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02x18 - Arnie Rides the Flatcar/Old Reliable

Posted: 02/28/24 10:52
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, big

Dinosaur week continues with a visit to our friend the


So come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [whistle blows]

What an amazing invention

The dinosaur train is, zooming around the world, traveling

Through time and space, meeting the most amazing creatures.

Yeah. It's my favorite thing in the whole world.

Me, too. Well, maybe my favorite thing after fish.

Tickets, tickets, please.

Well, hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor!

Argentinosaurus acres, huh?

Visiting your friend arnie?

Must still be big dinosaur week.

Yep! This whole week we've been riding all around the

Mesozoic era, meeting some of the biggest dinosaurs.

And we saved the biggest one that we know for last.

Indeed. Argentinosaurus is certainly one of the biggest

Dinosaurs that I know.

Awk! And you know a lot.

Look how much bigger it is than a pteranodon.

Right, and with legs and a long neck, argentinosaurus is



Bingo! All sauropods have the following things in

Common--giant bodies, long necks...

And tiny heads! Well, at least compared to their huge


Well said, miss tiny. What else did you learn this week?

Well, sauropods have to eat a lot of plants to get enough

Energy to keep their huge bodies going.

And growing. In arnie's case, he's already big, but by

The time he's grownup, arnie will be longer than a couple of

These passenger coaches.


Can you believe it? Arnie's already too big to ride the

Dinosaur train.

I know. It's so sad.

When we visit today if we talk about the train, we might

Make arnie feel bad.

You're right, buddy, so let's remember not to talk

About it.

Awk! I'm proud of you two for thinking about arnie's


I agree, mrs. P. Your kids are so thoughtful all the time.

Time? Time?! Ooh. Time tunnel approaching! Next stop:

Argentinosaurus acres in another part of the cretaceous

Time period.

So long, pteranodons and t. Rex. Have fun with arnie.


Ok. Let's go find arnie!

Tiny, I think he's right behinds us.


Boo! Ha ha ha!

Hi, buddy. Hi, tiny. I wanted to surprise you by

Hiding behind the station, but I think I'm getting too big to

Hide behind it anymore.

I know. Your head sticks out one end, and your tail sticks

Out the other.

I think you're even bigger than the last time we saw you,


Yup. I'm still a-growing.

Pretty soon, I won't be able to hide behind anything.

No more hide-and-seek?

Nope, but there are good things about being this big,

Too. When we're full grown, argentinosaurus don't have any


You mean, big meat-eating carnivores that want to eat you?

Right! They don't even bother trying to eat us.

Wow! That's amazing!

But while you're still a kid, you stay near one of your

Parents, right, arnie?

Right. There's dad right over there. Hi, dad!

Hey, hey, arnie! Oh. Hi, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Argentinosaurus.

So good to see you.

Wow! I can see why predators don't even bother trying to eat

A full-size argentinosaurus.

They're huge!

Yup. No one's gonna bother us. Ha! We're just too big.

[Growls] nah.

Awk! But, you know, even for a kid, arnie's huge, too.

Yup. I'm already way too big to ride the train anymore, but

I still like to hang around by the station. Don't you just

Love the dinosaur train?


[Sighs] yeah. I remember when I was

Small enough to ride it. I just love that old train.

♪ I love the tender I love the brakes

I love the sound that the drivers make

I love the gauges I love the pump

Everything about it makes me want to jump

On a train ♪ [sighs]

We just love trains.

You guys are so lucky that you can still ride it.

Well, sure. It's fun, but, hey, do you want to play

Something, a game?

Hmm. Uh, we could play hide-and-seek.

Uh, hide-and-seek?

Yeah. In those woods over there. You guys are small

Enough to try and hide from me.

Heh. Come on.

Say, we'll all go. You kids want a ride on my head?


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ha ha ha!

Ok. You guys hide behind the trees, and I'll use my long

Neck to try to find you.

Great! Close your eyes and count to .


, , , , , , , , , . Ready or not, here I come.

Ha ha ha!

Heh heh. I see you, buddy.

Ha ha! Good one.




Ha ha ha!


Boo! Ha ha ha! That was funny!

Got you.

Ok. Now what should we play?

Let's pretend that we live in a big cave. That's what it's

Like down here under arnie's dad.


Uh, do you guys mind if we walk back to the train station?


