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05x03 - Gilbert the Conductor/A Clubhouse of Their Own

Posted: 02/28/24 11:28
by bunniefuu
- Hello, folks. It's me, the Conductor.

Today, Gilbert gets his first Conducting job.

Let's hope he can keep everything "on track."

So come on along with me on the Dinosaur Train.

All aboard!

- ♪ Dinosaur Train, Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ Once upon a time, there was a mom ♪

♪ Her name was Mrs. Pteranodon ♪

♪ Sitting on her nest, she heard a scratching and said ♪

- Oh, boy, my eggs are hatching!

- ♪ One by one, her kids popped free ♪

♪ Baby Pteranodons, one, two, three ♪

- I'll name you Tiny, Shiny, and Don.

- ♪ But Tiny said ♪ - Wait, there's one more, Mom.

- ♪ The last little baby was a different size ♪

♪ With teeth and a tail and big green eyes ♪

♪ He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

- What am I doing in a Pteranodon nest?

- ♪ But dear old Mrs. Pteranodon said ♪

- Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom.

You may be different, but we're all creatures.

All dinosaurs have different features.

Come on, Buddy, we'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at Pteranodon Station.

We'll travel the world in sunshine and rain

and meet all the species on the...

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ We're gonna ride... ♪ - ♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[train whistle toots]

- ♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

- [roars]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Tickets! Tickets, please!

- Here's my ticket, Conductor.

- And mine!

- Here you go, Buddy and Petey! All punched.

Just like they taught us at Dinosaur Train Cadet Academy!

- Thanks, "Cadet Conductor Gilbert."

- Yeah, it's so fun playing Dinosaur Train with you.

- Now that you've finished at the Academy,

will you get to conduct your own train, Gilbert?

- Oh, absolutely.

This badge and cap mean I'm ready

to be a Conductor all by myself.

- Petey, it's time for us to take you home

on the Dinosaur Train.

- Aww, already?

- Petey's Grandma and Grandpa Peteinosaurus

are meeting him so he needs to be home before dark.

- It's okay, I love it when Grandma and Grandpa come.

They always bring a great dessert.

Bugs! Of course, dinner is also bugs,

Wanna come try some?

all: [uncomfortably laughing] Maybe...

- Bugs? I do! Can we go?

- Yes, to the Dinosaur Train!

- Yeah, whoo-hoo! - Go!

[guitar music]

- Welcome back Pteranodon [coughing] family,

[coughing] and Petey, [coughing] and Gilbert.


- Are you all right Mr. Conductor?

- Oh, I'm fine [coughing] I think.

Why do you ask? [coughing]

All aboard! [coughing]

- What happened to Mr. The Conductor's voice?

- He must have lost it.

- Oh, I'll help you look for it.

Where's the last place you had it?

- Achoo!

- Oh, my! You're coughing up a storm, sonny boy!

You need to rest. To the infirmary!

- But who's gonna run the train?

♪ ♪

- [slurping]

- Mr. Conductor, how are you feeling?

- Oh, uh, never better, Buddy.

I'll be back to running things in no time.

[coughs] Just need to rest for a minute.

[snoring] - Oh, no!

How will we get Petey home before it's dark?

- Oh! I'm fine, I'm awake. No, where am I?

Is this a dining car? Am I running the train?

[snoring] - I have an idea!

Maybe Gilbert can help? He just studied at the Academy.

- [gasps]

- I'm ready for the challenge, Uncle.

I mean, Mr. Conductor.

- Well, what a wonderful opportunity for young Gilbert

to run the train while I nurse you back to health.

- Thank you, Mother. All right, Gilbert,

let's give it a try.

Now I want you to have this.

Take my pocket watch.

Everyone counts on the Conductor

to keep the train running on time,

and Gilbert, I am counting on you.

- Great! I've got my Troodon Academy Conductor's Manual

right here with everything I need to know.

- One more thing you need to know!

Keep the passengers happy.

That's how you know you're doing your job.

- Keep the passengers happy. Thank you, Mr. Conductor!

I promise I will. I know I can do this!

♪ ♪

Welcome aboard!

- Hi, everyone! Tickets, tickets please.

- He sounds just like the Conductor.

- Uh, Shiny, I am the Conductor.

