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05x11 - Father’s Day

Posted: 02/28/24 12:23
by bunniefuu
- Hello, folks! It's me, the Conductor!

Today, Pteranodon family helps me celebrate

Father's Day by learning the story of my dad.

So come on along with me on the Dinosaur Train!

All aboard!

- ♪ Dinosaur Train, Dinosaur Train ♪

♪ Once upon a time, there was a mom ♪

♪ Her name was Mrs. Pteranodon ♪

♪ Sitting on her nest, she heard a scratching and said ♪

- Oh, boy, my eggs are hatching!

- ♪ One by one, her kids popped free ♪

♪ Baby Pteranodons, one, two, three ♪

- I'll name you Tiny, Shiny, and Don.

- ♪ But Tiny said ♪ - Wait, there's one more, Mom.

- ♪ The last little baby was a different size ♪

♪ With teeth and a tail and big green eyes ♪

♪ He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

- What am I doing in a Pteranodon nest?

- ♪ But dear old Mrs. Pteranodon said ♪

- Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom.

You may be different, but we're all creatures.

All dinosaurs have different features.

Come on, Buddy, we'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at Pteranodon Station.

We'll travel the world in sunshine and rain

and meet all the species on the...

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪ - ♪ Dinosaur Train ♪

- ♪ We're gonna ride... ♪ - ♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[train whistle toots]

- ♪ The Dinosaur Train ♪

- [roars]

[train horn blaring]

[exciting music]

[bells ringing]

♪ ♪

- Troodon Town! Troodon Town station!

So, Pteranodon family--

heading to Central Park for the Father's Day picnic,

I see! all: Yeah!

- It's becoming a family tradition, Mr. Conductor.

Our favorite place to celebrate Father's Day.

- There's games, and races...

- Ooh! And when the sun goes down,

there'll be fireworks! both: Yay! Fireworks!

- [imitates firework] Fshh! Ka-boom!


- I'll say one thing, heh: you Pteranodons

sure know how to have a good time.

- Why don't you join us?

I mean, if you don't have any other plans.

- We brought plenty of food. There's carrion...

- And leaf-wiches! - And lots of fish!

- Well, actually I don't have any plans, heh.

And as an omnivore, I enjoy all those foods!

Let's go!

- [giggling]

[bright music]

- [grunts] - [laughs]

- Ah. The perfect Father's Day.

My favorite dish: fish, and more fish.

- [squawks] Here's a present--

a shell that looks just like you, Dad!

- Aww. - And I made you

a Dad doll out of leaves and vines.

- Oh, wow. It reminds me of your Tiny dolls.

- Yup. He's their dad.

- And I found a stick that sort of reminds me of you!

If you squint. - [laughs]

Aw, these are wonderful, kids! Thank you.

- And for my present, I made up this poem!

You ready? - Ready.

- [clears throat]

Who's the one who grants our wishes?

Teaches us to dive for fishes?

Who's the one who's never mad?

The best friend that we've ever had?

Cheers us up if we're feeling sad?

- And understands us if we're mad?

all: Dad!

[both laugh]

- Aw, that was so great, kids. Thank you.

- [sighs]

Well, that was delightful, Pteranodon family!

I'd best be gettin' along now. Thank you!

- Oh, it was our pleasure, Mr. Conductor.

Are you sure you won't stay?

- Oh, no thanks, Mrs. P. Uh [chuckles]--G-goodbye!

- The Conductor looks like something's wrong.

- Maybe he ate too much fish? I sure did.

- Oh, you know, since it's Father's Day,

maybe he's thinking about his own dad.

- That's his dad? - [squawks]

We've never met him. Where is he?

- We don't really know, kids--

just that he was a famous explorer

who got lost a long time ago, while exploring.

all: Wow. Really?

[soft music]

- Happy Father's Day...


♪ ♪

[speed bag thumping] Uh, Mother?

- Come on in, Sonny Boy!


Land sakes, what a surprise. You hardly ever visit!

- Oh, well that's not true, Mother--

I come for dinner every Tuesday.

- Well, that's twice this week, then.

How come you visit so often?