My dad and I just like to hang out there in the afternoon

And wait for the train to come by.

Yep. We just love to hear that old whistle blow.

It's our favorite sound.

Come on. Race you to the station, arnie. Buddy and tiny,

Want a ride?



Here we are. Slide down, kids.

Oh, oh, oh, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ha ha ha!

[Train whistle blows] oh, I think I hear it. There

It is.

The dinosaur train!


All right!


Hello, dinosaur train fans.

Hello, mr. Conductor!

How's the train running today?

Like a well-oiled machine, right on schedule. Ooh. And

Speaking of which, we'd better stay on schedule. All aboard!

Arnie, mr. Argentinosaurus, it was such a nice visit.

Wish we could come with you.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

But we're too big! Ha ha!



Aw. Why the long faces, buddy and tiny?

Aw. Mr. Conductor, it's just so sad that our argentinosaurus

Friends are too big to ride the train.

Yeah. We're sad for arnie and for all the giant sauropods

We've met this week.

Aw. I know, kids. I wish there was something I could do

About it, but they're just too big. Oops! Better call it. Time

Tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!

Next stop, troodon town in another part of the cretaceous

Time period.

We're taking the train into the roundhouse to switch out some

Cars. Care to come along and watch?


Come on, kids! Awk!

[Groaning] oh! This is exciting, isn't

It, kids?

Yeah! So many different cars for different kinds of jobs,

The aqua car for sea creatures.

What's that big flat car for?

That's actually what it's called, tiny, the flat car.

They put piles of branches on it for the biggest

Herbivores to eat.

Ohh! Come on, everybody! Mr.

Conductor, I just got a great idea! You know we wish that

Arnie and the other big sauropods could ride the train,


Well, sure, tiny, but you know they are too big to fit in

The cars.

Whoa! You mean they could ride on the flat car?

Hmm. You know, tiny, maybe we could actually do it.

[All talking at once] just imagine. What if all

The biggest dinosaurs could ride the train? That would be

So fantastic!

It is called the dinosaur train after all. We should be

Able to haul every kind of dinosaur!

Oh, it's a crazy idea, but as long as it's safe, we can

Probably make it work.

What if we built a guard rail around the outside of it?

And then they could duck down when we go through the

Time tunnels.

You know, it just might work.

All right. Get over there.

Make sure it's safe.

[Train whistle blows]

Ahem. Argentinosaurus family, may I present the latest

Specialized car from dinosaur train industries, the

Sauropod flat car.

Ooh! You mean, I get to ride the dinosaur train?

All aboard!


Dad, do you want to ride the train first?

No, son. I want you to ride it first.

Wow! Thanks, dad.

Come on, arnie. Buddy and I can ride in the observation car

So we can be right next to you.

Ha ha! This is so great.

Where do you want to travel to first, arnie?

Ooh, ooh! Pteranodon terrace. I've always wanted to

See your nest and the western interior sea.

We'd love to have you, arnie. We'll take good care of

Him, mr. Argentinosaurus.

And the dinosaur train will have him back here in time for

Dinner. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] bye, dad!

Bye, arnie! Have a great time.


♪ The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs

The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs ♪


Hi. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist. Hey, guys. I'm

Down here. This dinosaur is so big, you can barely see me. Do

You know what kind of dinosaur this is?



That's right, this is an argentinosaurus, one of the

Largest animals ever to live on

Land. Now, what's the biggest animal living on land today?

An elephant.

Right. Elephants are big, but argentinosaurus was about

Feet long. That's as long as elephants put together. An

Argentinosaurus weighed about as much as elephants. Now,

That's a lot of dinosaur. And just like elephants do today,

Argentinosaurus must have eaten an amazing amount of plant

Food. Paleontologists still wonder how argentinosaurus

Could have eaten enough food with such a small head. Now,

How do elephants reach high up into trees to find food?

With their trunks.

Argentinosaurus didn't have a trunk, but it did have a long

Neck that it probably used to reach high into trees. And

Being such a gigantic animal, it probably spent most of the

Day just trying to find enough of the green stuff to keep

Itself going. Ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and

Make your own discoveries.

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today the pteranodon

Family visits a geyser. That's a hole in the ground that

sh**t steam and hot water into the sky. So come on along with

Me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please. Well,

Hello, pteranodon and lambeosaurus families.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Where are you all off to today?