Okay, we're off!

- Great, I should be home in no time!

- Uh, Gilbert, aren't you going to pull down

the screen and tell us all about Peteinosaurus?

- Uh, uh, let me just take a look

in the Conductor's Manual.

Nope, I do not see anything in here about the screen.

- But the Conductor always does that.

- Um, Gilbert, remember what the Conductor said?

Petey and Buddy are passengers and must be kept happy.

- Ah, yes, of course. Thanks, Tiny.

That's how Uncle Conductor runs the train

so that's how I'll do it now that I'm in charge.

So, uh, Petey,

he's a friend of yours and he can fly.

I--I think I got everything.

- You forgot his features!

- Oh, right. Come up here, Petey.

- Petey is a pterosaur like us.

A flying reptile. See? He has wings.

- He has sharp, conical teeth.

- And don't forget, he eats bugs.

- Thanks, guys.

It was nice of your mom to pack a snack for me.

- All righty, then. Okay.

We're on our way to Petey's place.

- Petey lives all the way back in the Triassic Time Period.

We can take a Time Tunnel straight there.

No? - Eventually.

The Manual recommends that the train stop at each station

and wait two full minutes for passengers to get on and off.

It'll work fine. I got this.

- But each station? All the way to the Triassic?

We'd be on the train forever.

- Forever? More time to eat fish-wiches.


- How many stops is it to Petey's?

- Oh, here, let's find Petey's station.

Okay, this blue zone is the Cretaceous Period,

where we are now. The aqua-colored one

is the Jurassic, and this purple one down here is

the Triassic, where Petey lives.

- So that would be?

- Uh, stations to go.

- [wheezing]

Oh, guess I won't be home before dark.

- Oh, I'll get you there, Petey.

- And I only have one bug left.

- Gilbert, can't we skip a few stops?

- [chuckles]

The Conductor is counting on me

and I'll come through.

I can do this.

- And keep the passengers happy?

- Absolutely! Happy customers.

♪ ♪

- Oh, Mr. the Waiter, I'd like a fish-wich, please.

Actually, make it six of them. It's gonna be a long ride.

- Uh, Don, the Conductor's Manual suggests to limit

the fish-wiches to one per customer.

- One? Like, half of two, but only one?

How will I survive?

- I'm sorry, but I don't want

to run out of supplies on the trip.

- Oh, okay, I'll have one fish-wich, please.

Oh, oh, can you make it this big?

♪ ♪

- Excuse me, Laura Giganotosaurus, ma'am?

According to the Manual, all passengers must be seated.

- Oh. - Thank you.

[thumping, rattling] all: Oh!

- [laughs] There, I'm running the train

and keeping the passengers happy.

♪ ♪

- Rexville! Rexville Station!

[brakes screeching]

Brachiosaurus Gardens Station!

♪ ♪

Allosaurus Forest Station!

- Mr. Gilbert the Conductor,

are we getting close to my station?

- It's right here. Only stops from home.

- Oh... - I guess we're getting there.

- We are definitely getting there.

- And without any problems.

- Excuse me, Mr. Gilbert the Conductor, I have a problem.

- We all have a problem. Don ordered all the fish.

- But I only ordered one fish-wich.

- A giant one, and now we're running out

of fish and leaves for everyone else.

together: What? No food?

- I'm getting hungry again.

- Mm, I hope the other passengers are still happy.

- You are doing a wonderful job.

- Thanks, Shiny. Just following the Manual.

[train whistle blaring]

- My seat's kinda wobbly. Can you fix it?

- Absolutely, I'm on it.

- Excuse me, but will we be arriving at Troodon Town soon?

- Uh...

- It feels like it's been an entire Era.

- Let me just check how many stops--

- Plus, with all these starts

and stops I'm feeling nauseated.

- What's more, the blinking lights

are giving me a headache.

- I'll fix 'em, just let me look that up.

- [squawk]

Gilbert, we have another station coming up.

- Okay, I got it.

Uh, Shiny, just wondering,

do you think the passengers are still happy?

- Maybe not all of them.

- Hm, you got that right.

[all murmuring agreement]

- But I've tried everything in the Manual,

I'm following all the rules.

I thought I had this.

- I know. - [sighs]

Maybe it's time to check in with the Conductor.

