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04x05 - Angelina and the Mini-Mouseling/Angelina's Helpful Friend

Posted: 02/27/24 20:35
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And I'm also angelina the gardener.

Last spring, all the plants in my yard

Were much smaller.

This pretty flower was only a seed.

Now look at it.

Mum and I planted these last month.

Sun and water were all they needed to grow.

This tree grew too, but just a tiny bit.

Some things grow slowly, and some things grow super fast,

Like that bird.

A month ago, he was inside an egg.

Every living thing grows, including us.

Pretty soon, we'll be big mouselings doing grown-up stuff.

Let's see.

Here's my last measurement.

I grew a whole mouse inch in six months.

- [Giggles]

Look how tall we're getting.

- My last pencil mark was down here,

So an inch for me too.

- And three inches for me.

I thought I'd grown more.

Both: we've grown one inch.

We're getting tall!

- Hi. What happened?

- We're excited, polly,

Because we all grew one inch in six months.

- Measure me too, pretty please.

- Let's see.

You've grown...


Just a tiny, wee bit.

- But I want to be tall.

- Don't worry.

You'll get taller.

It just takes time.

- I want to be tall now!

- My friends and I are doing a super fun ballet pantomime

Of goldilocks and the three mouselings.

Ballet pantomime is where you dance

And make big, giant movements to tell a story,

But there are no words, just like in a mime.

- I found all this stuff in the prop room:

Three bowls, three spoons, and three beds too.

- We're so lucky ms. Mimi is letting us use roquefort hall.

- Oui, oui.

Now let's figure out who's who.

- I'll be papa mouseling, since I'm tallest and a boy.

- I'll be mama mouseling,

Since I'll probably grow before the performance

And be second tallest.

- I've always wanted to play goldilocks.

Do you mind, alice?

- That's fine.

I'll be baby mouseling.

- Listen, mouselings,

I found some stupendous music.

[Low-pitched instrumental music]

Since grown-up boys have low voices,

This can be the papa mouseling music.

[In deep voice] it has really low

And deep-sounding pitches, just like dad's voice.

[Light orchestral music]

- This should be my music,

Since it's higher than papa mouseling's music

But not very, very high.

[Light flute music]

- [In high-pitched voice] and this baby mouseling's music

Is very high-pitched,

Just like a young little mouseling's voice.

We have three pitch levels for three sizes of mouselings.

- [Mimicking music pitches] really low, middle,

And really high.

- The music will help,

Because we're all almost the same height.

- You three aren't almostthe same height;

You're exactlythe same height.

- Isn't that going to look funny,

My baby being the same size as me?

- Yeah, that could be confusing for our audience.

- Maybe we could make it

Goldilocks and the two mouselings,

And alice can be the director.

- Only two mouselings?

- I am not so sure about that.

- We're so grown up that we're doing a ballet pantomime

Of goldilocks and the two mouselings

On our own...without ms. Mimi.

- Only two mouselings?

- Yes, alice is our director.

- I want to be in goldilocks.

- Not yet, polly.

You're too young.

You need to be older.

Look, I could never reach up here before.

Now I can finally put the milk on the top shelf.

- My little mouseling isn't so little anymore.

- I'm a big mouseling too.

Measure me. I'm getting taller.

- You're getting stronger. That's for certain.


Looks like you're the same height as yesterday, polly.

- You're going to grow taller soon, polly.

I promise.

- But I want to be taller right now.

[Light orchestral music]

- Our story doesn't make sense without the baby mouseling.

The audience will wonder where the baby mouseling is.

- We could ask marco or viki.

- Marco's the same size as me.

- Viki's the same size as us.

I measured her yesterday.

How about if I'm baby mouseling and I crouch down?

I could still direct the rest of the pantomime.

- Good try, but that looks weird,

And it's not dance.

This is supposed to be a ballet.

- I can be on my tiptoes so I'm taller than alice.

- You still look almost the same size to me.

- What if I crawl?

[Light flute music]




- Alice, goldilocks was supposed to break that chair

During our performance.

- Sorry.

Maybe I should just stick to directing

And go find another chair.

- Poor polly is still trying her hardest to get tall.

She's doing her special growing stretch.

And this is polly's growing music.

[Ascending piano music]

It goes up higher and higher.

Polly hopes the music will make her do the same thing,

Go up, up, up.

- I'm a big mouseling now.

Please measure me.

- Um...

- Am I a lot taller?

- Well...


- Oh, sweetheart, you're growing.

You just can't tell yet.

- But I want to be taller now!

- Polly's still having growing troubles,

And now we're having baby mouseling troubles.

- I say we try goldilocks and the two mouselingsagain.

- It just doesn't work with the music.

We need somebody

For that super-duper high-pitched music.

- But nobody could do it, remember?

- We've been rehearsing forever.

Time to get home and do our homework.

- Okay, let's try to figure out something tomorrow.

- Come on, angelina.

Mum is taking us to the library before we go home.

- Polly, let me see you dance over to the tiny bed.

- [Giggling]

- Now dance back to the side of the stage.

- [Giggling]

- [Giggles]

Stupendous news.

I've found the perfect baby mouseling.

