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20x08 - The UFO Superhighway

Posted: 03/02/24 17:55
by bunniefuu
There is a line
that runs around the world,

and, all along it,

strange things are witnessed.

The 37th parallel is

ground zero for some
of the strangest phenomena

that is happening in our world
at this time.

There have been
countless UFO sightings...

There is report after report

of structured craft,
disc shapes,

strange colored lights.

...hundreds of mysterious
animal mutilations...

We've been collecting pictures
and data of unexplained deaths.

How many deaths have there been?

...and even stories

of encounters
in the distant past.

The kachinas descended
from the sky

at the Black Mesa,

which just happens to be

around the 37th parallel.

Could there be something
about the 37th parallel

that is attracting visitors
from other worlds?

Plotting out these events
on a map,

it's a sort of UFO superhighway.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

Trinidad, Colorado.

August 22, 2011.

At 11:46 p.m.,

this small town is rocked
by a 5.3-magnitude earthquake,

the most powerful to hit
Colorado in more than a century.

A little over 12 hours later,

an even more violent

strikes the area
of Piedmont, Virginia.

While the unlikely epicenters
of these two seismic events

are 1,400 miles apart
from each other,

they both occur
along the same line of latitude,

the 37th parallel.

This detail captures
the attention

of former sheriff's deputy and
UFO researcher Chuck Zukowski

and sparks a revelation

regarding his research into
unidentified aerial phenomena

and mysterious
animal mutilations.

The fact
that this earthquake activity

lays along the 37th parallel

leads Chuck Zukowski

to look at trends and patterns
in the data

that he'd been collecting
over various investigations.

Chuck found
that sightings and phenomena

such as cattle mutilations,
various other things,

all lined up along this one line

that we refer to
as the 37th latitude.

Chuck Zukowski,
for many, many years,

had been taking down reports of
all types of paranormal activity

that were happening
both in Colorado

and all the way
stretching to Virginia.

And Chuck actually has a sister
who is also a UFO researcher.

So he called her up,

and they started to look
at each of these points

of where all these different
UFO and paranormal activity

were taking place.

Zukowski's sister,
Debbie Ziegelmeyer,

is the director
of the Missouri branch of MUFON,

or the Mutual UFO Network.

Over the years,

the two have amassed data
on thousands of UFO sightings.

In 2011,

my brother Chuck
called me one evening

and we started pinpointing

the different locations
on a map.

We have a lot of activity
going on,

especially starting
with my state of Missouri.

And then we started expanding
farther out.

We noticed activity in Colorado.

Then we started spreading
farther out.

It turned out
that all but one event

was near the 37th parallel.

And we thought, "Well,

this is way bigger
than what we thought."

Like all lines of latitude,

the 37th parallel
is just 69 miles wide.

So Zukowski and Ziegelmeyer
found it extraordinary

that nearly every case
they had documented

happened either on
or very near this line.

Chuck Zukowski is a highly
respected UFO investigator,

uh, with a lot of "boots
on the ground" experience.

As is his sister Debbie.

And they presented
to the world the idea

that you could draw
a straight line

linking all these different
incidents at different times...

UFO sightings, abductions,

cattle mutilations,
paranormal phenomena.

Of course, it was
a real attention-getter.

So the 37th parallel
has become known

as a sort of UFO superhighway.

Could a so-called
UFO superhighway

really exist
along the 37th parallel?

For UFO researchers,

the evidence
is highly compelling.

Because among the events that
Zukowski and Ziegelmeyer cite

are some of the most significant
UFO reports on record,

including one
of the only encounters

in which a witness
lost his life.

At Clinton County
Army Air Field,

eyewitnesses report seeing
a circular object in the sky

that is described
as a "flaming red cone

trailing a gaseous green mist."

Alarmed by the sightings,

the Army instructs a squad
of airborne F-51D Mustangs

under the command of Captain
Thomas Mantell to investigate.

Four fighters led
by Captain Mantell

were dispatched to try to follow
or intercept this object.

The object was massive.

It was about 300 feet
in diameter

and traveling
at about 500 miles per hour.