You're a grown-up now. [chuckles]

[clears throat] Oh, I'm kidding.

Is something on your mind?

- Well, it's just that--

well, I've always wanted to know what really happened

to my pops! - W--

Well, I've told you, Sonny Boy.

He was a famous explorer, who disappeared long ago,

and never came back.

- Well I know he was a famous explorer who never came back.

But no one's ever explained where and how it happened!

- [sighs] Well it's a long, complicated story.

And I've never quite known how to explain it.

- Mother, I am all grown up.

I am old enough to know the whole story!

- All right, Sonny Boy. Come with me.

[drum roll]


- [gasps]


Wow. Dad's exploring equipment!

How come all this is hidden away?

- [sighs] It just makes me too sad to keep it out,

because I miss him so much.

But now that you're old enough,

I've brought you to see and hear his story

in all its glory! - [gasps]

Oh, boy! I cannot wait.

Oh, tell it, Mom! Tell it!

- All right. Here goes--

Let me tell it to you like your father

would have wanted to hear it: in a song!

[rock music]

[clears throat] ♪ Trevor was the bravest ♪

♪ Troodon ♪

♪ The smartest that's ever been ♪

♪ Never knew a finer Conductor ♪

♪ Never saw toe-claws so clean ♪

♪ ♪

♪ His hat was always polished ♪

♪ His eyes were a steely blue ♪

♪ He said, I'm taking the Drill Train, honey ♪

♪ But this time I can't take you ♪

♪ No, this time I can't take ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ 'Cause into the future ♪

♪ He dared to drill, then the tunnel caved in ♪

♪ And I guess he's out there still ♪

♪ He never could quite explain ♪

♪ He just had to take his train ♪

♪ To the future in his new Drill Train ♪

♪ His experimental new Drill Train ♪

♪ ♪

Whoo! Yeah! Feel it!

♪ ♪

- Mother! - Oh, sorry.

Where was I?

♪ I'll come back, he said ♪

♪ From the future I'll come back! ♪

♪ And all I could do was sigh ♪

♪ I never will forget the day we met ♪

♪ Nor the day we said ♪

♪ Good-bye ♪

- Oh, gosh. Now I remember when he left--

he told me the same thing he told you!

That he was on a mission to discover

what the future was like, and that he'd come back

as soon as he could!

So that's how he got lost!

Oh, tell me, Mother! Where is he now?

- No one knows.

When his Drill Train drilled into the future,

the tunnel he dug collapsed behind him,

and no one's heard from him again!

- So he might still be stuck in the future,

beyond the Mesozoic, in a new Era?

- Hmm... I haven't dared to think so.

But he could be. - [gasps]

Wow. I wonder what the future's like?

Is it hotter or colder there?

Are there the same kinds of species? Oh, boy!

- No one knows, Sonny Boy!

No one was brave enough to go back into the tunnel

he dug to find out!

The other Conductors said it was too dangerous

to tunnel into the future in an experimental Drill Train.

He was... well, he was the bravest Troodon of them all.

- Mother? I'm so glad to finally know all of this.

Thanks, Mom. Oh, may I keep this?

- Aw Sonny, I'm sure he'd want you to have it.

- [sighs] I am going to take a long walk

and think about all of this.

[soft music]

- Go long! Way long!


- [whimpers sadly]

♪ ♪

- [giggling, babbling]

- [sighs]

- Tiny? Something funny's going on with the Conductor.

- Yeah. Mom?

Buddy and I want to follow the Conductor

and find out what's wrong. Come on!

- [laughs, grunts] - Father's Day adventure!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. I'm still digesting here.

[grunts] Here I come.

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

both: Mr. Conductor! - [gasps]

- [squawks] Where are you going?

- Oh, my! Heh. Buddy. Tiny.

Mr. Pteranodon! Well I-I'm just ab...


Well, if you must know, I just found out the truth

about my father, Trevor Troodon.

He dared to take a mission into the future,

in his own experimental Drill Train.

- Whoa. He drilled into the future?

- So that's where your dad is?

- Yes... well, I, I think so!

