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02x17 - Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!

Posted: 03/03/24 18:46
by bunniefuu
Something's terribly wrong.


No, that's not it.


Tempest in a teapot.

Pesky, but manageable.

A prophesied hero has arrived.

A hero who is... you?

Rise, Legends of LegendQuest!

I mean, this is very wrong,
but it's not this, either.

I've checked
the whole blasted mansion.

What can it be?

Morning, Scroogie.

What are you doing here?!

She's with me.

♪ Life is
like a hurricane ♪

♪ Here in Duckburg ♪

♪ Race cars, lasers,
airplanes ♪

♪ It's a duck-blur ♪

♪ We might solve
a mystery ♪

♪ Or rewrite history ♪

♪ Ducktales, whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making Ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and good-luck tales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ D-d-danger lurks behind you ♪

♪ There's a stranger
out to find you ♪

♪ What to do? ♪

♪ Just grab on
to some Ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there ♪

♪ Making Ducktales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of daring
bad and good ♪

♪ Not phony tales
or cottontails ♪

- ♪ No, Ducktales! ♪
- ♪ Whoo-ooh! ♪

*DUCKTALES (2017)*

Why? How?! Why?!

Your whole "work really hard,
make money square" thing

doesn't really work
for me.

Goldie's "make money easy
with no downsides"

works much better with
the Louie Incorporated brand.

Hands off,
you common thief!

Don't let her
get too close, lad.

Oh, please,
I'm a professional.

I can handle this.

How did this go
so wrong so quickly?

Rule number one, kid:

If you wanna pick a pocket,
you gotta get close.

Better luck next time,

I'll have you know,

I am
the "evil triplet," okay?!

Sure. You're the scariest bunny
in the pet shop.

Lemme guess,
you see all the angles.

You're "sharper
than the sharpies."

Didn't see this angle,

Louie Incorporated
is my dream,

but no one believes
that I can do it.

I know I'll never be able
to work harder than Scrooge,

but I... I thought maybe I could
learn to be clever like you,

my... my hero.

Not bad. Was that
a "Crocodile Waterworks"?

It was a "Hero's Guilt
Trip" with a "Lone Wolf Gambit."

You know your cons.


So you'll teach me?

Only if you
can get me in here.

No. No way.
Not Doofus Drake's Birthday!

I can't believe
this game's still around!

Scrooge and Donald used to come
home to sleep after an adventure,

but this baby let me
quest all night long.

This is going to be epic!

Let's do this!

So what do you think
the word "epic" means?

Epic. Real epic.

Sooo, what first?

Raid the Cybertroll Citadel?

Crash the wedding
of Princess Username

and the demonic
yet alluring Heartthrob-goblin?!



Haaah! Huh?

Stay away from my DataFarm!

Yah! Unh!

These Grindhoppers
drop 3 XP!

But the impractically
giant weapons!

The high-stakes adventure!

Ha ha.
You want high stakes?

If I don't defend
this crop,

the whole village won't
have turnips this season, so...

watch out!

You're doing it!

I'm good!


"Not full of hair"?

The fact that
he has to say it...

There's gotta be...

...$457 million
and 17 cents...

...worth of stuff here!

Gift bags for guests
as they depart

full of priceless heirlooms

from Doofus'
beloved Guhmeemama Frances.


The hour is at hand!

Great party.

Can't wait to tell my therapist
about it when I'm older.



What? Pretend to be family,
bolt with our gift bags.

That's the con. Aah!

No. That's just being
a bad party guest.

we're not common thieves.

We're con artists,
and we're getting all the bags.

And how are we
supposed to do that?

If I told you
the whole plan up front,

you'd never learn anything.

Also, I don't know yet.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I give you perfection.

I give you grace.

I give you the universe's
perfect widdle angel...

Doofus Drake.

Hellowyn, Llewellyn.


I mean... Happy Birthday!

It warms my heart

to see all my wonderful friends
and your loving parents.

- It reminds me...
- Whoa!

...of my dear,
departed Guhmeemama.


The only parent
I've ever known.

Why does he hurt me?

You know why.

- Unfortunately, there are filthy
liars in our midst...

...only after my gift bags!

Percival P. Peppington!

He can smell lies!

you disappoint me.

If you're going
to hire an actor

to pretend
to be your son,

at least hire
a child actor.

Hey! I got range!

This is some mix-up.

I must have left
my real son in the car!

I'll go get him!


Would you like
to see my Honey Bin?

Don't you mean
"Money Bin"?



