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01x01 - Woo-oo!

Posted: 03/03/24 18:32
by bunniefuu








Good morning, Uncle Donald.

You can't wear this to your job interview.

[Sputtering] My uniform!

You gotta dress for the job you want,

not the job you have, which is no job.


Huey, don't touch the stove. It's hot!

But it's a big day, and a big day

calls for a big breakfast!

[Deflating Sound]


I'll get the iron.

Ouch! Ooch.


Stop helping me. And put on your life vests!

What if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?

BOTH: Yes, Uncle Donald.

Where is that babysitter?

Where are you?!


I didn't give you a new address.

Well, what time can you get here?

I... don't know.

Crazy old bird.

Where can I find another babysitter at 10:00?

- 10:00?! - You gotta go!


I can't just leave you!

We can survive for a couple of hours!

A couple of hours. Uh... well, okay.

But just keep those life vests on!

[Engine Starts]

Where's Dewey?

- Sleeping. - Who's Dewey?

Who's Dewey?

All right, boys, we'll get to Cape Suzette and back

before anyone realizes we're gone.

So long, Dorkburg! Hello...

Uncle Donald?

What... What's up?

I can't leave you boys alone for one minute!

You were supposed to get him out by 10:00, Hubert!

You were supposed to signal before you started the boat, Dewford!

We never get to do anything!

Boys, if we want to keep our home afloat,

we've all got to do things we don't want to do.


Destination: McDuck Manor.

McDuck Manor? As in Scrooge McDuck?

The bajillionaire?

You're finally gonna sell us.

I'm not gonna sell... He owes me.

We're gonna meet Scrooge McDuck?

- That guy's amazing! - What!

I heard he's so epic he defeated a rock giant

and carved a statue of himself out of its legs!

I heard he's so smart he solved the mystery of the chupacabra.

Turns out it was just a shaved bear!

I heard that he's so rich he only hunts for treasure

to swim in it!

All right, take it down a notch.

It's only a couple of hours.

A couple of hours with the most exciting duck in the world!

With business expanding in the Spoonerville

and St. Canard markets, noted in Appendices C, G and 5F,

we're also cutting funding to unnecessary departments:

Historical Research, Experimental Tech,

Deep Sea Exploration...


Back in the bin with ya.

See you tomorrow. [Sighs]



[Tires Squealing]


Just another day at the office, eh, Mr. McD?

[Laughs] Been there.

I don't have an office, per se,

but in some ways the road is my office.

Hey, that's deep. I gotta write that down.


Geh! Eyes on the road, McQuack!

Every dent is coming out of your salary.

Absolutely. Hey, ya read about

that crazy snowstorm on the Drake Barrier Reef?

I'd hate to fly into that one.

See, I'm a bit of a pilot, and, uh... Oh, okay.

Divider... there you go.

Hit the brakes!

[Tires Squealing]


Why aren't we moving?

Mrs. B., open up!

I need to get out of here before...


he shows up.

Hey! Jettison that jalopy

from my driveway this instant, ya deadbeat!

Donald Duck.

Uncle Scrooge.

- Uncle Scrooge! - [All Jeering]

So, you're looking good.

Still living on that boat?

Yup. Still a trillionaire?

[Bird Calls]

Good, good.



Jettison that jalopy

from my driveway this instant, you deadbeat!

Oh, here we go!

Giving orders like he's the richest duck in the world!

I am the richest duck in the world!

Now move!

I would love to!

It just so happens I have a job interview.

So why are you standing there yelling?

Mrs. B. said that you would watch the boys!

Can you do that without losing them?!

- Of course I can! - Fantastic!

Thank you so much!

You're welcome! Wait, what now?

[Car Door Slams]

Huey, Dewey, Louie, meet Scrooge McDuck.

Remember, no tricks, no lies, no trouble.

ALL: Yes, Uncle Donald.

I wasn't talking to you.


Talk to your nephews.



So, do children still like marbles or...?

Are you really our uncle?

- How old are you? - What's your net worth?

What's the deal with you and Uncle Donald?

Is that fork real silver? Can I have it?

- How come you never visit? - 'Cause you're so old and moving is so hard?

You owe us, like, a lot of birthday presents.

You used to be a big deal! Whatever happened to you?



You agreed to watch them.

Watch them.

Huey, Louie, the third one...

Please do not leave the designated play area.

- [Clinks] - A gift from your great-uncle.

You will return them upon your departure.

He's counted them.