All I know is that my brave father

tunneled into the future,

and I believe he became lost there

when the tunnel collapsed around him!

And no one could follow him...

[clears throat] No one until now!

I am gonna take this newer, safer,

more modern Drill Train

and tunnel into the future,

find him, and bring him back home

to me and Mother, his family!

- Wow. You're really going beyond the Mesozoic Era?

- Yes, indeed-y do!

- But what happens after the Mesozoic?

- No one knows.

- Wow! We want to find out what comes after the Mesozoic Era

and what happened to your dad! - We can't miss out on this.

- Please, please, can we come too?

- Well, if they're going,

then by gosh I'm going too!

Heh, you may need some help from another father

before this is all over!

- Ho ho, we would love to have you, Mr. P.

Heh, the more fathers, the better, on this mission.

- Ooh! - [gasps] Mother?

- Of course I knew that once I told you,

you'd want to drill to the future

and find your missing father! [sighs]

That's why I was always afraid to tell you the whole story.

- I know, Mom.

- So I brought you this. It's for good luck!

You may need it! And it'll help you

recognize him in the future.

I'll be here, waiting for the both to come home.

So long, Sonny Boy!

- Thanks, Mother!

And farewell. all: Bye!

- Well, Buddy, Tiny, Mr. Pteranodon,

if any Drill Train

can get us safely to the future,

this one can.

It has been tried and tested.

Notice that the tail

has a new flange design,

to prevent tunnel cave-ins!

And I'm a pretty good pilot too,

heh, if I do say so myself.

[inhales] It's Time Tunnel digging time.

- [squawks] All right, then, kids.

Let's help the Conductor any way we can.

- Yeah! Let's give him the Greatest Father's Day ever!

all: Whoo-hoo!

- All aboard!

The Drill Train!


- Hi, there, I'm Dr. Scott the paleontologist.

Have you ever wanted to find a fossil?

Well, this tooth from a prehistoric bison

was actually found by kids

whose community has a dig

that people can come to every year to look for fossils.

[dinosaur roars]

- Hi, we're in Woodburn, Oregon by the high school.

- And we're looking for fossils.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I'm Dave. I'm a science teacher at the high school.

This spot here was a pond as the Ice Age was ending

about , years ago.

People from all ages are coming in to help find

those bones and those plant remains,

fossils from the end of the Ice Age.

A few years ago, we found

the partial skeleton of a very large bison.

This week so far we've found bones.

- I see little teeth, ah! - Where?

- It looks like a jaw.

- We found a muskrat jaw bone and a frog leg.

♪ ♪

- So this is a ,-year-old bone.

- Yay!

Mom, I found a bone!

- This kind of animal can fly and has feathers.

- A bird. - A bird!

Now what kind of a bird would live in a pond?

- A duck. - A duck.

all: Fossils are awesome!

[dinosaur roars]

- Get outside,

get into nature, and make your own discoveries.

- Hello, folks. It's me, the Conductor!

Today, Buddy, Tiny, Mr. Pteranodon and I

are drilling into the future-- on a quest to find my father!

So come on along with me on the Dinosaur Train!

All aboard!

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

Oh-ho-kay, let's get this bad boy started.

The plan is simple!

We just gotta take this Drill Train

past the Mesozoic to rescue my father

who's been trapped there since I was a little baby!

So... hang on to your scales and tails,

dinosaurs and pterosaurs--

we are drilling into the future!

Here we come!

[Drill whirring]

both: Whoa.

- Where are we?

- Did we come out at the North Pole?

- Maybe! I've never seen so much snow and ice.

- Hmm, the instruments say

we're still somewhere near Troodon Town,

but now it's millions of years in the future.

[gasps] We're in the Cenozoic Era!

all: The Cenozoic Era. Whoo-hoo!

- Wait. If no one's ever been here,

how do you know what it's called?

- Well, the instruments say so.

both: Look at all the snow!

- I-is it like this all the time in the future?

- Nope, sometimes it's warmer, sometimes it's cooler.

We've arrived at a cool stretch in the Cenozoic.

- Wow. I love it.

It is cool! - [chuckles] Yeah.

