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03x26 - Ice Guys Finish Last

Posted: 02/29/24 15:30
by bunniefuu



- Kiiids, I'm baa-Aaaack!

- Wait, you were gone?!

- Yes! I was gone for two whole weeks!

- No way. - Do you mean two hours?

- None of you noticed I was gone?

- Chef, of course we noticed! Guys, remember

our awesome substitute teacher, Mrs. Puddin?

- Mrs. Puddin was the best!

- She made learning fun!

- Well then... I guess none of you want to play

with the souvenir I brought back from Antartica.

- Chef! You can't just take icebergs!

- Pffft! Why not? They were all over the place!

What's it gonna hurt?

(Bear roars)

(Splash, bear roars)

- Wait a minute! There shouldn't be any polar bears

in the South pole.

(Jaw snaps)

- That's better.

- Well, it's still wrong

cuz Icebergs are an endangered natural resource!

- Oh, come on!

Some ice is too big to melt no matter how warm it gets.

- Uhhh, you sure about that, Chef?

- (Shrieks)

You wanna stop global warming? Just turn up the AC!

(Unit rattles and sparks)

- You're just making it worse!

- La la la la la la. I cannot hear you!

- Yes, this is very mature.

- La la la. I'm not listening.

- Maybe it's 'cause your fingers are in your ears!

- Guess it's just you n' me, icy.

Time to bust off a little piece,

toss it in the wood chipper and make some snow cones!


(Light tap, ice cracks)

Uh oh, time to bail!

(Ice clanks)

- (Sniffing)

(Grunts, smash)

- Okay... I like where this is heading.

- Oo-gah oo-gah oo-gah!

Oo-gah oo-gah!

- Breaking stuff and making dangerous weapons?

Got to admit, I'm intrigued.


(Toilet flushes)


(Wild grunting)

- I mean, wow. This guy has serious potential.

With a little coaching,

he could be a real destructive force!

(Sirens wail) (Camera clicks)


- Murphy, I was wondering

when you'd finally show up. Both: (Slurp)

- It was as long night, Rodriguez.

So what are we lookin' at here?

- Well, the boys at the lab are still finishing up some tests,

but my gut says... it's an iceberglary.

(Dramatic music sting)

- Yeah! Yeah!

Duncan: Springy, huh? - RRRRRR!

- Whoa! Eeaasy. Friennnnnd.

I'm Duncan. And a big fan of your work.

- Oo-gah?

- Look, I don't wanna change what you're doing.

I'll just make a suggestion or two.

To help. Cool?

- Oo-gah.


(Paint hisses)

- Ooo Oo-gah!


(Duncan whistles)


- Ooo-ha ha ha ha ha! (Smashing)

(Wild grunting)

- A pie disguised as a trap?

(Gasp) Thank you!

(Munching) (Metal thuds)

- Oo-gah!

(Flames crackle)

- Excellent progress, my apprentice.

- Hey! I hear meat.

(Gasp) Is somebody eating my lunch?!

Please! Stop eating my giant hunks of meat!

Both: (Laughing)

- La la la la la la la.

I can't hear you. La la la la la la.

- This is serious, Chef.

The Antarctic Police don't give up.

- (Gasp) My chair...

my souvenir...




- Atta boy, Cavey!

Don't forget to smash all of Chef's favourite stuff!

News Anchor: We interrupt scheduled programming

for breaking news from Antarctica.

- (Slurps) We believe the iceberg in question was,

in fact, stolen.

So if you see an iceberg, related artifacts

or ice creatures, call ColdTips at ...

- We better lay low for a while, Cavey.

I'm not gonna let these tuxedo-wearing bird cops

come here and spoil my fun.

Cave Boy?

Ughhh... this is not good.


- Annnd this is worse.

- The whole school is trashed!

The playground is covered in graffiti!

And my car is destroyed!

- Don't forget your souvenir is busted!

But let me explain!

- Nope! This time you went too far!

No more time outs!

No more raisins for snack as a punishment.

I'm calling your parents!


I can handle any punishment.

But calling my mom and dad?!

NUH-UH. My parents don't do punishment.

They prefer to use... sing therapy.

- This won't hurt us or you.

- Join in on the chorus, 'kay?!