She's much smaller than all of us,

And she's been practicing hard and already knows the part.

Everybody say hi to my little sister, polly,

Our new baby mouseling.

- [Giggles]

- Now, as your director, why didn't I think of that?

[Light orchestral music]


- I'm so proud of my sister polly.

She may be little,

But she is doing a really, truly good job as baby mouseling.


And now she knows that it's okay to be small.

- I got to play baby mouseling

Because I was the only one little enough.

- You both did a beautiful job.

- I'm so lucky to have two lovely dancers for daughters.

- Ow, my feet!

They hurt!

- Maybe you've been dancing too much.

Have a seat and finish your dinner.

- They still hurt.

- Did anyone step on them?

Did you jump on something hard?

Let me take a look.

- Ow! What? What is it?

- [Laughs] it's your shoes.

They're too small for you.

- My feet grew. Wow, my feet grew.

[All laugh]

- Polly is growing up after all.

She may be a mini-mouseling now,

But soon she'll be a big mouseling, just like me.

- Please measure me.

I feel like I'm a little bit taller now.


- Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- I'm daniella.

- I'm criss.

- My name is niani.

We dance with ballet hispanico's school of dance.

- I'm going to show you two steps.

The first step is a latin step called the cha-cha.

One, two, cha-cha-cha.

Three, four, cha-cha-cha.

The next one is a hip-hop step, and all you have to do is jump.

Jump, jump.

Together, it goes: one, two, cha-cha-cha,

Three, four, jump, jump.

One, two, cha-cha-cha,

Three, four, jump, jump.

Now you try.

[All cheering]

- I started dancing at age two.

- I was four years old when I started dancing.

- I started dancing when I was five years old.

[Latin-tinged hip-hop music]

The dance that we're doing

Is a mixture of latin movement and hip-hop.

- Latin dance is flowy, and hip-hop is sharper.

- It took us about a month to learn the piece,

And then it took much, much longer than that

To make sure it was perfect to perform.

- What I love about dancing:

I'm with my friends all the time,

And it requires practice every single day, and it's really fun.

- Me encanta bailar. I love to dance.

- Dance is something that everyone can do.

If you want to dance, then dance.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And I can't wait to go and help my dad

In the music store this weekend.

[Bell ringing]

- Have a good weekend, everyone.

[All speaking at once]

- Do you want to come over now, viki?

- Love to.

- I want you to see what my dad's doing.

I think you'll be really interested.

- Thanks, ms. Mimi.

- It's my favorite.

- Hey, viki, are you around tomorrow?

- I think so. Why?

- I've composed this new tune

For string bass and electric bass guitar.

- That's really different.

- I know, so I was wondering if you'd come

To the lunchtime theater tomorrow

And play along with me,

See how it works.

- Ah, but it's the weekend.

- Ms. Mimi's going to be here, so she said we could use it.

- That'd be great.

How about sometime in the morning, like : ?

- Okay. Thanks, viki.

- Come on, viki. My dad's waiting.

- Oh, there you are, viki.

- Hi, alice.

- Pretty please, could you help me?

I've got a new recorder tune to learn,

And I can't get the fingering right.

- No problemo.

We could meet tomorrow in the morning...around : ?

- Ah, thank you so much.

See you tomorrow.

- [Laughs]

At this rate, you're going to be spending all saturday

Helping your friends.

- I know.

Tomorrow's definitely going to be a busy day.

- Okay, you know how you love special days?

- Yes?

- Well, tomorrow my dad's doing a special day at his store,

And it's all about one instrument.

- It's not-- - it totally is.

It's the electric bass.

- [Laughs] fantastic.

So tomorrow's electric bass day.

- Dad calls it a special promotion,

And he's even got a professional electric bass player coming in.

- Wow, a professional?

Someone who plays music as his job?

- Yes.

He's supposed to be really good.

Hi, dad. I'm here.

Oh, is something wrong?

- That bass player I lined up for tomorrow just canceled.

- Oh, no. That'll spoil everything.

- He was going to talk about the electric bass

And show what it can do.

It'll be no fun without him, I'm afraid.

- [Whispering] maybe I could help.

I could play my bass instead.

What do you think?

- [Gasps] dad, listen.

Viki's had a brilliant idea.

- Really? What is it?

- I play electric bass,

And maybe I could play here tomorrow

For your special promotion?

- That is a brilliant idea.

- Told you.

- Are you sure you can do it, viki?

- No problemo.

- Mind you, there's a lot to do

If I'm going to be ready for tomorrow.

- Don't forget, dad, I'm helping in the morning.

- I could come then too.

I need to set up my bass guitar before I help alice and marco.

- That'll be wonderful.

Thank you both.

Now off you go for your dinners.

- Are you sure you can do everything tomorrow, viki?

- Of course, angelina.

No problemo.

- Viki, can you bring those instruments

To the back of the store, please?

- These are broken. Does your dad fix them himself?

- I don't think so.

- No, I have to send them away to a special place

To be repaired.

- Wow, there are so many jobs in music, aren't there?

[Off-key piano music]

Hmm, that sounds a bit flat.

I must get it tuned.