♪ ♪

Um, Uncle Conductor?

- [coughing] Uh-huh! All aboard. Are we there?

Oh! Hi, Gilbert. Everything okay?

- Well, I thought so. I've been running the train

just me, alone, like you do, Uncle Conductor.

I'm trying to keep the passengers happy

but I'm making them mad.

And I can't find the answers in the Manual.

- Oh, you're still learning, Gilbert.

Not all the answers are in there.

First, I don't run the train all alone.

I count on my great [coughs] Troodon team to help me.

And they can help you too! - Right.

I see, Uncle. Use the team.

I guess I don't have to panic.

- Of course not.

Remember, even I can't run a train without a team.

[all coughing]

- Oh, dear. Looks like the whole team is sick now.

- Time to panic! Time to panic!

- Wait, you do have a team, Gilbert!

- I do? I mean, you guys would do that for me?

- Yes, and for everyone on the train!

- Gilbert, you have your team. You've got this!

Now go run our Dinosaur Train!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[electrical buzzing]


- Gilbert, now how many more stops to my station?

- New idea, big decision. Happy passengers come first!

So we're taking a shortcut through a Time Tunnel!

Ready to help with the last stop?

together: Time Tunnel! Last stop,

Peteinosaurus Place Station!

- Thanks for getting me home and for everything.

Bye! together: Bye, Petey!

- You did it, Gilbert! - Oh, we did it!

All of us! It takes a team.

Uh, team, we all deserve these today.

Finally, all the passengers are happy.

- Almost all the passengers. Hmm...

- One last suggestion, Gilbert.

Always keep a spare fish-wich on hand.

- Ooh, thank you, Mr. the Conductor.

- You're welcome, Mr. the Don.

- Wow, I have so much to learn from him.

- [laughs]

[train horn tooting]

- Hi, there, I'm Dr. Scott the Paleontologist

and I'm in The Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

When fossils come out of the field

they come to museums like this.

The first stop is the preparation lab,

where preparators carefully clean the fossils

and glue them back together.

But the next stop is this space, the collections area.

[upbeat music]

And here in the collections area

it isn't just a few shelves.

There are hundreds of shelves

full of thousands of fossils

representing millions of years.

♪ ♪

Tyrannosaur teeth, leaf fossils,

Sauropod vertebrae.

There are lots of dinosaurs down here,

including my favorite, Kosmoceratops.

More horns than any other dinosaur.

♪ ♪

There are many weird and wonderful fossils

in the collections area, like this.

A tail spike from an amazing Jurassic dinosaur.

Now most of the fossils stay right here,

but a few of them make it up here

into the fossil galleries

where everyone can enjoy them.

Those fossils we were looking at downstairs?

They belong to a very famous animal

with plates on its back and spikes on its tail.


Okay, remember. Get outside, get into nature,

and make your own discoveries.

- Hello, folks, it's me, the Conductor.

Today our pterosaur and dinosaur friends,

Buddy, Tiny, Shiny, and Don,

build their very own clubhouse.

So come on along with me on the Dinosaur Train.

All aboard!

[peaceful music]

- Downward-facing dino!

- [straining] - Whoops.

Sorry, Tiny, but can I have a little more room?

- Hey, you said, "A little more."

- Um, I'm getting shmushed here.

- Watch my shells! - Ugh!

- Oh, no!


all: [sighing in frustration]

- It's so crowded in here. I need more space.

together: So do I! [sighing]

- Maybe we can try going somewhere else together

where we can all do our projects.

- Hm, we could go to my Tiny Place.

all: Yeah!

- We'll be back soon, Mom and Dad.

- Our kids are growing up. - Ahh, yeah.

- Oh, don't worry, hon. They'll stay close.

And come back.

♪ ♪

- It's not that bad.

- Plus, it has a really great view.

- And it's better than all of us being in the nest

with Mom and Dad.

- Yeah, the nest was so crowded.

Here we can really stretch out. - [laughing]

Hey, that tickles.

- I don't think I should move.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Sorry!

- Whoops. - I'm okay.

Luckily I can fly.

You guys, I don't think we need a Tiny Place.

We need a bigger place.

- I think you're right, Don.

- I'm sure we can find somewhere else

in the neighborhood to make our own little house.

