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01x04 - I'm A T. Rex!/Ned The Quadruped

Posted: 02/28/24 10:15
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me-- the conductor. Today, we're

Gonna find out what kind of dinosaur buddy is. I sure wanna

Find out. So, come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [train's whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Train's whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [train's whistle blows]

Mom, we're gonna say hi to mrs. Giganotosaurus.

Ok, you two. Have fun, then come right back. [Squawk]

Hi, mrs. Giganotosaurus.

Hello, buddy. Hello, tiny.

What's new with you two?

We're trying to figure out what buddy's species is.

I was wondering if I might grow up to be a giganotosaurus.

Really? You mean like me?

Yeah. Look. We both walk on our back legs and have long


[Chuckles] that's true.

But you're orange with blue spots and I'm all green,

Buddy. Plus, I'm covered with these spines from my head

To my tail.

Hmm. You're right. Well, it was an interesting


Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

It was a good idea, and I'll bet buddy will grow up to be a

Species a lot like me.

Come on, tiny. We should get back and sit with mom.

Bye, mrs. Giganotosaurus.

Bye-bye, buddy and tiny.

Always nice to see you kids.

Bye. Enjoy the view.

I remember mrs.

Giganotosaurus told me that she's a carnivore.

Yeah. That means she eats meat.

[Stomach grumbling] whoa. Listen to my stomach.

I guess I'm getting hungry.

[Stomach grumbling] me, too.

Next stop, rexville station in the cretaceous time period.

Oh, let's stop for lunch at rexville, kids. We've never

Been there before. It would be an adventure.

I love adventures, and lunch.

[Squawk] yeah. Let's stop at rexville,


[Engine chugging] [brakes screech]


[Train's whistle blows] bye!

[Sniffs] what a lovely forest, huh, kids?

[Sniffs] mom, this place smells like someplace I've

Been before. It--[sniffs] it kind of smells like me.

[Sniffs] really? I only smell leaves and dirt.

Well, I'll take your word for it, buddy. You've got a much

Better sense of smell than us pteranodons.

Go ahead and follow your nose, buddy. Lead the way.

[Sniffs] tiny, look at all these


Whoa! They're huge!

I wonder what species lives here.

[Heavy footsteps] well, hello, there.

I'm dolores. Dolores tyrannosaurus. Who are you?

Hello. I'm tiny pteranodon.

This is my mom and my brother buddy.

It's, uh, lovely to meet you, dolores. Are you the species of

Dinosaur called tyrannosaurus rex?

That's right, mrs.

Pteranodon. Rexville is the home of the tyrannosaurus rex!

Who's there, ma? Do we have company?

Oh, that's my daughter annie.

[Roaring] annie! Come meet our guests!

[Rustling] you have big, green eyes.

You have a lot of big, sharp teeth.

[Sniffs] you smell just like me.

One, two.

We both have fingers.

Their eyes and fingers and feet and tails are the same,


And look--their spots are the same, too.

Mom, tiny, I have a new hypothesis. I think I'm a

Tyrannosaurus rex.

We've never met you before, buddy, but you sure are one of


I'm a t. Rex?

Yeah, you're just like me.

Mom, tiny, I'm a t. Rex.

A tyrannosaurus. Wow! But I've never been here before.

Have i, mom?

I don't know, buddy. When your dad and I adopted you, we

Didn't know what species you were, but we've put your egg in

Our nest to raise you as one of our own kids. [Squawk]

Thanks. I'm really glad you're my mom. But I'm sure glad

To find out what my species is.

This is so great!

I know, buddy. You've been wondering for a long time.

I am a t. Rex!

[Kids talking at once] come on, you guys. I'll show

You around and we can play.

Ma! Can we?

Sure. I'll stay here with dolores. I have so many

Questions for her about tyrannosaurus rex.

Hooray! Come on, buddy.

Come on, tiny.

[Laughter] ok, this is a game that I

Love called kick the cone. I count to , you hide, and then

Try to kick the cone before I tag you.

You play kick the cone?

It's buddy's favorite game.

Ha. Then you better hide really well, because I'm pretty

Good at it. Ready? , , ...

We have sharp eyes, too.

We can see long distances.

You know, I noticed that about buddy even when he was

This small.

Yup! And all tyrannosaurs have a great sense of smell.

We have to eat a lot because we're so big and have so much

To fill up! Oh, speaking of which, it's time for lunch. I'll

Call the kids.

[Roaring] annie!

Annie! Lunchtime!

