.

Why not?

Well, uh...

you might not know this,

but, see, sunflower seeds are bad for ducks.

It's a shock, I know, but absolutely true.

My uncle's brother-- or was it my brother's uncle?

It must have been my cousin's brother.

One of my relatives got a shell stuck in his throat.

Never did get it out.

( coughs )

Like that.

Probably still there today, I suppose.

Oh, right.

I forgot you're afraid of heights.


Ducks are never afraid.

You stay right there.

I'll show you how unafraid of heights

I really am.


( gulps, then whimpers )

( gulps )

Uh, okay, yes, here I...

Okay, uh, here I... here I go.

Whoa! Whoa!

What's going on?

Quack is showing us

how unafraid of heights he really is.

Oh, I was worried.

I thought maybe it was an earthquake.


Quack, quack.

( muttering nervously )

( Chirp yells )

( yelling )

PEEP: Whoa!

( Quack yelling )

( Peep yelling )

( groans )

Don't worry, everyone.

I'm all right.

It didn't work.

I guess Quack is heavier than we are.

Our end needs more weight.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

All set, Quack.

( gulps )

( trembling ): Uh, wonderful, fabulous.

Couldn't be h-h-happier.

Go on, Quack.

You're almost there.

See, what did I tell you?

Ducks aren't afraid of... Whoa!

Quack! Turn around!

SQUEAK: Turn around!



( group yelling )

( Quack yelling )

( all groan )

You almost made it, Quack.

( clears throat )

Yeah, almost.


I wonder how you could get all the way up.

We need to make ourselves even heavier.

Okay, we're ready!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm going.

( muttering nervously )

( gasps )


Uh, hello!

I just want to point out that I'm at the top.

( all cheering )

( chomping )

Mmm... mmm.

Oh, this is, uh...

( yelling )

( groans )

ALL: Are you okay?

Fine, just fine.

Never better.

Well, that's over.

( all spit )

But, Quack, you only got one seed.

Don't you want to go up again?

Oh, no, I'm stuffed, see?

One seed is plenty.

It's important to know your limits.

I always say, don't put too much on your plate

and don't bite off more than you can chew.

Don't put too many irons in the fire, either.

These are important things to know--

a kind of, oh, how shall I say--

wisdom, if you will.

Hard-earned duck wisdom,

which, of course,

is really the only kind.

You know...

NARRATOR: Chirp couldn't help thinking

that one day she wouldn't need stakes or pebbles

or anyone to help her reach

and eat all the seeds her belly could hold.

( giggles )

QUACK: I stand back sometimes in amazement of myself,

and I wonder, "Ooh, how big will this brain get?"

BOY: That's me and Hazel, and we're setting up a brick

and a long piece of wood.

There's one brick in the middle so it can tip like a see-saw.

Can I try

to raise you up?


She can lift me up.

HAZEL: Josh had to walk over

to the middle of the board.

JOSH: It's easier to lift someone when they're closer to the block.

Now we're setting up a bigger block and longer board.

And it's more wobblier.

Jack came over, and he's a bigger kid than us.

He had to move closer to the big block so we could lift him up.

We're jumping on the board to flip a bucket up.

It didn't actually go flying, but it bounced off.

We have a birdie on one end

and we have a fat, square stick under a board

and then we slam our hand down on the board

and it causes the birdie to fly.

We found a great way to launch a badminton birdie in the air.

Go outside and try to lift

and launch things with blocks and boards.