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01x07 - Now With Feathers!/A Frill A Minute

Posted: 02/28/24 10:22
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Solve a mystery. Who's the owner of this amazing feather?

So come on along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

This progra ♪ dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] whoo-hoo!

Hey, guys! I'm flying, I'm flying! Oww!

Whoa! You ok there, buddy?

Ha ha ha! I'm fine. I didn't see you there.

Well, here I am. Hey, team pteranodon, I've got something

To show you. Gather round.


Where'd you find it?

On the dinosaur train.

I didn't know the dinosaur train had feathers.

Well, no. It was just sitting on a seat, don. Must

Have fallen off one of the passengers.

I wonder what kind of dinosaur has feathers like this.

Maybe a dinosaur who uses feathers to fan herself in the


Or it's an underwater creature, who uses feathers to

Dive down deep.

Oh, don! Feathers underwater? This obviously came

From a dinosaur that digs tunnels underground and swims!

I'm not so sure about that, shiny. Whatever it is, it has

Feathers, so it must fly.

Hmm. Maybe, but we still don't even know who the feather

Is from.

Yeah! It's a mystery.

Ooh. Let's solve the feather mystery. We'll investigate.

You mean, look for clues and ask questions?

Yeah, and try and find a dinosaur with feathers that

Match this one.

And every time you find a clue you can sing...

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ ♪ dun dun dun ♪

And since dad found the feather on the dinosaur train,

We should start there to solve the mystery. Can we ride the

Dinosaur train to solve the mystery, mom and dad?

Can we? Can we, please?

[Squawk] sure. I'm always up for a

Mystery to be solved.

You go ahead. Shiny and don and I are flying up to lookout


Yeah. We're gonna look at the dinosaur train from there.

Sure. See you at dinner.


[Squawk] well, hello, mrs. Pteranodon

And buddy and tiny.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

We're here to discover the answer to a mystery.

A feather mystery.

Well, let's look for clues on the dinosaur train! All


[Whistle blows] excuse me.

Hmm. No feathers.

Excuse me. Hmm. Nope. No match.

[Squawk] not mine!

[Squawk] hmm. It's a feather, but

It's not like this one at all.

It's not as colorful and less fluffy.

And it's smaller.

Hey, buddy and tiny. What's up?


Where'd you come from?

The next car down. Ooh! I hear you have a feather mystery

Going on. Let's see. It's not one of mine.

Ned, you don't have feathers.

Huh. Right. I was testing you.

Ha ha! Boy, buddy, this mystery gets more and more

Mysterious every second.

Aah! The feather!


Unh! Almost got it!

Looking for something?

Thanks, mr. Conductor.

Any luck finding a match?

Nope. There aren't any dinosaurs with feathers on this

Whole train.

Really? What about troodons like me?


♪ Dun dun dun ♪ troodons have feathers?

I didn't know they were under your hat all that time.

They're amazing.

Well, thanks, buddy. I am rather fond of them.

Aw. This one doesn't match yours either.

You know, there was a family of dinosaurs that rode the

Train yesterday, and they had feathers. A species called


Ooh! Velociraptor!

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ maybe one of them lost a


Their feathers are pretty similar to the one you have.

But how can we meet a velociraptor?

You're in luck. We'll be passing velociraptor valley

Very soon. You could stop there if it's ok with your mom.

[Squawk] absolutely. We have a mystery

To solve.


All rightie then, but first, time tunnel! Time tunnel


[Whistle blows] velociraptor valley in the

Cretaceous time period. Good luck with your feather, mystery


Thanks! Bye!

Boy, it sure is sandy here.

Yes. It's a desert. This is where velociraptor likes to



Wow, buddy! Here's a feather just like our mystery feather.

Another clue!

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ and another and another!

But they're bigger than the mystery feather. I wonder where

They all came from.

Well, most likely from me.

Hi. I'm velma velociraptor.

Oh, hello. I'm mrs.

Pteranodon, and these are my kids buddy and tiny.


Nice to meet you.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance. We don't get much

Company out here. Ha ha ha!

Because there's not much here, but we like it. Lots of space!

Oh, yes. Of course. It's very roomy.

Mrs. Velociraptor, we're looking for a match for this


Hmm. Looks familiar. Want to compare?

It's a lot like this feather.

But this one is smaller.

Maybe your feather comes from a younger velociraptor.

Hey, valerie. Come on over and meet our new friends!

