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02x03 - I am Eugenie Clark/I am Benjamin Banneker

Posted: 02/28/24 16:22
by bunniefuu
Brad: Ready for adventure?

♪ Who's that kid who can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: ♪ To change the world!

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! Yadina: ♪ And Yadina!

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: ♪ And the Secret Museum!

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪


Xavier: Row!...Row!



Hey there! Welcome to the row.

Oh!...I mean, show. [giggles]

Brad: [heavy panting]

Today we're meeting someone who spent

a lot of time in the water:

Eugenie Clark!

Yadina: Also known as: the Shark Lady.

Brad: [gasps]

Xavier: Eugenie was an ichthyologist,

which is a scientist who studies fish.

Brad: Eeeeeh!

Yadina: She would dive down into the ocean

and swim with all different kinds of fish,

including sharks!

Xavier: And she learned that sharks weren't

what people thought they were.

Brad: Not what people thought they were?

Oh, okay I get it.

This isn't a real shark.

I bet it's just Dr. Zoom in a costume.

She's trying to trick me.




Ooh! Eeeh!

[chomp!] ♪♪


Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Farm field trip day.

Brad: I've been waiting for this all week!

We're going to meet a farmer and ride a tractor and see animals-

Yadina: And pet animals. Brad: And pet animals and--



As in, I can touch them...

they can touch me??

Xavier: Yeah.

At the petting zoo, Brad.

Farmer: Welcome to the farm.

[chuckles] Come on in, come on.

Brad: No way. Uh-uh!

I do not do petting zoos.

Who knows what'll happen with all those animals running wild??

I might step on a peacock...

Or get pricked by a porcupine...

Or get slobbered on by a hungry pig...

Yadina: Pretty sure none of that's gonna happen, Brad.

Brad: "Pretty sure" isn't good enough, Yadina.

Back to the safety of the bus for me!

See ya!

Xavier: We can't let Brad miss out on our farm field trip day.

Yadina: You're right, Xavier.

And that means--

Xavier/Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

Brad: Nice try.

But we're nowhere near the museum!

Berby: [blurp]So there's no way in the wold

that we can-- Waaaaah!

Xavier: [gasp] Thanks, Berby! Berby: [blarp]


Xavier: Woohoo! Yadina: Yeah!

Brad/Xavier: Hi, Berby!

Yadina: Hi, Berby! Berby [blurp]

Yadina: C'mon, Brad!


Xavier: [humming]

We're getting something!

Yadina: Goggles!

Xavier: Hm...

Maybe the Secret Museum thinks this will protect you

in the petting zoo, Brad.

Brad: Mmmm... Yeah, nope. Not pig-slobber proof.


Xavier: [gasps] Look! Eugenie Clark.

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: And that's where we're going to meet her:

New York, in the year .

Brad: That's almost...

years ago!

Yadina: I wonder if Eugenie can help you

with your petting zoo fear, Brad?

Xavier: Only one way to find out.

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Hmm, petting zoo or time travel?

That's a toughie...

Berby: [blee-arp]

Brad: Ready...

Berby: [blurp blurp blarp]

Yadina: Here we go!


Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo!


Berby: [bloo-ooo-oop]


[zap] Xavier: Woah!

Yadina: There's fish everywhere, Dr. Zoom!

This is your kind of place.

Xavier: I think we're in an aquarium.

Brad: Uh, yeah...Seems like

no touching can happen.



These little guys are kinda relaxing to watch.


[poof!] AAAH!

Eugenie: I know!

Isn't it cool?

Brad: Cool is not the word I woulda used.

Berby: [whirring]

Yadina: That's Eugenie Clark!

Eugenie: I get it.

When you don't know much about something,

it can seem kinda scary.

But asking questions can help you feel less afraid.

Brad: [skeptical] Really?

Eugenie: Mm-hm. For example:

I wonder WHY

this fish is all puffy and spiky?

Let's find out! Huh...

Says here, it's a porcupine fish.

And, they can suck in water

to puff themselves up like a balloon!

But, they only do it when they're scared.


Now that we understand the fish a little bit better,

she doesn't seem so scary.

Does she?

Brad: Maybe a little less scary.

I still wouldn't want to pet her, though.

Eugenie: [giggle]

But wouldn't it be amazing to swim with her?

Sometimes, I like to pretend

I'm walking on the bottom

of the ocean floor,

surrounded by fish that I can reach out and touch!

