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02x19 - Tiny and the Crocodile/Meet the Grandparents

Posted: 02/28/24 10:53
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Tiny is so good at

Meeting new creatures she's even brave enough to meet a

Giant crocodile called deinosuchus, so come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

And that's why I always stay

Upwind of a quetzalcoatlus.

[Laughing] rawk! Tell us another one,


Tell us a really scary one!

Ooh! About the scariest predator!

Yeah. Tell about a predator.

Uh, wait. What's a predator again?

Rawk! A predator is an animal that hunts other animals

For food.

Oh. Yeah. Tell one of those.

A really scary predator like a crocodilian.

Wait. Are you sure you kids want to hear a story about a


What's so scary about a crocodilian?

What's so scary about them?

They only eat pteranodons, don.

They do?!

Tell it, dad! Tell it!

Ahem. Ok. Heh. Well, crocodilians are giant,

Meat-eating carnivores that hide in the water and catch

Creatures like pteranodons when we swoop down to the water to

Catch fish.


Well, we pteranodons have great features for diving down,

And crocodilians have great features for snapping up at

Flying things like us.

[Gulp] [shudder]

I'll see you later, pteranodons. I'm just kidding.

And the one we pteranodons have to look out for the most

Of all, the biggest, longest, fiercest crocodilian lurking

Right here in the slimy swamps of the late cretaceous, that

Would be deinosuchus!

[Insects buzz] [shudder]

Maybe we could take the dinosaur train and meet one.

[Gasp] meet one? Deinosuchus

Wouldn't want to meet us. They want to eat us!


But, you guys, we've traveled all over the mesozoic

And met tons of huge carnivorous dinosaurs, and

After we've met them, they mostly turned out to be really


You know, she's right.

Yes, but you always met those creatures with your mom

Or dad nearby to make sure you were safe.

Well, sure, mom. We should all go.


It would be fun, shiny, the ultimate tiny challenge, to

Meet the scariest predator of all and maybe even become


Tiny, why do you have to meet every single creature?

Rawk! It's kind of my thing.

♪ I'm not the biggest dinosaur in fact, I'm kind of tiny

I don't have teeth or scary claws

But it doesn't make me whiny whenever I meet someone new

I march right up and what I do

Is say, "hello, there nice to meet you

My name is tiny" I've met a lot of dinosaurs

And some of them were scary and when I stand right next

To them I'm kind of ordinary but if I'm friendly

They are, too and when I say

"It's nice to meet you" then they say

"Well, hey, the same to you it's nice to meet you, tiny" ♪

You know, tiny makes a good point.

I agree. The best way to understand another creature,

Even your natural predator, would be to meet one.

Really? You mean, we can go meet a deinosuchus?


Ahem. With plenty of adult supervision.

Tomorrow morning, we'll all go together on the dinosaur

Train. It will be a pteranodon team adventure!

And the ultimate tiny challenge!

[Cheering] hooray.

Tickets, tickets, please.

Well, hello, pteranodon clan.

Hello, mr. Conductor!

Off to somewhere exci--deinosuchus swamp station?

Rawk! That's right, mr.


You do know what deinosuchus eat, don't you?


Yes, indeed. Among other things, deinosuchus are known to

Eat pteranodons.


That's one big dinosaur.

Actually, don, deinosuchus is not a dinosaur. It's what's

Called a freshwater reptile, and its name sounds like

Dinosaur, but deinosuchus actually means "terrible


Look at all those huge teeth.

Kind of like yours, huh, buddy? And like you, deinosuchus

Is a carnivore. It eats whatever meat it can find from

Land animals to fish to, well, pteranodons.

Eek! But how do they catch flying pteranodons?

Oh, deinosuchus is a tricky hunter. It likes to lie very

Still right under the surface of the water like a log to

Surprise its prey.

That is so cool.

But I'm gonna look really closely at any logs I see today

Before I sit on them.

Me, too!

Rawk! Me, !

Excellent idea, kids.

Mr. Conductor, do you know any deinosuchus?

I do. Deana deinosuchus has lived at deinosuchus swamp for a

Long time and has grown to be one of the biggest examples of

Deinosuchus I've ever seen. In fact, she's longer than this

Passenger coach. I warn you, deana can be kind of crabby.

You sure you want to meet this big predator?


Or maybe we could do it some other time.

Oh! Speaking of time, we're here!


Next stop, deinosuchus swamp station, deinosuchus swamp.

Bbbbbbb! Now if we're gonna meet this deinosuchus, we'll

Need to stick together as a team.


