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01x08 - Sharks

Posted: 02/17/13 02:39
by bunniefuu
"Sharks" ( Requins )

We live in strange times.

A man's word, what is it worth? To men of no honor, nothing.

I know what you're thinking.

A million euros is a lot of money.

A lot of money.

Weapons sales is a cash business. You pay to play.

So what's the deal?

Get the money to Marseille by six o'clock tomorrow. Hire your best man.

Am I the only guy you've approached to do this?

Let's just say I've covered my bets.

A race then?

Consider it an audition.

A million euros by six o'clock tomorrow.

Bring it to Marseille. Hire your best driver. When you make the delivery, you'll receive the contract for the rocket shipment.

Just ensure that he gets there first.

Do whatever you want to do! But remember, discretion is as important as making the delivery.

[ cell phone ringing ]

Frank Martin.

I'm bringing the car in. Not a scratch on it.

Hmm. It sounds to me as though you wish to drive the new car.

It is my car.

But you hire me to keep the car in the best possible condition. When you need them, they are ready.

Do you need the new car?

Well, not specifically for work, no.

So, I cannot let you drive it.

Dieter, don't make me demand my car.

Okay, first of all, is the car you are driving now in perfect shape?

It's pristine.

No scratches, no ding spots?

I mean it. Pristine.

Don't just say the word, if you don't mean it.

I'm telling you it is.

Hey, give me that bag.

Hey, bitch!

Give me that bag!

Just a moment, Dieter.

Give me the bag!

Do you gentlemen need something?

Frank? Hello?

[ honking ]

[ honking ]

[ deflating airbag ]

Hmm. You're welcome.

Frank? Frank, are you all right?

Yes, why?

I heard a commotion.

Ah, no, I was just helping a lady with her shopping.

You wouldn't lie to me.

I've got to go.

You will not get the red car today.

I know, Dieter, I know.

Bye bye.

[ car starts ]

♪ I get up at seven, yeah ♪
♪ Then I go to work at nine ♪
♪ I got no time for living, yeah ♪
♪ I'm working all the time ♪
♪ Seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ A lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ I guess that's what I am ♪

on radio: Okay, so a guy's driving down the road in the middle of nowhere and he sees this other guy walking along carrying a bag. He offers him a lift and after a while, he asks what's in the bag. And the guy with the bag says, a bottle of whisky. I got it for my boss. And the guy driving says, that's a good trade!

[ laughter ]

What's so funny?

Oh, Frank, you could give me some warning that you are here.

I didn't want to spoil your fun. What's the joke?

Okay. This guy goes to a store and buys some whiskey for his boss, then, um, then he's walking back and then, oh come on, I don't want to tell it.

I'm a mechanic and if you want jokes, then please go to the comedy club.

[ cell phone ringing ]

Oh, f*ck. Shit!

Oh f*ck.

Not who you were hoping for?

New girlfriend?

I met a lady.

Where'd you meet her?

On the Internet.

Internet girl. Sounds sweet.

She likes me.


Sure she's a she?

I will see her today.

We are meeting for lunch.

Good. You'll meet her, see what she's like, get a feeling for who she is...

Any advices?

Lose the jeans.

I plan to, Frank.

[ cell phone vibrating ]

I got a trip to Marseille for you.

The pick-up's in Paris.

I'll be there.

[ cell phone ringing ] - Carla.

It's a straight run.

Paris to Marseille. Delivery by 6 PM.

I'll be there. Dieter, I need the new car.

Oh, I am re-mapping this unit.

Until, you must ride, um... Trudi.

Man: Standard rate plus a 20,000 bonus.


All right. Meet me at the pick-up in one hour. To Marseille.

All right.

The deadline's 6 PM.

No problem. I'll get it there.

There's something else.

What do you mean?

Two other guys want the contract. And they're sending couriers as well.

That's bullshit. f*ck them.

Hey, maybe I beat these guys and take all the money myself.

Bad news?

I got to make a run down to Marseille.

But I guess there's a couple of other guys doing the same job.

You have competition?

Well, if you want to call it like that.

I know these guys; one of them's an old American alcoholic, and the other one is English.

Can you imagine? An English driver?

Can I come?

What for?

I could use a trip to the country.

It's just driving.

And you're going to be bored stiff.

What's boring about that?


You got something for me?

I was about to ask you the same thing.

Just a quick run down to Marseille.

Last I heard, you were getting out.

[ laughs. ] Me, too. Probably my last go around.