One day, I want to swim with the biggest fish of all:


Brad: [gasps] Sharks!


Eugenie: [giggle] I think sharks are beautiful.

I can't wait to swim with some for real.

I have SO many questions I want to discover the answer to!

Brad: There's NO WAY Eugenie would swim with sharks

for real, right?

Xavier: [giggle] Looks like we're about to find out.

Yadina: Whoa. Where are we?

Brad: [dizzy] When are we??

Berby: [blee-arp bloop]

Xavier: Oh, Berby says we're in Florida.

years later!

Brad: [gasp]

♪ [suspenseful music]

What is that?!

[nervous] Uuuh...

♪ [suspenseful music]

[gentle splash]

Yadina: Ah! Eugenie!

We thought you were a shark.

Brad: Oh, I was scared!

Eugenie: [chuckles] I'm not a shark.

Those are sharks.

Brad: Aaaah! Sharks!

Eeeeh! Aaah!


I don't wanna see!

Eugenie: It's okay!

I'm a trained ichthyologist now.

That's a scientist who studies fish.

Including sharks.

So now I can answer all the questions I had

about their behavior,

and how to swim with them safely.

Cool, huh?

Xavier: Whoa!

Yadina: SO cool.

Brad: But aren't sharks just, y'know...

brainless eating machines?

Eugenie: [grunting]

I'm SO glad you asked, Brad.

Because answering that question is exactly why I'm here!

Learning from these lemon sharks.

Yadina: Coooool.

Come see, Brad.

Brad: Yeah. I-I'm good waaaaay back here

where there's no sharks.

And dry land, no water...

Thank you, though.

Eugenie: [giggle] Don't worry.

These sharks may be hungry,

but they don't want you.

They're much more interested in these targets.

Brad: Targets?

Eugenie: I've been training them to push one of these

when they want food.

But they only get it if they push the white square.

Xavier: What if they push the red circle?

Eugenie: They don't get anything.

Brad: Why not?

Eugenie: Because I want to see if they can learn

which one gives them food.

That would prove they're much smarter than people think.

Brad: Oh. Wh-wha-

what are they doing?

Eugenie: They're thinking...


[thump!] [bell rings]

[bell ringing]

Xavier: He pushed the square!

Yadina: He did it!

Brad: He did?

Eugenie: He did! Here you go, boy!

Brad: What about the other shark?

Eugenie: Good question, Brad.

Let's see if the other one can figure out

how their friend got that snack.


Brad: Oh...


[thump!] [bell rings]

Yes! She did it!

So the sharks actually learned how to ask for food?

Eugenie: Yup! Brad: Huh.

They really are smart. Eugenie: Exactly!

I want the whole world to know,

so they'll think of sharks differently.

Yadina: Hey Brad,

you're standing right next to the water!

And you don't look all!

Brad: Oh yeah...

Guess I realized there isn't anything to be afraid of.

Eugenie: Like I said,

asking questions can help you feel less afraid.

Brad: Hmm. If asking questions can help me

be less afraid of sharks...

then maybe it can help me be less afraid of...

[gasp] almost anything!

[loud splash] Yadina/Xavier: [laugh]

Xavier: Including the petting zoo?

Brad: It's worth a shot!

Thanks for your help, Eugenie.

Eugenie: [giggle] You're welcome. Bye everyone!

Xavier: Bye, Eugenie! Yadina: Bye, sharks!

Brad: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: [bleep blarp]


Um, hi. Excuse me.

Uh, could you tell me what animals

are inside the petting zoo?

Farmer: Oh, sure!


There's a lama, goat,

pig, and some baby chicks.

Brad: [gasps] Baby chicks?

But, what about the pig?

Does she eat capes?

Farmer: Oh, no, no, no.

She won't eat your cape.

Though, the goat might munch on it

if given the chance. [chuckles]

Brad: [gasps]

Farmer: But don't worry!

He'll stay in his pen

and you don't have to pet him

if you don't want to.

Brad: [sighs] Phew!

Xavier: Well, Brad? What do you think?

Brad: Let's GO!

Xavier: Awwwww.

Yadina: Aww, Brad.


Brad: Meeting Eugenie Clark, and her sharks,

was so interesting!

Yadina: She proved just how smart sharks really are!

Xavier: And how cool they are!

Brad: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Eugenie Clark.

Xavier: Who used to be a kid,

just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

And I know that asking questions can help you feel less afraid.

