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03x42 - The Fuss on the Bus

Posted: 02/29/24 15:47
by bunniefuu


All: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! do it! Do it!

- I don't know if I can finish this.

Can we cover it in ketchup or something?

- No time! Just eat the onion!

- You got this, Owen.

- There's nothing wrong with just quitting.

Some of histories most famous losers gave up.

All: Do it! Do it! Do it!

(Determined grunt)


(Chewing) (Gulps)


(All cheering)

- We did it! We ate ALL the veggies

you put in front of us this month!

- Now it's your turn to keep your promise.

You have to take us to...

(In unison) Happy Sunshine Good Time Land!

- It'll be just like the commercial!

Announcer: Are you two feeling down and blue?

Then you need to get yourself to...

Happy Sunshine Good Time Land!

It's the only amusement park

that has a Zero G roller coaster,

cotton candy jousting,

ferocious wrestling zoo,

and a refreshing and delicious chocolate wave pool.

(Wave splashes)

You'll never be down and blue if you get yourself to...

(In unison) Happy Sunshine Good Time Land!

- Yeah... a promise is a promise, unfortunately.

So... here's the tickets

for Happy Sunshine Good Time Land!

(All cheering) Yeah-yeah-yeah!


(All chant) CHEF! CHEF! CHEF! CHEF!


- The tickets are fake.

No way could I afford to take them

to Happy Sunshine Good Time Land,

and I don't have to.

As soon as they start acting

like the little monsters they are

I can cancel the trip and blame it on them. Boom!

That's being a responsible adult.

- We're going! - WOOO-HOOO!

- Chef's the best!

(Excited chatter) - Hey, hey!

If you can't keep it down the trip is cancelled.


Really? That worked?

I mean, good. Very good.

Good job, everybody.

That has never happened before.

Heh. But no chance they can keep this up,

so I'll just delay getting there

until one of 'em slips up.

Oh no, we're almost out of gas!

We'll probably never find a gas station!

Oh, what a tragic delay.

- We're passing one now.

- What?! I can't understand you...

Leshawna: Stop!

(Tires screech)

Izzy: Let's get these windows squeaky clean!

I wanna see Happy Sunshine Good Time Land

as clear as possible when we make our approach.

- Horrible news, children!

I've forgotten my wallet so there's no way to pay

for the gas we need.

Ughhh. I was so looking forward to taking you kids to...

- Don't you worry, Chef.

We'll just strip the bus of any unnecessary parts

and barter them for gas.

- Harold, start with the diagnostic computer

then take out the engine hooks.

- You got it! (Drill whirs)

- What... but... Now let's just...

- Pleasure doin' bis'ness witcha.

- Yep, that'll cover the gasoline.

What a fortunate occurrence that I am pleased about.

- Cletus, I got us more parts fer the robot!

- Chef, are we there yet? - No. And if--

- Thank you, I won't ask again.

- She only asked ONCE?! Seriously?!

Well, I will not be beaten by their disgusting cooperation

and good behaviour. I just need a new plan.

(Bus rumbles by, backing up beeps)

- Kids, look!

It's the Knotty by Nurture String and Knot Museum.

We need to go in and take a tour!

- We have to... what now?

- We can't pass up this educational opportunity.

Knots are the cornerstone of our society!

(All groan) - No.

- Ugghh. - No Way.

- Is that angry muttering I hear?

Maybe we should just turn around and head back to school.

- No muttering.

We think a quick tour of the knot museum would be fun.

- And that wraps up our minute lesson on knots.

I've been your tour guide, Knotty Dotty.

Don't forget your complimentary practice rope by the exit!

- I can't believe the kids haven't been disruptive at all.

Think Chef, work with what you've got.


Say Duncan, is that an anvil hanging above Dotty

by what looks like... a simple slipknot?

It'd be really horrible if someone undid the knot

and crushed our tour guide.

Y'know. With the anvil.

- That would be...

not the kind of thing I'm into though. (URGGGGH)

- I hear you talking about crushing me with this anvil.

Go ahead! Try and untie it.

- Uh... really?

- Yes. You're all welcome to undo the knot.


(Gnawing on the knot)

- That is a Quadruple Jambalaya knot,

the bad boy of the knot world.

- This knot is nuts! - It's so knotty!

- It's impossible.

Dotty: (Laughs) It took me years

to learn how to tie the Quadruple J knot.

