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02x02 - We Go Back

Posted: 10/06/14 16:12
by bunniefuu
[Machine g*ns firing, shells exploding.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[More machine g*n fire, thunderous explosions.]

[a*tillery shell exploding loudly.]

[Sounds of raging battle.]

[More explosions.]

[Wild machine g*n fire.]

[Soldier screams in pain.]

This is Delta Five, we're in deep shit!

Request assistance A-S-A-bloody-P, over!

Nearest support is two hours away, boys!

Two hours?

[Sound of b*ll*ts flying.]

Just another day at the office, gents.

[Rapid machine g*n fire.]

[Soldier laughing, firing.]

[More rapid firing machine g*ns.]

♪ [Music builds.]

What are you gonna do, Commander?

When we get home.

Oh, I dunno.

Place in the country, some pub lunches, gorgeous wife...

Commander Robin Tyler, checking it in?

I don't know about that, Frankie. I'm not quite ready for that yet.

Anyway, I'm the guy who's gonna win this bloody w*r.

One, two...

[Machine g*ns firing non-stop, exploding shells.]

f*cking hell!

Well, that did a lot of good.

Bollocks, boys, we don't have the a*mo for this.

Our only way out is that beauty over there.

60 meter dash, over open ground.

Sorry, Tommy. You're up, son!

[Sound of zinging b*ll*ts.]

Hold on, hold on, hold on! Hold on!

On my two. Two, one!

[g*ns firing, Tommy screams in pain.]

Shit, he's hit!

Alright, on two. One, two!

[b*ll*ts flying, enemy soldier screaming.]

[Tommy screams in pain.]

Tommy, you'll do anything to get out of a job, mate.

Give them everything we've got!


Alright, Tommy, here we go.

[More wild machine g*n fire.]

[Sound of b*ll*ts spraying on ground.]

[Sound of breaking glass.]

[Sounds of b*ll*ts striking metal, glass.]


[Tommy screams in pain.]

Grab on to me.

[Sound of wheels spinning.]

[Wild sh*ts firing.]

He's up there!

[Sound of p*stol firing.]

Come on!

Come on, Tommy. Come on!

Go! Go!

[sh*ts firing, enemy soldier cries out.]

[p*stol firing, Frank groans.]

[Sound of Frank's body collapsing.]


[Sound of massive expl*si*n.]


Go! Get in the car!

We never leave a man behind!

Get in the car!

[Sound of b*ll*ts ripping into car.]

[Tommy screaming in pain.]

Sorry, Frank.

[Wheels grinding.]

♪ [Music crescendos with sounds of far-off explosions.]

[Children laughing.]

To absent friends.

You're unusually perceptive.

Hardly a word all day.

Then I realized, it's two months since Dieter died.

To absent friends.

Excuse me, miss.

I strongly warn against consorting with this man.

You're bound to end up in some perilous situation where he can save the day, just to make himself look heroic.



My colleague, Caterina.

Tommy and I served together.


I've got all the embarassing stories about him, Caterina, in case you're interested.

You and I should definitely talk.

It's a date.

Sit down.

What are you doing here? On holiday or... ?

I'm not...

But I can locate anyone.

You're looking for me?

It's Rob.

He's in trouble.

What kind?

You know I'm MI6 now?


So is Rob.

Posted in Libya.

He disappeared, three nights ago.

They haven't found him?

That's just it.

They're not even bloody looking.



"delicate political situation" bollocks.

Nobody's going in, Frank.

It's down to you and me.

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

Have you got any plans once you get there?

I don't have one, obviously.

You know how unstable things are.

I read the news.

MI6 are sending no one.

And he's one of theirs.

Doesn't that tell you anything?

Yeah... They're assholes.

It's too high-risk.

If it wasn't your friend, you wouldn't go.

Is there anything I can do to make you change your mind?

Have you seen my shirts?

[Prayers in Arabic on outdoor PA system.]

How many MI6 on the ground here?

No bloody idea.

I wasn't even supposed to find out he's missing.

How did you?

I check in with Rob from time to time.

When he didn't answer, I started snooping.

As far as I know, he was the only asset here.

His address was about the only intel I could get.

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

Fifth floor.

Delta Five.

Lift's busted.

Five flights.

Wanna keep an eye on the street?


♪ [Edgy music comes up.]

[Men in street shouting at each other in Arabic.]

Come on, Frank.

[Mobile phone ringing.]


Four men are on the way. All tooled.

Thanks for the heads-up.

[Speaking Arabic.]

Sorry, I left my phrasebook in the taxi.

Tyler, Rob Tyler?

You're looking for Rob?

I'm not him.

I'm looking for him.

Not Rob Tyler?


Not Rob Tyler?

Wait, wait, wait... Wait!

Rob Tyler?

Sorry, I couldn't understand your accent.

