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02x24 - Dinosaur Train Submarine: Shoshana Shonosaurus/All Kinds of Families

Posted: 02/28/24 10:46
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today the

Pteranodon family explores the ocean in the dinosaur train

Submarine and meets a shonisaurus. So come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [whistle blows]

We're swimming underwater. Yeah, because that's where

We're going. Hi, don fish.

Hi. Glug, glug, glug, glug...

Kids! Don't swim into the conductor.

Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug.

Hmm. I'll bet you're swimming because we're going

Under the sea for a ride in...

The dinosaur train submarine!


Right. And this time, we'll be visiting a creature named


Shonisaurus? Sounds like it's shiny.

Sounds kind of big.

Yeah, like a big tyrannosaurus rex!

In fact, shonisaurus is very large! Take a gander at this.


Quite a creature, eh?

Shonisaurus is long and wide and has flippers.

Is shonisaurus longer than all of us standing in a line?

Indeed, it is, tiny. I'd say it's probably longer than a

Whole passenger coach.

Whoa! The whole coach?

Yeah! Shonisaurus is a member of the ichthyosaur

Family, the largest underwater reptile we know of.

So it isn't a dinosaur or a fish?


Wow! Cool!

I just hope it's nice. Some huge animals can be scary.

Oh, nothing to worry about.

My friend shoshana shonisaurus is very nice--and an excellent

Fisher. All the other creatures respect her all the time. Oh!

Speaking of time...

Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching! And this time, we're going under

The sea.

[Bell ringing]



Wait. Where did mr.

Conductor go?

All aboard the amazing dinosaur train submarine!


We're going down!

It's really sunny up here near the surface. We can see


Everything except shoshana shonisaurus.


Yes, folks, that was shoshana. Let's follow her.


Bless my scales and feathers, folks. Oh, I love

This submarine. Have I demonstrated all its features

For you?

Show us!

A high-powered periscope to help us see all around.

A new water-resistant screen.

Adjustable seats.

[Giggling] and let's not forget my

Favorite feature, the cupholder!

Water's getting darker.

Right, buddy. Let's see what changes we can see in the ocean

As we go deeper.

I see lots of tiny plants.

And I see shiny ones. But it's getting almost too dark to

See. We must be going deeper and deeper.

Well, this'll help.

The headlight!

I see shoshana. There she went, off to the left.

Now she went behind the rocks. And now she's swimming


Watch out. I think she's stopping.

And so are we!

[Gulps] hello, shoshana.

Oh! Hi, mr. Conductor. I didn't recognize you in that--


Does mr. Conductor know every creature in the mesozoic


Oh, well, that's--not every creature.

Hi, shoshana. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my

Family--buddy, shiny, and don, and our mom. Look.


Nice to meet you. Have you been to the triassic ocean


Yes, once, but we've never seen a shonisaurus before. Do

You mind showing us some of your features?

Well, sure, buddy, but I'm in a bit of a hurry because I'm

Very hungry, and I have to dive down for my food. So I'll show

Off quickly. Here's my long nose.

And you have flippers.

I do!

♪ Fla fla fla, flippers ♪ ha ha!

May we please see your teeth?


How about a full turn?

Prepare to be stunned, pteranodon clan.

Whoa. Shoshana is longer than the passenger coach.

Told you! And get a load of that triangular tail.

Ok! Ready to dive down deeper?

Are you sure the submarine can go even deeper down, mr.


Sure, it can. The troodons built it.

Why, thank you, buddy. Yes, trust the submarine. It can

Definitely dive deeper.

I'll show you deep. Heh heh!

Follow me!

Hold on to your beaks and tails, kids.

Were you waiting for us, shoshana?

No. Being so big, I move pretty slowly.

But I bet being so big means everyone gets out of your way.

I bet they will.


[Chomp] [chomp]

[Gulp] ooh, mmm! That was good! Well,

We're halfway to the bottom of the sea.


Yep. But right now, I have to get up to the surface. I'll

Hurry shonisaurus-style.

Which is nice and easy. Up, submarine.

Why does shoshana have to go up to the surface? Did she

Leave something there?

I wonder, too. Maybe she's cold and needs to be warmed up

By the sun, or maybe she likes to eat some kind of fish that

Lives up there.

Or maybe shoshana is nervous being so deep

Underwater. I have a hypothesis!

Wait. That's my line.