Coming, ma! Tiny, you can come out now. It's lunchtime.


[Laughter] you kids ready for lunch?


What do tyrannosaurs like to eat?


Any kind of meat, and lots of it. That means we're

Carnivores. Today, we're having carrion. Mm, that's dead meat.

[Munching, gulps] I guess I'm not hungry.

[Munching] [gasp]

Mm. Boy, I love carrion.

I guess I must be a carnivore.

You sure are, buddy.

[Munching] uh, mrs. Tyrannosaurus, I

Just noticed that your arms aren't much bigger than mine,

Or annie's.

Nope. You're right. We don't use our arms for much. We just

Kind of use our big heads to grab things.

Yeah, like lunch. [Munching] wow, buddy, looks like your

Arms are pretty much as big as they're ever gonna get.

Yeah. Well, at least I'll have a gigantic head, so

Remember, someday I'm gonna be one of the biggest carnivores

On land. Dar!


[Heavy footsteps] [roars]

[Birds squawking] [laughter]

We'll catch the next train back so we're in time for dinner

With the rest of the family.

How many kids do you have?

There's more little pteranodons--shiny and don.

So, you're the only t. Rex in your family? That must be

Kind of weird.


Well, you don't look like they do.

Some kids look like their parents and some don't.

What matters is my family loves me.

Well, now that you know you're a t. Rex, don't you want

To live in rexville with your same species?

No. I can't wait to get home to pteranodon terrace, because

That's where my family lives.

I want to be with my mom and dad and sisters and brothers.

[Squawk] [train's whistle blows]

[Giggles] [engine chugging]

Bye! Thanks for lunch!

Come visit us again soon!

Thanks for helping me figure out what my species is!

Yeah, buddy! You're a t. Rex!

Mr. Conductor, guess what?

I found out what species I am.

I'm a t. Rex!

Why, bless my scales and feathers. Of course you are.

I should've put it all together.

You got the eyes, the nose, the teeth, the tail. Yeah, you're a

T. Rex.

And now that I know it, I'm more interested in finding out

About different dinosaurs than ever.

♪ I used to wonder who I was why this tail

And teeth and claws but now I know, I've got a plan

Guess what kind of species I am?

T. Rex, rawr!

I'm a tyrannosaurus I'm the biggest carnivore

In the cretaceous forest gonna grow some giant legs

Gonna grow enormous feet gonna stomp around and gnash

My teeth and eat and eat and eat! [Munch] tyrannosaurs love

To eat [slurp] the thing he loves to eat

Is meat my nose is powerful, so they say

I can smell my food from a mile away [munch]

I'm gonna be as tall as a tree I'm gonna roar till your

Ears get sore I'm gonna grow up big and strong

But I guess my arms won't get too long

Because I'm a t. Rex yeah, I'm a t. Rex, a-roaring

'Round the forest!

Tyrannosaurus rex!

T. Rex, rawr! I'm a tyrannosaurus

I'm the biggest carnivore in the cretaceous forest

Gonna romp and stomp around the biggest dinosaur in town!

A-roaring 'round the forest!

Tyrannosaurus rex!

[Applause and cheering] roar! ♪

Yeah, I sorta had a feeling he was a t. Rex.

Good night, kids.

Good night.


[Laughter] buddy, that was so great that

You found out what your species is.

I know. Tiny?


I'll always look out for you, even when I'm a giant t. Rex.

Wow. Thanks, buddy.

When you're a giant t. Rex, I'm gonna ride around on your


[Laughter] I mean, can i?

Sure, don.

Go to sleep now, kids.

[Squawk] [laughter]

Hi. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist, and this

Is a tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

Do you know what scientists call animals that eat meat?

[Roaring] carnivore!

That's right. Tyrannosaurs like buddy and annie were

Carnivores, so they had to hunt for their food. Can you think of

Any animals that you've seen, maybe at the zoo, that are



[Roaring] absolutely. Lions have a lot

Of the same features as t. Rex.

Of course, both have big, sharp teeth that are great for eating

Meat, and the teeth also help them hunt other animals.

[Roar] paleontologists can tell from

Looking at t. Rex skulls that this dinosaur had excellent

Eyesight. That's something else they share with lions. Another

Cool trait that helped t. Rex find food was a great sense of


[Sniffing] lots of living animals like

Lions and wolves have a much better sense of smell than we

Do, so they can sniff animals from a long way away. Dinosaurs

Like t. Rex may have done the very same thing using keen

Eyesight and a super sense of smell to hunt for their food.