To geyser gulch station.

Ooh! Geyser gulch, huh?

Yep. None of us have ever seen a geyser before.

We have so many questions.

Well, that's what I like to see, kids getting out into

Nature and asking lots of questions.

Dad told us it's a place with lots of amazing holes.

I love holes.

Well, you are in for a treat, don, because there's

Lots of holes at geyser gulch.

But you have to be careful around these holes.


Dad told us that the holes have a surprise.

What kind of surprise?

The surprise comes from inside the holes. A geyser is a

Natural fountain that sh**t super-hot water and steam way

Up into the sky.

But why does the hot water sh**t out of the holes?

Good question, tiny. Why do you think the water sh**t out?

Hmm. Maybe the water is like me. It just likes to jump out

Of holes and surprise everyone.

Hmm. Interesting hypothesis, don. Heh! Now, take a gander at

This. The inside of the earth is so hot, it even melts rock.

And when the melted rock called magma gets close to the

Surface, it warms up the water that's under the ground. When

That underground water gets really hot, the pressure grows

And grows until the super-heated water explodes up

Into the air through holes and cracks. That's what we call a

Geyser. They sh**t way up in the air. Some go over feet




I can't wait to get there and see these geysers for


Heh heh. And we dads can't wait to show them to you,

Right, larry?

Abso-positvely-tutely, mr.

P. Heh heh heh!

And where there's hot water coming out of the ground, you

Can also find what we call hot springs.

Hot springs?

Ooh, hot springs?

Yep. There are pools of warm and hot water that form near

The geysers. But again, the water can get quite hot. So you

Kids should only get in the pools with your parents'


Yeah, right, right, but let's get back to those geysers!

That sh**t out of those super holes.

[Cheering] ooh. I've been to these hot

Springs before, mrs.

Pteranodon. They are simply amazing. Some are hot, some are

Warm, some are cool. You just find the one with the perfect

Temperature and hop in. You will love them.

This'll be perfect. We can relax in the pools while the

Dads and the kids watch the geysers.

It's gonna be great.

Next stop, geyser gulch.

Geyser gulch station!

[Cheering] have fun at the geysers, and

Remember, you never know when hot water will sh**t up in the

Air. You have to wait and watch. So be careful around

Those holes, especially you, mr. The don.

Ok, mr. The conductor.

We will, mr. Conductor! Bye!


Heh heh heh!

Oh. It's been forever since I've been in those pools. I

Surely would love to walk down to the pools and soak my toe

Claws in that bubbly water. But I'm the conductor. I can't. Got

To stay with the train. Ooh, maybe I should.

Well, maybe you should!


Must you come sneaking up on me like that?

I can't help it. Troodons are stealthy. Ooh, I heard you

Talking to yourself, and I thought you were talking to me.

Ha ha ha! And I say, why not go down to the pools? Take the

Afternoon off. I can fill in for you as conductor. Haven't

Forgotten how to do it. Ha ha ha!

Why not? I deserve an afternoon off from the dinosaur

Train once in a while. I got my own special pool that no one

Else knows about. I'll go there, and no one'll be the

Wiser. Thanks, mom!

Have a great time at your secret pool, sonny boy.


[Whistles] all right, team pteranodon

And team lambeosaurus, let's stick together and find us a


[Cheering] you dads go ahead and take

The kids to the geysers. Mrs.

Pteranodon and I are gonna find the hot springs.

Ooh. Ok, lorraine. See you in a bit. Let's go, let's go,

Let's go!

All right, larry, but let's all be careful. Remember,

Geysers can sh**t hot water up at any time.

Look, dad. There's a bunch of dinosaurs standing around

That one big hole. I wonder if that's the geyser.

Let's go see.

Morris stegosaurus?

Oh. Hey, small ones. What's up?

What are you doing here in the cretaceous?

Yeah. You're from the jurassic time period.

Just visiting. I time-traveled here. I'm a big

Fan of geysers, tiny. All these dinosaurs are. We're hanging

Out here waiting for old reliable to erupt.

Old reliable?

Yeah. It goes off pretty often--several times a day,

Too. I mean, it's not like you can tell the time by it, but

It's pretty reliable. That's why they call it old reliable.

Ooh. So when it's gonna erupt?

Well, you just have to wait and be patient. Actually, the

Waiting is almost the best part, right? Just being here


Being here now. I can do that. Look at me. I'm being

Here now.


