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02x12 - Don's Winter Wish/Festival of Lights

Posted: 02/28/24 10:43
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today the

Pteranodon family will meet a warm-blooded friend at the

North pole, and a winter wish will come true, so come on

Along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Hmm. Shiny, this looks


I love this time of year.

The days are shortest, nights are longest.

And the sun is never too high in the sky.

And don't forget, it can be cold out during winter

Solstice, too.

Yeah! It's the best!

♪ La la loo ♪ ho ho ho! You kids make any

Cold winter solstice a whole lot warmer.

You know what makes me feel all warm inside? Snow.

Like the snow we saw last year at the north pole?

Yeah. It came whirling and swirling down, and we made a


So much beautiful, twinkly snow.

I've got it! I know my winter wish. This year, I want

To see it snow again.

That's quite a wish, don.

Yeah. I mean, for that, you'd have to take the dinosaur

Train to the north pole. Heh.

Can we, dad? Can we please take the train to the north


Don could get his winter wish!

But it gets so cold up there.

Yes, but we'll all be together.

Hmm. We're going to the north pole, aren't we?


[Giggling] off to the north pole, eh,

Pteranodon family?

Yeah, to see snow.

It's don's winter wish, and we're making it come true.

Maybe a little more true than you planned, shiny. You

Never know. Sometimes they get a blizzard up there.

A blizzard? Oh, no. Not a blizzard! Wait. What's a


A blizzard is a heavy snowstorm that comes along with

Very strong winds.


Looks like I'm really, really gonna get my winter wish.

That's great, don, but doesn't a blizzard sound kind

Of scary?

Well, shiny, right now, it's just a weather warning, not

Definitely a blizzard.

Oh, that's good.

But we'll know for sure in good time because it's time

Tunnel time. Time tunnel approaching!

Ooh. See? I knew it. C-cold.

Awk! Up here the sun barely rises above the horizon in the


And there's snow on the ground but not a lot.

And none coming down from the sky.

What are we looking for, eh?

Travis troodon!

Hey, you guys. Great to see you back at the good old north


We're here to see snow, travis. There's supposed to be

A buzzard.

Don means blizzard.

Yeah. That's what they're predicting, which reminds me. I

Got to finish my game before the blizzard hits.

Are you playing knock the frozen gourd around?

Yeah, what else? Best game in the world. Have a fun visit,

Pteranodon clan. Maybe I'll catch you later.

Awk! Come on. Let's go down to the frozen pond!

[Giggling] ahh. Still no snow falling.

Oh, well. No winter wish. Unh!


[Gasp] hi, there. Need some help?

Oh, hi. That would be great.

I'm moving it to help shore up my nest over there in that


I'm don, don pteranodon.

I'm soren saurornitholestes. Pleased to

Meet you.

Wow! Are those your eggs?

Yep. All . Looks like I'm in for an instant family.

I have two sisters and a brother. We're here hoping my

Winter wish comes true. I want to see some snow, but there,

Uh, isn't very much.

Oh, there will be, don.

We're expecting a real blizzard.

I keep hearing that but not seeing it. Oh! Is that a


More than one, don. I think you're about to get your wish.

Yahoo! Wait. If there's a blizzard with lots of snow,

Won't your eggs get cold?

Nope. We saurornitholestes are warm-blooded.


Warm-blooded. It means our bodies make heat, which I use

To keep my eggs warm in their nest.

I wonder if I'm warm-blooded.

Oh. I don't know. Oh, but I must say, my feathers help keep

Me warm, too.

Wow! That's great! Do you mind if I touch your feathers

So I can feel what warm-blooded feels like? That is really soft

And warm. Ooh! Look, soren.

The snow's sticking. We can make snowballs and snow forts,

And this is gonna be best winter solstice ever. Whee!

Look at me!

♪ La la loo ♪ boy, it's really coming down.

So is this the blizzard?

This is nothing, don. We could get several feet of snow.

Several feet? It is a blizzard!

Don, honey!

The blizzard's coming. Brr.

Time to head back to the station.

Coming. I got to go. There's room at the station if you want

To get away from the blizzard.

Thanks, but I'll stay here and keep my eggs warm. Don't

Worry about me. I'm used to the cold.

