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01x36 - An Armored Tail Tale/Pterasaur Flying Club

Posted: 02/28/24 09:57
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me--the conductor. Today, hank

Ankylosaurus meets another kind of ankylosaur called

Euoplocephalus. So come on along with me on the dinosaur train!

All aboard!

This program ♪ dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [band playing]

[Cheering] yeah!

Whoo hoo!



Whoo hoo!

Dino ball rules!

Ok, it's time for a cheer.

Ready? Ok!

Hank, hank, go, hank!

The winning team has you to thank.

Kick it, swat it.

Go, hank!


All right, little fans. This one's for you. Yeah.

[Gasp] ha ha ha!

And hank wins it for the ankylosaurus acres ankylosaurs!

Great playing, team. Let's do the same next game.

Oh, are you their coach?

Coach, me? No. I'm just an excited fan.

Hey, hey!

Hi, hank.

Hiya, pals. Hey, did you see that kick? That was just for you


We loved it. It was a huge kick.

Sort of like you, hank. I forgot how enormous you are.

Maybe I'm not enormous, tiny. Maybe you guys are all

Just, uh, tiny.

Wait. I'm the only tiny around here.

Ha ha. Hey, just kidding.


Good one, tiny.

Uh, hank, what do you say you have dinner with me and the

Kids? My treat. I know a great little fish place nearby.

It's a pond.

Yeah, but plenty of plants and bushes there for you, hank.

Well, that's mighty nice of you, but, see, I'm meeting a

Dino ball player I've been hearing about. Supposed to be

One of the best players anywhere.

Where does this other guy live?

Uh, well, I'm supposed to take the dinosaur train to

Somewhere called big pond station.

Big pond station?

That's right near where we live.

We can all ride the dinosaur train together.

And eat.

And eat? I like this already.

[Train whistle blows] snack car coming through!

Whoops. So sorry, hank. You're one big armored fellow and, of

Course, my all-time favorite player.

Well, thanks, mr. Conductor, but sorry I can't really get out

Of your way right now.

[Conductor chuckles] I'm sort of glad that cart is

Stuck here. We're all hungry.

One hunk of jurassic jerky for me, please.

One fresh fish filet for me.


Uh, I got a hankering for a--oh, give me one of

Everything, as long as it's green.

Ha ha ha!

It's an honor to serve you, hank. One of everything green

Coming up.

[Gulp] mm mm. I could eat these all


Thanks. Hey, hank, who's this dinosaur you're gonna go meet?

Well, he's apparently an amazing dino ball player named

Eugene euo--i--uh-ah.


Yeah. That's the guy.

Oh, eugene is a great dino baller. His tail has quite a

Swing. Let's take a look-see, shall we?


Hmm. Looks like a strong player.

Yup. He's got a bony head.

Just like hank.

His back and body are covered with armored plates.

Just like hank.

And he's got a big clublike tail.

Just like hank.

Hmm. I don't see the resemblance.


Well, he's no ankylosaurus.

But he's an ankylosaur, right?

Righty ho, buddy.

Euoplocephalus is from the group of dinosaurs called

Ankylosaurs, like hank. Only this one is from your family's

Time period, the late cretaceous.

[Ding ding dong] oh, sweet stigimoloch! It's

Time for the time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching, folks!

Oh, I forgot about the time tunnel.


Next stop, big pond station in another part of the

Cretaceous time period.

[Bell ringing] [tires screech]

Welcome to the big pond station, hank.

So how do we find this dino baller eugene?

You just follow the path to the big pond. You'll find him.

You can't forget what he looks like.

Pretty much just like you, hank.

Huh. Yeah. You kids keep saying that, but I don't see it.

[Laughter] so this is your part of the

Cretaceous time period, huh?

Yup. Pteranodon terrace is just down the coast.

Some stuff is the same as where I live, but some is

Different, like these trees here. We don't have those back

Where I'm from.

They're cycads. They're not pines or ferns, but they look

Like a little of both.

Huh. What'll they think of next?

[Laughter] ta da! The big pond. This is

Where we go fishing all the time.

And my job is to climb up here and be the spotter. I'll

Use my t-rex eyesight to look around. Hey, I spotted

Something. Look.

Waaay down the beach.

Is it maybe eugene?

It looks like the picture the conductor showed us.

He's pretty far away. We'd better catch up to him before he

Moves on.

[Clang] oh, excuse me.

No, no. It was our fault, sir. We thought you were much

Farther away.