[Lock Clicks]

Great. Now we've got two boring uncles.

So, we're totally ditching this room, right?

Yup, and I know just how to do it.



"Used to be a big deal."


Stupid doorknob, come off!

Nailed it!

Can't believe that was your best plan.

Come on, guys, let's go touch some expensive stuff.

- Aah! - Dewey!

BOTH: Aah!

I'll put the marbles back, I swear!

Who sent you? Ma Beagle? Glomgold?

Answer me!

[Sobbing] Uncle Scrooge!

Uncle Scrooge?

Oh, my gosh, the nephews!

- Wait, you know us? - [Grunting]

Of course! Researching Mr. McDuck and his family is kind of my hobby.

- What? - What are your blood types?

What's Donald really like? Who's the evil triplet?

- Louie. - Eh.

Tell me everything!

Um, we live with our uncle?

On a boat?

Go on.

Kinda it.

We're just a normal, boring family.

Normal, boring? Hah!

ALL: Ohh!


Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck,

Scrooge McDuck's great-nephews on his sister Hortense's side

with Quackmore Duck twice removed!

And you are?

Oh, right. Webby van der Quack.

My granny's the housekeeper.

Wait! Are we... friends now?

If we say yes, will you let us live?

[Scoffs] Good one, new best friend!

So, friend, what do you do for fun around here?

Oh! I'm the best at fun.

Um... yah!

At least it's not the marble room.


Come on, you blaggert.

You won't get the best of Scrooge McDuck!

Hmm. A little spring cleaning?

Maybe. Maybe not. Read this.

Snow on the Drake Barrier Reef.

First time in 50 years.

That weather report aligns perfectly

with the Papia Prophecy.

A shift in currents may present a pathway to Atlantis,

lost city under the sea!

This is because some children made fun of you, isn't it?

Nonsense! I'm no has-been. They're the has-beens.

I am an am-now.

Make a list!

Four oxygen tanks,

two pressure gauges, a pilot...

- I'm a pilot. - A week's provisions,

- an experimental deep-sea sub... - I'm a pilot.

And one secretary for an old man

who seems to have forgotten that I am not his secretary!

So, eh, not interested?

I have enough excitement caring for Webby.

Perhaps you should spend some time with your family.

Oh, hang up my spats, become the doddering old relic everyone thinks I am,

spinning yarns to those loud-mouth young'uns

about the man I used to be?

You have avoided them for ten years!

Because family is nothing but trouble!

[Gasps] Oh.

I'm Scrooge McDuck.

I made my name being tougher than the toughies

and smarter than the smarties.

And I made my money square, on my own,

no nephews, no family, no one helped me there,

and I don't need help now, and...


Beakley, a little help.

Maybe they're right.

Whoo! Vent crawl!

[Both Groan]

You don't get out much, do you?

Eh, Granny's a bit overprotective.

She trains me to be ready for anything,

but then she says I've got everything I need in here.

But one day, I'm gonna see the world.

I'm gonna be an explorer! I'm gonna eat a hamburger.

We could bring you a hamburger.

You really are my best friends.

Welcome to the Wing of Secrets!

I knew it!

Dewey, check it out!

Yeah, whatever.

The Gong of Picchu.

Hit it three times to unleash unspeakable evil.

Uh, what are you doing?

Calling dibs on stuff!

What? Scrooge is, like, he's, like, super old.

Oh, careful! Medusa gauntlet.

One touch can turn organic matter to stone.

[Imitates Solidifying]

I'm gonna call this one a maybe.

This place is incredible!

It's fake.

Is that Uncle Donald?

Oh, yeah, he was Mr. McDuck's sidekick!

- Dewey's right. - Totally fake.

Uncle Donald has never done anything cool.

What? Donald Duck is one of the most daring adventurers of all time!


[Phone Rings]

[Shiny Ring]

Bop bop.


Yo, chung chung!

Bop bop!



This has got to be a fake.

And I bet everything else is, too.

That's not true!

What about this picture with chupacabra?

- Photoshop. - This treasure chest?

Probably bought it at an auction.

This... g-ghost?

You mean this Halloween decoration?

Curse ye, ye scurvy life-lubbers!

It's Captain Peghook, the scourge of the River Styx!

It's real. It's really, really real!

[Evil Laughter]

The Deus Excalibur!

It won't rest until its target's slain!

But he's already dead!

[Gong Rings]

[Gasps] Do not let anything else hit that gong!