You on the same job?

That'd be a coincidence, wouldn't it?

I've been through this before. Somebody sets up a race.

Hires a few drivers, see who finishes first.

Same old bullshit.

[ cell phone vibrating ]

Somebody's watching.

Pickup's changed. See you around.

[ cell phone ringing ]


Frank, got the package?

Yeah, and I wasn't the only one.

Pete O'Bannon was there, then got re-directed.

As long as the cheques clear.

Don't try making me feel better.

I don't like competition. It brings out the worst in people.

Look on the bright side. You'll probably win.

Probably? Thanks for the optimism.

When you're back to the South, you can take that nice new car for a drive.

Dieter keeps making sure I don't drive it.

Maybe you need a new mechanic.

Goodbye, Carla.

[ laughing ]

So who is the competition you were talking about?

I'm not supposed to talk about it.

I can keep a secret.

I'm not even supposed to let you ride along.

But you did. Come on, tell me something.

You gotta be smart. Smarter than the opposition. In fact...

[ dials a number ] and learn.

Yes, hello. I'd like to report a drug trafficker.

Where is that?

[ cell phone ringing ]


I don't care how you do it. Get all the cases.

That prick Amir can kiss my ass.

We'll tell him one of the drivers jacked the others.

Got it.

And the Jamaicans heard about this run too, so they're going to be making their own play.

Okay. There's been a change in plans.

We're getting all the money now.

Well come on, m*therf*ckers.

What's the f*cking problem? Let's go.

Oh, come on.

[ police siren ]

Get out of the car.

What's the problem, officer? I wasn't going that fast.

Get out, please.

Would you mind telling me what this is about?

We received an anonymous tip that someone matching your description was smuggling contraband.

An anonymous tip?

You see? English. Amateur.

What's its' maximum speed?

I think this car has been altered.

Sorry, we're in a hurry.

That's too bad.

Oh, shit!

[ cell phone ringing ]


I caught you at a bad time?

What can I do for you, Inspector?

I was wondering... Do you have any couscous?

The couscous is in the kitchen pantry by the refrigerator.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Yes. Your barbecue is wonderful.

You will have to tell me where you bought it.

I see you found the lock to the cabana.

Not exactly. Which reminds me.

The lock to your cabana is broken.

You really should get this lock fixed, Frank.

Frank? Frank?

Inspector, I'm going to have to get back to you.


Frank, thank God you're here. They had g*ns.

Nicolai tried to get away What happened?

I don't know.

I think he's hurt.

What are you doing here?

Hey! If you don't mind, I'm going to need your briefcase.

The briefcase. Let's go.

You already have a briefcase, Nicolai. What do you need mine for?

I need yours because I lost mine.

Well, not exactly lost, more like taken from me.

Now you give me your briefcase, I complete delivery.

No one will know any different.

Except you and I will know different.

I'm not going to say anything.

And if you do, well, you'll just look very unprofessional.

As unprofessional as you're going to look when I disarm you?

And how're you gonna manage that?

Well, you're standing about three feet away.

And since you're facing me full on, with your weight on your front foot, you're going to be off-balance. Would you mind...

The fact that you're holding your g*n so tight tells me you're not going to sh**t and, even if you do, chances are you're going to sh**t wide.

I'm going to enjoy this.

No. I guarantee you won't.

You're standing about three feet away from me, your weight resting on your left foot.

Thank you.

[ knock! knock! ]

Let me in. Look, I'm having a really bad day.

I've been carjacked, had g*ns pointed at me...

Get in.

Thank you.

Buckle up.

[ tires screeching ]

So you haven't told me what you're doing out here.

Nicolai's an old friend.

Some friend.

Maybe not so much anymore.

And you just happened to be riding with him when all this happened?

He offered me a ride to Marseille.

I thought it might be fun.

Working out for you, is it?

Everyone has a dark side.

Is that a fact?

Even you, I'm sure.

Sure as you were about it being fun to go to Marseille?

[ She chuckles. ] Put it down.

Just a peek?

Rule number three: don't open the package.

Special forces, right?

Where else would you learn to fight like that?

I grew up in a house with three older sisters.

Don't give a straight answer about your past.

Is that rule number four?

Actually, that's a variation of rule number two.

Shit! They've got g*ns!

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

Don't worry, this car's bulletproof.

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ screeching tires ]

Come on, let's move.

Come on.

Where are we going?

Somewhere we can stay out of sight while we wait for a lift.