When they attempted to intercept
this object, it was too fast.

And it was also climbing
in altitude.

Everyone except Mantell stopped
ascending at a certain point

due to problems with oxygen.

Mantell pushed his plane,

climbing higher and higher
towards the object.

However, radio contact
with Mantell was lost.

According to reports,

as Mantell pursued the UFO,

he lost control of the plane
and crashed into the ground.

The report was
that he went up too high.

At 25,000 feet,

he lost oxygen.

They believe that he passed out

and crashed into the ground.

The Mantell incident
is an important one,

and that is because it involves
a UFO fatality.

And it was because
of this UFO fatality

that the Air Force
began Project Blue Book

to look into
these UFO incidents.

The Mantell incident occurred
over a stretch of many miles,

mostly along the 37th parallel.

With official
m*llitary involvement,

multiple witnesses
and even a fatality,

the Mantell incident
is considered

one of the most compelling
UFO encounters ever recorded.

The mystery of the 37th parallel
also includes

a UFO incident
that occurred 25 years later

and lasted for months.

One of
the most fascinating areas

along the 37-degree parallel
line is Piedmont, Missouri.

The sightings
actually started in 1973.

But the one main sighting
that people began focusing on

happened on February 21,
to be exact.

Coach Reggie Bones was at
a basketball game with his team.

As they were coming back home
at about 8:30 at night,

they saw strange lights
in the distance.

And they were
colored lights flashing.

They saw that the lights weren't
just a single pillar in the sky

but were distinct
colored lights...

red, green, amber and white.

Other residents in the area
also saw the lights.

The Mantell incident
and the Piedmont sightings

are just two of hundreds
of UFO encounters

that Zukowski and Ziegelmeyer
have documented

along the 37th parallel.

Also found along this latitude
is Cape Girardeau, Missouri,

where a UFO crash was reported
as early as 1941.

And one of the most famous
UFO incidents on record,

the 1947 Roswell crash,

occurred just over 100 miles
south of this line.

It's pretty amazing to think

that two
of the biggest UFO events

that essentially kicked off
the modern ufology field,

Roswell and Cape Girardeau,

happened to be on or around
the 37th parallel.

So you have to wonder why.

Is it some sort
of a supernatural force?

Or could it be something to do
with extraterrestrials?

Is there a reason
why so many UFO incidents

seem to occur along
a particular line of latitude?

And if so, what could it be?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining
another mysterious phenomenon

that's frequently reported
at sites located

on the 37th parallel...

...animal mutilations.

Since 1967,

an estimated 50,000 bizarre
animal mutilations

have been reported
in the United States...

...and many within just a few
miles of the 37th latitude.

Chuck Zukowski has
investigated dozens

of these mysterious occurrences,

including an incident
at the Miller ranch

in Trinidad, Colorado,

where no less than

have been discovered
since the mid-1990s.

The Miller ranch

is a pretty amazing place.

There's a lot going on there.

And it's not just
the cattle mutilations,

which... disturbing enough,

but these
electromagnetic anomalies,

sightings of UFOs and orbs,

power fluctuations.

There-there's a lot to take in,
and a genuine mystery there.

In 2015,

Zukowski examined the corpse
of a mutilated cow

at the Miller ranch,
and observed injuries

consistent with being dropped
from a significant height.

The cow also had organs removed

and what looked
like surgical incisions

consistent with other
cattle mutilation cases.

And in 2020,

the Millers discovered
another mutilated cow

in almost
the exact same condition.

- Hi, there. Hi.
- Hello.

UFO researchers
Dr. Travis Taylor

and Nick Pope visit
Tom and Sally Miller

to learn more about
the disturbing events

that have occurred
on their ranch,

and a potential connection
to the 37th parallel.

So, you guys have, uh, had some,
um, uh, issues with your cattle?

- Could you tell us some of, some of this?
- We have.

Yeah, we've had, uh,

probably 16 head of cattle
mutilated already.

- Since when?
- We started counting in 1996.

So, 16 since 1996?