Yep, I'm gonna sit this one out.

- Whoa! Aah! - [Whinnies]


The headless man-horse!

That one feels self-explanatory.


That's twice!

One more, and something terrible could happen!

What could be worse than this?

What in dismal downs is going on in here?

ALL: There it is.

Why aren't you in your rooms?



- Aah! - [Evil Laughter]



We've got this.

There are four of us and three of them.

If we... wait, never mind. They teamed up.

[Evil Laughter]

Ah, good, that means only one target.

No, get back! You're old!

Oi, beastie! What's it gonna take to shuffle you off to the afterlife?

The head of Scrooge McDuck!


Would you settle for his hat?



[Blade Rings]

There's your head.

I should've been more specific!




We can explain.

We came down to your secret museum to look for you,

because we love you?

Secret museum?

This is the gar-age!

The what?

Do you mean "garage"?

No, that's ridiculous.

If this is a garage, then how do you explain

all this amazing stuff?

Like the garden hose of destiny?

Or Montezuma's stack of old magazines?

Or... Oh, yeah, it's a garage.

Unbelievable. I invite you into my home...

You locked us in a room!

I gave you marbles!

All we wanted was to hand out with you!

Well, now you have,

and look at the mess it's got me!

I guess family is nothing but trouble, right, Scrooge?

Everybody out!

- But we're... - Out!

Well, what are you gaping at?

The curse is only activated if you ring the gong three times

and... you already hit it two times, didn't you?


Pixiu, the Gold-Hunting Dragon...

Gold hunting? Sounds great!

Not when you're Duckburg's single largest owner of gold!


Aah! Me money bin!

To your rooms!

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go eat a hamburger!

We're in!


To be clear, I'm gonna go catch the dragon.

The hamburger was a metaphor from before.

Yeah, yeah, no, we get it. We get it.

But how are we gonna get up there?

I'm a pilot.

Ooh! Yeah! Ha ha!

It'll take more than some fancy flying

to shake old Scrooge, you cash cannibal! Whoo!

Oh! Ow! Ugh!

It'll take more than a bruised spine

to shake old Scrooge,

you bad dragon-dog!

Take that!




I thought I told you to go to your...

No time. We gotta work fast.

Webby, how do we stop it?

It's mystical, so we need a mystical device,

like an oblivion mirror or a medusa gauntlet, or...

- Like this? - Grr.

What? I was gonna give it back.

Now, how do we get him down there?

Garden hose of destiny!

Launchpad, we need to swing him out.

Nosedive towards the bin and get ready to pull up!

Yes, sir, random kid I just met!

- Any questions? - Since when is Launchpad a pilot?


You guys, our family is awesome!

ALL: Scrooge!



NEPHEW: Money! I knew it!

Aw. Family truly is the greatest adventure of...

Oh, no, the ground!


In the short time I've known you,

you've wrecked my home and my money bin,

unleashed several ancient evils,

and almost got me k*lled, twice.

Four times if you count each monster as an individual time...


That was incredible!

When you pulled me into the airplane

and said "No time!"

And who would have thought

of a Medusa Gauntlet?! Brilliant!

Oh, and then you swung me out

and pulled up just in time and [Laughter]

You kids are nothing but trouble!

Curse me kilts, have I missed trouble!

I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on you

to teach you how to get into trouble properly.

- [Phone Ringing] - You mean...?

Beakley! Clear my schedule!

I'm taking the wee ones on a field trip.

About time. And once again, I am not your secre...

Now, let's go find the lost city of Atlantis!

ALL: Yeah!

And no one tell your uncle Donald!

ALL: Yeah!

Who is that?


You've got the job, Duck!


Oh, boy!

I'm a real accountant!

Accountant? That was filled yesterday.

You're our new sailor!

Welcome to Glomgold Industries!

Now, what do you know about Atlantis?

♪ Life is like a hurricane ♪

♪ Here in Duckburg ♪

♪ Racecars, laser, airplanes ♪

♪ It's a Duckburg ♪

♪ We might solve the mystery ♪

♪ We'll rewrite history ♪

♪ Ducktales ♪

♪ Every day they're out there making ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of daring-do ♪

♪ And good-luck tales ♪

♪ T-t-t-teaser grows behind you ♪

♪ Got a stranger out to find you ♪

♪ What to do, just climb onto some ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there making ducktales ♪

♪ Tales of tarries bad and good ♪

♪ Not phony tales so come into the Ducktales ♪

Glomgold Industries!

