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01x04 - Fairies and Fireflies

Posted: 02/27/24 20:51
by bunniefuu
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[birds chirping]

- Through The Woods.

[Rider laughing] [Wolfie barks]

"Fairies and Fireflies."

Hop, hop, hop, hop.

[Rider laughs] [Wolfie panting]

[Wolfie barking]

[laughing] Wolfie?

- Chomp, chomp, chomp! [Rider laughing]

- Nice shadow monster dad.

- Thank you Rider.

Want to walk over to Grammy's with me?

It's such a nice summer evening.

- Yes! can I bring my flashlight too?

It is getting a little dark.

- Absolutely.

[Wolfie barking]

I love this time of day.

It's kind of magical.

- Dad, did you see that?

[Wolfie barking]

- Shhh, Wolfie we don't wanna scare away the fairies.

- Fairies?

- Yeah, the fairies fly around, sprinkling all the creatures

of the woods with fairy dust.

You know, so they'll have sweet dreams.

[Rider laughs] Dad?

[Wolfie licking]

[Rider laughs]

Fairies, huh?

I wanna see one up close.

[Wolfie barking]

- They love playing hide and seek.

[Owl hooting]

[Feet shuffling]

[Owl hooting]

[Rider laughs]

[Wolfie barking]

[Crickets chirping]

- Woow! That's not a fairy, it's a bug.

It's the coolest bug ever.

But how does it light up like that?

[Firefly buzzing]

[Feet shuffling]

[Firefly buzzing]

Dad, come here,

it's not a fairy, it's a bug with a... [laughing]

A glowing bottom. [laughing]

- Oh yeah, must be a firefly.

I'm always mixing them up.

[Rider laughs]

[Wolfie barks]

[Feet shuffling]

- Hello my Rider.

- Grammy, guess what?

Dad tried to tell me there are fairies in the woods,

but they're really fireflies.

- Hi sweety.

- Hey mom.

- There they are.

[Rider chuckles]

[Wolfie barks]

- See grammy, they're fireflies.

Do they light up so they can see in the dark?

Like a flashlight?

- They light up, to attract other fireflies.

- I get it.

Go find your friends, little firefly.

[Grammy laughing] [Owl hoots]

- Your dad would stare at those lights

until he was so sleepy.

He couldn't keep his eyes open.

[Rider yawns]

[Owl hooting]

- Grammy, tell me more about when dad was little.

[Owl hooting]