In fact, pteranodons, I'll come along with you just to

Make extra sure that you're safe. There's a cliff that runs

Above the swamp, so we can talk to deana from a safe distance.

Walk this way.


Psst. Buddy, is that a deinosuchus?

Uh, no. I think that's just a log.

Ooh, ooh! Is that a deinosuchus?

Nope. Just a log.

Is that a dinosu-- no, don! It's just a log!

[Grr] rawk!

[Gulp] hello? Are you deana


Yes, I am.


Isn't she amazing, shiny?


Rawk! How did I get up here?

Oh. Right. Just looking for local birds. Heh heh heh.

Ok. The ultimate tiny challenge. Hello. My name is

Tiny pteranodon, and this is my family, and I believe you know

Mr. Conductor.

Uh, hello, deana. We've met.

[Grr] see, we like to travel all

Over the mesozoic on the dinosaur train, meeting all

Kinds of creatures, and, well, I realize that deinosuchus is a

Predator that-- [gulp]

Eats pteranodons, but I thought it would be nice to meet you

And maybe we could even become friends.

Become friends?


But like you said, I eat pteranodons.

Yeah, but maybe if you got to know us, you'd like us, I

Mean, as friends, not lunch.

Ha ha ha! Well, I never. No one that I hunt has ever

Offered to be my friend before.

How nice of you. Well, sit down there on the edge of the cliff.

We can get to know each other.

So you're not going to eat us, right?

Absolutely not. I just had a very large meal, not

Pteranodons by the way, some fish, so I'm not hungry.

Why were you hiding in the water then?

Well, it's hot out, and crocodilians need to stay cool.

I like to lie in the water almost completely covered like

This, and also I'm actually kind of shy.

Really? Sometimes I feel shy around strangers, too.

See, deana and other crocodilians can float so that

Just their eyes and nostrils are above the water. That way,

She can look around and breathe without being easily seen.

Wow! She swims with her feet and tail moving under the

Water, but it looks like there's hardly anything there.

At first, we thought you were a log. No offense.

None taken. That's how I hunt. I lie very still like


[Gasp] what a lovely--



It's ok! She already had a big lunch!

Oh, well. I can't blame him for being surprised.

Me, neither.

Rawk! I'm going to look carefully at the next log I

Land on.

Deana, that's amazing the way you can hide in plain sight.

[Grr] [gasp]

[Laughing] I notice that you're covered

With tough-looking armor. It's kind of knobby like an


You're right. It protects me from other crocodilians, and I

Notice that you are a t. Rex and have a mouthful of big

Teeth like me.

Yep. T. Rexes have lots of teeth, too, and when they fall

Out, new ones just grow in right behind them.

You know, mine do that, too.

Hey. Open wide. Let's compare them. Ahh.

[Train whistle blows] you know, I've enjoyed this

Talk. Rarely do I get to see this many teeth, but that's the

Dinosaur train whistle, folks, and we'd better get back to the


I'll walk back with you. I feel like stretching my legs.

Bye, deana! Nice to meet you!

Bye, pteranodon family.

Thanks for being brave enough to meet your natural enemy.

What a great attitude you have.

Thanks. It was tiny's idea.

Rawk! The ultimate tiny challenge!

How do you do it, tiny? How is it so easy for you to talk

To other creatures and not be afraid?

Well, I can't really say, but I can sure sing it.

♪ I'm not the biggest dinosaur in fact, I'm kind of tiny

I don't have teeth or scary claws

But it doesn't make me whiny whenever I meet someone new

I march right up and what I do

Is say, "hello, there nice to meet you

My name is tiny" I bet you've met some

Dinosaurs and some of them were scary

And when I stand right next to them I'm kind of ordinary

But if you can meet a crocodile

With nothing but a friendly smile

I guess I'll do the same and say to you

It's nice to meet you, tiny ♪ [cheering]

All aboard!

[Whistle blows] bye!

Hi, there, I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Deinosuchus was

A huge, -foot long carnivorous crocodile that

Lived in the cretaceous time period. This giant croc was a

Reptile but not a dinosaur.

Deinosuchus was easily big enough to feed on dinosaurs,

But many paleontologists think it fed mostly on turtles.

Either way, deinosuchus was one of the largest crocodiles that

Ever lived and definitely way bigger than any crocodiles

Alive today. About half the length of this ancient croc was

Its massive tail, which helped make deinosuchus a strong

Swimmer. Most crocodiles are carnivores, or meat-eaters.

They've been around for millions of years, long before

The first dinosaurs, and they're still very successful

Today. Not all crocs are big.