Take an idea.

Make it your own.

Better, faster, cheaper.

That's the motto

of the world's most beloved Scottish billionaire duck!

Flintheart Glomgold!

Welcome, new employees,

to Glomgold Industries,

where our employees

are the greatest treasure of all!


Glomgold! Glomgold!

Glom... Fine.

Enough glad-handing.

You're here because you're the best of the cheapest.

With your help and my carefully crafted master plan,

we'll find the fabled lost Jewel of Atlantis

and finally make me the richest duck in the world!

[Evil Laughter]

But first, here are your company IDs,

also good for 40% off life vest rental in case of emergency.

Gabby McStabberson.

Hack and Slash Smashkinov.

Donald Duck.



Ha! Now remember, bedtime is at 9:00.

And no sugar after 7:00. Oh, and...

I run a multi-trillion dollar business.

I can handle a few juveniles for the weekend.

You just focus on this new job of yours.

Besides, we've got a pretty low-key day planned.

Hoist the mainsail!

Other boat words, to Atlantis! Dive! Dive!

- No, no, wait! - Aye aye!

Launchpad, the hatch. Stop the...


Talk to your uncle.

Hey, Uncle Donald.

Nope, yeah, pretty boring.

We napped, rubbed ointment on our joints,

old people stuff.

Oh, what about the dragon?

And the plane crash?

Whoops, 3:00 pm. Time for dinner. Bye!

Why didn't you tell him the truth?

You didn't tell your grandma we were going

to a dangerous underwater city, did you?

I kinda sorta... didn't tell her anything?

Webby, that's irresponsible!

She'll be worried sick!

Call your grandma this instant

and tell her that you are spending the night at a friend's house, okay?

Lying: It's the responsible thing to do.

Launchpad, have you ever piloted a sub before?

I sunk a helicopter in a wave pool once.

- Same thing? - I've done more with less.

No matter, I'm back! Unchartered territory.

Bold new discoveries!

Hello, bingo!

I love road trips!

I've got snacks, a playlist of traditional sea chanties,

matching family road trip shirts!

I appreciate the enthusiasm, but there's no time.

- But according to the travel itinerary... - Boo!

Adventure isn't about planning, it's about doing!

So, what can I be in charge of?

- The buzzsaw arm? - No!

- Sonic cannons? - No!

Hyper-dense zero-point energy missiles

to pierce the scaly hide of a Kraken?!

None of those things are real things!

This is your first expedition,

so just stand back and watch an old pro

from a safe distance.

So what is this submarine equipped with?




Ha! Good one.

Classic Scrooge-Dewey banter,

the seasoned-but-tired explorer

passing the torch to his cocky young successor.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually know our names.

- I'm sorry, what? - I think he called me her board ones.

Don't be ridiculous!

Hey, Scrooge! When are we gonna set sail, Scrooge?

In a moment, Sonny Jim.

I will cram it down your throat.

Guys, lighten up! We're on a deep-sea expedition

with Scrooge McDuck!

Mr. McQuack, chart a course.

Next stop, the lost City of Atlantis!


At about 16:00 hours!

Shanty time!

♪ We love to sail the ocean ♪

♪ We love to sail... ♪

♪ Traveled all across the ocean ♪

[Singing In German]

♪ ...never have I been lucky ♪


Driving! Piloting.

Driving, right?

Hey, Scrooge, First Mate Dewey here.

Your map's got us going the long way.

I can probably find a shortcut if you just let me...

Uh-uh, lad. The shortest distance between two points

isn't always a straight line.

Okay, but yes, it is, so if you just go...





Shortcut achieved!

He'll thank me later.



Oh, you kids'll be the death of me.

Dewey! Dewey will be the death of you!

Can we make a pit stop?

I have to use the bathroom, but it's, um...


For the love of... It's the middle of the ocean!

There are no pit stops.

How 'bout that conspicuously unmarked tanker?

Ah, little Dewey's first steps.

And that's Huey in the playoffs.

He was the waterboy.

Oh, look! That's us climbing the Grand Canyon...

display at the supermarket. Ah...

Ah, I miss them so much,

but we need this job.

So, tell me about your family.

I was raised by warrior monks

who spoke only the language of the blade.



We've got intruders!

Scrooge?! What is he doing here?

Strange weather patterns

in a mysterious location near treasure. Ha ha!

I knew he couldn't resist!

Hack, triangulate their sub's course!

We'll tail Scrooge

and steal the jewel out from under him!