Ok. See you after the storm.

Maybe we can build a snowosaur with pebbles for teeth.

Sounds fun. Bye, don. Stay warm!

Quite a blizzard, eh, mr.


Oh, ho! I'll say. The track down the line is snowed in, so

Here's the news. The dinosaur train will have to stay here

For the night and dig out in the morning.


Wow! What an adventure!

After you, pteranodon clan.

Oh! That's better.

It's much warmer in here.

You can thank this baby.

North pole station's one of the few with an indoor fireplace.

Good thing, too. Blizzards are pretty, but they're also

Pretty cold.

Scooch over, buddy. My tail's frozen.

Yeah. It's a real doozy out there. Ooh, ooh. Remind anybody

Of a song?

"Dinosaur holiday in the snow"!

♪ It's the season for train rides and snowing

The reason everybody's going

To the great big dinosaur holiday in the snow

Ho ho ho... ♪ Hey, don. You love to sing.

Don't you want to join in?

[Sigh] I feel bad. My winter wish was

For snow, and it came true.

Oh. Isn't that a good thing?

But I caused a blizzard. Now the train is snowed in, and my

New friend soren saurornitholestes has to sit on

Her eggs in the snowstorm.

Trust your old dad, kiddo.

None of this is your fault.

It's not?

No. Wishes are about hoping things come true, not making

Them come true. Plus none of us can cause snowstorms. They're

Part of nature, and so are big blizzards.

I guess you're right.

Thanks, dad, but I'm still worried about soren out there

In the cold.

Ahem. Couldn't help but overhear, gents. Don, you say

Your friend soren is a saurornitholestes? Well,

They're warm-blooded creatures just like all birds and mammals

And some of us dinosaurs, including me.

You're warm-blooded?

Yep! All of us troodons are.

As a warm-blooded animal, soren uses that heat to keep

Those eggs of hers snuggly warm.

Oh, ok. I'm glad I don't have to worry about soren and

Her eggs.

Um, mr. Conductor, are pteranodons warm-blooded?

Good question, tiny.

Actually pteranodons are not warm-blooded like birds and

Mammals. They need to get some help from the sun to warm up.

Yes! I knew I was cold-blooded.


Time for a winter solstice feast!

Oh, boy! Food!

Give her, travis.

♪ And tonight the snowflakes are gently

Gonna fall we'll dance together

We're gonna shake a feather we're gonna have a ball

It's the season for train rides and snowing

The reason everybody's going

To the great big dinosaur holiday in the snow

The great big dinosaur holiday in the snow ♪

[Cheering] yay! It finally stopped

Snowing, eh?

And here's the special work train right on time.

[Indistinct chatter] whoa! What's that thing, mr.


A snowplow blade for the dinosaur train. It will help us

Clear the track as we roll on home.

Whoa! Cool!

We should be ready to plow our way out of here any minute,


Um, dad, do I have time to say good-bye to my friend


Uh, ok, but don't be too long.

I won't. Come on, guys. We can all say good-bye.

[Giggling] awk!

Bbbbblll! Hi, don!

Oh, there you are. Hi, soren. Meet my brother and

Sisters--buddy, tiny, and shiny.


Hi. I loved your singing last night. The music warmed my

Heart, which helped keep my little ones warm, too.

Little ones? You mean your eggs?

Nope. I mean, my little ones.

[Squeaking] aw.

They're so cute.

And you stayed warm after all.

Of course. Creatures living in cold climates know how to

Survive no matter how chilly the weather gets.

[Train whistle blows] phew. It's time to head

Home, kids. Heh. The passenger coach is nice and warm.

Come back and visit, don. We can build that snowosaur of


That would be fun, soren.

We will one day. Bye!

Bye, soren! Bye, babies!

Happy winter solstice!

Stay warm.

Hey, dad. Turns out warm-blooded soren was warm

Enough to hatch all her eggs last night.

Really? That's great, don.

You know what else is great?

We're at the north pole, and my winter wish came true. This was

The best solstice day ever.

Thanks, dad.

Ok, don. Now let's make my wish come true. Let's get out

Of the cold! Ha ha ha!

[Whistle blows] bye!


All right. Hey. Come back soon, eh?