Just like Eugenie Clark.

Yadina: Hello! And welcome to the...

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: [strugling/grunting]

Xavier: Um, Berby, little help?

Berby: [whoooo]


Berby: [whirring] Yadina: Oh nice!

Xavier: [grunts] Brad: Thanks, Berby!

Yadina: Welcome to the show!

Xavier: Today we're meeting someone

who loved solving puzzles:

Benjamin Banneker!

Yadina: He was a farmer, a mathematician,

an astronomer, and a naturalist.

Brad: Which is someone who studies nature.

Xavier: Like how to help crops grow.

Brad: How to build a clock-

Xavier: And how to use a telescope

to figure out the position of the stars.

Brad: Whooooa! Yadina: Whoa!

Yadina: And there's the big red button!

Now let's start the show!


Yadina: Aaah!

[dramatic groan]

[frustrated groan]

Xavier: Yadina? Are you ok?

Yadina: Xavier! Brad!

What can jump higher than a building?

Xavier/Brad: Ummm...

Yadina: [sighs]

My teacher gave our class this riddle to solve,

but it's way too hard.

Xavier: Oh yeah, I had your teacher last year.

She looooves riddles.

I remember this one!

Yadina: [gasps] You do?

Did you solve it? Xavier: Yep!

Yadina: YES! You can tell us the answer!

Xavier: I think the point is to figure it out yourself.

Yadina: But I can't!

And the prize for getting it right is a turtle sticker.

A TURTLE sticker!

And Dr. Zoom reeeeeaaaaally wants it.

Please? Please?

With turtles on top?

Xavier: Um..

Sorry, Dr. Zoom.

[to Yadina] It'll be worth it when you figure it out.

Trust me.

Yadina: Hmph!

Well, if you won't tell me, I'll find someone who will...

To the Secret Museum!

Brad: Are you sure you can't figure it out, Yadina?

Your last name is literally Riddle!

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when.

[cuckoo clock chimes]Yadina: Woohoo! Brad: Eeeh!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Yadina/Xavier/Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: [blee-arp]

Brad: Ugh!

Xavier: [humming]

We're getting something!

Yadina: A clock?

Pretty sure that doesn't jump higher than a building.

Xavier: Hey look - Benjamin Banneker!

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In Maryland, in the year .

Brad: But that's...

over years ago!

Yadina: I sure hope Benjamin Banneker is good

at solving riddles.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Wait, maybe I can solve it!

What can jump higher than a building? Think...

A kangaroo? No.

A kangaroo on a pogo stick?



[sighs] I got nothin'.


Berby: [whirring]

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: [blee-arp]]

Brad: It's happening!

Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom! Xavier: Woohoo!


Berby: [bloo-oop]


Brad: Ugh!

Eeya! [shaking/grunting]

Yadina: Look at all these little plants.

Who did all of this?

Benjamin Banneker: [dig-grunts]


Berby: [blurp bloop]

[whirring] Xavier: Benjamin Banneker!

Thanks, Berby!

Berby: [blee-arp bloop]

Benjamin: All done, Mom!

Mary: [chuckles] Great job!

As a reward for all your hard work,

I have a riddle for you.

Yadina: [to friends] Benjamin's reward for doing

hard work is more work?

Mary: What plant has long green leaves with spiky points,

a head that's round and golden like the sun,

and we can have it for dinner tonight?

Benjamin: [thinking] Hmmm... Good one, Mom!

I'll figure it out!

Yadina: Ugh! Riddles, am I right?

Benjamin: I love riddles!

They're a fun challenge!

And overcoming challenges makes me feel proud.

Yadina: In that case,

I've got a riddle for you!

What can jump higher than a--?

Benjamin: [gasps] I figured out part of my mom's riddle!

C'mon! Yadina: Already?

Brad: Wait up!

Benjamin: My mom said that the plant is for dinner,

so it must grow in the food garden.

Brad: Wow. This is one tasty looking garden!

Benjamin: Long leaves..

with spiky points..

and has a flower that's round and golden,

like the sun.

Yadina: What about that one?

Benjamin: Hmmm, I don't think so.

The leaves don't have points

and the flowers are purple,

not yellow.

This is Virginia Spiderwort,

but isn't the one we need.

Yadina: This is so hard!

We could just ask your mom which one she wants?

That'd be waaaay easier!