The boys?!

Why, you get your hands... [Squawking]

I'm gonna k*ll him!

Ooh, better idea!

Nab the jewel and k*ll them all!

Somebody's angling for employee of the month.


[Thunder Crashing]

♪ ♪

SCROOGE: The Drake Barrier Reef.

Powerful currents combined with rocky terrain

make it nearly impossible to navigate,

but on that rare occasion when snow falls

above the reef, the currents cool,

allowing safe passage to...

[Snoring, Startling]

Are we there yet?

- I was just about to... - Right side or the left side?

- If you'd just let me... - Look! There that thing is!

We found it!


Yes, good. Atlantis.

"Ooh! Aah!"

Thanks for spoiling the moment.

The whole place is upside down!

Oh, well, that's a new one.


Just call your grandma already! It's no big deal.



Remember, you're at a friend's house, okay?

You got this.

[Rapidly] Hi, Granny, I'm spending the night

at a friend's house so nothing is wrong!

Oh, you don't got this.

Ah-ha! Well, according to these markings,

the Atlantines were so eager

to build an epic city of wonders and death traps,

they didn't stop to figure out a proper support structure,

and the whole thing fell into the sea!

You kids best stay by the sub while I scout ahead.

Dewey ran in as soon as you said "death traps."

DEWEY: Come on, Scrooge! We got this.

Boy! [Sighs, Mutters]

- [Blade Rings] - [Donald Squawks]





You made me miss!

Uh... if we get rid of them now,

we can't t*rture them later!

Brilliant! I want Scrooge alive

when I shove the Jewel of Atlantis in his smug face!

He thinks his so rich and so Scottish,

but I'm wearing a kilt, McDuck, a kilt!

Dah! Lad!

I thought the traps would get you for sure!


Stupid upside-down temple!

Nothing cool about walking under buzzsaws!

From now on, don't touch anything!



[Cracks Spine]

Maybe Atlantis was an ambitious first outing.



Hi again, Granny!

Still at a friend's house.

Uh, her name? Sub... ina!

A totally real name for a definitely real person!


Uh, good try.

- [Grunts] - Launchpad, are you okay?


Ah, a little snake venom never... [Gibbering]

Hi, nice to meet you!

I'm everybody's friend!


Um, I've got to go to the bathroom.

I'll be right back!




Suspension bridge? Chasm? Glowing blue mystical lasers?


[Muttering] ...Scrooge. Wait till I get my hands on him.

Even a basic death trap still has the word "death" in the title.


Oh, no.

We'll find another route.

It's not safe for amateur adventurers.

That sounds like a challenge!

I have to stress that is not a challenge.

Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart

from accepting the challenge!

Well, challenge accepted!

There's no challenge!


♪ Dew... ♪


♪ Dewey, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey ♪

Huh? Aah!

♪ Dew, uh, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey ♪

[Quacks, Screams]

♪ Dew ♪

Oh, no!

♪ How does he Dewey it? ♪

♪ I don't know ♪



♪ Dew! And now you know ♪

Nailed it!

Sure, if you want to do it the easy way.

Why wouldn't you want to do it the easy way?

You've got to work smarter, lad, not harder.


Ugh, "lad."

I don't call you "old man" or "Scotty McTophat."

Respect your elder.

When you adventure with Scrooge McDuck...

But I'm not.

You want me to adventure behind Scrooge McDuck,

or wait by the sub!

I might as well be back on the houseboat!

Because you have no idea what you're doing!

So show me!

Give me a chance instead of lumping us

all together in the back seat while you drive!

I'm not lumping you all together.

Oh, really?

Which triplet am I?

It's... Bluey?

Aah! Ow!

Ugh! Fantastic.

You see what I'm talking about?

You four find another way 'round!

We're going to... push onward,




Why, this is no bathroom!

This shortcuts leads right to the treasure chamber!

I don't even know why I hired the rest of you!

Help him up!

Ow. Ouch! Owie! Owie!

Maybe I could just hire some family.

Then they'd have to listen to me.

[Laughs] There she is, the Jewel of Atlantis!


- Who's that? - Flintheart Glomgold,

the poor man's version of me,

which, to be fair, still makes him insanely rich.


Load up the sub.

They've got Uncle Donald?


Let go of my uncle!

- No. - I wasn't prepared for that.

What are you doing here, Flinty?

What are you doing here, Scrooge?

I told you to keep the boys safe!

Ah, they're perfectly fine.