♪ I, I, know I was bad I won't do that again ♪

♪ I'll be good, I'll be good, I'll be good ♪

♪ I'll be good Let's work on our tan ♪

- (Shudders) Ya, I need to rat out, Cavey.

Chef! It wasn't me! Honest!

There's this prehistoric Cave boy!

- Cave Boy? Caveboy?!


That is the worst excuse ever.


I'm glad I don't have to listen to all the singing

that's coming your way.


- Please! Please no no no!

I-I can prove it!

Just-ju-ju-just wait right here!

Good thing there are clues everywhere he went!

Cave Boy!


Finally! I found him!

(Flames crackle) Uhhh... Cave Boy?

- (Excited grunt)

- Whoa. Okay. Easy, dude.

- (Happy grunt) - What's this? A present?

- (Happy grunt) - For me? That's...


- Yeah, ColdTips? I think a Cave Boy

just made a shelter in the lion exhibit at the zoo.

So, uh, what's the sitch on the reward money?

(Sirens wail, tires screech)

- C'mon. That's our cue. - (Confused grunt)

- No, you gotta come with, cause I, um, uh,

cause I found the biggest Mammoth ever!

You can club it.

- (Confused grunt) Uhhhh. - You know, Ma-moth?

(Trumpets) - (Excited grunts)

Ma-MUTT! - Ya. Exactly.

Ma-mutt. Let's go.

It's weird,

why does lying to Cavey make me feel bad?

It gets me out of trouble,

and he's just a tool of destruction,

like a cannon or a balloon filled with pee.

(Sighs) It's not like I've got a choice here.

I got him, Chef, the Cave Boy.

No need to call my parents! I mean, sure,

I might have egged on his destruction a bit--

- Uhh, Duncaaaan-- - How could I resist?!

When he broke out of that iceberg

you brought home from Antarctica...

- Dunnnncaaaan?!

- I saw his potential right away!

Little rough around the edges,

but Cavey liked breaking stuff so much,

I call him Cavey. - DUNCAN!

- And when Cavey ran away

and I-I guess I actually... missed him.

And then I tricked him into coming back here

just so I could save myself.

UGH. Anyway, he's in the treehouse.

- You heard him, boys!

Take the treehouse! Go! Go! Go!

- What? What's going on?!

- I was trying to say we have visitors.

These nice Penguins are with the F.B.A.

- We're taking your little cave friend

back to where he belongs. (Slurps)

- Friend? Yeah. He is my friend.

So... NO!

- (Spits) "No"?

- Cavey never hurt anybody.

Sure, he broke some stuff, but he is my friend.

My best friend! So, no!

You can't take him!


Don't worry, I'll get him! - Actually,

you're not going anywhere... (Hand cuffs clink)

Iceburglar. - (Defeated sigh)


- (Sad grunts) (Bone thuds)


- C'mon, c'mon... use the tightrope.

- (Happy grunt) - HEY!

- (Happy grunts)

- Get down from there!

- (Happy grunt)

- Nice try, but you'll never escape from us because we--

and he's gone. (Slurps)

Cave boy: MA-MUTT!

- Yep. Just like I promised.

(Groans) Truth time:

I ratted you out, Cavey. I'm sorry.

I told Chef everything

and now the Penguin Cops are after you so...

so we can't hang out anymore.

(Door opens)

Go on. This is where you live now.

It's the only way.

- (Sad sigh)

One more... smashy smashy?

- For old time's sake? You bet, pal.

(Shoppers scream)

(Squishy thuds) (Paint hissing)



- My shirt will keep you a little warm

and is also cool for any time period.

- Thamp you.

Boo-boo, Dunc-win.

- Boo-boo, Cavey!

I'll never forget you! (Sniffs)

(Sighs) Rodriguez and Murphy: GET HIM!

(Hard cuffs clink)

- HA! We gotcha now, Cave Boy!

- And we're taking you home for good!

- What? No. No. Wait! WAIT!

You guys got it all wrong!

I decided to not explain.

Hey, they gotta take somebody back with them

and I'm not ratting out Cavey again.

Who knows, maybe living in Antarctica won't be that bad.

Yeahhhh. Iiit's p-p-p-p-reetty b-bb-bad.

(Loud gulp) - AHHH!

♪ Ta ta ta ♪