- Wait, Shiny, that's it!

Our new place could be our own clubhouse!

together: Yeah, a clubhouse! Let's go!


- Well, we're stuck.

[struggling] [popping]

- Whoo! - Free at last.

Now let's go find a space for our clubhouse.

[squawk] Hey, what about the cave?

- Okay, I'll say it.

It's too dark in here to be our clubhouse.

[tense music]

- This could work.


- Okay, now I'll say it.

It's too wet here to be our clubhouse.

♪ ♪

- When we find our clubhouse, we can play games in it.

- And have room to do our own projects.

- Ooh, yeah, and take naps and have picnics and--[squawk]

Maybe that could be our new clubhouse.

♪ ♪

- Okay, I'll say it.

This tree is too bendy to be our clubhouse.

- Mm! Did I hear someone say clubhouse?

- Yup! Hi, Mr. Lambeosaurus!

We're looking for a place for a clubhouse,

but I don't think this is it.

- Me neither. These are my leaves.


- I thought I heard suspicious leaf chomping.

These are my leaves, Larry.

- Wha--your leaves? [laughs]

Don't think so. They are definitely my leaves.

- Well they're mine if they're on my--Whoa!

Very bendy up here.

- I think it's time for us to move on.

Ready guys?

[thunk] - Ohh!

- Well, since we couldn't find

a clubhouse space we can share,

maybe we all need our own separate clubhouses.

- Hm, it's worth a try.

- Ahh!

[clock ticking]

- Hmm.

- [sighs]

- Whoo, whoo! All aboard!

- Hey, Tiny! Tiny?


- Hi, Don! I can sort of hear you.

- Did you say "I'm right near you"?

- No, she said you're dear to me.

- Aww, Tiny, you're dear to me too.

- Shiny, did you just ask what my feet do?

- Mom says we have to wash our feet?

- Guys, it's kind of lonely in my own place.

And it's not really much of a place.

- Yeah, I know.

Should we try to play something together?

Like King of the Nest?

Ooh, or maybe we could have a dance party!

- I guess we could try, but I'm over here

on the pretend Dinosaur Train.

- And I'm under my big leaf.

Oh, no! Well, I was.

Now it's gone with the wind.

- Huh?

- Hmm.

Do you all want to try to play a game together?

Want to?

- Listen, being in separate places just isn't working.

Like Buddy said, we really can't play anything together.

- Yeah, or even see each other.

This isn't the fun clubhouse

with lots of room we want it to be.

- And we want to be together,

but just with a little more room.

- Hmm. [gasps]

[upbeat music]

- Hey, it kinda looks like a nest, Tiny.

- I'm just kinda doodling some ideas.

- It's a different shape than our family nest,

but I like it a lot.

- Ooh, ooh, Tiny, what if you draw a picture

of our new clubhouse!

And then we can go around and try to find

the stuff to make it.

- Yeah, let's figure it out together

and maybe we can build our own clubhouse.

together: Yes! Let's build our own clubhouse!

- All right, our clubhouse can look like

Tiny's drawing, but real.

- Hey, Mom, will you help us make a clubhouse plan?

- [squawk] Of course!

I'd be delighted.

♪ ♪

- Maybe we can add another room here?

- Maybe a higher roof?

- Can we put a slide down to the beach right here?

- If we can make our clubhouse longer

we can have an indoor dance party.

- [laughs] Those are all wonderful ideas.

[squawk] Great, now let's think

about how you'll build it.

- Wha--wha--wait, we're building it?

- Yeah, remember? Fun, right?


- So longer, wider at the ends, make a roof,

maybe some kind of stone floor. More like this?

- It's wide and has a floor, big leaves for sides,

a roof on sticks-- I think we have a design!

[all cheering]

- But now we have to build it? What do we use, Mom?

- They great news is that we're surrounded by nature,

and nature is full of amazing materials.

Let's go find what we need to build your clubhouse.

♪ ♪

- Hm, we can use the conifer branches

for the clubhouse walls.

See these conifer cones?

Some of them make pollen, some makes seeds.

Together they make new conifer trees.

together: Whoa!

- And we can use these ferns to cover the clubhouse floor.

And look up. Ferns are amazing.

