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03x32 - Not for the Paint of Heart

Posted: 02/29/24 15:35
by bunniefuu


Chef: Focus. Reeeally focus.

Become one with the fruit.

Clear your mind of all violent thoughts.

There is no destruction.

There is only fruit.

- Still life is sooooo borrrring.

Where's the action?! The danger?!

The huge expl*si*n?!

(expl*si*n noises)

- Nope! I've found an activity

where you can't possibly turn the daycare to rubble!

Now slap some paint on the paper,

and I'll try to say something nice about it

even though it's going to be awful;

cause that's my job.

And Izzy, just cause you can't blow up the school

with paint doesn't mean you should give up!

Give it everything you got!

Become your own hero!

Rise to the challenge!


Now I'm gonna leave the room with no fear

my pep talk has been misinterpreted

resulting in chaos.

- (Sigh) (Poof)

Oh, hi bad idea lightbulb. Wassup?

- Well, Chef said you gotta rise to the challenge.

Sounds like he wants you to destroy the daycare with paint.

- (Gasps) That is what he said.

Where can I find destructive paint?

(Bell over door jungles)

Art Wizard: Welcome to my store.

I'm Art the Art Wizard.

- Yeah, if your parents named you Fart

you'd be a Fart Wizard.

- I sell magical paints

that'll make your painting come alive.

- Okay weirdo, just gimme the paint.

(Snaps his fingers) (POOF)

- Oooo yeah.

It's paintin' time.

That's the best painting of a rat

riding a rocket I've ever done.

(Energy hums)


(Rocket whooshes) Whoa!

- Nice rat rocket, Izzy.

But isn't paint supposed to stay on the canvas?

- Not if it's magic paint.

(Rocket whooshes)

- You got magic paint?! - I had to;

Chef challenged us to destroy the daycare with art.

- He did?! - Ya-huh.

And normal paint (hushed) without plutonium...

(normal) was NOT gonna get the job done.

- Well, I eat challenges for breakfast!

Count me in!

- Yeah! We can't let chef down!

Let's wreck everything!

Izzy, Owen, Lightning: Let's DO ITTT!

- Sounds like my pep talk worked.

- What do you think, Lucindafer,

I think I've captured the right amount of gloom.

(Eggs splat) - (Gasps) Ughh!


- I painted a chicken that launches egg grenades.

- (Bu-gawk) - Yeah you did!


All: (Giggling)

- Normally I wouldn't care, cause that's my thing,

but I actually liked my painting

and they destroyed it with magic paint.

- Ha. Gwen there's no such thing as magic paint.

(Rocket whooshes)

- You were saying? - (Bu-gawk!)

(Eggs splat)

- I'm not a tattle tale, but I am into revenge.

Chicken: (Bu-gawk!) (Egg splats)

VERY... into revenge.

So, how will you punish them?

Catapult? The rack?

(Gleeful) Poison?

- Nope. I got myself a one-way ticket to a Country

no one's heard of.

- As usual, you disappoint me.

- Hey, knowing when to run away is a sign of bravery.

- Um, what happened to all that talk

about "rising to the challenge"?

- That's just phony stuff teachers say

to avoid hearing kids cry.

It's a horrible sound.

Plus, challenges are hard!

- If you never face a challenge,

you'll be running your whole life.

- Oooo. That sounds exhausting.

- Then make a stand.

If you b*at them they'll never challenge you again.

- But how can I win? They're so small,

and I'm just a giant man?! - I'll help you.

We just have to fight fire with fire.

- Ooo, I hope nobody paints fire.

- How's a kitten gonna cause destruction?

- Check out her razor-sharp claws!

(Energy hums)

(Poof) Off you go, Kitty!

Let the world be your scratching post!

(Growling) (Ripping sound) Argh!

(Scared meow)

(Ferocious growling) (Hiss)

(Kitty splats)


- Do ya like the dog we painted?

- Actually, no.

- Your puppy popped our paint cat!

- Well, I'm not letting you destroy the daycare

with your paintings.

- Come on, Gary, I'll paint you something to eat.

- So, is that it? - PFFT! NO!

Chef is challenging us to rise

even higher to the challenge! - Ohhhhhh.

So that's how he wants to play this?!

- Let's waste this place.

Let's see how that guard dog deals with our land shark.