I know, but can I please make a hypothesis this one

Time, buddy?

Hmm. Fine.

Thanks. My hypothesis is I think shoshana needs to go up

To the surface to breathe.

Exactly right, tiny!

[Gasp] ohh. I had to rush up here

Because shonisaurus can't stay underwater for that long

Without coming up to breathe.

So you can't breathe underwater all the time like

Other sea creatures?

[Sigh] no. I don't have gills. I'm not

A fish. I breathe air just like you guys do.

But you can hold it so much longer.

And you can sure take really, really big breaths.

Big reptile, big breaths.

[Laughter] now watch. I'm going to take

A huge breath and then dive again. We're going to the

Deepest part of the ocean.


Yep, where my favorite fish are. You ready?


Not really.

[Deep breath] dive! Dive! I love to say


Whoa. It's like we're going into a very, very, very, very

Deep waterhole.

That's a lot of verys.

You know, shiny, I understand your being nervous.

Really? Do you ever get nervous?

Actually, sometimes I do, especially when I'm really deep

Down and it's really dark. When I feel nervous, I hum to myself

Or even make up a little song.

[Giggles] I love that.

Me, too. Hey, let's try it.

♪ Get up get in a submarine

Go underwater, go underwater get up

Get in a submarine go underwater, go underwater ♪


Welcome to my neck of the ocean.

Whoo-hoo! We made it! The submarine has never been down

This deep before. Ha! We're making history.

Congratulations, mr.

Conductor. And I'm proud of all you kids. What a journey!


It's darker than I've ever seen it be dark anywhere.

Well, I have just the thing for that. The headlight has a

High beam.

Ooh! Those plants look like a hairy bird.

That rock looks like a triceratops.

Oh, no. It's a huge fish.

Oh, wait. It's tiny, like me.

[Laughter] is there a big squid behind

Me? I just have this feeling.

There is.

Ooh! It's a belemnite, a triassic mollusk.

Oh, well. Win a few, lose a few.

That was so much fun to watch, shoshana.

Yeah! What a great chase!

Oh, yeah! Lots of underwater chases down here. I do it all

The time.

Oh! Speaking of time, it's almost time to head back to the

Dinosaur train.

Ok! Follow me!

Anyone want to help me pilot the submarine?


Me, me!

♪ La la loo ♪ boy, that looks like fun,

Driving the sub.

Mrs. Pteranodon, would you like the helm?

Rawk! Yes! Ha ha ha! Oh ho ho! This is so fun!

Mom, you're so funny.

[Panting] shoshana, it was great to

Meet you.

Yeah! Thanks for showing us your neck of the triassic

Ocean! We loved it!

Great to meet you, too, pteranodons. Love the

Submarine, mr. Conductor. Come down deep and visit again. Ok,

Big breath.

[Deep breath] bye, shoshana!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Did you know

That during the age of dinosaurs the biggest creatures in the

Oceans were reptiles? When we think of reptiles today, we

Think of lizards, crocodiles, snakes, and turtles, which

Mostly live on land or in freshwater, but back in the

Mesozoic era, huge carnivorous reptiles swam in the oceans. One

Of the biggest of them all was shonisaurus, which grew up to

Feet long. Shonisaurus belonged to a group of marine reptiles

Called ichthyosaurs. It had long, thin flippers and probably

Moved quite slowly. Shonisaurus shares a lot in common with a

Group of big marine animals living today, whales. Humpback

Whales are huge and have long, thin flippers. The biggest

Difference is that shonisaurus is a reptile and whales are

Mammals like us, but whales and ichthyosaurs are both air

Breathers. They have to swim up to the surface a lot to grab a

Big breath. Some whales can take such big breaths that they're

Able to stay underwater for more than an hour. It's likely that

Shonisaurus could stay underwater for a long time, too,

So even though these two huge creatures lived millions of

Years apart, they have a lot in common. Ok. Remember, get

Outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries.

Hello, folks. It's me-- the conductor. Today buddy's

Going to meet another dinosaur who lives in a different kind

Of family just like he does!

So come on along with me on the dinosaur train!

All aboard!

Yeah! Whoo-hoo! [Laughs] hey, buddy! Watch this one!

Are you watching?

Buddy, you missed my amazing trick.

Oh. Hi, tiny. I'm just thinking.

About what?

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only adopted kid in the whole

World. It makes me feel kind of lonely.

