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01x03 - Berry Itchy Day/Herring Eggs or Bust

Posted: 02/27/24 13:34
by bunniefuu
Hey, everyone-- it's me, Molly!

♪ Molly of Denali ♪

Let's go!

♪ She's Molly of Denali ♪

(laughing): Whoo!

♪ By plane or sled or snowshoe ♪

♪ She is ready to explore ♪

♪ From Kaktovik down to Juneau ♪

♪ Always wanting to learn more ♪


♪ Together with her best friend Tooey ♪

♪ Always by her side ♪ And Trini!

♪ Discovering the outdoors ♪

♪ On adventures day and night ♪

♪ Come along with Molly ♪

♪ Molly ♪

♪ Through fields of fireweed ♪

♪ Come along with Molly ♪

♪ Molly ♪

♪ From tundra to the sea ♪

Mahsi'choo-- let's go!

♪ Molly of Denali ♪ Yeah!

♪ She's Molly of Denali ♪

♪ Come on ♪ ♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Molly of Denali ♪

♪ She's Molly of Denali ♪

MOLLY: "Berry Itchy Day."

♪ ♪

MOLLY (voiceover): So hey, everyone.

Today is a berry exciting day.

Because we're going berry picking!

(buckets clanging)

Which, in my family, is sort of like a vacation.

We're out the whole day!

We canoe, we...

♪ Sing ♪

I don't know about you

but we put blueberries, jak, in everything,

which means we have to pick a lot of jak

(quietly): from our super secret berry place.

It's so secret there isn't even a road.

(whispering): You have to go by river--

Why are you whispering?

No reason.

Talking about your super secret berry place, huh?

Maybe and maybe not... (chuckling)

Ready, Mol? Ready.

Thanks for watching the store for us, Tooey.

Happy to help.

Oh. (snaps fingers)

My mom said to be sure to pack extra repellent

because we've had so much rain.


The mosquitoes will be swarming.

I'll get the bottle!

Also, Auntie Midge told me to tell you

she's really looking forward to her muffins.


Bye, Tooey!

And so am I! (bell jingles as door closes)

♪ ♪

MOLLY, MOM, and DAD: ♪ Nineteen jars of jam on the wall ♪

♪ Nineteen jars of jam ♪

♪ Take one down, pass it around ♪

♪ Eighteen jars of jam on the wall ♪

♪ Eighteen jars of jam on the wall ♪

♪ Eighteen jars of jam ♪

♪ You take one down, pass it around ♪

♪ Seventeen jars of jam on the wall. ♪


Ah, I can taste them now.

Blueberries cakes... (mosquito buzzing)

blueberry cookies, blueberry muffins-- uh!


I'm fine!

No, there was a mosquito on your back.

(buzzing intensifies)

Let's get to the river!

They won't be so bad there!

♪ ♪

(water splashing)


So much better.

Blueberries, here we come!

(mosquito swarm buzzing)

(all groaning)

Go away!

Where's the repellent?!

Here it is!


Why does this smell like...

(sniffs) perfume?



(Molly laughs, Suki yelps playfully)


What did you roll in? (panting)

Sorry, Suki,

but you really need this!

(Suki barks)

Uh oh.

It smells like dog perfume because it is dog perfume!

The bottles were right next to each other.

I must've grabbed the wrong one!

Let's try and out-paddle them!

♪ ♪

MOLLY: It's working!

We lost them!


(mosquito swarm buzzing) And... we found them.

I have an idea.

Let's pull in over there. Ugh! Ow!

♪ ♪

(buzzing continues)

(Dad sighs)

DAD: Finally.



Why does a fire keep mosquitoes away?

Green willow branches make a lot of smoke,

which makes it harder for mosquitoes to smell us.


My grandmother used to make bug repellent from plants.

I wish I could remember the recipe.

I'll call Tooey!

Tooey doesn't know my grandmother's recipe.


but there's this book at the Post that tells you

what to do in emergencies,

like if you're starving and need to catch a fish

with your bare hands.

It might have a recipe for mosquito repellent.

(phone beeps)

No signal.

I have to get up higher...


DAD: Any bars?


I need to go higher.

♪ ♪


(buzzing continues)



I've got a signal!

(phone ringing)

TOOEY (on phone): Hello, Denali Trading Post.

Hey Tooey, it's me, Molly!

Are you busy?

So busy. (Suki barking)

MOLLY (on phone): Really?

Heh, kidding.

How's the jak picking?

At your secret place you won't tell me about?

MOLLY (sighing): Not good.

We're totally-- ah-- swamped by mosquitoes.