- Do you have to tighten or loosen the strings

To make the sound higher or lower,

Like on a guitar?

- You certainly do.

- Do you tune it yourself, mr. Mouseling?

- Goodness, no. I bring in a piano tuner.

- That's another music job.

- But I tune my guitar myself.

- Well, tuning a piano is a little more complicated

Because there are so many more strings.

[Soft piano notes]

Now we're ready to set up for the big promotion.

- I'll just help a little longer.

Then I'd better get going.

[Playing off-key melody]

- Oh.

[Playing off-key]

- How're you doing, alice?

Where's viki?

- I don't know.

She was supposed to be here ages ago.

- Maybe she got lost.

- Or maybe she just doesn't like me anymore.

- Sure, she does,

And she usually gets places on time too.

- Well, I can't wait any longer.

If you see her, tell her I waited.

Bye, a.z.

- Bye.

- So we'll display the electric basses over here

And have a big sign outside.



And you'll need this to sit on

When you play out on the sidewalk.

- I'll put it out there now.

- Viki was so busy helping my dad,

She'd forgotten all about helping marco and alice.

[Dissonant bass music]

- Hello, marco.

How's your practice going?

- Not too well, ms. Mimi.

Viki said she'd help me,

And she should have been here a long time ago.

- I wonder where she is.

- I don't know,

But it would have been really nice if she'd shown up.

- Hmm, that's not like viki.

- And everything's ready outside too, mr. Mouseling.

- Splendid.

I can't thank you two enough.

- Well, viki, that's a good start

To your busy day.

- [Gasps] oh, no.

Alice and marco. I'm so late!

[Upbeat hip-hop music]

- Alice? Alice?

I'm here!

[Panting] oh, hi, a.z.

Have you seen alice?

- Yes, she was here waiting for you,

But she couldn't stay any longer.

- Oh, no. Poor alice.

This is all my fault.

[Gasps] marco.

Here I come.

[Upbeat hip-hop music]

Oh, no.

I haven't even got my bass guitar.

I've been a terrible friend.

What'll I do?

[Upbeat hip-hop music]

- Hey, a.z., Have you seen viki?

- She went that way. - Thanks.

Viki, there you are.

- Oh, angelina, I've let marco and alice down really badly.

- That's because you were helping my dad and me,

And you couldn't do everything at the same time.

- I know-- wait a minute.

Maybe I can.

A.z., Would you do me a favor?

- A.z. Mouse, at your service.

- Can you find alice and marco

And tell them to come to the music store?

- I'm on it.

- I still don't see how you can help

Both alice and marco at the same time.

- I'm not sure either, angelina, but I hope I can do it.

Hi, alice. I'm glad you came.

I'm so sorry I forgot about you earlier.

- Don't worry, viki.

A.z. Said you've been really busy.

- She has.

- So show me the new song you've been learning.

[Playing off-key]

- You see?

I keep getting those tricky notes wrong.

- Don't worry, alice.

They're not tricky. They're just new.

- But how do I get used to playing them?

- We'll start by playing them very slowly.

Here, play along with me.

[Playing soft melody]

[Both playing in unison]

- Viki, here comes marco.

- Thanks, angelina.

You keep playing slowly, and I'll be back in a minute.

[Playing soft melody]

- I hope viki doesn't wear herself out

Before the promotion.

- Hi, marco.

Sorry I forgot about you,

But I can look at your new song now.

- That'd be great, viki.

- [Panting] thanks, marco.


This is fantastic, marco.

Can we play it for mr. Mouseling's

Electric bass promotion?

- I would love to.

[Soft recorder melody]

- That was really nice, alice.

- [Laughs] thanks.

You're a really good teacher, viki.

- I can't believe all the music jobs I'm doing today.

I worked in a store. I'll be a performer.

- You've been my music teacher.

- And you've helped a fantastic and talented composer.

- Oh, I don't remember doing that one.

- You helped me.

- [Laughs] oh, right.

[All laugh]

- And now, ladies and gentlemen,

The electric bass promotion is starting.

All: hooray!

- Off you go, marco.

- Okay.

Ready, viki?

[Playing upbeat music]

- A great promotion, mr. Mouseling.

- Thank you, ms. Mimi,

And your pupils have been a wonderful help.

- I think viki will definitely

Get a job in the music business when she grows up.

- Or more than one.

No problem.


- Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

My friends are going to take something old,

Add it to something new, and make something fantastic.

They're mixing a little latin-- that's the old--

With a bit of hip-hop, which is new.

They do a latin cha-cha.

One, two, cha-cha-cha.

And now hip-hop.

Jump. Jump.

The cha-cha's smooth and flowing,

While hip-hop's rather fast and sharp.

I love that the different steps

Make something simply stupendous.

- Hola. Marco here.

Whoa, is that violin missing a middle?

Nah, that's an electric violin.

It's supposed to look like that.

You plug it in, and the music comes out of a speaker,

And over here is an acoustic viola.

Acoustic means the sound comes right from the instrument.

Violas and violins are string instruments

That were only used for classical music at first.

But now they are used for jazz, rock--

Oh, you name it.

Man, those guys really make the strings sing.