- Wow, so interesting.

Kids we aren't leaving until you figure out that knot.

(All gasp)

- Actually, there's another group booked in five minutes,

you need to leave. We're very popular.

- The kids are behaving so well.

Engaged. Ready to participate.

It's a teacher's worst nightmare!

Oh no, that was a sign for Happy Sunshine Good Time Land.

We're getting really close

and no one's cracked even a little!

They're just sitting there like some sorta horror movie.

(Gasps) Oh look! It's someone having car trouble.

We HAVE to pull over and help her

for as long as it takes.

- I appreciate you stopping to help me.

I'm in a real tickly pickle.

My truck's toast, but I need to deliver all these parcels

for the Brazilian Rainforest Company by end of day.

- KIDS! We HAVE to help deliver all these packages!

Even if it takes all day.

Because it's the right thing to do.

- (Tight whimpers)

- Would you excuse us a minute?

No way we can make these deliveries

and still get to the park. - But if we freak out,

Chef will cancel the trip anyway.

- This situation is like a quadruple J knot; impossible!

- No. We can do this...

with the power of friendship!

- I hate what you just said,

but for Happy Sunshine Good Time Land, I'm in.

What's your plan?

- Like all good plans, it starts with my underwear.

- degrees North. Drop the load in the undies.

That-that sounds gross but you know what I meant.

(Effort grunts) - FIRE!!

- Wow, I've never seen children so dedicated to helping others.

Your teacher's so proud he's crying.

- (Weeping)

(Packages thud)

(Woman screams)

(Packages whoosh)

(Glass shatters)

- That's the last of 'em. - Woo, that was fast!

Santa's a dummy for not using an underwear slingshot!

- Great job! But I just realized

I'm still gonna be late for my doctor's appointment.

Could you uh... you know.

- On it. degrees West. FIRE!


(Pained grunts, bones crack)

- Ooooh... good thing you're here.

- We did it, Chef!

Now we can go to Happy Sunshine Good Time Land.

- Uhh... mmm... of course.

Time to... just (Incoherent muttering)

(Incoherent muttering)

- There it is!

- I can see the top of the roller coaster

that launches fireworks at you the whole ride!

- It's beautiful.

- (Whimper) Awe, none of my brilliant plans worked.

Time to try something stupid.

We're taking a short cut! Hold on.

- Chef you're going the wrong way! Slow down!

- No, this is definitely the right way.

I just need to go faster!

(Engine roars) (Kids scream)

(Kids scream)

- What've I done? Oh Kids, I'm sorry.

I have to tell you the truth!

I was never taking you to Happy Sunshine Good Time Land!

The tickets were fake.

I never thought you'd eat all those veggies

and I didn't want you to think I was a liar

so I had to keep lying and stalling

and stalling and stalling.

Also, I totally had my wallet. All: (GASP!)

- See, it's got a unicorn drawn on it.

I nicknamed him Stanley!

Do you forgive me?

(Angry growling)



- And HE drove us off a cliff.

Apparently the highest cliff in the world!

So maybe we can talk about the onion LATER!

- (GASP) We need to do the Quadruple Jambalaya.

It's the only way!

- Yes. Everyone grab your complimentary practice rope.

We need to tie them together!

(Heroic music)

(Bus groans) (All cheer)

- You kids actually learned that magic knot? Incredible!

But how do we get back up to safety?

- The same way we delivered all of those packages!

Using Owen's undies as a slingshot.

- Um, I don't think my underwear can handle much more.

The elastic is pretty much shot.

- We can use the fan belt from the bus.

I-I saw it when I was looking for parts to sell.


- Wooooooaaaaaaahhh... OOF!

WOO-HOO! I'm alive!

- Waaaaaaaaahhh! OOF!

- Slightly less alive...

- Incredible job, kids.

Now lower something down for me to grab onto!

HELLOOO? (Echoes)

- Are we really going to help him?

After everything he did?

- Seems like we might get in trouble

if we abandon him forever. - Here's my pitch.

We let Chef's credit card treat us

to Happy Sunshine Good Time Land.

And then we come back and rescue Chef

when we're done. - Good plan.

- Oh Yeah. - That's the one.

- We should at least leave him with something to eat.

(TUNK!) - A raw onion?

(SIGH) Yeah. That's fair.

(Weeps, chomps)

♪ Ta ta ta ♪