But you weren't far away at all. Your size played a trick on

Our eyes.

Well, I'm a euoplocephalus.

This is pretty much how big we get.

Great. Well, maybe you can tell me where I can find this

Amazing, gifted dino ball player I've heard about--a guy named


Ha ha ha! Really? Amazing and gifted, huh?


He's supposed to have a bony skull like you and body armor

Like you and a clubby tail.

Well, well, well, I'm that player you're looking for. I'm




Well, great to meet you, gene. I'm hank ankylosaurus.

[Eugene gasps] you're the hank

Ankylosaurus? It's an honor to meet you. You're like mr. Dino


Heh heh heh! I do love the game. Oh, and these are my


I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my brother buddy and my

Sister shiny and our dad--dad.


Well, it's nice to meet you all.

You guys do look alike, like the conductor said, but not


Me and hank? I can see some similarities.

Well, we are both good-looking.

Ha ha ha!

I have a hypothesis. Since hank and eugene are both from

The ankylosaur family, they share some similar


I guess I see what you mean, but no offense, gene--

You're kind of tiny.

Oh, sorry, tiny. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

I mean, you must weigh about half what I weigh.

Sure. That may be true, but I can still defend myself and my

Family. In fact, most predators bounce right off me. Nothing

Hurts me.

Nothing hurts me, either.

Not with this armor! Ha ha ha!

And you both forgot to say the other great thing you have

In common-- [roaring]

It's a predator!

[Roar] , , , . Ha. Hi.

Nothing to worry about, folks. I've seen this little guy

Before. Piece of carrion cake.

Yipe! Yipe! Boo hoo hoo!

Yay! Way to go, eugene!

Hey, gene. You used your tail like I do out on the dino

Ball field.

Actually, hank, I use my tail like I do out on the dino

Ball field.

Heh heh heh! Ok, eugene. I'm ready to see you play. I hear

Tell you're the best dino baller outside of my neck of the woods.

Aw, you're the real pro.

Everybody's heard of hank ankylosaurus. You're the best.

Hey, are we gonna talk about it, or are we actually gonna

Play it?

Let's dino ball!

Uh! Uh!


Oh, wow.


High two.

Whoo hoo!

Ha ha ha!

Huh? Ha ha!

Ha ha! Hup.

Ha ha ha!


Oh, wow.

Yikes. Score!

Hey, nice one, shiny. And gene, you are one heck of a

Player--uh, right, mr.


Well, yeah, absolutely. Gene is quite a player. Natural

Great moves, kind of like a young you, hank.

I like that, mr. Pteranodon.

Eugene, I think I'll call you little hank.

Thanks, friend.


Hank, eugene, they sh**t and score.

They're our favorite ankylosaur.

Go, dino ball!

Well, team, we'd better get back to the station. Hank?

Say, listen, eugene, I was wondering, would you want to

Come back to ankylosaurus acres with me and play for my team?

Really? You mean it, hank?

Absolutely. You're the real deal--a dino-ball dynamo.

Eugene! Eugene! Whoo!

Bye, hank! Bye, eugene!

Good luck at ankylosaurus acres.

Bye, pteranodons. Great to meet you.

Thanks for your help finding this guy. You, too, mr.

Pteranodon. That's a great team you got there.

[Cheering] all aboard!

Ready? Ok.

Hank, eugene, they sh**t and score.

They're our favorite ankylosaurs.

Dino ball rules!


[Train whistle blows] hi there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is euoplocephalus.





Now, what dinosaur do you think of when you look at



That's right. Ankylosaurus and euoplocephalus both belong

To the same family of dinosaurs called ankylosaurs, which

Includes many other armored dinosaurs. Euoplocephalus looks

Like a smaller version of ankylosaurus. Both of these

Plant-eaters had armor covering their heads and bodies, and

Both had bony clubs at the end of their tails. Can you think of

Some animals living today that have armor covering their




Great examples. Another amazing armored animal alive

Today is the pangolin. Its armor is made of plate-like scales

That cover the entire body, making this african animal look

Like a giant pine cone.


Whoa. Great armor. If threatened, a pangolin will curl

Up into a ball with all that armor providing great

Protection. Pretty amazing, huh?

Ok, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Dinosaurs had tails. Time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching.

Hold on to your tails!

Tails are bats. They look really powerful.

Whoa. Hey, hey.

Ha ha! Do you guys want to climb on my tail?

Whoo hoo!


It's like a big club.