(Energy hums)

- Oohh. I wish you painted something

that doesn't produce pound boom booms.

(Loud crash)

♪ Da Da Da ♪

- Whoa! - Ahhhh!

(Crash, whimper, chomp) (Paint splat)

(Shark growling) - YES! That's how we do it!

- Oh-HOHO. Okay. O-KAY!

I think I can still make my plane if I--

- Put that away! I got this.

(Paint sloshes)

- A circle... are you serious?!

- Where's your imagination? (Energy hums)

It's a m*ssile silo.

(m*ssile whirs)

(Frightened whimper)

(Panicked yelling)

(m*ssile hum grows)

(m*ssile blasts)

(Whistles, explodes, paint splats)

- We're gonna need something super destructive to b*at that.

- How about a monster truck?!

- Driven by a clown and powered by ghost pepper hot sauce?!

- OHHH yeaahh!

- Comin' righhht up!

(Monster truck roars, clown horn)

- Ooh, that's not good.


(m*ssile whooshes)

(Stifled expl*si*n) (BURP)

- That clown is bad.

- Buckle up, it's go time!

(Energy hums)

- Must... protect... daycare.

(Laser fires)

(Paint splats)

- And down goes clown!

- (Angry growling)

- This might be going too far,

but Chef is making this challengy challenge

veeery challenging!

- Ugh. Paint stains are the worst.

Izzy: (Clears her throat)

- Stop. Put down your paint.

- (Scoff) They didn't even paint anything new.

- Here to surrender? - I don't know.

Ask our dragon.

Dragon (Snarls)

- Perhaps we could discuss our differences

over a cup of hot motor oil?

(Roars, fire whooshes)

- I was really hoping there'd be no fire.


- (Snoring)

- Uh, I think your dragon just made the daycare his new home.

- But what does that mean? Do we still win?

Who gets the trophy? Is there a trophy?

- Hey you dry skinned sack of paint,

you better start spittin' fire or--

(Dragon snarls)

- Everybody out! Move-move-move!

(Dragon roars, flames whoosh)

- Sorry to let you down, Chef.

We wanted to rise up to your challenge

and destroy the daycare with paint.

- What?! I never wanted that!

That's why I chose painting,

cause I knew you'd never wreck the place

doing something so boring!

- (Condescending chuckle) There he goes again,

telling us what we can't do.

- Uh huh. Hoping we prove him wrong.

- Can't you see this is what started the problem!

- What are you kids talking about?

- Can we please just order some more magic paint

and make something to scare away that dragon?

- Already tried, but the Art Wizard's website's gone.

His store went under.

- My parents were right, there's no money in the arts.

- So how're we gonna get our daycare back

so we can rise to Chef's challenge and destroy it!?

- Izzy! You are NOT going to destroy the daycare!

- Yes. We understand the challenge!

- HEY. There's a dragon in there.

We all want it gone. Focus.

- Well, we don't have any magic paint

but we have tons of boring ol' paint remover...

which we can use to make him disappear...

Chef, do you still have the water blasters you confiscated?

- (Gasps) DO I!

(Buttons beep)

(Paint remover glugs)

Let's go wreck some art!


- Remember the plan.

Move in a five-meter spread. Don't make a sound--





Did I get him? Is he gone?

- Nope. Missed me. - Umm, actually, Mr. Dragon...

She mighta hit your tail. - (GASPS)

- Don't worry, it's barely noticeable.

(Hushed) That is SUPER noticeable.

- (Huffs, then snarls)

(Deep inhale)

- Run awaaaaay! - AAAH!

(Dragon roars, fire whooshes)


(Paint remover sprays)

(Fire whooshes)

- We're gonna run out of paint remover.

- No, we're not!

(Heroic music) (Paint remover sprays)

(Head thuds) - Ow!

- Whoa. - Uh... you okay?

- Am I okay? SERIOUSLY?!

Look at what you did! Look!

You're mean. I'm leaving! (Stomping footsteps)

- Yes! I win.

I found an activity that didn't end up destroying

the whole daycare.

- Whatever.

- You people are the worst!

- Wait! Use the door!

No!!!! (Crashes)

Izzy: We win! Lightning: oh Yeah! Owen: Woo-hoo-hoo!

♪ Pa pa pa ra ra ra ♪