The smallest kind alive today is the african dwarf crocodile,

Which grows only to about feet long. The biggest living

Species is the saltwater crocodile, which can grow to be

Over feet long, still only about half the size of

Deinosuchus! So crocodiles are reptiles that has been around

Since the age of dinosaurs. I have this funny feeling

There may be a croc right behind me. Whoa! Time for

Dr. Scott to get on out of here!

Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries!

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today we're gonna

Meet the kids' grandma and grandpa when they come to visit

Pteranodon terrace, so come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train. All aboard!

[Squawking] ha ha ha!

♪ La la loo ♪ hey! The fish are over there

Now! Thanks, buddy! Ok, kids.

Watch this new fishing dive I just came up with. Heh. I call

It the sinker.




Way to go, dad!

Cool trick!

Where are they now, buddy?

Use your keen t. Rex eyesight, buddy.

I don't see any fish, but I see two pteranodons, and

They're coming this way.

Really? Can you tell who they are?

I've never seen them before.

They look kind of familiar, though.

Hello, son. Long time, no see.

Hey! Mom and dad!

Rawk! It's grandma and grandpa pteranodon. How are you?

Grandma and grandpa pteranodon?

Oh, you probably don't remember us. We haven't seen

You since you were hatched.

Hello! I'm tiny, and this is shiny, don, and buddy!

Hello, tiny! Did you get that name because you're the


Hee hee hee! Yeah! Tiny power! Huh!

Hello, shiny. I see how you got that name. You're very


Yes, I am. Ha ha ha!

Let me guess. Are you don?


He's got your beak, doesn't he, grandpa?

So he does. Well, la dee loo.

And, buddy, you're the t. Rex I've heard so much about,

Aren't you?


Oh, you're going to grow to be feet long and as tall as

A tree, I understand, and stomp around and roar and eat pretty

Much anything you want.

Yup! Rawwr! Rawwr!

Ha ha ha! Well, would you look at that?

Here are some fish we just caught. Please make yourselves

At home, grandma and grandpa.

Well, don't mind if I do.

Ohh. This nest was our home once after all. Your dad was

Hatched here. It's where he grew up.

Wait. Dad was hatched right here? Whoa.

Did you fly far today?

Oh, yeah. Just flew here from appalachia, and are my

Wings tired.

[Rim sh*t] rawk! But isn't appalachia

All the way on the other side of the sea?

Why, sure is. Pteranodons can travel over long

Distances, you know, following the food sources and finding

New nesting areas.

Wow! I have so many questions to ask you.

Well, that's fine. Fire away, tiny.

Did you really live in this nest when dad was little?

Oh, sure, but we rebuilt it several times. It blew away in

A hurricane once or twice.

But why did you go away?

Well, once your dad and mom got together to raise a family

Here, we decided to go out on our own and travel around the



Yes, sir. We've been to every continent, even antarctica.

And now we're back at the western interior sea, so we

Thought, "why not drop in on our family in pteranodon

Terrace and visit the grandkids?"

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

Yep. It's nice to be back visiting the old nest, I got to

Say. Heh heh. Yeah.

Bbbbllll! Ok, team pteranodon. That's enough rest.

Let's go out and get some fish for our lunch!

All right. It's fish catching time. Who's our spotter?

Buddy's our spotter, right, buddy?

Right, grandpa.

What do your t. Rex eyes see, buddy?

Well, I think I see some fish way over there.

Oh. Well, bust my beak if that isn't some amazing

Spotting. Hey, uh, buddy says they're over there.

Ok, team. On . ...




[Splash] ha ha ha! Good job, everyone.

Well, son, you have done very well for yourself. What a

Great family you've got here.

Rawk. What a fine batch of grandkids.

Thanks, mom and dad.

And did you see what a great fish spotter buddy is, grandma?

Hoo hoo hoo! I'm surprised buddy could spot anything, what

With you asking him all those consarned questions, grandpa.

Well, now I can't help it.

How often do I get to talk to a tyrannosaurus? I have so many

Questions, oh, like what's it like to have teeth?

They're great, and if one falls out, another one grows in

Its place.

Well--heh heh heh--la dee loo.

Look at what I found, grandpa, a feather.

An enantiornithine feather unless I'm mistaken.

Grandpa, you don't happen to like collecting things, do you?

What? How's that, don? Ask me in my good ear.


Collecting things? Why, it's only my favorite thing to do.

Really? Because it's my favorite thing to do, too.

Oh, yeah, don. I've got a huge collection back home, all

Kinds of crazy stuff I've found. You would love it.


Yep. When I was a kid, I used to explore all around

These tide pools for shells, funny-shaped rocks. Oh, you

Name it, I collected it. Let's look along the shore. Maybe we

Can find us some shiny shells.