What's up, mom?

These nice kids are buddy and tiny, and they have a

Feather mystery. They're looking for a match.

Well, there are no feathers like mine. I mean, look at

These fabulous colors. I don't think any other feather really

Matches mine.

Can we compare this one to yours?

Well, ok.

Wow! It's just like yours!


The feather mystery is solved!

Yay! It's a velociraptor feather!

Wonderful. Valerie, why don't you show buddy and tiny

Around the sand dunes while mrs. Pteranodon and I have a


Ok. Come on, buddy and tiny.

Let's look around.

So, valerie, what's it like having feathers?

It's good.

Have you always had feathers since you were hatched, or did

They grow on you?

I think I've always had them. I can't imagine not

Having them.

Well, they're really pretty.

Yeah. They're gorgeous!

Thanks, buddy. Yeah! I guess they are pretty gorgeous. Did I

Mention that they're all different colors?

Hey. Anybody want to race to the top of the hill?


Ok. Ready, set, go!

[Giggling] hey, wait up!

[Panting] wow! You're a really fast

Runner, valerie.

Of course. Velociraptors are fast. That's what velociraptor

Means--fast hunter.

Let's race down the hill again, and this time, you can

Fly, too. Is something wrong, valerie?

Velociraptors can't fly.

You can't? But you have feathers.

Yeah. I thought your feathers meant you were like a

Bird or something.

Oh, it's ok, tiny. I just--well, I just really wish

That I could fly like you.


Really, really.

That's funny because I wish I had your amazing feathers.

You do?

Yeah. They're so beautiful!

Hey! You're both great! Tiny can fly, and valerie has

Beautiful feathers! But look! I don't have either of them!

Aw, buddy, but you do have those amazing teeth.

Yeah! Ahh!

[Giggling] hey! Let's all be friends,



Of course!

So, valerie, what do you use your feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. Valerie uses her feathers for different

Things than flying. Are your feathers warm?

Yeah. They help keep me warm when it gets cold.

It gets cold here in the desert?

When the sun goes down, it can get chilly. Ooh! And see?

We also put feathers around our nest to keep our eggs nice and


Ooh! That looks so cozy. We should do this for our nest at


So it turns out that your feathers are good for keeping

You warm.

Yep. Your hypothesis was right, buddy, but, you know,

Most of all, I like how my feathers look. I love to show

Them off.

Yeah. I wish I could do that.

Well, maybe you can.

Ahem! Welcome, everybody, to the first ever velociraptor

Valley fashion show!

[Squawk] a fashion show? What's that?

Um, it's like a show, but we'll show stuff off and have


Oh, well.

That sounds good.

And now from velociraptor valley, heeere's valerie

Velociraptor! Valerie's wearing her winter feathers--fluffy,

Warm, and ready for those cold desert nights like tonight.

Well, they are lovely.

And now, dinosaurs and pterosaurs, please welcome tiny!


Oh, well!

Tiny's gorgeous wings let her fly fast and high.

And now let's hear it for buddy!

Show us those teeth, buddy!


Look at the size of those!


[Train whistle blows] oh! Oh, my. That's the

Dinosaur train.

Thanks for the show, but we have to get going, kids.

Bye, valerie. Thanks for the fashion show!

And thanks for helping us solve the feather mystery.

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ sure. Hey, tiny. Here's a

Little present to remember me by.

Whoa! The feather crown! Oh, my gosh! Thanks, valerie!

Well, well! Mystery solved.

All aboard!

[Whistle blows] and it's called a fashion

Show, and valerie gave us velociraptor feathers. Ah-choo!

Yeah! It was so much fun!

Oh, we had fun, too, flying up to lookout point, right,

Don? Where is he?

Hello, pteranodons and t-rexes! Welcome to the

Pteranodon terrace feather fashion show! Ta-da!

[Laughter] oh, don!

Hi. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. We used to

Think that dinosaurs were covered with scales. You may be

Surprised to learn that some dinosaurs, like velociraptor,

Actually had feathers, even though they couldn't fly. Can

You think of any birds alive today that have feathers but

Can't fly?

An ostrich.

Ostriches have wings and feathers but can't fly. Any



That's right. Penguins also have feathers but can't fly.

They use their wings to swim and catch food underwater.

Peacocks have beautiful colored feathers that they use mostly

For showing off instead of for flying, and it's possible that

Velociraptor and other dinosaurs also had colorful

Feathers that they used for show.