[Roaring] we are meat eaters!

[Roar] keep watching for more

Dinosaur discoveries.

What do you use your feathers for?

I have a hypothesis.

I have a hypothesis.

I have a new hypothesis to test out.

Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because your

Legs are longer.

So I have a hypothesis.

But how can you test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ All aboard, all aboard let's take a ride on the

Dinosaur train here she comes, right on time

The dinosaur train's coming down the line ♪

♪ All aboard, all aboard ♪ ♪ rattle and bang

Rumble and roar she's huffin' and a-puffin'

Like a hurricane [train's whistle blows]

Let's take a ride on the dinosaur train ♪

[Cheering] hello, folks. It's me, the


Today we're going to visit a brachiosaurus. That's a

Quadruped with a really long neck. So come on along with me

On the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

All aboard!

No, buddy. It's more like...

"All abo-oard!"

I think the conductor sounds like..."All abo-o-o-ard!"

Well, I may not sound like the conductor, but I can do


[Squawks loudly] whoa! The dinosaur train's


That's not the dinosaur train. That's tiny.

[All giggling] [whistle blows]

Whoa! The dinosaur train is here!

That's what I said.

[Squawks] and that means we have to get

To the station, buddy and tiny.

Yeah. Remember?

How could I forget? Today's the day we become...

Dinosaur train junior conductors!

Ooh, goodie! That means it's time for dad to take me and don

To junior pteranodon fishing club!

Um, junior pteranodon fishing club.

Heh heh! Oh, don.

Good luck fishing.

♪ We're going to be junior conductors

We're going to be junior conductors ♪

Well, after we do our special tasks that the

Conductor told us about.

You mean jobs?

Right, and then we'll be junior conductors.

Oh, yeah, right. I really hope we do our tasks ok.

You'll both do a great job, tiny.

Yeah, 'cause we'll have ned to help us. He's already a

Junior conductor.

[Whistle blows] well, hello, mrs. Pteranodon.

And look who we have here.

Possibly our newest junior conductors. I know you can do

It, and you'll have help.

Besides me, you have a friend on-board.


Heh! Yep. He's waiting for you. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] now that guy sounds just

Like a conductor.

[Giggles] oh, buddy.

Ned! Where are you?

Yoo hoo!

Where is he?

You mean me?


Hi, guys. What's up?

I think you grew even more since the last time we saw you.

Well, I am a brachiosaurus, and some day I'll grow bigger

Than this whole train car.

Actually, I think I'll grow bigger than train cars.

Isn't it great being on the dinosaur train? You guys love it

Like I do, right? I love everything about it: the

Coaches, engine.

The tickets, the snack cart, your really cool junior

Conductor hat.

[Whistle blows] the whistle. Ha ha!

[Squawks] ha ha ha! I like it, too,

Tiny. And the whistle means it's time to go.

All right, buddy and tiny.

Today you need to perform special tasks. One--collect

A ticket from a passenger and punch a hole in it. Two--explore

The train until you find a picture of your own species.

And your third task is to yell out "time tunnel" when we get

There. When you've completed those tasks, you'll both be

Dinosaur train junior conductors, just like ned.

Yeah, and you'll get your junior conductor hats. I wear

My hat whenever I ride the train, and I ride the train

A lot, like every day, 'cause I ride to brachiosaurus school.

[Sighs] I like trains.

[Giggling] we love trains!

All righty, then. Time for your first task. Collect

A ticket from a passenger and punch a hole in it. I know

You'll find a way.

Good morning. My name is buddy.

And I'm tiny. Tiny pteranodon.

Tickets! Tickets, please!

Why, certainly, buddy and tiny. You are both very polite

Ticket takers.

Thank you!

Now we have to punch a hole in it. How about your beak?

Nice job, buddy.


Well done, buddy and tiny.

Good thinking. You have successfully completed your

First special task.


Now, for your second task, you must take a tour and

Explore-- you mean observe really


That's right. Explore the other cars of the dinosaur

Train. Discover what they're used for, and remember, in one

Of the cars, you must find a picture of your species.

And I'll help you guys.

I know everything about the dinosaur train. Ready to


Can we, mom? Please?

[Squawks] sure. But stick with ned.

Wait. What happened to ned?

I'm a-coming. Oh, I'm not that speedy. I'm a

Brachiosaurus. I've got long legs and I move really slowly.

Plus, I'm a quadruped.

What's a quadruped?

Quadruped means I have legs. That's why they call me

Ned. Ned the quadruped.

, , , . And we have two legs.