Can you go look for a book

called Survival Tricks of the North?

TOOEY: Sure!

Got it.


This book is as big as a baby seal!

MOLLY: I know.

That's what makes it so great!

I bet there's a recipe in there for mosquito repellant.

TOOEY: Yeah, but it'll take forever to find it.

Not if you use the table of contents!

TOOEY: Oh, right.

♪ ♪

Hey, there's a whole chapter on mosquitoes!

Page .


It's really long.

♪ ♪


Did you know a single mosquito can lay eggs at a time?

MOLLY: Can you hurry?

I can't stay in this tree forever.

Why are you in a tree?

Berries grow on the ground.

MOLLY: I'll explain later.

Call me when you find the recipe.

Okay... Oh! Wait!

I just saw this documentary on elephants.

They cover themselves in mud to keep mosquitoes away.

MOLLY: I'll try it!

(hangs up)

Or maybe it was to keep their skin moist?


(mosquitos buzzing)


We look like we've been making mud pies!

(mosquitos buzzing)

It's not helping.

I'm still getting bitten.

Me too.

Ugh, back to the fire!

♪ ♪

(Molly groans, Dad sighs)

I think it's time to give up on the berry picking

and go home.

You two stay here while I canoe back and get the truck.


I promised Auntie Midge I'd make her some muffins!

And Tooey's gonna call with the recipe any minute!

Sorry, hon.

We'll try another day.

There's a logging trail about yards thataway.

Meet me there in half an hour.

Got it!

(phone ringing, vibrating)

It's Tooey!

MOLLY (on phone): Hello? Hello?

Hey! I'm just calling to say that this is going to take

longer than I thought.

I still have an inch of pages to go!

He still has a whole inch of pages!

TOOEY (on phone): Oh!

And also I remembered that elephants use mud to cool off,

not for mosquitoes.

Yeah, we figured that out.


Has Tooey looked in the index?

That would save time.

Uh... what's an index?

It's a list of topics with page numbers.

It's usually at the back of the book.

Did you hear that?

TOOEY: On it.

♪ ♪


Adder... Hey!

It's alphabetical! Apples...

Artists... MOLLY: Tooey?

I think you want "R" for repellent.

Oh, right.


Looking for repellent.




Page !

I found the recipe!

I'll send you a photo.

(shutter sound effect)



♪ He found it ♪



What do we need?

Yarrow, stinkweed,

marigold, and wild onion.

(fire sizzles) Let's go!

♪ ♪

(mosquitos buzzing)

This is definitely yarrow.

I found yarrow, Mom!

And here's stinkweed and marigold.

So now we just need...

uh, wild onion!

I think this might be it.

Can you bring over the picture?

That's it.

Gotta be.

The st*lks look the same.



That's onion all right.


♪ ♪

So first you have to squish the plants

to get the juices out.

Basee', plants.

Thank you for helping us fight mosquitoes.

Just add a little water

and time to test it out!

I hope this works!


Pretty pungent, huh?


Come and get me, mosquitoes!

(buzzing stops)



I don't hear any buzzing.

I'm not getting bitten!

It works! It works!


♪ We don't have mosquitos! ♪

BOTH: ♪ We don't have mosquitos! ♪

(car honking) There's Dad!

Can we still go to our berry place?

Since our repellent works?

No, hon...

It's too late.

Plus, I'm way too itchy!


I hope Auntie Midge isn't too sad about her muffins...

(chuckling): Did the mosquitos follow you?


We made a fantastic mosquito repellent!


Oh, man!

Wa'! What a stink!

(laughing): No wonder the mosquitoes won't bite you!


We may have gone overboard on the onions.

(gasps) Look!

♪ ♪


Okay, index.

Blueberry cake, blueberry jam...

blueberry muffins!

I found the recipe.

MOLLY (voiceover): So we didn't get to our super secret blueberry place,

but I picked just enough berries...

to make exactly two muffins.

One for Auntie Midge...

And the other for us.

Thanks for watching the Post for us, Tooey.

Mmm mmm mmm.

And for finding that recipe.

Any time!


Let's eat!


(murmuring in delight)

(mosquitos buzzing)

ALL: Mosquitoes!

(all groaning, chattering)

MOM: Close the window!

DAD: How many are there?

MOLLY: Grab the repellent!

Hey, everyone.

Molly here to answer your questions

about life in Alaska.

Christina in Virginia asks:

"How could I learn about wild plants?"

Let's check it out.


♪ ♪

BOY (voiceover): We are looking for plants,

and any interesting things we find

we look 'em up in our book.

