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02x05 - Trini's Super Coop/Trini's Winter Warm Up

Posted: 02/27/24 15:20
by bunniefuu
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Hey, everyone-- it's me, Molly!

♪Molly of Denali ♪

Let's go!

♪ She's Molly of Denali

[laughing]: Whoo!

♪ By plane or sled or snowshoe ♪

♪ She is ready to explore

♪ From Kaktovik down to Juneau ♪

♪ Always wanting to learn more ♪


♪ Together with her best friend Tooey ♪

♪ Always by her side And Trini!

♪ Discovering the outdoors

♪ On adventures day and night

♪ Come along with Molly

♪ Molly

♪ Through fields of fireweed

♪ Come along with Molly

♪ Molly

♪ From tundra to the sea

Mahsi'choo-- let's go!

♪ Molly of Denali Yeah!

♪ She's Molly of Denali

♪ Come on ♪ Let's go!

♪ Molly of Denali

♪ She's Molly of Denali

MOLLY: "Trini's Super Coop."






Yup, a special occasion requires a special breakfast.

Pass me those tomatoes.

What's the special occasion?

I just found out...

Mom has military leave!

She'll be home in three days!

Mom's coming home?

Mom's coming home!

Mom's coming home, Mom's coming home!

Mom's coming home, Mom's coming home!

Mom's coming h-h-h-home!

[grunts] Mom's!



Mom's coming home!

Uh, honey? Those tomatoes?

We have to get ready! There's so much to do!

We gotta clean the house, go shopping, pick the vegetables.

Oh, and I gotta make a sign-- a really big one--





This omelet tastes different.

Ugh, it's the eggs, they're store-bought.

We didn't have any fresh ones.

Why not?

Well, the chickens stop laying eggs when it starts to get cold.


[chews] Eh...

But then how is Mom gonna have

the perfect Mumford Mishmash Omelet?

She has to have the perfect Mumford Mishmash Omelet

for her very first breakfast!

[gasps] I know!

We'll bring the chickens inside!

I don't think that's a good idea.


They can sleep with me and Four Spots![grunts]

Sorry, Texas.

But we have to do something.

If we can't bring them inside,

can we at least make their house warm and cozy like ours?


You mean winterize the chicken coop?

I guess we could try.


We'll winterize the coop,

and then the chickens will lay tons of fresh eggs!

What's winterize mean?

To prepare something for use in cold weather.

Oh, that makes sense.

If I can figure out how to winterize the coop,

will you help me?

[laughs, sighs]

Okay, you've got a deal.

[playing harmonica]

[bell chimes]

I need your help!

What's wrong?

Mom's coming home in three days,

and we gotta winterize the coop

to make the Mumford Mishmash Omelets!

Uh, what?

What's a mishmush Mamford?

I'll explain everything while we research.

Here's some stuff I found in the library that might help us.

Come on!

Okay, we've learned we're gonna need to put lights in the coop,

and a heater to keep the water from freezing.

What else?It says here

to cover the windows with plastic,

but to leave room for ventilation.

What's ventilation?

Beats me.

Wait, I know what a vent is.

We have one in the laundry room.

It lets air in and out.

Huh, maybe ventilation has something to do with air.

Ventilation definition.

Ah, here we go!

"A system that controls the flow of air inside a building."

We were right!

"Make sure the coop has plenty of air."


Cockadoodle Diary?

I can't believe there's a magazine just about chickens.

"Caring for wattles in cold weather."

A wattle?

What's that?

Oh, I know!

That's how a duck walks, like this.

Quack, quack, quack, quack.


I think that word is waddle.

This is wattle, with a T.

Look, here's a picture of a wattle.


That's what that wiggly thing

below Mr. Cluck's beak is called.

Mr. Cluck?

You'll meet him later.

Okay, I think that's it.

Let's make like an egg and get crackin'!

First, let me introduce you to the g*ng.

There's Dixie,




and that smiley one is Dolores.

MOLLY: Chickens smile?

Of course they do!

Just look at that smile.

Uh... hmm.

Who's this cute fella?

Here, chicky-chicky-chicky!


That's Mr. Cluck, the rooster.

He acts tough but really he's all cluck and no peck.



Let's make this coop cozy and get these chickens layin' eggs!

[lamps squeaks]

[lamps squeaks]

[lamps squeaks]

[drill whirs]

[drill whirs]Phew!

Okay, the water heater is all set up!


Now the chickens' water won't freeze when it gets cold.

[plays harmonica][squawks]

Hey, I think Mr. Cluck

likes your tunes.