Yup. Not all quadrupeds are slow, but brachiosaurus are.

That's ok, ned. We just won't run too fast, so you can

Keep up with us.

Thanks. Ok, first we inspect the observation car.

Hello, laura the giganotosaurus.

Well, hello, ned. Hi, tiny and buddy. Welcome to the

Observation car.

Hello, laura the giganotosaurus.

Let me guess. Do you observe things in this car?

Exactly, buddy. From this car, we can observe things in

The outside world.

Wow! I can see all the way to the volcano.

I can see all the way to the big pond. But I don't see

A picture of our species in here.

Ooh! I can see way ahead.

There are some trees with really tasty-looking leaves way up


How can you reach those leaves? You can't fly, ned.

Tiny, I observe that ned's front legs are really long, so

I have a hypothesis. Maybe ned's front legs can help him climb

Up high.

But how can we test that?

Here come the leaves. Watch this.

Mmm, these leaves are tasty.

Buddy, your hypothesis was right. Ned used his legs to

Reach the leaves. He's amazing!

[Chuckles] thanks. Well, let's keep

Touring the train. Have you guys ever been in the caboose?

You know, the small car at the end of the train?

The caboose? Never!

Can we go?

Right through those doors.

You guys go ahead. I'll meet you there.

What took you so long?

Ned, where did you come from?

I never left the observation car.

Ha ha ha!

Boy, your neck comes in handy.

Yeah. Long necks are great.

Ah! Tiny and buddy and ned.

Welcome to the caboose. This is where we troodons like to take

A tea break.

Wow. Look at all these knobs and switches. What are they for?

I'll show you. Look at this one. If you turn this knob, it

Changes the sound of the train's whistle.

What? Really?

Go ahead and try it, tiny.

Hey, look. There's a quadruped like ned. , , , .


Now pull down on the chain.

[Whistle blows] [all laughing]

Tiny, remember our special task?

To find a picture of our species.

There's a t-rex.

[Whistle roars] [both giggling]

And there's a picture of a pteranodon. It kind of looks

Like me. I bet it'll sound like me.

[Whistle squawks] [all laughing]

It does sound like me.

[Squawks] good job exploring, buddy

And tiny. And congratulations.

You each found a picture of your species.


[Ding] ooh! Oh, goodness me! Ned,

It's almost time!

Ooh! Come on, you guys. Your last special task. You have to

Call out "time tunnel" to the passengers.

Right! Task number ! Yeah!

I'm a-coming.

Ok, kids. Time to announce it. Today we're traveling all

The way back to the jurassic time period.

That's the time period I live in.

[Ding ding ding] uh, tunnel time! Tunnel time!

Uh...time tickle!

Ooh, I think I'm nervous.

That's ok. I'll say it with you. , , .

Time tunnel!

[Bell ringing] now entering the jurassic

Period. Next stop, brachiosaurus gardens.

This is my stop.

Hey, look, there's mom and dad.

Hey, mom! Hey, dad!

Hey, ned. Welcome home.

Well, we need to head back to the cretaceous time period.

Got to keep on schedule. Buddy and tiny?

You both did a great job today.

Ahem. Well, then, ahem! Buddy tyrannosaurus and tiny

Pteranodon, I hereby declare that you have successfully

Completed your special tasks, making you both dinosaur train

Junior conductors!

Woo hoo!


I'm so proud of you kids.


[Chuckles] so, now that you're junior

Conductors, what's the first thing you want to do?

All aboard!

Ha ha ha ha!

Bye! See you soon, buddy and tiny.

Yeah! On the dinosaur train!

Good-bye, ned. Thanks for all your help.

Bye-bye! See ya!

[Whistle blows] hi. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is a brachiosaurus.




Can you think of an animal alive today that has a long neck

And reaches way up high into trees to eat leaves?


Giraffes, and they are herbivores, which means they

Only eat plants. That's just like the brachiosaurus. They

Love plants, too, and both the brachiosaurus and the giraffe

Are really tall. And they both have super long necks, so they

Can eat leaves from the bottom and the middle and the tops of

Trees. Brachiosaurus was so tall that they could reach leaves

Over feet off the ground.

That's like school buses stacked on top of each other.

[Bus horns honk] now that's tall.


So remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your

Own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the jurassic. It was a

Warm, damp climate full of both jungles and forests. The first

Known birds and many of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the jurassic. And that's just one of

The stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more-- ♪

Let me guess. Fish?

Yeah. Fish. Ha ha ha!

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train we're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