[ cell phone ringing ]

[ cell phone ringing ]

[ cell phone ringing ]


How would you like to take a little scenic ride?

No. I'm going to meet Elsa.

That's the only scenic riding that I am doing today.

Dieter. Meet me at Cafe Benezet.

[ sigh ]

[ ding! dong! ]


I haven't seen you for months and you just show up?

So you're not pleased to see me?

Want a lift?

So who's after the briefcases?

Two groups. Both well-armed.

Clive William's Jamaican crew, and the Chinese.

Probably Teddy Mac's boys. Must be well paid by someone.

Well, that's good to know.

Anyway, I don't slow down or stop for anyone.

You stopped for us.

I stopped for him as a professional courtesy. And keep your hands off my shit!

I got everything the way I like it.

You live in this car?

When I'm on the job. See here, he's in the living room.

And you, darlin', you're in the master bedroom.

And you're not the first lady I've had back there...

I don't wanna hear. the last 24 hours. [ chuckle ]

Is it the money? Or just the prestige?

I got somebody to take care of.

So why aren't you at home taking care of them?

This job keeps you moving.

We're like sharks.

What? Unevolved?


You either keep moving or you die. That's pretty much it.

Right up there's good.

Thanks. Take care of yourself.

You too.
[ cell phone ringing ]

Where are you?

Outside, Frank.

Our ride's here.


Take care of her.

I will.

I saw the other car on the road. It's a mess.

Sorry about that.

You're not going to let that happen to Hilde are you?

That's Hilde? Hmm, I thought that was Trudi.

No! Trudi is much more emotional.

She pulls to the left. I've never understood that.


Come on, Frank.

You need to pick up on this stuff, right?

I will.

You still got time to make that date, right?

Dieter will give you a lift. Take you anywhere you want to go.

Why would I need him to give me a lift? I'm riding with you.

No, you're not.

You're just going to dump me?

I will wait in the truck, right here.

I'm doing you a favor.

No "I'm sorry"?

Was that "yes" or "no" to the lift?

Yes or no?

f*ck you!

You crazy bitch.


I've got something you want.

[ cell phone ringing ]


- It's me... Juliette.

How did you get this number?

You have to come back.

I'm not coming back.

There are men here.

They say if you don't come back and give them the briefcase, they will k*ll me.

[ spluttering motor ]

Come on. No, no, don't, don't, don't do this. You gotta be kidding me.

[ hissing ]

[ starts the car. ] Ha! Ha! Ha!

It's been a while.

Maybe your friend's not coming after all, hmm?

He's here!

[ ring tone ]

[ cell phone ringing ]

Give it to me.


How's the girl?

You brought the briefcase?

It's in the trunk.

Perfect. Stay in the car.

Give me the case.

Pop the trunk.


[ honking ]

Give me my f*cking briefcase back!


What the f*ck are you going to do to me?

Good to go.

You still haven't told me how you got my number.

Does that bother you that I have your number?

What bothers me is that coming back for you has put me twenty minutes behind schedule.

Interesting. You've just saved me from a guy with a machete.

Beaten up several more who could easily have k*lled you.

And what bothers you is that you're behind schedule.

It's that Special Forces, isn't it?

The suppression of panic. No reaction to terror.

It must be hard. Getting back into civilian life.

What's hard is listening to chatty passengers.

Yeah. Maybe you'll end up like that old guy in the Volvo.

A shark that swims until it stops, then dies because there's nothing else.

Sorry. It's business.

[ beeping ]

Oh, shit.

[ phone ringing ]


Are you heading towards the Bergeson Tunnel?

Yes. - There was a fire.

The tunnel's closed for a while.

Can you route us around?

Nothing that won't slow you down for at least six hours.

There's an inn about ten kilometers ahead.

You should stop there and wait it out.

Okay. Thanks Carla. A slight delay, I'm afraid.

So you still haven't told me what brings you to town.

Business. Well, mostly business.

And missing seeing you, Carla.

[ chuckles ]

Are we going to be here long?

Hard to say.

I'm gonna take a nap.

You do that.

There. Thank you. Wake me up when it's time to go.


Get some rest.

One beer for... Right, no names.


... for my friend.

Two beers.

Thank you.

Thank you.

How many runs you think you've done?

It's hard to say.

I've done over a thousand.

Twenty-five years of driving. How many times have I said this is the last one? At least the last 500.

Yeah, what is the retirement age for a driver?