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is

Saurornitholestes, a little

Theropod that lived in north america, including way up north

In the arctic. How did such a small dinosaur survive the cold

Weather? Well, some paleontologists like me think

That saurornitholestes and its relatives were warm-blooded.

Warm-blooded animals like birds and mammals have to eat plenty

Of food to stay warm and to stay active, but one of the great

Things about being warm-blooded is that you can be active not

Just during the day but at night, as well. Most animals,

Like fish, reptiles, and insects are cold-blooded. They depend on

The sun to warm them up every day, so most of them aren't

Active at night. Cold-blooded animals don't have to eat that

Much or that often. Some, like crocodiles, can go for months

Without eating, but you and I and all humans have to eat more

Often because we are warm-blooded. Here are some

Warm-blooded animals alive today that live in a very cold place,

Penguins. They stay warm by eating a lot of fish, and like

Saurornitholestes, penguins are covered with feathers, which

Helps them hold on to their body heat. Brr. When I'm in really

Cold weather, I wish I had a covering of feathers. Ok. Keep

Watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today the family

Visits the north pole to see a light show in the sky called

Aurora borealis, so come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train! All aboard!

Happy, winter solstice day, everyone.

Yay! Winter solstice day!

Wait. What's winter solstice day again?

Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. That

Means it's also the longest night of the year.

Correct, mrs. P, and it marks the beginning of winter.


You know, mr. And mrs. P, I've got an idea for a special

Solstice treat for your kids.

[Whispering] [giggling]

Awk! Kids, since we're up in the north pole area and it is

Solstice day, the conductor has a fantastic idea.

Ahem. I thought it would be fun for us to go to the

Festival of lights!

What's the festival of lights?

I was anticipating that question, miss tiny. Let me put

It this way. What are your favorite colors?


Green! And I also like blue.

Red, orange, and yellow! And green.

Anything shiny!

Well, you'll see all of those colors are at the

Festival of lights in the night sky.

Wow! Really?

You know, the lights in the night sky have another name,

Too. They're called aurora borealis.

Aurora who?

Aurora borealis isn't a who but a what. It's a very

Colorful effect that sometimes happens in the sky. Observe. We

All know that the sun gives off lots of light and heat, but it

Also sh**t out little, tiny particles that travel superfast

Through space toward the earth.

Whoa! Amazing!

It is amazing, buddy. The tiny particles are so small,

They don't hurt anything. In fact, you can't see them.

So how do we know they're even there?

Well, when they hit other particles in the earth's

Atmosphere, they glow, and that produces lights!

Awk! It looks like the best light show ever! And it's made

By the sun?

Indeed it is. It happens all winter, but it's particularly

Beautiful at solstice time and way up north.

All those colors are in the sky?

Awk! It must be so cool to see!

What a great solstice present to see the aurora

Bore--um, what? What is it called again?

Aurora borealis.

Aurora borealis.

I want to see it right now!

You know what? So do i! Next stop, aurora borealis station.



Wow. It's already dark.

≫ sure, buddy. It's solstice time, the shortest day of the

Year. Up here, it's pretty much nighttime all the time.

So where are the lights?

Hello? Festival of lights?

We're here!

[Echoing] maybe we came on the wrong


Or maybe we're early.

You're right, buddy. We are early. The aurora borealis will

Come out later tonight.

Ok. No problem. We just have to wait until it gets a little


Right. The festival of lights is definitely worth

Waiting for.

Hey, everyone.

Look. It's travis troodon.

Hi, travis!

Glad you could make it up to aurora borealis station.

We're waiting for the festival of lights.

Haw! Us, too. We skated over from the north pole station to

See them.

You skated here?

Yah! You ever seen the huge frozen lake here?

A huge frozen lake? Hey! I know what we can do before the

Festival of lights starts.

Where's this frozen lake? That would work perfectly for my


Heh heh heh. A plan, huh?


Well, come on, eh? I'll show it to you.

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

So what's your plan, shiny?

Well, it's a surprise. Is that ok?

Sure, honey.

I love a surprise, especially when I know what it


Ha ha ha! Dad! Then it wouldn't be a surprise.

There it is!

Awk! The frozen lake! It's huge!