[gasps] That gives me an idea.

What's that for?

[pecking notes] TRINI: So the chickens can make music.

See, he's a natural!

Uh, I'm not sure I would call that music.

Actually, I think he's pretty good.

I can see his name in lights!

Ooh, Tooey, you're a genius!

These Christmas lights will be so cheery,

I bet they lay hundreds of eggs!


Is someone missing a chicken?[chicken squawks]

[all gasp]

TRINI: The chickens are loose!

Hold this!

Hold this!

Hold this-- uh... oh.

[chickens squawking]

[chickens clucking, dog yipping]

Four Spots, stop!







Mr. Cluck! [grunts]


Dolores, come back![clucking]

Get back here, Dolores... no!

[shouts helplessly]

We've got a full-on chicken emergency!


Here, Bertha!

[both grunt]

I mean, Mona?

[chickens clucking]

[knocks on pail]

Listen up, chickies!

It's snack time!

[clucking stops]


How did you know that would work?

Oh, we used to keep some chickens years ago,

so I learned a trick or two.

Boy, you guys have all the fun over here.

Mahsi'choo, Auntie Midge.


Hit it!

Yeah!Cool! Whoa...


You're right, Dolores does smile.


[chickens warbling]

[pecks notes]

Okay, ladies,

now go lay a lot of eggs.

Mommy needs a Mumford Mishmash Omelet

when she comes home tomorrow.

[rooster crows]


Good morning, ladies!


Come on, Mona, I know you've got something.


Please, Bertha,

just one little egg.

Oh no!

Come on, Chum-Chum.

You're my last hope.


All right, Chum-Chum!



And Mr. Cluck was chasing Four Spots![laughs]

[laughs] Oh...But Auntie Midge helped us

get them all back in the pen.

One Mumford Mishmash Omelet for madam.

[chews] Hmm.

[chews] Mmm.



Trini, you didn't have to winterize the coop just for me.

But it was worth it.[xylophone playing]

What's that sound?That...

is the sound of one very happy chicken.

[chickens clucking, xylophone tinkling]

Hey, everyone!

Molly here to answer your questions about life in Alaska.

Patrick from Austin, Texas, asks, "Do you know other kids

besides Trini who raise chickens in Alaska?"

My friends can show you!

Hi, Molly!

I'm Cora.

Kaatoowú is my Tlingit name.

I live in Juneau, Alaska.

I'm so grateful to live in AÁak'w Kwáan Aaní,

the Homelands of the People of the Little Lake.

Today I'm going to show you

how I take care of chickens in Alaska.

I have chickens.

This is Sleepy Susie,





All of our red chickens are named Pam.

This is Rooster Dude,


Midnight-- yeah, I'm pretty sure that's all.

Chickens are just like us-- they need food,

héen,and a home.

Héenis the Tlingit word for water.

This is our chicken coop.

We have to make sure that they have a heater.

Every day, I need to scoop their sandbox.

We also make sure that

their nesting boxes are clean.

Finally, the most fun part about

raising chickens is collecting

their eggs every day.

These are the eggs that we got.

Look, a blue egg!

After we wash the eggs, we stamp them,

so that we know which ones are already clean.

Raising chickens is a lot of work.

But my favorite part is sharing the eggs.

Dandelion and I are gonna bring

some eggs to the neighbor.

Thank you, Cora.

Thank you so much!

I work very hard to make sure that our chickens

have a great life here in Alaska.

Gunalchéesh-- bye, Molly!


Thanks for asking and see you next time!

MOLLY: "Trini's Winter Warm Up!"

Hi, It's me, Molly, from way up north in Alaska!


And you're just in time for

an after-school snowball fight!

They don't happen all the time...

But when they do... [grunts]

They're epic!

Snowball fights are one of the really fun things

about winter in Alaska!

But winters here do take some getting used to.

They sure do!

When I first moved here, I did not like winter at all.

[grunts] I do not like winter at all.

[grunts, sighs]

Why not?

[shivering]: Because it's too cold here.



And how does anyone do anything with mittens?


Alaska is cold in the winter.

There's not much we can do about that. [laughs]

Unless we move back to Texas.


[gasps] Can we?

[sighs] Well...

Move back?

To Texas?

[dogs barking]

[sighs] She can't go!

We wouldn't have enough people to have a basketball team.

And ghost stories wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

Plus, I'd really miss her.

[whines]Not now, boy.

We'll go sledding later.

Trini just doesn't know how great Alaskan winters can be!