Oh, oh, oh, oh.

So when's it going to erupt?

You just have to be patient, shiny. We're being here later.

Wait, that's not right. We're...

[Cheering] ooh! Here they are--the


Oh, they're beautiful.

And what a lovely spot. But how do we know if the water's

Too hot?

You just dip your toe in very carefully, like this.

Ooh. Ooh.

Too hot. Not this one. Hmm.

Uh...nope. Too cold.


Rawk! Lorraine, I found one that's perfect!

Ooh! Wonderful. Let's hop in.

Rawk! It's heavenly.




Huh? Huh. I must be hearing things.

Ahh. Just rest my eyes for a minute. Got to stay on

Schedule. Time tunnel. Time tunnel approaching...

[Cheering] ok, that was great. Now what

Do we do?

Well, we are out in nature.

Let's go exploring, because we're the...

Nature trackers! Whoo-hoo!

Hey! I see those pools the conductor was talking about.

They have steam coming off of them.

Rawk! They're beautiful.

Come on, you guys!

Ok! Wait up, nature trackers. We'll come, too.


Let's go! Come on!

Ooh. This one's warm. Yike!

Ho, that one's too hot, kids.

Aw, mine's cold. Warm.


Hmm. Too cold.

Mmm. Too hot.

Rawk! Just right.

Just right, eh? Let's see.

You know, she is right.

Last one in's a rotten dinosaur egg!

Ya ha ha!

[Sighing] oh, yeah. Kids, larry and I

Are gonna soak in this pool for a minute. So all of you

Remember to stay within rawking distance.

And hooting distance.

Yeah, come on, go to this one.

[Squawking] huh. Too many dinosaurs at

The hot springs nowadays.

Tourists, hootin' and tootin'.

[Laughter] aah! Giant dinosaur attack!


Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my.

Mrs. Pteranodon. Mrs.

Lambeosaurus. I'm terribly sorry to disturb you. See, I

Was just att*cked by a giant dinosaur, and i--

[Laughter] ohh, it was just the kids.

Oh, mr. Conductor.

Oh, gosh! And me wearing nothing but my bathing hat.

This is so embarrassing. Kids, could you please bring my

Clothes from the other pool?

Sure, mr. Conductor.

Awk! We'll be right back.

W-w-we heard the shouting.

Is everyone all right?

Is everyone all right? Looks like everyone's having the best

Time ever! How's the water, kids?


Whoa, ho, ho. Well, wait until you see the secret pool

We just found on the other side of that boulder. It's the best

Pool ever.

B-b-but that's my secret pool.

Ha ha ha! I'd say the secret's out, mr. Conductor.

Come on, everybody!

[Cheering] rawk! Just right.

Come on in, mr. Conductor!

Ohh. Pteranodon!

[Cheering] rawk! There's the dinosaur

Train. Time to head back, kids.

Is it? Oh. Where'd I put my watch?

Well, old reliable should be going off again.

[Gasping] [cheering]

[Whistle blows] the engineer must be getting

Real impatient to get going.

Ho ho, they're fine. Mother won't let them leave without me.

[Laughter] ha ha ha! You know, it's

Amazing how a good soak in the geyser gulch hot springs does a

Body a world of good. Ahh. I'll probably feel relaxed for weeks.


Glad you finally made it, sonny. There's tickets to punch

And a lost wallet. Oh, and the toilet's plugged up in the

Passenger coach bathroom. Chop, chop! Let's go! All aboard!

Oh, mother. As I've said before, that is my line. Oh,

Well. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] yeah!

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Geysers are an

Amazing feature of nature. They were around during the age of

Dinosaurs, and there's lots of geysers today, too. But what is

A geyser? To find the answer, we have to look way down deep

Inside the earth, where the rock is so hot that it becomes

Liquid or molten. When that molten rock rises close to the

Surface, it heats water until it becomes boiling hot. Then it

Erupts out of the earth, and that's a geyser. There are

About a thousand geysers around the world today, and about half

Of them are found in wyoming, in beautiful yellowstone

National park. Check out these yellowstone geysers. Here's old

Faithful, the most famous geyser in the world. About

Every minutes, old faithful sh**t water around feet in

The air, and steamboat geyser sh**t more than feet into

The air. Ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and

Make your own discoveries.

We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