- Yeah. Uh-huh.
- Wow, that's pretty significant.

And I understand you've, uh,

been compiling a lot
of information about this

in a dossier of evidence.

We have.
We have taken multiple pictures.

Can we take a look?

We've got them in the back here.

Nick and Travis are anxious

to see the photographs
the Millers have taken

of the mysterious events that
have occurred on their ranch

over the past two decades.

So, what have you got?

These are all very typical
of what we find.

The ear is removed
and the eye is removed.

- Is it just one eye and just one ear?
- Usually.

You can see that the mouth
is clear-cut across.

A predator would tear.

- Sure. And you...
- There are no tears

on any of these animals.

Were there any claw marks
or teeth marks on the bones?

Because you'd s... typically
see that with a predator.

None. None.

I have to ask, have you ever had
a, uh, veterinarian, uh,

come in and look at these
and maybe do an autopsy,

- or anything like that?
- Well, actually,

one time, we had a-a small calf
that was mutilated,

and they took it
to, uh, Fort Collins.

- Hmm.
- To a lab up there.

They couldn't believe

the items that were missing.

It was the heart,
the lungs, the liver.

And they had just a little bitty
hole out of the back end.

And that's where
they removed all of these items.

Well, did they say it looked
like they had used scalpels

or, uh, other
surgical instruments or what?

- They said it was laser-cut.
- Laser-cut?

You know, all these things

tend to be interconnected.

Have there been other
strange phenomena of any kind

- in this area?
- We have seen lights

that have come up out
of the river and have taken off.

Very sudden, or...

- a-and what kind of speed?
- Real fast.

In an instant, they were gone.

- Wow.
- And there is another phenomenon.

We have seen, um,
unexplained lights,

orbs on our windows.

You've actually seen them, like,

close to your house here?

Yeah, actually on the window.

- Can we go see that?
- Yeah. - Sure.

I'll take you over there
and show it to you.

Yeah, love to see it.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

It's, uh, right at this window.

Right here.


Yeah, uh,
I was sleeping in there.

I woke up and turned over
and there were two red orbs.

One right here
and one right here.

Then the bed just started
just vibrating like that.

And at the same time,
I had a feeling

like goosebumps on your arm.

Only it went all the way
across my body, real slow,

until it got to the other side.

And then the shaking stopped.

And then morning came,

and he couldn't get up
and couldn't walk.

Couldn't walk?

No. No, my leg was just...

it was just like,
real stiff, like,

- like paralyzed or something.
- Paralyzed. - Really?

Uh, we went to a doctor,

and he put a steroid sh*t
in there,

and the next morning,
I was fine.

Any diagnosis?

- "Treat the symptom."
- Right.

- That was it.
- Well, if you don't mind,

I've got a magnetic
measurement system on my phone.

I'd like to take some
measurements as we walk around

- and look, if that-that's all right.
- Sure.


This is really interesting.

I'm getting almost
zero magnetic field.

Usually, wherever I go,

there's at least
a measurable magnetic field.

And I probably could walk
anywhere in... on the planet,

and I'll measure typically,
like, around 0.9 on this meter,

and I'm seeing, like, 0.1.

So, maybe...

Well, now, that's interesting.

If I step here, it comes back
to normal and what I expect.

But look at... why, if...
see if it co... Yeah.

When I step back
closer to the house,

it goes almost to zero again.

- Well, that's odd.
- Is it odd

because the house
can block a reading?

- Oh, but if the magnet...
- Well, if it is... So let me walk this way

and see if it could be
the building.

And nope.

When I walk to here,
just to this distance,

it-it jumps back to normal.

So, there's something about

this spot right in front
of the window.

So, right where
those strange lights were.

Right outside this very window.

I'm not sure what would
cause instruments to do

what we just saw.

Uh, to me,
that's a very unusual anomaly.

And is it connected
to the fact that Tom saw orbs

outside that window
right at that spot?

That, we don't know.

I'd really like to go look
at the last location

- you had a cattle mutilation.
- Okay.

We can do that.