[Cheering] skating time! Whoo-hoo!

Hey, hey. One second, little guys. Just need to make sure

The ice is safe, eh?

Heh heh heh. Right. This is frozen solid.

So we can skate?

You bet you. Go ahead kids.

Come on, tiny. Come on, buddy.

Awk! I can do that.

Ehh. Whoa, whoa! Oof!

Ha ha ha! Whoa, whoa! I'm just trying not to fall down.


Mr. The conductor, when is the aurora festival of borealis

Lights happening?

Pretty soon actually, don.

So, shiny, what's your surprise?

Ok. Here's the surprise. We put on an ice show for mom and


An ice show?


Whoa. That's a great idea.

But remember, it's a surprise.

Well, we better start now if we want to get it ready in time.

Right. Buddy, go get don, ok?

Psst. Don.

Hi, buddy. What are you all whispering about?

Shh. We're gonna put on a surprise ice show for mom and


An ice show?

Shh. Come practice with us.

Uh, I don't know, buddy. I'm not very good at ice skating or

Keeping secrets.

Aw, it will be fun. We can be buddy and don the skating


Ooh! Buddy and don the skating brothers. Whoa!

Come on!

Whoa, ohh!

Ok, good. Everybody's here.

Now let's get working on our big show, the pteranodon kids

On ice!

Ooh! Good name!

What do we do first?

We start by skating out on the ice together. Then we all

Do one of these.

Hmm. Maybe we should start with one of these instead.

Awk! I think mine has more energy.

I think mine has more style.

How about two of us do shiny's move and two of us do



Ooh! I know! How about then we sing some kind of solstice

Time song?

Great! We have a plan. Now let's start practicing. Awk!

Crack the whip!

Whoa! Whoa! Oh!

You got it, eh?


Are you ok, don?

Yeah, I'm great! We're all practicing for our big sur--

Shh! Don!

You're practicing for what?

Our big s-s-solstice greeting to you.

Happy solstice day, dad!

Ha. Why, thank you.

Phew. That was close. Ok, everyone. Back to work!


Good evening, dinosaurs and pterosaurs! And welcome to our

Solstice day ice show!



Let's do it!

[Indistinct chatter]


Time for your big solo, shiny.


[Cheering] let's do it, don!

We're buddy and don the skating brothers.


We're doing great, you guys.

Yeah. They love it!

Yeah, but what about the lights?

Oh, yeah. The festival of lights. I was so busy skating,

I almost forgot. Ohh! You guys!

Behold, the festival of lights!

Hello, aurora borealis!

Colors! So many colors!

I see blue and red!

And green and orange and yellow!

And it's all so, shiny! But we haven't finished the show.

Ok! For our grand finale, an aurora borealis song! Everyone

Sing along with us!

♪ Winter is here there's ice, and there's snow

It's chilling but thrilling to put on a show

The solstice time is here it's the shortest

Whole day of the year the days are their shortest

With really long nights but we can see better

With bright northern lights the solstice time is here

It's the shortest whole day of the year ♪

Give her, travis!

♪ Gazing up at aurora borealis ♪

Ok. That's halfway!

♪ It is shining and bright ♪ use your abdominals!

♪ As a big frozen palace 'cause solstice time is here

Family and friends gather near solstice time is here

It's the shortest whole day of the year ♪

[Cheering] aw. I remember when I was a

Kid, being so excited, just like that. I can still remember

How it felt. Happy solstice day, everyone!

Yay! Happy festival of lights!

Hey! Let's all skate under the lights. Who's with me?


Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Do you know

Where you can see the greatest light show ever? Up in the sky.

Nature regularly puts on an amazing light show in the north

Called the aurora borealis and another in the south called the

Aurora australis. These colorful light shows happen when

Particles from the sun mix with the magnetic field high above

The earth. The aurora borealis has been around for millions and

Millions of years, so dinosaurs saw these light shows, too.

Today, the best places to see the aurora borealis are up north

In states like minnesota and alaska and in countries like

Canada. That's why we call this spectacular light show the

Northern lights, and down in australia and new zealand,

They get to watch the southern lights. No question, the aurora

Is one of the most amazing shows on earth. Ok. Remember, get

Outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries.

We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