Whoo. Uh, literally.

- [chuckles] - [shivering]

Actually it's cold!

They should call the Cenozoic Era the Ice Era.

- [shivering laugh] Or maybe the Ice Age.

[rim shot] - Yeah, the Ice Age!

I like it.

- Well it's one of several Ice Ages in the Cenozoic,

apparently, Miss Tiny, heh.

And it is very icy.

The ice here is sometimes a mile deep!

- Boy, that's icy. - [squawks]

Okay, Buddy. The sooner we find Mr. Conductor's dad,

the sooner we can get warm again.

- And the sooner Mr. Conductor gets

the best Father's Day ever!

- Yeah! We got this kids.

[wind howling]

[tense music]

- Phew. I can hardly see my hands in front of my face, heh.

Oh, I am sure grateful for your company,

Buddy, Tiny, and Mr. P.

- Sure thing, Mr. Conductor!

- Heh heh, no problem!

- [squawks] W-we wouldn't miss it!

- Well, it's a big deal, searching in the icy wastes

of a future Era for my lost father!

- We'll find him. I know it!

How you doing, Tiny? - [shivers]

Remember the sweet smell of summer?

- B-b-barely.

- It's so cold.

Dad, how long do we have to keep going?

- Tiny, I know it's cold, but...

do you remember back in Troodon Town,

when you gave me this? - [laughs]

Yeah. Your D-d-dad Doll!

- Yup. And remember Buddy recited that great poem?

This has been the best Father's Day I've ever had.

You kids gave me this great day--

and now's our chance to do the same for the Conductor.

And that means we keep searching

through this ice and snow

until we find some answers--

and hopefully Trevor Troodon!

[both grunting]

- Tiny Power! - [gasps]

[yelps] - [squawks]

Runaway sled!

- [wailing]

[dramatic music]

[all shouting]

♪ ♪

Hang on, everyone!

all: Whoa!

[all wailing]

all: Huh?

- My gosh. - That was nuts!

- Tough sledding. - What the heck just happened?

- [squawks]

Did anyone else just see a large, hairy creature

a couple of turns back there?

[footsteps approaching]

- [gasps]

[all scream]

- Uh, hello, strangers.

What are you doing out here in this storm?

- Who... who are you?

- Oh, my name's Maurice.

I'm a Mammut, a member of the Mastodon family.

We're fur-covered, elephantine mammals.

- I'm Tiny Pteranodon,

and this is my brother, Buddy,

and my dad, Dad,

and Mr. Conductor. both: Hello.

- Boy, are we glad to find some sign of life here!

- Wow. A huge sign of life!

- Well, there's actually lots of different kinds

of life here in the Cenozoic.

- Do you mind if we compare features?

- Not at all!

- [squawks] Good! I love your fur.

It's beautiful and looks so warm!

- Yup, we Mammuts need this fur

to survive in the cold.

- And how about those huge... are they horns?

- Well, we call them-- both: Tusks!

both: Tusks? Cool!

- What do you use them for?

- Well, for showing off,

and sometimes for fighting,

but you know what I mostly use them for?

both: What? - [mooing]


Ah, look. Food.

both: Cool! - Mmm.

[chewing, gulping]

Yeah, I'm a browser and grazer,

and my teeth are for leaves and other plant foods,

which can be difficult to find in all this snow!

[chuckles, gulps]

- Wow. The mammals we know are all pretty tiny,

and you're huge!

Things definitely change after the Mesozoic.

- Yeah. The mammals get bigger,

and the temperature gets colder.

- Yep, the Cenozoic Era

is definitely cooler than the Mesozoic.

- Hey, the Age of Dinosaurs is pretty cool!

- Um, Tiny-- he means "cold."

- Heh heh. Oh, yeah.


It's definitely colder.

[all shivering]

- Well, interesting as this feature check is, kids, heh,

we should get back to our mission before we all freeze!

- Hmm, uh. What is your mission, Mr. Conductor?

- Oh, well-- [clears throat]

We came from the Age of Dinosaurs

to search for my father, who we think got lost

somewhere here in the Cenozoic.

- Have you seen him?