GIRL: Guys, look at that!


First, if we know the name of it, we look it up in the index

in the very back of the book.

And I looked what page it is.

Fireweed, page .

And then I went back to it.

"Fireweed regenerates soils

after forest fires."

I didn't know that.

GIRL: Do you guys know what this is?

WOMAN: Hmm, let's look at...

Maybe it's those roses--

you know, those, like,

pink roses that have, like, four petals.

That's it. Yeah!

It has five petals, they're pink.

What's it called? Rosehips.

There it is.

These are the rosehips that we found

and these are what they're supposed to look like.

♪ ♪

GIRL (voiceover): Nature is so fascinating and it has so many different things

to look at and to discover that people have not discovered yet.

Look at this.

GIRL: It's a type of tea leaf.

WOMAN: Labrador.

BOY (voiceover): You should look it up in alphabetical order

and it's pretty easy if you know how to spell it.

Labrador tea.

Right here.

The index, it really helps me, like, find them way quicker

than having to look through each individual page

and just, like, keep looking,

and just know the name look down, there it is,

know the page, I'm there.

Exploring plants in nature is so much fun.

Just make sure to bring an adult expert who can help.



Thanks for asking and see you next time!

MOLLY: "Herring Eggs or Bust."

♪ ♪

MOLLY (laughing): Oh Randall, you're such a goofball.

I'm not showing you eating your lunch

on my vlog.

Also, you have lettuce in your teeth.


So how come you're on your boat right now?

Isn't it cold in Sitka?

Nah, it's springtime down here.

And that means

it's herring season.

Check it out!


(gasps) Átx sateeyi át áyá!

Are you seeing this!

I am!

Was that a fish?

Yeah! That's the herring!

Every year they come to Sitka to lay their eggs.

Herring eggs...



This is me eating herring eggs.

Mmm, yum yum. Nom nom!

(chuckling): You look like a hungry seal.


I just cut a whole bunch of hemlock branches, yán,

so what I do is I put them in the water

and then the herring swim up and lay their eggs in the needles.

You have all the fun.

Hey! Why don't you come down to Sitka?

You can help me harvest the eggs

and film it for your vlog!


That is the best idea ever!



Oh, but come on, please, why not?

It's too far.

Sitka's in Alaska.

It can't be that far!

(chuckling): It's on the ocean, Molly.

Four hours by plane.

But herring eggs are my favorite food!

This is me eating herring eggs.

Mmm, yum yum.

Nom nom nom!

I thought muktuk was your favorite food?

It is.

I have two favorite foods.


It would be so fun!

I know, but it's too far to go for just one reason.

How many reasons do I need?



Good reasons.

Piece of cake.

Or in this case, piece of whale.


♪ ♪

Mr. Patak!

I have to go to Sitka, only I need three good reasons,

so do you have a reason?

Something you need from Sitka?


Close that door, would you, Molly?



That will help.

(chuckling): The older I get, the colder I get.

So, Mr. Patak, as I was saying, I have to go to Sitka.

Tea, Molly?

It will warm your hands.


Thank you.

There is something I need from Sitka.

A special tool called a cabinet rasp.


What else?

(slurping): Mm...

That's it.

Are you sure?

Nothing else?

(slurping): Mmm...

You might see if Tooey still wants his fiddle fixed.

I would need Sitka spruce wood for that.

I'll go ask him!

(door opens, wind howling)

(door closes)

Uh... after I finish drinking my tea.


Ooh! Mint!

♪ ♪

MOLLY: How come you need a fiddle fixed?

You don't play the fiddle.

I know, but I have one.

Oscar Marsh said he'd buy it from me

if Mr. Patak fixed it.

So if I get wood for your fiddle,

and the tool-thing for Mr. Patak,

plus the herring eggs,

that's three good reasons to go to Sitka!

Come on!

Let's go find Oscar!

I meant now...

Give me one sec.

(sing-song): What are you doing?

I'm checking the table to see which dogs need medicine today.

Today is Wednesday...

Eye drops.

And the eye drops are for...




Can't you just remember Tukoni needs eye drops on Wednesdays?


It's easy to forget stuff.

The table helps me keep track.

(baby voice): Doesn't it, Tukoni?

Yes it does.

(panting) Okay, Tukoni,

hold still.

(liquid dripping)


Okay! Ready.

♪ Yes! ♪

(playing uptempo song)

Your fiddle sounds so much better than mine,

even with the cr*ck.

Which Mr. Patak can fix.

So, do you want the fiddle?

I do-- but not now.

Why not?

Normally I play at the cafe on Saturday nights.