Shiny shells? Can I come?

Rawk! Ooh! Let's all go!

[Cheering] ooh! Look at this shell.

It's especially shiny. Heh.

That should go in your nature collection, shiny.

Rawk! Thanks, grandpa. You know what? We even started a

Nature club. We call it the nature trackers! I just made up

A new cheer and taught it to everyone.

Well, let's hear it.

Ready? Ok!

, , , , Nature's fun to investigate!

Plants and trees and birds and bees!

Make your own discoveries!

Go, nature trackers!

Oh, boy! That's terrific!

So you go on nature tracking adventures around the nest?

Yeah, and down here on the beach!

And up in the trees!

And down in holes and caves, which are kind of sideways


We decide what kind of nature tracker game to play.

Usually I come up with a great idea. Then we all do it.

Actually, all of us have pretty great ideas, but shiny--

Then what are we waiting for, team? Let's go nature

Tracking! Ready? Ok!

Go, nature trackers!

[Cheering] how about we play what kind

Of tree am i?

Naw. How about one fish, two fish? That's even more nature


You know, team, all nature tracker ideas are good ones.

How about if we all get down really low and look along the

Ground and see what we can find?

Ooh! I love that game! I call it how low can you go?

Hoo hoo hoo! That's a great name for it. Let's do it, team!

Aren't you gonna play how low can you go, grandpa?

Oh. Well, with my lumbago, this is about as low as I can

Go, buddy.

Rawk! You must be tired from your long trip, grandpa.

Oh, I'm fine. Glad to be here. It's so nice to spend

Time with these wonderful grandkids.

I know! And we're so lucky to have a t. Rex for a grandson.

Yep. All the other old pteranodons at the colony will

Be jealous when we tell them.

Yeah! We're a different kind of family, aren't we, mom?

That's right, buddy? You may be a t. Rex, but you'll always

Be part of this pteranodon family.

No matter how big I grow up to be, right?

Rawk! Right.

You know, buddy, we may have more in common than you

Realize, like I have good eyesight, too. Well, not nearly

As good as t. Rex eyesight of course.

Oh, and I like to stomp around and roar all the time.

Just ask your grandma. Oh. Hey.


Oh, grandpa.


Grandpa, you're so funny!

[All laughing] [cheering]

Can't catch me, grandma!

Oh, dear. Well.

Kids, slow down and let your grandparents catch their breath.

Oh, we're fine. Don't worry about us.

Are you hungry for dinner?

We should get going.

What? You're gonna fly home tonight?

But it's too far to fly back to appalachia this evening.

No. We'll finish our tour by taking the dinosaur train back.

We're pooped out from flying across the sea this morning.

I don't know whose cockamamie idea it was to fly

Here in the first place. Why didn't we just take the train?

Yeah. Why didn't you just take the train, grandma and


Oh. Heh heh. Guess we just love flying, but I'm looking

Forward to riding the train this evening.

Maybe our old friend mrs.

Conductor will be on board running things like she always


Heh heh heh. Well, mrs.

Conductor is retired. Her son is the conductor now.

What?! Little sonny boy is the conductor now? Well, la dee


Ha ha ha!

Next time, you can come visit us at the old pteranodon colony

In appalachia.

Please! Can we go to visit grandma and grandpa soon?

Rawk! Absolutely!

Hello, pteranodon clan. Ooh!

And hello, grandma and grandpa pteranodon!

Well, hello. I'm glad to see you grew up to be such a

Fine-looking conductor, sonny boy.

Heh. Yeah. Remember when you were little and you tried to

Say, "all aboard," and your voice would kind of warble and

Everyone thought it was so cute?

Hmm. Uh, well, no. Actually, I don't remember. Anyway, ahem.

All aboooard!

[All laughing] so long! Come see us soon!

We will! Bye!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Did you know

That many animals living today go on a long trip every year

Called a migration? Lots of different kinds of animals go

On migrations, traveling great distances. On land, caribou

Migrate up to , miles every year. In the oceans, humpback

Whales migrate , miles! And in the air, a bird called the

Arctic tern migrates all the way from the arctic in the

North to the antarctic in the south, a roundtrip of ,

Miles! During the age of dinosaurs, it's likely that

Many species of animals also migrated. Some paleontologists

Think that pteranodons may have spent most of the year on one

Side of the western interior sea and then migrated to the

Other side to have their babies. Yup. Flying reptiles

Like pteranodon probably shared a lot in common with birds

Living today. Ok. Remember, get outside, get into nature, and

Make your own discoveries!

We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