Point of fact. Dinosaurs did not put on fashion shows.


Thank you.

Well, that's true, but a lot of dinosaurs like velociraptor

Did have cool-looking feathers.


Birds also use their feathers to stay warm, and it's

Possible that velociraptor did the same. Having a covering of

Feathers is a lot like having a warm coat to wear when it's

Cold outside.


Looks like you kids could use some velociraptor feathers.

[Sighs] well, that's all for now.

Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

What do you use feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ All aboard all aboard

Let's take a ride on the dinosaur train

Here she comes right on time the dinosaur train's coming

Down the line ♪ all aboard! All aboard!

♪ Rattle and bang rumble and roar

She's huffing and a-puffing like a hurricane

Let's take a ride on the dinosaur train ♪

[Cheering] hello, folks. It's me, the

Conductor. Today, we're gonna visit our friends the

Triceratops family and find out all about their frills. So come

On along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

You can't surprise me!



Ha ha ha!

You can't surprise me!

[Humming] boo!


Ha ha ha!

You can't--ha ha ha! You can't surprise me!


Got you! But I know you can't surprise me! Hmm.

[Giggling] [humming]



[Sighs] boo!

[Sighs] ahem.



[Yawns] shiny.

What? I told you you can't surprise me. Ha ha ha!

Buddy, don, come here.

[Whispering] [giggling]

Your plan's not going to work. I just can't be surprised.

Rawwr! Boo!

I like it. Very impressive.

I'm not surprised, but it looks good.

Not even a little surprised?

Let's try one more time.

[Squawk] not right now. We have to get

To the dinosaur train. We're meeting mrs. Triceratops and

t*nk to play at the big pond, remember?

[Cheering] awesome!

I can't wait to see t*nk again!

Me neither! I bet I know where we'll find him, too!

The snack cart!

[Cheering] hello, pteranodon family.

There's a certain dinosaur with horns waiting for you on


That's t*nk, isn't it?

Of course it's t*nk.

[Whistle blows] I'd like a leaf turnover, a

Couple of leaf cakes, and a leafwich, extra leafy, please.


Oops. Sorry.

[Crying] uh-oh.

Heh. Sorry.

Whoa, oh, oh, nelly!

Youch. Sorry, mr. Conductor.


Whoa! Oops. My frill got in the way. I made a frill jam.

Frill jam? Wait. What's your frill?

My frill is this big curvy part on my head, and it's, um,


Here we are, folks. Next stop big pond! Big pond next


Great! The big pond! Let's play!

I hope his frill doesn't get caught on anything else.

Yeah. I wonder what his frill is for anyway.

[Gasp] come on!

Trudy and I are going to stay over here and catch up.

Now I've heard that a bossy kid has been playing around the big

Pond lately.

Aw, we'll be fine, mom.

I know you will. Just call us if you need us.


Ok. Let's play hide-and-seek.


Buddy, you're it.

, , , , ! Ready or not, here I come.

Found you, t*nk!

Huh. You got me, buddy. Heh heh heh.

Found you!

[Giggling] found you!

Found you!

And you.

And you!

Hey. Where's t*nk? Where is that guy? t*nk!

t*nk? Are you lost?

Hello? t*nk?

Um, a little help, please.

I'm stuck. Frill jam number two.

t*nk, can you lift your head up a little? The branches get

Wider up there.


Good thinking, buddy. Guess that's what happens when you

Have one of the biggest heads of any dinosaur.

I like it! It means we can always find you in


Maybe we should rename this place kind of way too small

Pond since there's nothing big enough to hide my frill.

Maybe I can hide you. Um...

Well, we can still see t*nk's frill, don.

Ha ha ha!

How about now?


Or now?


Or now?

Still can see the frill.

There's t*nk. Hi!

[Humming] whoa! Oh!

t*nk, I have a hypothesis about what your frill is for.

You mean, an idea you can test?

Yep! My hypothesis is you have a frill so other dinosaurs

Can see you better.

Well, we tested that hypothesis. We can all see him

Really well.

I know exactly what t*nk's frill is for. It blocks the sun

And makes shade for the rest of us.

Maybe it helps him catch leaves so he can save them for


Leaves? Yum!

Or maybe the frill helps him fly.


Sure. I bet t*nk can fly.

Want to try it, t*nk?