But right now that's when I'm helping my grandmother.

(cries out) I didn't see her there.

I thought Auntie Midge was a pile of coats!


(whispering): You'll wake her up!

(chuckles) You won't.

Her hearing aid is broken, so she can't hear very well.

That's how I help her on Saturday nights.

Do you know the show The Butler of Finicky Manor?

No. Uh-uh.

I watch it with her and tell her what they're saying.

(dramatic music playing on TV)

MAN (on TV): I am not requesting you leave, my lady.

I am requesting you stay.


Did he kick her out?


He wants to marry her! What?!

She doesn't love you, she loves Percy Adderfish!

I know!

Until she gets a new hearing aid,

I want to stay home and help her.

You don't need anything else from Sitka?

Actually, I do!



Oscar collects them from all over Alaska.

We can't fly miles to bring someone a postcard.


But Mom, I really need herring eggs.

And Mr. Patak needs, uh... a cabinet thingy?

I said three good reasons, Molly.

So far the main reason still seems to be

that you want herring eggs.


This is me saying goodbye to my favorite food on the planet.

My favorite food in the galaxy.

You're so dramatic.

You should be in The Butler of Finicky Manor.

What are ya doin'?

Tukoni doesn't need eye drops anymore,

so I have to plan out next week's table.

If I made a table of all the reasons to go to Sitka,

would it convince Mom?

It would be more organized.

Could I borrow your pad of paper?

TOOEY: Sure.

MOLLY: "Reasons for going to Sitka."

TOOEY: Good.

Now write across the top: "Who,"

"What," "How Many."

And now you fill it in.

MOLLY: Who: Mr. Patak.

What: uh...

cabinet thingy?

Leave it blank for now.

How many? Uh...



This is why you make a table.

So you don't forget these things.

MOLLY: Who: Molly.

What: herring eggs.

How many: one bazillion!

Hmm, only two good reasons.

I need one more.


Too bad Oscar doesn't need my fiddle.

I know.

Or does he?

(keys clacking)

MOLLY: I brought you some tea, Auntie Midge.

Thank you, Molly.

The older you get, the colder you get.


I just came back from weight lifting, Molly.

I'm not cold.


♪ ♪

Let's watch TV!

MAN (on TV): Coming up is our recipe

for hot diggity doggity barbecue sauce.

(TV clicks off)

What are you up to, Molly?

I'm offering to watch TV with you on Saturday nights,

instead of Oscar.


If I help you watch your show,

then Oscar can play at the cafe,

and he'll buy Tooey's fiddle,

and Mr. Patak will need wood to fix it,

and I'll get herring eggs!

I only caught some of that.

(loudly): If I help you watch your show--

(laughing): No, I got enough.

Oscar is good to me.

He can't be replaced, even by someone clever like you.


Now I'll never get to Sitka

and eat delicious herring eggs.


This is all because my hearing aid

fell in the caribou stew.

Don't know when I can get to a bigger town

and buy a new one.


I do!

MOM: Very impressive.


Mr. Patak: one cabinet rasp.

Mr. Patak: six feet of spruce wood.

Auntie Midge: hearing aid?

She's our tribal leader.

She needs our help!

Of course.

But we can't just go buy her a hearing aid.

What kind does she need?

What size...

(bell chimes)

(wind howling)

Am I early?

I brought fry bread.

Did I mention she's coming with us?

Hey everyone, it's me, Molly,

coming to you from way up high in Mom's plane!

(rotors whirring)

(Molly gasps)

There's Mt. Denali!

And here's Mom.

She's going to let me fly the plane!

No, I'm not. Sit back, please.

Also with us is Auntie Midge, who's really excited.

Aren't you, Auntie?

No, Percy, not her. (snores lightly)

(quietly): When we land,

Auntie Midge has an appointment about her hearing.

And I have an appointment about herring!

(giggles) Get it?

RANDALL: On three.

Tléix, déix, nás'k!

(both straining)


That's gotta be ten gazillion herring eggs!



Hey, Molly.

Put this in your vlog!

I'm Hercules!

(straining): Hurry.

They're heavy...

(wind howling)

Oh no...

My hat!

(taps button)

MOLLY: Thanks to Randall,

and to the fish for laying all those eggs,

I had the best time in Sitka.

Auntie Midge got her hearing aid.

Oscar got his postcard.

Mr. Patak got spruce wood and a cabinet rasp.

Plus, I saved him a box of herring eggs.

Mmm... Yummy!

This is me when I'm not eating herring eggs.

I'd better give those to him now.

See you next time, everyone!


(taps button)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