Wow! What a tail!

♪ I like to sing so free like the bebopping birdies

At the top of the tree I found a new way

To sing a song ♪ listen up, guys! I got wise. And

There's a way to improvise.

♪ I like to sing so free like the bebopping birdies

At the top of the tree I found a new way to sing a song

It's got a lot of bebop ♪ yeah!

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we'll visit

Our old friend petey peteinosaurus, and he'll put on

A pterosaur flying show, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard.

Ok, buddy, here's the hoop de-loop de tiny and shiny swoop.

[Whooshing] [squawking]

Looking good, tiny and shiny.


So what should we do next?

Yeah. We still want to do tricks.

How about a shiny-tiny sideways switch switcheroo.

What's that?

Ha ha. It sounds like something that buddy just made

Up. Is it, buddy?

Well, yeah. But here, I'll show you how to do it.

Oh, wait, I can't fly.

Ha ha. But we can. Tell us how to do your sideways switch

Switcheroo thing.

Ok. Fly next to each other.

Keep flying. Now turn sideways.

Now switcheroo. Tiny, fly under shiny. Fly next to each other,

Turn sideways, and switcheroo!

Ha ha ha ha! I could switcheroo all day.

Yeah. Great idea, buddy. Got any more?

Hmm, let's see. You could do the, um, fast flying silly

Swoop upside down ding-ding dive backwards [squawks]

De loop.

Ha ha. Um, sure. What are you talking about?

I guess we dive backwards and say--

Ding-ding! Exactly. If I could fly, I'd show you.

Kids, sorry to interrupt your ding-ding diving, but it's

Time to head to the dinosaur train.

All right! It's play date time. We get to see petey


You know we'll be doing some flying with petey. He loves to


Ok, kids. Next stop-- the dinosaur train, to see


[Squawking] [brakes screech]

Greetings, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

I have one important thing to tell you. All aboard!

[All laugh] oh, mr. Conductor...

[Laughing continues] kids, i, too, have one

Important thing to tell you.

Is it, "all aboard!"?

No. Today we have a special surprise friend coming along

With us. He's meeting us on the train.

Who is it? Mikey? t*nk?

Valerie velociraptor?

Mom said he's meeting us, so it must be a boy. Hmm, maybe

It's-- maybe it's me. I'm going on

The petey play date with y'all.


Quincy quetzalcoatlus!

Hi, shiny and tiny and buddy. I'm sure tickled that

Petey's having us for a play date today.

Quincy's dad dropped him at the train. He'll be spending

The day with us.

Thanks, mrs. Pteranodon. So, I guess petey invited us over

Because we all have wings and can fly. Whoops. Sorry, buddy.

I know you don't have wings.

That's ok. But you and shiny and tiny and petey all do.

You're all pterosaurs.

And pterosaurs have other features in common, too.

Ahem--all pterosaurs have wings, and most have pinky

Fingers that their wing tips are attached to. Plus, all

Pterosaurs have beaks and hollow bones.

Wait. Our bones are hollow?

Sure are. Hollow, but very strong. Of course, our friend

Petey has something interesting in his beak.

Oh, I know! Teeth! A whole beak full.

Correct. He's not your usual pterosaur. And you know, he's

From the triassic time period.

And-- hey, speaking of time

Periods, isn't that the time tunnel?

What? Oh, bless my scales and feathers, it is! Time

Tunnel! Time tunnel approaching, folks!


[Bell ringing] next stop, peteinosaurus play

Station in the triassic time period. So long, pteranodon

Family, and quincy. Ha ha.

Have fun!


Wow, it's warm here in the triassic.

[Squawks] let's go find petey and his

Mom. Follow me, kids.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Are you ready to have a triassic-tastic good time?


High wing!

High two, buddy.


Good to see you, petey.

Thanks for inviting me.

Quincy, quincy, quincy--my favorite quetzalcoatlus. You

Must be shiny.

I am.

[Squawks] nice to meet you.

The pleasure's all mine.

[Shiny laughs] hello, pteranodon family,

And quincy. Welcome.

Hi, mrs. Peteinosaurus.

So nice to see you again.

So, how are things in the cretaceous?

So, who's ready for our first ever meeting of the

Pterosaur flying club?


I can't hear you.


I heard that.

What a great idea, petey. A pterosaur flying club.

So, what is the flying club?

I bet it's a club where we fly.

Exactly, precisely. Bingo.