Wish I knew. I used to love it though.

When I started it was mostly Iron Curtain work.

Bringing stuff over from the East.

Sometimes the other way: I try not to judge.

If the money was good, I took the work.

You never got in trouble with the CIA?

chuckling: You know who the biggest pain in the ass was?

West Berlin locals.

Anyway, I never carried anything I thought would really hurt anyone on our side.

A couple of times I even... I even "lost" microfilm.

You opened the package?

When it was coming from the Soviet side. Sure.

Didn't want anybody to think I was a traitor.

There used to be honour back then.

There still is.

Guys like you and me maybe.

You know what I really think?

I think it's because we don't want to really settle down.

Not stay anywhere.

Not commit to anything.

You are Dieter.

Yeah, uh... hello.

You look nothing like your profile photo.

Ah, you know, I took it in my garage, with the other light.

It's a little bit different.

And you are Elsa? You look better than your photo.

Are you going to buy me a drink?

Yes, a drink might be a very good idea. Waitress!

I would like schnapps.

Two schnapps, please.

So, here we are.

Your profile says you are a professor.

Yes, kind of.

man: Elsa!

Oh, shit.

Who's that?

That's Hans.


My boyfriend.

Your boyfriend? Why is he here?

He must have found my bike. He's very jealous.

Oh, should I go?

man: Elsa!

Where are you?

No! Stay.




Viv never divorced me, she just got tired of waiting for me to come home.

You got somebody like that?

No, not really.

It's no life.

Always driving away.

I wish I'd figured that out 20 years ago.

But it's not too late for you. Don't fall in the trap.

[ cell phone ringing ]

How's it going?

Frank, I think I might be in some trouble.


Yes, she has a boyfriend. .

He's looking for me His name is Hans.

[ chuckling ] Just leave, Dieter. She's not the woman for you.

There's no way out. - There is always a way out.

And if he sees me?

Punch him as hard and as fast as you can.

And then?

Then run like hell.

Oh, fine. Shit!

It's you?


Please, don't fight over me.

[ breaking glass ]

The tunnel's cleared.

Hey! You're not leaving me here!

[ phone ringing ]

Yeah? - Man: I got the info. You ready?

Go on.

I just spoke with Michael. The drop's going to happen tomorrow night at 11: 30. Warehouse 4B. All right?

Listen, we need to talk.

That's never gotten us anywhere.


You should warn your transporter.

There are some very dangerous people after those briefcases.

How do you know about that?

I was sent to find out his route.

To stop him.

Get out.

shouting: Get out!

[ phone ringing ]

[ cell phone ringing ]


Frank, I just got a tip that you're heading for trouble.

No kidding. - I wish I were.


I don't have a specific location, but it's about to happen soon.

How reliable is your source?


- We're close.

Okay. Thanks for the heads up.

[ tires screeching ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

Juliette: What's going on?

I've driven this road hundreds of times. If Carla is right, this would be it.

This would be what?

A place for an ambush.

[ chuckle ]


Give me a ride, baby?

Oh you bet, sweetheart.

Who said chivalry is dead?


[ g*nshots ]

Where are we?

We should be there in an hour.

Juliette: Is that the courier?

[ honking ] What's wrong?

I'm guessing he ran the roadblock too.

[ honking ]


You took your time.

Just relax. I'm going to help you.

Don't bother.

We both know it's not going to do any good.

You do me a favour.

You tell Viv... what happened.

The address is on the back.


We're like sharks.

Frank. Name's Frank.

Blaze of glory, Frank...

There are cars and bodies all over the countryside.

You call that discretion? - Man: Hey, the job was done.

The contract's cancelled. Do not contact me again, our relationship has been terminated.

f*ck you, Amir! You f*cking assh*le!

The famous transporter.

I've heard so much about you. Please, have a seat.

Champagne for mister...

No thanks.

I told you the Englishman would win.

There are hundreds of drivers, but only one Transporter.

Congratulations to the winner!

I brought your money.

A man died.

Yes, that was unfortunate. But it's a risky business.

And what does it matter to you anyway? You're just a driver.

You get half. The rest is for O'Bannon's family.

Are we going to have a problem with that?

I didn't think so.


So what?

What's in the package?

I gave you a ride. That's all you'll get from me.

You're unbelievable.

I'll take that as a compliment.

This isn't over.

See you around then.

[ beeping ]

[ flash ]

[ siren in distance ]

[ slow music ]

Pete would want you to have this...