Yes, I'm Rob. This is my place.

[Evil laughter.]

[Sound of footsteps on stairway.]

[Sounds of struggle, machine g*n fire.]

[p*stol sh*ts, man screams in pain.]

[More p*stol sh*ts.]


[Sounds of men fighting.]

[Sound of hard kicks.]

[Sound of Frank landing hard in corridor.]

[Sound of p*stol being cocked.]

Drop the w*apon.

[Sound of loud blow to head.]

Useful old bugger, isn't it?

Do you have any idea who that fella was?

Not a scooby.

Can you find out?

Not without MI6 realizing I'm here.

They all think I'm visiting my bloody aunt.

I'll check in with Cat.

See what she can find out.

You think this bloke took Rob?


He was looking for him too.

What for?

Check these out.

See if you can get any answers.

I'll meet you back at the hotel.

Where are you off to?

Fancy a coffee.

[Street sounds.]

[Speaking Arabic.]

I'm sorry?

Oh, American?


Oh, a cup of tea?

Are English customers that predictable?

We don't get many.

A friend of mine comes here. A Scottish guy, talks a lot, usually can't understand a word he's saying.

I'm sorry, I don't know anyone like that.

You'd remember him.

He's a bit rough around the edges but he's kind of friendly.

Are you going to order something?

I'll take a black coffee.

♪ [Music comes up.]

I found these in Rob's apartment.

Are you sure you don't know him?

Please, leave.

You don't need to be afraid. I'm a friend, I'm looking for Rob.

Stay and you'll get someone k*lled.

Please go.

Welcoming Committee?

Have a seat, Mr. Martin.

You know my name...

Dr. Mangoush.

And you know mine.

I've read about the women and children you've m*rder*d.

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

A man from your country is in no position to judge, Mr. Martin.

I am simply trying to restore order to a lawless land.

Is that why you're looking for Rob Tyler?

What makes you think I am?

Oh, I bumped into someone else who's after him.

A chap with burns on his face, a bit of a temper.

General Dekma is a savage.

Unlike your good self, of course.

Your friend Rob disappeared with an associate of mine.

I would like to find them both.

And you expect me to help you?

I am a civilized man, Mr. Martin.

I would reward your cooperation.

And if I don't... cooperate?

I will do what I must do.

This is not my cup of tea.

[Speaking Arabic.]

I've ID'd the man with burns on his face.

So have I, General Dekma.

What do you know about him?

He's like Mangoush.

They're both trying to topple the government there.

Turns out they're both looking for Rob, same as us.

Seems like everyone is.

Except MI6.

That's odd, isn't it?

I'd say.

Do you have any idea who took him?


Can you still get information out of French intelligence?

Yeah, I guess.

What's that about?

It means calling a guy who keeps asking me out to dinner.

I'll buy.

What is it you need?

Mangoush said an associate of his disappeared the same night as Rob.

Do you have a name?


Well, I'll see what I can dig up.

♪ [Music crescendos.]

They're not room service, are they?

♪ [Dramatic music rises.]

I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning.

[Mobile phone rings.]

Who is this?

Would you have come along if they'd asked nicely?

Of course not.

That's what I thought.

It's nice to hear your voice, Commander.


You too, Frankie.

I just wish it was better circumstances, mate.

When can we meet?

How 'bout now?


Look across the square.

[Sound of truck approaching.]

[Sound of enormous expl*si*n.]



[Panicked pedestrians screaming.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[Sound of crackling flames.]

All the way out here to save him and we only get him k*lled.

Circus posted Rob out here alone.

No assets on the ground, zero support.

Seems crazy, doesn't it?

A place like this.

You work there, but you had nothing on the mission.

Nothing but an address.

Need to know, mate.

And according to them...

I don't.

Where are you going?


[Sound of sirens.]

[Mobile phone ringing.]

What've you got?

Dinner date on Saturday night.

That associate of Mangoush, he's a government minister.

Name of Mustafa Al-Kubar.


He was in charge of destroying Kaddafi's chemical weapons.

But everyone suspects he kept one for himself.

Nice little earner.

Your friend would've tried to stop him selling it on.


Until someone stopped him.

What do you mean?

Rob's dead.


About two hours ago.

I watched it happen.

I'm so sorry, who did it?

I'm not sure, but I've had enough.

I'm getting the body and I'm bringing him home.

[Morgue door sounding.]

Mr. Martin.

I'm sorry, but we are not able to release the body.

I can get authorization from his family in England.

Mr. Tyler will be buried tomorrow by his family here.

His family here?
♪ [Plaintive violin music comes up.]

What do you want?

I need to talk to you.

I told you to go.

You wouldn't listen, now he's dead.

I'm sorry for your loss...

Mrs. Tyler.

Come inside.

How did you find out?

I tried to claim the body, but you already had.