Well, t. Rexes may be different from pteranodons,

But you're still my brother and I'm your sister.

So you're not alone, buddy.

[Chirps] thanks.

Besides, aren't there lots of other dinosaurs who are adopted?

Well, I guess. I don't know any.

Tiny's right. You're never alone. You'll always be part of

This family, buddy.

Yeah. Mom's right.

Thanks, mom. Thanks, tiny.

Hmm. I just wish I could talk to another kid who's adopted

Like me.

You know what? I heard that our friends the microraptors

Just adopted a dinosaur.

Mikey has a little brother now.

Mikey has a little brother?

Can we visit them?

Hmm. Shiny and don are going fishing with your father today.

What do you say we take a trip on the dinosaur train?

Yay! Whoo-hoo!

[Train's whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please.

Well, hello, mrs. P, buddy, and tiny.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Oh. Microraptor mountain, eh?

I hear your friends the microraptors have a new

Family member.

Yeah. They adopted a dinosaur.

Now mikey has a little brother.

So I hear. But what's his species?

Hmm. I don't know.

Even I don't know what species he is. I just heard they

Adopted a dinosaur.

[Chirps] let's all try to guess what species he is.

Oh, good idea, tiny.

Fire away.

Hmm. An oryctodromeus?

A lesothosaurus?

An ornithomimus?

An eoraptor?

Hmm. I notice all of those are very small dinosaurs.

Why not a big species?

Well, the microraptors are really small.

Like me. We've got tiny power!

True, but it takes all kinds of different dinosaurs, big and

Small, to make a world. In my line of work, I see all kinds of

Families all the time.

[Bell ringing] ooh. Time, time, time!

Tunnel approaching!

[Trains' bell ringing]

Next stop--microraptor mountain station in another part of the

Cretaceous time period.

So long, pteranodons and t. Rex.

Have fun with mikey and his little brother.

We will!

It's the pteranodon family.

Hello. Mikey, your friends are here!


Hi! My t. Rex buddy!

And my favorite pteranodon in the whole world--tiny!

♪ We got the power we got the power

We got the mikey and tiny power yeah! ♪

But wait. You guys haven't met my new little brother


Yeah. Where is he?

Sonny, come on out and meet my friends!

Ok. I'm coming.

[Thud] everybody, this is my little

Brother sonny.

Whoa! Um...hi, sonny.

Hi, tiny. Hi, buddy.

Mikey told me all about you.

You're adopted, right? Me, too.

I'm a sauroposeidon.

Wow. The conductor told me about sauroposeidons.

You're gonna grow up to be one of the biggest sauropods


[Giggles] uh-huh.

You know a lot about dinosaurs.

Buddy really likes learning about all the different species.

It's kind of his...thing yup. Wanna compare features?


Let's start with what we eat--meat!

Fish. I dive to catch them.

Insects! I glide around and I snatch them out of the air.


What kind of leaves do you like?

Conifers mostly. Mmm.

Wow. And the rest of your family likes insects. Is that

Kind of weird at dinnertime?

No. There's plenty of both kinds of food around here.

Right, sonny?



Isn't it funny that I have sonny for a little brother?

I'm one of the shortest species of dinosaurs and he's one of

The tallest.

Ha ha! Yeah.

I mean, talk about comparing features. Check out sonny's

Amazing long neck.

I have this little short neck, and someday sonny's neck will be

So long, he'll be taller than our tree!

Maybe even taller than any tree around here.

Hello, big brother.

Ha! Oh, sonny, you crack me up. Hee hee.

Sonny, how do you even walk around with such a long neck?

Sauroposeidon necks are made of big hollow bones.

That way, they're light and strong and can hold such a long

Neck up to the treetops.

I really studied up on sauroposeidons since sonny

Arrived. I asked all the other moms in his playgroup...


And we fixed up our tree so it can be comfortable for sonny,

Too. He can't fit in the nest up there on the branch, so sonny

Stays in this bigger nest on the ground down here.

And at night if I want to talk to mom or dad or mikey,

I stretch my neck up to see them.

[Giggles] yeah. I remember the first time sonny did that,

In the middle of the night, and I was asleep, and--

I stuck my head up to the nest and said...

Hello, mikey. What's up?

"You are."

[Laughter] and I jumped right out of the

Nest. Hee hee! Good thing I can glide!

[Laughter] you know what? It's the same

With me. I'm a t. Rex, and someday I'm gonna be too big

For my nest, too.