Oh, yeah? Where are the other two?

Back safe in the room with the fire and the snakes.

- What? - Ah, Scroogy.

I see you know my newest employee.

Your new job is with my sworn enemy?

I can't keep track of all your sworn enemies!

Now, now, Donald has been a model employee,

and an excellent prisoner.

Yeah! Wait, what?

Hiring my own nephew in order to use him against me?

Now, that is good planning.

Have fun being the second richest duck in the world...

for the next five minutes.


I'd like to point out that this trap was not my fault.

Junior Woodchuck Rule 841:

There's always another way around.


- [Ringing] - Hup!

Oh, no, no, no, no!

Oh, look! Uncle Hampus is here,

and he only speaks Swedish.

We don't want to be rude, so... good-bye?

And you're done.

Yeah, you're never gonna be able to back up that lie.

That was crazy!


Oh, hej, Beakley!

Subina... [Speaking Swedish]

[Glomgold Cackling]

Take 'em down!


We gotta stop the water!


Oh, no.

[Sighs] I knew it!

I knew I couldn't trust you with the boys!

Not the time, Donald.

Crazy old man!

All you care about is your next adventure.

This is the Spear of Selene all over again!

I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene!

Stop! Scrooge was trying to keep me out of trouble,

but I was so caught up in...

Why is there a lamp on the floor?


Atlantis is upside down.

That means that lamp was supposed to be on the floor

surrounded by all this treasure.

Attaboy, lad. Keep going.

But why would you surround that thing with treasure unless...

BOTH: That's the real Jewel of Atlantis!

That thing lit up when the trap was sprung.

I bet my bottom dollar it's the power source that runs the city!

Uncle Donald, you gotta let the room flood

so I can grab the jewel.

That's crazy!

I'm supposed to, what, let go?

Trust you?

Well, yeah, that's kind of all you can do.

This is a surprisingly insightful death trap!




Hey! We're gonna be okay!



Oh, yeah, those guys.

Huey and Louie!

Are doing okay!


Wait! Where's Glomgold?

[Walkie-Talkie Crackles]

GLOMGOLD: Hey, team. Wanted to thank you

for keeping Scrooge's kin busy

while I escape with the jewel and blow up Atlantis

with my most hated rival inside.

But I thought employees were greatest treasure of all!

Don't be ridiculous!

Treasure is the greatest treasure of all.

That's why it's called treasure! Glomgold out!

We have to go!

- Huh? - Mr. Duck.

Could we, um, maybe bum a ride with you?

That was some quick thinking.

You just may be an adventurer yet, Dewey.

[Reporters Clamoring]

Aye, aye. Okay. Settle down.

Ha ha! Ladies and gentlemen of the press,

it is with great pride that I, Flintheart Glomgold, present...

The Jewel of Atlantis!


Is that Scrooge McDuck?

- Mr. McDuck... - [Clamor Resumes]

An efficient, clean source of energy

that could power Duckburg for 50 years,

courtesy of your friends at McDuck Water and Electric.

Ooh, Mr. McDuck, how do you respond

to claims by other Scottish billionaires

that they have the real jewel?

That bauble?

That's nice, but it's obviously super cursed.

No, it's not!



[Screams] Curse you, McDuck!

- Webby. Uncle Hampus. - How long?

Whole time.

Granny, I can explain.

Dear, you are safer in a sunken city with Scrooge McDuck

than you are locked in a vault in Fort Knox.

No more lies...

and you can go with him wherever you like.

- Now, Donald, don't... - Stop.

I admit I'm a little overprotective.

LOUIE: A little?!

No matter what I do,

these boys will get into trouble,

so maybe you could teach them how to get out of trouble.

Uncle Donald?

It might be okay

if the boys saw you every once in a while.


Sometimes, like birthdays or federal holidays.

- Nothing too... - [Bang]

Ooh! I may have left the engine running in the houseboat.

I may have a dozen or so spare bedrooms

in the mansion.



There you have it.

Reclusive adventure capitalist Scrooge McDuck is back,

with family in tow,

solving mysteries and rewriting history.

DONALD: Easy. A little to the left.

No, no, no, no!

Did I do it good?





Take that! [Laughing]

Dewey, don't yell at your target before you fire.

You'll lose the element of surprise.

- You'd better duck. - [Yelling]

- Ahh! [Grunts] - [Laughter]

"DuckTales," All new Saturday, September 23

anywhere you watch Disney XD.