- Hmm.

This is him, huh?

- Yes, his name is Trevor Troodon.

- Uh-huh.

Yeah, I feel like I've seen something like this creature.

- Oh, really? Where?

- Yeah, yeah, he lives in a weird house

and sells canned carrion.

[chuckles] Come on!

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

- Father? - Son?

- [tearing up] Oh, ho, I knew I'd find you!

I am so happy!

Oh, how I have missed you, Papa!

- You... how... y-y-you came and found me?

- Yes! We came in a new Drill Train--

me, Buddy, and Tiny, and Mr. Pteranodon!

- Now! Are these your children?

Am I a grandpa?

- [chuckling] No. No, these are mine.

- So, Dad, what happened?

Is this your experimental Drill Train?

- Yes---what's left of it.

It was years and years ago

when I drilled into the future.

But then the Drill Train broke down,

and the Time Tunnel collapsed!

Huh! Oh, boy, I thought I was lost here

in the Cenozoic forever.

- Everyone back home thought you were lost forever,

too, Dad. - Boy, am I glad you found me!

I ain't been eating nothing but carrion and crackers for years.

- [chuckles] Well, then you're in luck,

because we've come to take you home!

both: For Father's Day!

- We're going back to the Mesozoic!

- [sighs] The Mesozoic.

Huh! Where I get to see my family,

and I get to eat something different

from canned carrion! Yeehaw!

- [grunts]

- Maurice, thank you a million times for all your help.

Ho-ho, if you hadn't found us-- - Aw.

It was entirely my pleasure.

Uh, in fact, I can't remember a day

when I've had more fun. [chuckles]

Ah, have a wonderful time back in the Mesozoic Era.

Send me a postcard!

all: Bye, Maurice! Thanks!

- Eh, I see what you've done here.

The tail has a new flange design,

to prevent tunnel cave-ins.

[laughs] Sweet ride, son.

- Oh, thanks, Pop. You know,

I had a hand in designing it.

- Well, what are we waiting for?

both: All ab--oh. - After you.

both: All ab--

- Please, I'm the elder. - Okay.

- Here we go. One, two, three.

both: All aboard!

[horn blares]

[horn blares]

[indistinct chatter]

both: It's Trevor Troodon!

[amazed chatter]

[cheers and applause]

- Trevor? - Tabitha?

- [grunting]

- Oh, Moms and Dads. both: Oh!

- They're mine! [giggling happily]

all: Trevor Troodon!

The bravest Troodon of them all!

- Oh! Now now now now, to me,

the "bravest Troodon of all"

is this guy--he dared to drill into the future

and search the whole Ice Age to find me!

Thank you, son.

- Ah, gee, gosh, Dad.

- Son! Oh, boy, it's fun to say that word!

[laughs] Son!

all: ♪ They came back, they came back ♪

♪ From the future they came back ♪

♪ They deserve a hero's ball ♪

♪ The Conductor and Trevor Troodon ♪

♪ The bravest Troodons of all ♪


- Hi, there, I'm Dr. Scott the paleontologist.

Now, paleontologists study the remains

of ancient life forms, including dinosaurs,

but first they have to become fossils.

So how does a dinosaur become a fossil?

Well, millions of years ago, after an animal died,

it was buried in sentiment usually flowing in water.

After it was buried, it started to turn

from bone into rock.

They stay fossilized and underground

for millions and millions of years

until paleontologists-- people like me--

come along and find them,

usually in places we call badlands.

Then we bring out heavy tools, things like jackhammers

and rock saws to expose the fossil

and see what's there.

After that, the finer tools come out,

things like brushes and picks and glue,

and eventually we cover the whole fossil

in plaster and burlap,

kind of like you'd put on a broken arm with a cast.

Then we flip the fossil over, put the cast on

what was the bottom, and now the fossil's

ready to be transported out of the badlands.

We can put it on our back if it's small.

If it's big, we have a helicopter take it away.

Eventually it makes its way back to a truck

which takes it back to a place like this.

We are in the paleontology lab

at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County,

and it is here that the fine work

on those fossils really begins.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[train whistle blows]