Rob didn't want anyone to find out about us.

He thought that they would try to hurt me to get to him.

Who do you think k*lled him?

Dekma or Mangoush.

It had to be one or the other.


They wanted him alive.

Are you sure?


Then who did this?

Do you know this man?

Al-Kubar, a government minister.

He's working for Mangoush.

Rob said he was a very dangerous man.

He was.

He was peddling a chemical w*apon.

Disappeared the same night as Rob.


What is it?

I'm not sure.

Maybe nothing.

♪ [Music comes up.]

[Sound of truck honking.]

[Sound of expl*si*n, pedestrians screaming.]



Ready, mate?

What are you doing?

We're not leaving.

Why not?

Rob's not dead.

[Sound of approaching taxi.]

That's her.

Who is this?

Tom Evercroft, a friend of Rob's.

A friend, huh?

Like him?

We need to talk.

Please, let me mourn in peace.

I would, but you're wasting your time.

Your husband faked his death.

I just watched them lower my husband into the ground!

That wasn't Rob.

So they buried an empty box, huh?

They buried Mustafa Al-Kubar.


Frank thinks Rob k*lled him.

But you...

You watched him die.

They took us to a specific location, Rob called us to make us look in a precise direction.

At a precise moment, a truck pulled to a stop, blocking our line of sight.

He timed it all perfectly.

Called the truck driver to make sure he passed at just the right moment.

[Sound of truck honking, then braking]

Giving Rob enough time to get out of the car and detonate the b*mb.

[Sound of expl*si*n, pedestrians screaming.]

He knew the body would be buried here with no autopsy.

No proof it wasn't him.


Rob loved me.

He wouldn't do that.

There's one way to find out.

Demand an autopsy.

What good would that do?

If they dig up a body in Rob's grave and it's not him, he's got a big problem.

It's been two hours.

Sincerely hope you know what you're doing, mate.

Rob will have a man inside the coroner's office.

Sorry, Frank...

For dragging you out here.

Truth is...

I think this was more about saving me than it was Rob.

Things that bad?

My life's going nowhere, Frank.

When they shot me, they might as well have k*lled me.

Well, they didn't.

While you're alive, you've got to keep fighting.

Look who's here.


They want us to go with them.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up.]

You've got to be kidding me.

Rob Tyler, alive and well.

How could you do this to me?

I'm sorry, Daria...

If there'd been any other way...

Couldn't let a man die in peace?

Could you, boys?

Nice way to treat your friends.

It's complicated, Frankie.

Looks pretty simple to me.

You staged your death to stop Mangoush, Dekma and us looking for you.

You're a pair of crazy bastards.

Shouldn't have come here in the first place.

We came here to help you.

I know.

Because no one else would!

And I love you for it.

But you very nearly screwed things up.

Looks like an explanation's in order.

Sarin gas...

20 times more deadly than cyanide, impossible to detect, wipes out the nervous system within minutes of exposure.

Bloody hell.

Paper said they were all destroyed.

That government minister planned to sell it to Dekma, who was gonna use it to wipe out Mangoush, so you k*lled him and took the w*apon.

And I had to make myself disappear, before they got their hands on it.

So what are you gonna do with it?

I thought I'd just let it off, Tommy, see what happens.

I'm gonna get it the hell out of Libya, what do you think?

So no one can use it.


A boat.

Leaves port in the morning.

What kind of boat?

One that floats.

Hostiles in pursuit, heavy surveillance, journey to the port is risky and the probability of avoiding capture in open water minimal.

What are you doing, Frankie?

Sorting out your rubbish plan.

No, boys, you've done enough.

Everything is in place.

I can't risk you getting involved.

Still wants to be the hero.


I'm gonna need a plane.

So I walk in, and Rob's halfway out the window, trousers round his ankles.

Her husband smashes up a chair, starts hitting Rob.

Then this bird, half-naked, starts screaming at the husband for breaking her chair, while this geezer strolls away, calm as anything, trousers still round his ankles.

Not really helping repair my image here, mate.

In Rob's defense, he did always say he wanted to settle down with a good woman.


On that bombshell...

Tommy, what about you?

Bachelor pad in Croydon, pretty dire really.

Not as dire as that beard, my man.

Frankie... ?

Anyone special?

What about that bird in the restaurant?

She's a colleague.

You'll meet her tomorrow, she's bringing the plane.

When was the last time you two saw Rob?


Seven, eight years?

And still, you risk your lives to save him.


Our last mission in...

... in Iraq.

Tommy got shot.

[Machine g*ns firing, soldier screaming in pain.]

So did I.

[p*stol sh*ts echo, sound of Frank's body hitting ground]

The boys had to get the hell out of there or we'd all be dead.

[Sound of massive expl*si*n.]

So I'm lying there, been in better states.

And the future's looking... fairly gloomy.