Yeah. So my mom and dad said they're gonna build me a bigger

Nest that I can stay in.

Come on, you guys. Let's all go play while we're still kids.

Mom, can we play in the woods?

All right. Just stay nearby where we can hear you.


Hey, wait up, you guys.

Yeah. Sonny's a sauropod.

They walk on all legs, so they're not as fast we are.

Hi-yah! I got so excited, I forgot. Sorry, sonny.

Ha ha! I'm not fast now, but I'm gonna grow bigger

And bigger, and someday I'll be taking great, big steps.

[Laughs] and then it'll be mikey trying to keep up

With you.

[Laughter] [grunting]

I'm almost flying, tiny!

Keep trying, mikey.

Tiny power!


So you live in a family of pteranodons, right, buddy?

Yup, but I'm a tyrannosaurus rex.

We say "t. Rex" for short.

T. Rexes like to stomp, right?

Uh-huh. It's our favorite thing to do. Stomp around

And roar. Rawr!

Let me try it.


Ok. Not a good idea.

[Laughter] I guess maybe not, but show

Me how you can stretch your neck up into the treetops, sonny.

See that pine cone way up there?

The one at the top of the tree?

Uh-huh. Watch this.

[Cheering] who wants a ride up to the



Sonny, take buddy and mikey and I'll fly!

Are you sure you can take both of us, sonny?

Yeah. Mikey barely weighs anything.

[Gasp] wow!

Nice weather up here, huh?

You got that right, sonny.

Ok, everybody, I'll race you down.

[Squawks] you didn't count to .

Ok, fine. I'll catch you anyway.

Tiny power!

This is so great. It must be fun to be a sauroposeidon.

Yeah. Sometimes it's kind of lonely, though.

Like how?

Well, I know my family loves me, but I'm so different

From them.

I know how you feel, sonny.

We're different. But I've got these great features of my own.

And so do you.

You think I'll ever really fit in with my family?

What do you mean? You fit in great. They think

You're the best.

Well, I'm glad to meet you, because I thought I was the only

Adopted kid in the world.

You know what? I felt that way, too. But you aren't the

Only one, because you know me now.

Yeah. You're right.

[Squawks] hey, you guys!

I thought we were racing to the ground!

Oh. Ok.

Come on, buddy.

Hop on my head.

Where did I leave my favorite tiny, little shell? Aww!

I think I left it on the branch up there.

I can glide down, but I can't glide back up.

Don't worry, mikey.

I'll fly up and get it.

Maybe sonny can help.

Yeah. I know what mikey's shell looks like.

[Cheering] thank you!

Well, sauroposeidons are pretty much the coolest, tallest,

Most fantastic species I've ever seen. I am so lucky

To have one for a brother!

Thanks, mikey.

[Train's whistle blows] kids! There's the

Dinosaur train!

Come on! You can ride on me.

[Cheering] so nice to see you again,

Mrs. Pteranodon.

You, too, mrs. Microraptor.

You have such sweet kids.

Thanks for coming to play with us, buddy.

I'm really glad we're friends.

Yup. Come and see us sometime. You can meet my

Pteranodon family.

[Squawks] and we'll just fit.

You know, sonny, it takes all kinds of families to make

A world.

You said it, buddy.

All aboard!


Well, buddy, how did you like visiting the microraptor family?

It was great, mom. I thought I was the only one who was

Different from the rest of my family. I mean, I know I can't

Fly, but you know what? I love how every species is different.

I can't wait to get home to be with my flying, fishing family.

Aww. I'm glad to hear it, buddy.

And I can't wait to get home and eat some of that fish.

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more--

Fish! ♪ [Train whistle blows]

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Let's learn more

About the job of a paleontologist, a scientist who

Studies fossils. Today I'm in the museum collection room.

There are dozens of shelves and hundreds of drawers here filled

With thousands of ancient fossils. Here you'll find

Fossilized teeth, claws, limb bones, backbones, eggshells,

Plants, poop, and lots of other cool stuff. Every single

Specimen is given its own number so we can keep track of where it

Was found, who found it, and when it was discovered. This is

Where we compare our fossils with fossils found by other

Scientists. We compare fossils to figure out if a dinosaur

We've discovered belongs to a new species. Some of the most

Important work a paleontologist does happens right here in the

Collection room. Ok. Remember, get outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.

We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