Um, sure. Why not?

Great. Now stand up and spread your wings.

Wings? What wings?

[Giggling] good! Now lean back a

Little more and get ready to leap into the sky.


He's coming down!


Catch him!

Phew! Thanks!

I don't think t*nk's frill is for flying, don.

Oh, well. Trying to fly really works up an appetite.

Leaves anyone?

Ok. We know t*nk's frill doesn't help him fly, but what

Is it for?

I'm not...exactly sure. I just know that I've had it all

My life like all triceratops.

Hey. Maybe that's it. Frills are here to tell everyone I'm a


[Squawk] kids, time for one more game!

We have to go soon!


One more game? How about you can't surprise me?

Yeah. t*nk, you have to help us surprise shiny.

Impossible! You know why?

Because you can't surprise me.

[Humming] boo!



[Whistling] boo!

[Yawns] [sigh]

Hey! Huh. I'm keenan.

Hi, keenan.

Psst. Maybe he's the bully mom was talking about.


So what are you guys doing?

We're playing you can't surprise me. Want to play?

Naw! That sounds boring. I say we play follow the leader.

I'll lead!

Well, we like playing you can't surprise me.

[Squawk] everything ok over here?

Everybody playing nice?

We're fine, mom. Thanks.

Ok. Well, if you need us, just call.

[Mumbles] anyway, follow the leader

Unless you don't want to play with me.

Of course we'll play with you.

Great! Follow me if you can!

Ha ha ha! Ah! Guh guh! Ugh!

Yaah! Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho!

Hmm. I think it's time for someone else to lead, keenan.

Ha ha ha! No way! If I don't lead, I don't play.

But you have to play nicer.

Or go find somewhere else to play.

But I don't want to go anyplace else. Huh huh huh!

What do you think about that?

I think you're a big, mean bully. What do you think about


A bu--well--well, I'm not going anywhere.

Psst. I have an idea how we can get keenan to go away.

Remember when we stacked ourselves up to surprise shiny?

Yeah. That was fun.

It didn't surprise shiny, but I bet it will surprise


How would you like it if you had to always play our way and

Never got your way? I bet if you were nice to other kids

They'd be nice to you.

Hey, keenan. Look at that--carrion.

Carrion? Right. Ha. Where? I don't see any c--guh!

What--what's that? What's going on?


That frill! It's big!

That--that's scary! Just, uh--aah! Is that my mom

Calling? Coming, mom! Aah!

Wow! What a frill.

Yeah. t*nk used his frill to make keenan go away.

You know what I think? Maybe it's for different things, to

Help other triceratops know he's a triceratops and to look

Bigger and make not-nice dinosaurs leave him alone.

Yeah. Maybe it is.

Whatever it is, your frill is like your superpower. You need

A superhero name to go with it.

Big--big head kid?

Heh heh heh!

The intimidator!

The frillinator!

Yeah! The frillinator!

And every superhero needs a theme song.

♪ His name is t*nk and he's king of the hill

And when mean dinosaurs get a look at his frill

They always run away and... ♪ ♪ It's really a thrill ♪

♪ And when I'm done I'm so hungry still ♪

Aw, t*nk.

[Giggling] [whistle blows]

Bye, guys! Let's play again soon!

Bye, frillinator!

Heh heh heh!

I'm the frillinator, and everybody knows I'm a

Triceratops because of my frill! Rawwr!



[Squawk] hey. Don, you did it!

Yeah! You surprised shiny!

No! Uh, no he didn't. You can't surprise me.

I did, shiny. I surprised you.

Ok, don. Maybe you did just a little.

Ha ha ha!


[Bonk] what?

[Giggling] hi. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist. Hey. That's a nice frill you've got there.

Paleontologists used to think that triceratops and other

Horned dinosaurs used their frills for fighting off big

Meat-eaters like tyrannosaurus rex, but now we think that

These big, bony frills were probably used to show off to

Other triceratops. The frill makes this dinosaur look much

Bigger. There's a very cool lizard alive today called the

Frill-necked lizard. Whenever it needs to scare off other

Animals, it raises its frill to make itself look bigger.

Triceratops wasn't able to raise and lower its frill.

Instead the frill was always up, and the head of triceratops

Was huge! About feet long, the biggest head of any

Land-living animal ever. So remember, get outside, get into

Nature, and make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

And that means fish!

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more... ♪

♪ Fish ♪

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