Tom and Sally Miller

lead Nick and Travis
across their 1,400-acre ranch

to the site where,
less than a month ago,

they discovered
what appears to be

the most recent victim
of cattle mutilation.

That's it.

Oh, wow. Look at that.

Oh, my goodness.

I wasn't expecting it
to be like that.

That's something.

Look at this, how it looks...

That looks clean-cut
all the way around right there.

It's like someone had said,

"Let's take the top off."

And it looks like it rolled up

- and was cauterized, too.
- Yeah.

Well, you don't see tears

like tooth marks or claw marks.

- That was cut by something.
- Yeah.

The ear looks like it was just,

like it was shaved off
or something.

Yeah, and that's how most all
of the mutilated cows are.

At least one ear
is just shaved off like that.

The jaw is just like that.

The tongue is removed.

So, that's certainly not
something that said,

- "I'm hungry. I want to k*ll that thing and eat it," right?
- No.

You know, I mean, that's not...
that looks more like

a science experiment.

I wonder,

did it walk over here
and fall over?

Did it die on the spot?

You know what we can do,

if you want, we'll roll it over.

- All right, well, you guys...
- And see if there's...

- You guys watch out.
- impression underneath it.

- All right. You ready?
- Yeah.

So, all that's left
of this thing is a shell.

But you know what's, uh,
interesting is,

the bones aren't broken,
but look at how flat.

- It's like it's pushed into the rib cage.
- Mm.

I've had cows die naturally,

and they don't look that way
on the other side.

It's like it was dropped.

That is so bizarre.

You know, how it was done

is completely unexplainable
right now.

What would have done it, or who,

is completely unexplainable
to me.

I think there is something
really weird going on here

that we should try
to figure out how to get...

get to the bottom of.

Thanks for showing us this,

We really appreciate it.

The Miller ranch
is just one of many ranches

along the 37th parallel
that experience

strange aerial phenomena,

electromagnetic anomalies
and cattle mutilations.

Could the locations
of these sites

reinforce the possibility
of a so-called UFO superhighway?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest further evidence
can be found

within the stories
of the Native American tribes

who have occupied lands along
this latitude for centuries,

and who tell stories
of otherworldly beings

descending from the sky.

Black Mesa.

The Native American Hopi Tribe

has called these peaks
of the Colorado Plateau home

for more than 1,000 years.

High above the Arizona desert,

the Black Mesa encompasses
more than 1.5 million acres,

with the northernmost portion

running directly
along the 37th parallel.

According to the Hopi, this is
where their star ancestors

descended from the heavens.

The Hopi say that

after journeying
through three worlds,

they emerged
into the fourth world

at the Black Mesa,
where they were met by Maasaw,

the caretaker of Earth,
who told the Hopi

that they were to be
stewards of the Earth

and that the Black Mesa
was to be, literally,

the center
of the universe for them.

The Hopi commemorate Maasaw
and other sky beings

with sacred figurines
that are believed

to show their likeness,
known as kachinas.

The Hopi themselves speak
that the kachinas descended

from the sky in physical form
and imparted knowledge.

This knowledge,
amongst other places,

happened at the Black Mesa,

which just happens to be

around the 37th parallel.

So you have to ask
yourself the question,

could it be
that physical extraterrestrials

descended from the sky?

And according to the Hopi,
that's exactly what happened

in the form
of their celestial teachers.

Black Mesa is a location
not only holy

to the Hopi people...
it's holy to the Navajos.

The Hopi are
surrounded by Navajo.

Both tribes have said

that star people have come

to them in the past.

And you hear this
from Eastern Navajos,

you hear it
from Western Navajos,

Navajos out of Piñon,

and on the northern side,

on the southern side.

All of this is
within that same swath

that is covered
with that 37th parallel.

Directly to the east
of the Black Mesa is a site

sacred to the Apache tribe...
the Archuleta Mesa.

It's an important part

of The Jicarilla Apache

And the Apaches themselves
have had legends

for hundreds of years
of UFO activity

and star people coming down.

There's been a lot
of strange activity there.