Benjamin: But I know that when we find it ourselves,

we'll feel so proud!

Xavier: Let's keep looking!

Brad: Wah!

Xavier: Hmm-hmm..

[gasp] Yellow flowers, green leaves...

[Calls out] Benjamin! Is this it?

Benjamin: Hm, this is purslane.

The flowers are yellow,

but the leaves are rounded,

not long and spiky.

Xavier: Ooooh yeah... Yeah yeah yeah. Right right.

Well, at least we know this isn't it.

Brad: Oh, maybe that's the...

No I don't think so.


Ow! That's prickly...

And it has yellow flowers!

[Calls out] Wait! What about this one?

Benjamin: Hm.. this is Anise Scented Goldenrod.

The leaves are green and feel prickly

and the flowers are yellow,

but my Mom said the flowers were round like the sun.

So it can't be this one.

Yadina: Oh. This riddle is impossible.

Benjamin: Hmm..

[gasps] Long, green, spiky leaves?


Round golden flower?


And we can definitely use it for dinner?


Yadina: But, that's a dandelion.

Benjamin's Mom: That's right, Benjamin!

I knew you'd figure it out.


Brad: I didn't know you could eat dandelions.

Benjamin: You can!

The roots, flowers and leaves

are ALL very nutritious.

You just have to make sure they're clean

before you eat them.

Yadina: Wow! Xavier: See, Yadina?

It feels great to solve that riddle with Benjamin.

Right? Yadina: I guess...

but it doesn't help me solve MY riddle.


Can a dandelion jump higher than a building?

Brad: Um..

Yadina: Come on, Xavier, just tell me the answer!

Berby: [blarp bloop] Brad: Oh dear...


Yadina: Where are we? Brad: When are we?

Berby: [blee-arp bloop] Xavier: Berby says,

we're in Benjamin Banneker's house,

years later!

Yadina: Woah! Look at this place.

It's like a library for math.

Brad: What's this? Benjamin: A clock!

Well, it will be,

after I put all these little pieces together.

Xavier: Woah. You're MAKING a clock?

Benjamin: Yes! A friend lent me this pocket watch,

and I thought it was so neat,

I wanted to try making a clock of my own.

Yadina: You're going to build a whole big clock,

just by looking at that watch?

That sounds impossible.

Benjamin: Not impossible.

But a challenge!

And overcoming challenges makes me feel proud.

First, I took the watch apart,

so I could draw what all the pieces looked like.

Next, I did a lot of math to figure out

how I could make my own BIGGER version.

Then, I made these pieces out of wood.

[sproing!] Oh no!

Yadina: Woah! Oh!

Brad: I got it!

Xavier/Brad: Yaaa-ugh! Huh?

Brad: I don't got it!

- Oh! - Oooh!

- Got it!


Yadina: YES! Got it!

Benjamin: Phew! Thanks.

Now I can finish my clock.

[sotto, working] Hmmm, this here...

That goes there...

And... Done!

Xavier/Brad: Whoa! Yadina: Wow, look at that!

Benjamin: Now to find out if it works...

♪ [suspenseful music]

[tick-tock] Yes!!

Yadina: He did it!

Building that clock

was a HUGE challenge,

way bigger than solving a riddle.

But Benjamin stuck with it,

until he figured it out...

Dr. Zoom, we should try to solve our riddle

on our own.

Thanks for your help, Benjamin.

And congrats on your new clock!

Benjamin: I'm pretty proud!

Yadina: Keep up the good work!

Benjamin: Bye!

Yadina: Berby, let's go home!

Berby: [bleep blarp]


Yadina: What can jump higher than a building...?


Not high enough.

A grasshopper?

A super bouncy ball??


[cuckoo clock chimes] [gasps]

[Realizing] ...Heeeeey!

We got it Dr. Zoom!

[clears throut]

What can jump higher than a building?

Anything that can jump!

Because buildings don't jump!



Meeting Benjamin Banneker was so inspiring!

That clock he made

was the very first wooden clock

ever made in the United States.

Brad: And it kept on working for a loooooong time.


Xavier: Benjamin loved to figure things out

and overcame all kinds of challenges!

Like learning to play the violin--

Brad: And the flute.

Yadina: He even taught himself

how to predict weather patterns

and solar eclipses!

He was one smart guy.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Benjamin Banneker.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And overcoming challenges makes me feel proud,

just like Benjamin Banneker!

♪ [show theme music]