Some can store water for a long time

so they can live high up on trees.

- Wow, that is amazing, Mom.

♪ ♪

- [giggles] Ta-da!

- Hey, look! That's a palm flower

on your head! - [laughs]

Adorable! And edible.

Flowers and fruit that grow on palm trees are good,

healthy dining for a lot of creatures

of all sizes.

♪ ♪

- [struggling]

This stone is called sandstone.

Guess what it's made out of?

all: [laughing] Sand!

- Wh--ha--bingo.

It's made from sand and different small minerals

that harden underground.

It's a strong stone, perfect to make your floor.

♪ ♪

- Oh! This broken tree is a great place to start.

Now we'll need to build walls and a floor.

♪ ♪

- Ohh, and then the fern leaves go on top?

- Right, and let's fill in any gaps

in the walls with palm fronds.

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- [nervous laughter]

♪ ♪

- We made a roof!

Fronds and leaves held together with sticky sap.

- Luckily, I collect sap.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs] There, we did it.

And we all helped! So did Mom and Dad.

- [squawk] Mom and Dad rule!

all: Yeah! - Thanks, Mom and Dad!

- Okay, kids, go on inside your clubhouse

and tell me how it is.

♪ ♪

- Hey, Tiny, and Shiny, and Don,

guess what?

We have our own clubhouse!

- And we all built it! Whoo-hoo!

[all cheering]

- I also built an extra room. Well, a hole.


together: Oh, Don.

- Excellent job, kids.

- You made a plan, you cooperated and collected,

and you worked together.

- Working together really worked out.

- [squawk] All right, time to play.

Should we play Dino, Dino, Giganotosaurus?

♪ ♪

- Dino, dino, dino, dino, dino, Giganotosaurus!

[laughter] - Yeah!

- [humming] - Hmm.

- [giggles] - [sighs]

I even have room for my giant teeth collection.

- Well, clubhouse of their own.

It's really very sweet.

[rumbling] [gasps]

- Oh, wow, kids! You built your own nest?

- Actually, it's a clubhouse Mr. Lambeosaurus.

- Yeah, no munching allowed, Larry.

- [laughing] I stand corrected.

Nice clubhouse.

- Hey, want to all play together, now?

We have enough clubhouse space.

[stomach rumbling]

Ooh, or maybe first it's snack time.

- Good idea.

- [squawk] We're just kinda missing

one thing for snack time.

The snacks.

- Oh, oh, oh!

Hi, Mom and Dad.

Over in the clubhouse we were just wondering

if you have any snacks for us?

- Ah, of course, Neighbor Don.

[upbeat music]

- [giggling]

together: Thank you!

- [chuckles] Well, our kids may be growing up,

but they still need us.

- There! Super shell-crowns for each of you.

- Ooh, La-la-loo!

Time for a shell-crown clubhouse dance party!

Da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da!

- [squawk] We definitely have enough room.

[all singing]

- Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba!

Ba-ba-ba-ba--wha-- are you guys done already?

I love dancing! Ahh! Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba!


- Hi, there, I'm Dr. Scott the paleontologist and I'm here

with my good friend and fellow paleontologist Luis Chiappe,

head of the Dinosaur Institute

here at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

Now Luis, you are responsible for putting together

this amazing wall of fossils.

Tell us about it.

- What we wanted to do here

was to tell people that you learn

different things from different kinds of fossils.

So eggs tell you one thing and teeth tell you another thing.

- So what's your favorite piece in this installation?

- I don't know, there are about fossils here.

I think some of the footprints are really awesome.

- And what's the value of these isolated specimens,

compared to finding a whole skeleton?

- Well, you know, they tell us different things.

Of course, like, footprints for example tell us how

these animals walked and ran and moved,

as opposed to maybe that's not

what you're gonna get from a whole specimen.

The same when you find, you know, fossilized poop.

I mean, coprolites, they tell you what these animals ate

and that's something that you're not gonna find.

So--so a skeleton tells you a lot about an animal,

but these isolated fossils can also tell you a lot

and it's bringing the whole picture together, you know,

all of them together gives you the big picture.

- So remember, the next time you're out in nature

and you find something cool,

it could be part of a much bigger puzzle.

So get outside, get into nature,

and make your own discoveries.