And within this area,
there has always been

reports of unusual lights

flying around.

Among the sites in the area
that have frequent UFO sightings

is the town of Dulce,
New Mexico,

a place that is also well-known

for mysterious
animal mutilations.

Dulce, New Mexico, is
a very interesting place.

It was the scene, in the 1970s,

of massive numbers of cattle
mutilations that took place.

And, you know, you talk
to the residents there,

which I did at one point,
and, uh, I think

large numbers of people
have experienced

what anyone would call
UFO sightings.

Dulce is rumored
to be the location

of a secret subterranean
m*llitary compound

known as
the Dulce Air Force Base.

One man who claimed to have
firsthand knowledge of this...

...was geologist Phil Schneider,

who said that in the late 1970s,

he was hired to work at the base

performing excavations

for underground chambers
and passageways.

According to Schneider,

in the course of their duties,

he and his team had
a harrowing encounter.

He says that he came
across whole groups

of gray and reptilian aliens
living under the m*llitary base.

He also said he found vats

containing humanoid

and non-humanoid bodies,

that these aliens were doing
some kind of genetic experiments

in their underground lair.

Phil Schneider has
a very intricate tale

of an actual fight

between our forces
and the aliens.

And Phil Schneider shows
physical scars,

you know, from this altercation.

Part of what
I'm going to tell you

is going to be very shocking.

On May 8, 1995,

Schneider gave a presentation
in Post Falls, Idaho,

detailing the deadly
subterranean battle.

I was involved in 1979
in a horrendous firefight

with alien-human type...
whatever you want to call them...

and, uh, I was
one of the survivors.

FBI, and the like, black berets,
d*ed in that firefight.

Basically, what had occurred was

that we surprised a whole

under-mountain base
of existing aliens.

While Phil Schneider's story
has never been confirmed

by the government,

many who have
investigated this area

of the American southwest
don't rule it out.

I personally investigated

hundreds of cases along the...
this 37th parallel.

And part of the Navajo Nation
resides right near that area,

and we as a department
officially investigated

these craft going
into volcanic vents,

uh, cinder hills,
uh, basalt rock,

then disappearing in there.

We don't have
an explanation for it.

Could extraterrestrials
really be hiding

along the 37th parallel?

And if so, why?

Some researchers believe
the answer can be found

in the geological makeup
of the Earth itself

and the possibility
that certain areas generate

massive amounts of energy.

A massive 6.9-magnitude
earthquake strikes the region,

causing six billion
dollars' worth of damage

and k*lling 63 people.

Its epicenter
is Loma Prieta Peak

in the Santa Cruz mountains,
directly on the 37th parallel.

And, in fact,
earthquakes are what first drew

Chuck Zukowski's attention

to the 37th parallel in 2011...

one in Colorado
and one in Virginia

that occurred
just 12 hours apart.

One of the most important

of the 37th parallel

is the fact that it corresponds

with a historical
earthquake zone

that runs all the way

from California in the West
to Virginia in the East.

And you could overlay
that geological map

with UFO incidents

and cattle mutilations
along the same line.

All of these
could be the product

of this very intense geology

with the 37th parallel.

It is not solely, of course,

in the United States.

It embraces the entire world.

In some of these locations,

there are a lot of, uh, deposits

of granite and quartz
that are piezoelectric.

Quartz crystals have
a distribution

of negative charges on one side

and positive charges
on the other.

If you squeeze that,

you can actually get
an electrical current

to flow through that.

This is, uh, called,
the piezoelectric effect,

and it occurs sometimes
when tectonic plates shift,

or earthquakes happen.

When you have
earthquake activity,

you could create

huge electromagnetic
fields from that.

Could there be
other phenomena occurring

while this is going on?

Perhaps ETs can look at a site

and see what is invisible to us.

And manipulate whatever energy

or resources are located

at that hotspot.

What they could be doing
along the UFO superhighway

is accessing resources that

we can't even comprehend
at this moment.

There's been quite a lot

of earthquake activity
along the 37th parallel.