Mom, is it ok if us kids go down to what I like to call my

Hangout? Don't worry. You'll be able to see us from here.

Of course, petey. Off you go.

Right. Go play, kids.

Thanks. Follow me, guys.


Petey's a great kid.

Wow, what a great spot.

[Squawks] it's an amazing view!

I agree. Every morning I look down from here and say,

[Squawks] "it's an amazing view."

[Laughter] someday, you'll have to come

Visit pteranodon terrace. We have a great view, too.

Right from our nest on a cliff.

I like that. Speaking of cliffs, who's ready to take a

Flight off this one?

I'm ready. I knew this was going to be a flying play date.

Where all pterosaurs love to fly. So, let's fly.

The pterosaur flying club!


Uh, guys, I'm not a pterosaur.

Sure, buddy. I know that.

You're a dinosaur, and a carnivore, and the best friend

A pterosaur can ever have.

Buddy, buddy, buddy.

And the best brother a pterosaur could ever have.

Thanks, tiny. Thanks, petey.

So, buddy, wings or no wings, you're officially a

Member of the pterosaur flying club. Ok, everyone, wings in.

Oh, and arms. To pterosaurs!

Let's use our wings.

[Squawks] do I sound like a pteranodon?

You sure do.

[Squawks] good loop, shiny.

Quincy, your wings are so big and strong and quincerific.

You are going to grow up to be one huge quetzalcoatlus.

[Quincy laughs] thanks, petey. So if I'm

Quincerific, then you're petey-tastic.

Hey, buddy, are you ok just watching us fly?

'Cause we can do whatever you want.

Thanks. I know. Let's compare features. You all have

Wings, but let's compare them.


I observe that everybody's wings are different. Petey,

Yours are smallest, but you can flap them really fast.

It's true.

Shiny and tiny, yours are bigger than petey's.

[Shiny and tiny laugh] quincy, you have the biggest

Wings of all. Maybe you can glide farther with them.

Whoa, slow down, partner.

Are you saying that my big wings do different things than

Shiny's and tiny's and petey's?

They do, quincy. That's what makes you you.

Hmm. I guess you're right. I don't really flap my wings

Much. I like to catch the wind and glide. Sort of like this.

Great show!

Did he say show?

I heard show.

Me, too.

Are we all thinking we should put on a pterosaur

Flying club show?

Yeah! For our moms!

This'll be great. You all have different kinds of wings,

So you all fly in different ways.

Whoo! You mean we can put on a flapping, soaring, and

Gliding flying show?


Ok, pterosaurs, let's do it!


Ahem, ladies and dinosaur, welcome to the first ever

Pterosaur flying club show!


Pterosaurs of different sizes with different wings, and

From different places will all perform today!

First, here's petey, the fast wing flapping



And here's shiny and tiny, flapping and soaring with their

Pteranodon wings.

[Squawking] oh, my!

And finally, quincy will demonstrate his gliding skills

With his big quetzalcoatlus wings.




Let's have a pterosaur cheer. Ready? Ok.

We're pterosaurs and more and more, we like to fly and

Swoop and soar. Go, pterosaurs!


[Train whistle blows] [squawks]

There's petey.

Yeah, and he's flapping as fast as he can.

Hey, watch this new trick. I call it a fast-flying silly

Swoop upside down ding-ding dive backwards rock de-loop.

Hey, that sounds familiar.

Sure does. Ding-ding!

Ding-ding! See ya!

Bye, petey!

[Train whistle blows] [bell rings]

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. These flying

Reptiles are called pterosaurs.

What do they all have in common?



Right. And pterosaurs had hollow bones, and their wings

Were made of skin attached to a really long fourth finger.

Imagine stretching your fourth finger to be longer than your

Entire body. Pterosaurs came in all different sizes.

Peteinosaurus was small. Its wingspan was

Only about inches. The biggest bird today is the

Wandering albatross, with a wingspan of up to feet. Now

Let's let look at the largest pterosaurs. Pteranodon had a

Wingspan of more than feet.

Quetzalcoatlus was even bigger, with a wingspan of up to

Feet. Ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and

Make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the triassic. It was the

First age of dinosaurs, and was mostly a dry and warm climate.

Many of the first known reptiles, like frogs and

Turtles, lived in the triassic time period. And that's just

One of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ Whenever I need a little space

I fly up to my tiny place when everyone's getting in my

Space I fly up to

My tiny place ♪ [tiny laughs]

We love playing games, liketn dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're going to ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're going to ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