I'm drifting in and out, losing track of time.

Can't tell if it's been two minutes or two hours.

I figure I'll take a few down with me but one way or another, this is it.

Next thing I know, the enemy had found me.

[Enemy commander shouting orders in Arabic.]

[Sound of a*tillery shells exploding, enemy shouts.]

Then I see the most beautiful thing I've seen before or since.

These two ugly bastards back to save me.

Never leave a man behind.

And if we do, it's just till we find a chopper.

I've missed this.

Me too, boys.

To absent friends.

♪ [Dramatic music builds.]

[Mobile phone ringing.]

You're late.

Watching General Dekma.

To make sure your kind offer only reaches me.

Very well.

I will be there at sunrise... to take back my w*apon.

[Mobile phone ringing.]

What's up?

I'm almost there, should be landing in about an hour.

Okay, I'll see you there.

Do you still have the w*apon?

Yeah, why?

My new "boyfriend," at French intelligence, he's been tapping Mangoush's mobile.

He says he's picking it up this morning.


Did you get that?

See you at the airfield.

Mangoush is coming for the w*apon.

How's that possible?

If you're looking for Rob, he's outside.

I need to see your phone.


What for?

One call, last night, when we were all sleeping.

No, I didn't make a call last night.

Looking for this?

Took it last night.

You suspected Rob last night.

What the f*ck, man?


What is this about?

That was the reason you faked your death, so you could sell the w*apon.

Where were you taking the truck, Rob?

He was selling the Sarin to Mangoush.

Isn't that right, Commander?

It was for us.


Twenty years of service.

And what do I have to show for it, eh?

It's wrong, what you're doing.

Come on, Tommy.

We stopped knowing right from wrong years ago, mate.


[Sound of SUVs approaching.]

Whatever's happened since the w*r, you're better than this, Rob.

Tell him there's no deal.

There's no way out of this, Frank.

Tell him there's no deal.

Where is the w*apon, Mr. Tyler?

Where is the w*apon?

Rob, don't tell him.

The cement truck.

We had a deal.

[Speaking Arabic.]

[Sounds of hard body blows.]

[Screaming in Arabic.]

Let's go!

Take one of those cars we'll meet you at the airfield!

I don't expect you to forgive me, but...

I'm gonna make this right, okay?

[Sound of Jeep approaching.]

[Sound of truck crashing through wall.]

[Truck wheels squealing.]

♪ [Throbbing music comes up.]

[Sound of a*t*matic weapons being fired wildly.]

I'm out, Tommy!

I'm out too, boys!

[More wild g*nf*re.]

[Sound of ricocheting b*ll*ts off metal and glass.]

Take the wheel.

♪ [Music builds.]

[Man groaning in pain, sound of falling off truck.]

[Sound of Frank kicking driver.]

[Sound of driver's head cracking against steering wheel.]

[Driver on ground screaming.]

♪ [Music builds to climax.]

[Car wheels screeching to a halt.]

[Mangoush's head striking truck's dashboard.]


[Sound of Dekma's w*apon firing.]

You alright, mate?

Just another day at the office.

[Sound of b*llet hitting Tommy.]


[Sound of rounds ricocheting off ground.]

Well, chaps, we're pinned down, outnumbered, and I'm in dire need of medical attention.

Just like old times, Tommy.

We need to get back to the jeep.

Look at it.

There's no chance, Dekma would chase us down.

The two of you can make it though.

No, Rob, we don't leave a man behind.

This might be that moment, boys.

My turn to be the hero, eh?





Listen, Frankie, just do me a favour, will you?

Tell her I'm sorry.

And tell her I love her.

I'm still your friend, boys.

Just forgot it for a while.

Gimme that box, Frank.

Gimme the damn case!

[Sounds of wild g*nf*re.]

Okay, get your running shoes on, lads.

Come on! Come on!

[More g*nshots.]

[Sound of a*t*matic weapons firing non-stop.]


[Sound of p*stol shot.]

Put this on the plane.

You're staying here, Tom.

I need a doctor, Frank.

Daria will help you.

And make sure that MI6 takes care of her.

Rob would've wanted it.

What are you talking about?

MI6 doesn't even know I'm here.

They couldn't have their fingerprints on this, so you came to me... so I could do their dirty work.

When did you know?

When I saw Dekma.

He couldn't have known where to find the w*apon unless you called him.

He's our dog in this fight.

I was supposed to make sure he got the w*apon.

I'm gonna destroy it.

I'm sorry, Frank.

Rob was right, you know?

It's hard to tell right from wrong anymore.

[Frank sighs.]

He said to say that he's sorry...

And that he loves you.

I'm sorry we couldn't save him.

But you did.

♪ [Music comes up.]

[Sound of airplane starting its motors.]

[Sound of airplane engines accelerating.]

♪ [Music crescendos.]