And there's a related theory
that if this is

actually extraterrestrial
UFO superhighway,

that they would be able to use
those Earth energies

as a sort of power source.

Could the seismic activity

that occurs along
the 37th parallel

produce a piezoelectric effect

that otherworldly visitors
are able to utilize?

Some researchers suggest
the energy generated

on this line may even facilitate
the opening of portals

through space and time,

and point to ancient
spiral petroglyphs

found at Skinwalker Ranch

just north of the 37th parallel.

According to the local Ute
and Navajo tribes,

this art illustrates
their oral traditions

of gateways that link them
to other realities.

Where Skinwalker Ranch is,

there are these spiral symbols

that were carved into the rock

and are a symbol of migration.

And, uh, we've just taken

a modern interpretation

of that migration symbol

and said, "What if
it's indicating a portal

into another dimension?"

In Navajo culture,

there is what they call
a emergence story.

They say that they came through

what they described
as a hole in the sky.

So these dimensional
gates appear

in our traditional history.

It's supported
by other Indian tribes

that have similar stories
of coming to this land.

Is it possible
that the geology of the Earth

along the 37th parallel

creates some kind
of exotic energy

that can open gateways
to other points in the universe?

And also act
as a source of power

for extraterrestrial vehicles?

According to some researchers,
whatever the truth may be,

one thing is clear...

the existence

of a UFO superhighway
is well known

to the United States government.

Washington, D.C.

The United States capital
lies just north

of the 37th parallel.

And on Saturday, July 19, 1952,

it was the site
of a major UFO event.

At 11:40 p.m.,

air traffic controllers
at Washington National Airport

and Andrews Air Force Base
detected seven

unidentified flying objects
on their radar screens.

There were multiple witnesses
to UFO sightings

over Washington, D.C.

At the time this was happening,

we had UFOs hovering
over the nation's capital.

This is David Brinkley
in the radar room

at Washington National Airport.

On these radar screens
last Saturday,

they saw something
strange and unusual

and, at the moment,

It was not an airplane,
it was not a cloud.

Nobody knows what it was.

The UFO sightings
caused a sensation.

And incredibly,
more unidentified objects

were detected again
the following weekend.

This time, fighter jets were
scrambled to intercept

the UFOs, but as they closed in,

the objects reportedly vanished.

There was a series of sightings

of these objects over
the capital in Washington, D.C.,

for two weekends in a row.

There were some really
very difficult reports

that got the U.S. government
very concerned.

Although many have tried
to say that these were possibly

weather phenomena
that were being seen on radar,

air traffic controllers
there in Washington were

also seeing lights where these
objects were appearing on radar.

It was
at this point in history...

the dawn of the Cold w*r...

that President Harry Truman

a policy of government secrecy

that has come to be known
as the national security state.

But could it be
that the U.S. government

learned about
an extraterrestrial presence

on Earth
around this very same time?

Some UFO researchers believe

the government is aware not only

of alien visitation
but also the significance

of the 37th parallel,

and have intentionally built

important facilities
along that line of latitude.

Some of the nation's
most strategic government

and strategic m*llitary
installations are located

near the so-called
"UFO superhighway,"

including Fort Knox,

which protects
the national gold reserve,

Nellis Air Force Base,

a center for
advanced combat training,

and Cheyenne Mountain,
an underground facility

that is home
to both the Space Force

and the North American
Aerospace Defense Command,


Cheyenne Mountain, this is

the head of NORAD.

It's hollowed out.
There's a city inside it.

There's elevators
and cars and trains

and banks of computers
and people are living there.

Perhaps the most
mysterious m*llitary facility

along the 37th parallel
is an Air Force base

in the Nevada Desert
called Area 51.

It has long been rumored
that crashed alien craft

retrieved from Roswell
and other locations

are stored and studied at this
highly secure installation.

Area 51 is a secretive
Air Force installation

near Groom Lake, Nevada,
which has been

shrouded in mystery for decades.

It wasn't until 2013
when the CIA finally revealed

documentation that acknowledged
the existence of Area 51.

It's been the place of the birth

of the U2 spy plane,

the B2 stealth bomber.