How can we show Trini winter is fun here,

so she'll want to stay?



I think the answer is right under your nose.

[dogs howling]

You want me to do what?

MOLLY: Come with us on a dogsled ride!

[squeals in joy] Fun!

It's super fun!

And definitely not something you can do in Texas.



[wind blowing]

Ooh, ah, eee!

Isn't this cool?

[shivering]: Uh, yeah.

Maybe a little too cool.

Oh, sorry!

We should switch places.

It's warmer in the back.



And drier.

Well, thanks for the ride.


She didn't seem to like that at all.

You think she's made up her mind to go back to Texas?

No, it wouldn't happen that fast.

[door opens]

Trini, help me pack these boxes!

Or would it?

We have to think of more fun Alaska winter things-- fast!

[gasps] I know!

A snowball fight?Here!

I'll show you how to make the perfect snowball.

[groans] Ah...

The snowballs are too cold to hold.

When my hands get cold,

I do this to warm them up.


Try it.

[music stops]

A snowball fight sounds fun,

but, um...

[car horn honks]

I promised my dad

I'd help him with stuff.

See you later!

Who turns down a snowball fight?

[gasps] More boxes.

And they've got packing tape, too!

[owl hooting]

They're really in a hurry to move back to Texas.

Trini didn't like the dogsled ride,

and she didn't want to have a snowball fight.

Do you think maybe she doesn't like being outside?

What's not to love?

[sighs] If only we could think of a fun Alaska winter thing

that happens indoors.[snowmobile approaching]

Hey, you two.

Coming to story time today?

[both gasp]

[owl hooting]

Some story, huh?

And how about that hot chocolate?

[laughs] It was good.

And I never heard about the raven and the sun before.

I love that story.

I hope no one steals the sun again.

Alaska's already too dark for me.

Texas is always so sunny!

And warm.

I really miss it.

[owl hooting]

Is winter in Texas really that different

than winter here?

Maybe if we knew more

about what winters are like where Trini is from,

we can figure out a way to keep her here!

Compare weather in Qyah, Alaska,

and Austin, Texas.

Whoa, this page goes on forever!

We have to read fast.

At the rate Trini's packing,

a moving van might show up any minute.

I'll read, you go and keep an eye on Trini.

Agent -E is on the case.

[knuckles crack]

[owl hooting]

[sighs, gasps]

[owl hooting]

No moving van yet.

Just more boxes.

And whoa, they sure have a lot of books.

What did you find out?

[sighs]Well, to summarize what I've been reading,

Austin, Texas, is way, way, way warmer than Qyah.

That's a lot of ways.

The website says Austin is usually around degrees.


I would be wearing shorts!

Even in winter, it only drops down to about degrees.

Plus, it almost never snows there.

A winter without snow?

Oh, and in winter in Austin,

the sun is up when you go to school,

and doesn't set until dinner.

No wonder Trini misses the sun.

It's dark when we go to school and when school's over.

[sighs] We're doomed.

There's no way we can make it sunnier here.

Or warmer.

Tooey, you're a genius!

I am?


This stuff is too small for me now, but it might fit Trini.

Okay, she'll be warmer,

but it's not like we can do anything about the sun.

Wanna bet?

[quietly]: Hi, Daniel, is Trini home?

She's in her room.


We have a surprise for her.

[whispering]: Oh, well, come on in.

We might need your help with this one.


Why is it so dark in here?


ALL: Surprise!

We knew you missed the sun!

So we broughtyou one.

I love it!

And we got these for you too.


It's long underwear!

[grunting, gasps]

And boot liners.

[grunting] Ooh!

And beaver mittens to help keep you warm.

We looked up the weather in Austin,

and saw how much sunnier and warmer it is there than here.

And we thought if we could make it seem just as sunny,

and make you feel just as warm...

Then maybe...

maybe you wouldn't move back to Texas.

We're not moving back to Texas.

But the boxes...

And tape, and packing.

They're filled with books for the library.

But we heard you ask your dad if you could move back to Texas.

Oh yeah!

I did.

What you didn't hear was me saying

"We're not doing that, give it time.

You'll get used to it.""You'll get used to it."

Besides, how could I go back to Texas

when my best friends are here?

Why don't you put on the rest of your presents and go have fun?


Are you cold?

Do you want to go home?

No way!

This is so much fun!

TRINI: I love Alaska!


TRINI: So...

if you ever move to a cold place,

you need to do two things.

You need some great friends, and get long underwear.

Too slow!

[kids laughing]