But we also have many stories

that UFOs have been seen

coming in and out of the base.

We've had stories that
UFOs were reverse engineered

at Area 51 as well.

The m*llitary remain tight-lipped

on all the presumed UFO

and extraterrestrial activity

that happens
in or around Area 51.

But UFOs and UAPs have been
seen around that area,

not just from eyewitnesses
on the ground,

but also
from commercial airline pilots.

Area 51 lies

on the 37th parallel.

Now you would wonder,
is that on purpose?

Is it maybe
because of the activity?

Now we know that there's

strange craft that have been
seen in and around the area.

Are they experimental
or is this something

that happens by there?

It's a very mysterious area.

Could important
government installations

have been built
near the 37th parallel

for a specific purpose?

And if so,

does this serve
as further evidence

that something
unusual is going on

along the so-called
"UFO superhighway"?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by following
this line of latitude

beyond the United States

to mysterious sites
that are thousands of years old.

UFO researchers
continue to document

unexplained sightings
and animal mutilations

along the 37th parallel

all across the United States.

And they have also noted
significant happenings

on this line of latitude
in other parts of the world.

If we follow it

around, for instance,

into the Eurasian continent,

we find that the 37th parallel

also corresponds
to some incredibly important

and very mysterious places.

For instance, in Turkey,

it runs through
the city of Gaziantep,

which was the central focus

of major earthquakes in 2023.

And these earthquakes
were proceeded

by the appearance of UFOs
in the same vicinity.

Beyond that,

on the same parallel,

a little bit further
to the east,

are the ancient sites

of Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe.

Archeologists studying
the megalithic sites

of Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe

have determined they date back
at least 12,000 years

to a time when humans

were thought to be
simple hunter-gatherers,

incapable of such
sophisticated construction.

While scholars struggle
to explain how

and why these sites were built,

ancient astronaut theorists

their mere existence,

along with
their astronomical alignments

and carvings of
strange humanoid figures,

an extraterrestrial connection.

What I find interesting is that,
at Göbekli Tepe

and Karahan Tepe, you have
these concentric circles.

I wonder if we, perhaps,
have a star map

in that region.

Because, worldwide,

we have star maps
that were rendered

in stone.


In my opinion,

this was a calling card

to show
where the extraterrestrials

came from.

Recently, at Karahan Tepe,

an incredible statue
has been discovered.

It is
seven and a half feet tall,

and located
within a new enclosure

aligned directly towards

the stars
of the constellation of Cygnus,

the celestial bird.

So is it possible, therefore,

that these ancient structures

were used with celestial beings

and otherworldly intelligences?

And all of this

was occurring
on the 37th parallel.

And this alone
should tell us that this

connection with these,

extraterrestrial intelligences

was going on
all the way round the world.

Could the fact that
the mysterious ancient sites

of Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe

lie on or close
to the 37th parallel

provide further evidence

that it has some connection
to extraterrestrials?

For now, there
remain more questions

than answers,

but many researchers believe

that solving the mystery
of the 37th parallel

could lead to even
more profound revelations.

People should care more
about what is being seen

along the 37-degree
parallel line.

It's important
to know what's going on

out there in our universe.

And I was surprised
at how little attention

the reports from Congress

and the hearings have gotten.

This is important.
This is life-changing.

This is history-changing.

Things are going on
that we had no idea about.

So if you know an area
that's very, very active,

that's where
we should begin the search,

where we should begin
to try and solve the mystery.

I believe
the 37-degree parallel line

is the road to finding

the answers to our questions.

Why is this parallel
so important

and seems to have been important
throughout humanity's history?

Is it that there's some sort
of geophysical phenomena

that enables new capabilities
and technologies

like wireless transmission
of power,

like portals
or consciousness teleportation?

Is the 37th parallel
a UFO superhighway?

If the mystery is ever solved,

what will we find?

Underground alien bases?

Areas of massive energy outputs?

Portals though space and time?

Perhaps, one day soon,

the truth will be revealed

and we will learn
the key to reuniting

with our alien ancestors.