Whoa! Oh!

Eee! Oooh!


So. Many. Liars!

Oh, man, everyone was
pulling the same con as us!

And we're
the last ones standing.

Not exactly.

Uh, Sharkbomb, my boy,
meet Doofus.

Get off my back, Dad!



Your blank stare
is soothing.

That's an awful lot
of competition.

Maybe you should keep
your distance, sharpie.

No way.
This is perfect.

We expose the others as phonies
to gain Doofus' trust,

then get out of here with their
leftover bags before we're exposed.

Dangerously overconfident.

Let's do it.

- Mark Beaks,
meet my grandma... -

Ow. Super young Aunt Goldie,
and, uh...

Wait, since when
do you have a kid?

Since I realized how many
likes Family Pics get online.



- Hi, I'm Boyd!
- Aah!

Uh, sure, you are.

Yeah I love this...
What was it again?

Uh, uh... son!

Anyways, look at all the
cool stuff we did yesterday.

Oh! Family memories.

Mmm, mwah.

Aye, what loving parent

wouldn't keep a photo
of his kin handy?

Goldie, was it?


You must have pics
of your "nephew."

Uhh, ah...

Of course I do.

They're right here
in my purse?

The question is
which one?

Because I love him so much,
how can I choose just one?

So... I have four.

Look at that roguish
twinkle in his eye.

That's nice.

Pool time!

Not bad.

Now we go
on the offense.

Tell me,
who's our first mark?

Sharkbomb! Get in the pool,
you wee whippersnapper!

Don't tell me
what to do, old man!

Old man?!

Can an old man do this?!

Aaak! Unh!

- Him.
- Definitely him.

Steady. Steady.

The fate of the Dereznaroth
rests in your hands.

Water too much and you risk
drowning the root system!

A checkpoint!

You could cash in
all the experience points

you have
from bashing grindhoppers,

level up and really start
playing this game!

Nah, if I step outside
the shield, I could die

and lose all my XP.

Whoa! With that much XP,

you could be
the Duke of Destruction!

Too dangerous.
I mean,

the checkpoint's
way over there.


I'm the master of the sky!

Look at me go!
I'm surprising myself!

- This is amazing!
- Perfect!

I mean, oh, no!

We should help Launchpad
fight that Defragon!

Eh, too risky.

But if you want to,
go ahead.

All right, here I go.

Facing off against
the dangerous monster!

Ahh! That was easy,

even though it seemed scary!

And now, I can level up!

What a great life lesson!

Whoo! Jetpacks!

Hey, Flintheart, can I speak to
Sharkbomb in private for a second?

Oh, uh, certainly.

can I tell you a secret?

Great. I think my aunt
has the hots for your dad.

She does?!

I mean... if!

Ewww! Barf-o-rama!

You're making me
look like a fool!

You don't need
my help, geezer!


Ha haa!



Don't let go, Sharkbomb!

Don't tell me what to do!

Pretty sharp, sharpie.

You're a natural.

- Those gift bags are as good...
- Yah!

Aah! Oh!

Ever so sorry!

I mean,
hashtag you're all wet.

Pewpew! Pewpewpewpew!

Ugh. They're going down.

Oh, yes.

The garden is tended.

Now the greatest adventure
of all: waiting.

- Hah!
- Aah!

The Blaser Scythe.

No. No fighting.

Mm! Mmmmmm!

Ooh, huh?!

Hey, Mom?

I was thinking,

I should step
out of my comfort zone.

head to the checkpoint?

Really? Yeah!

Mother and son
against the GigaSwarm!

Will we survive?!


Yes, of course we will.

It's right over there.

Okay, buddy, you got this.

Every journey begins
with a single step.

I got this, I got this,
I got this,

I got this, I got this,
I got this, I got this.


My rutabagas!

Typically your step
would be in the other direction!

I should never try
anything new!

It's like
the machine speaks to me.

Is that strange?

What dirt have you
dug up on Boyd?

I got nothing.

He's friendly,
he's freakishly strong,

and he gets along
weirdly well with Doofus.

There's gotta be
some weak spot.

in their history?

All I have found
are hundreds of photos

of them being
perfect together.

Wait. Where are
the baby pictures?

Beaks would never pass up
that sweet clickbait.

Click what now?

What's this weird
Wi-Fi network?

"Beaks Optimistic
Youth Droid"?

B-O-Y-D! Boyd!

He's a robot!

How are we supposed
to trip up a boy-bot

who's programmed
to be perfect?

Get close,
don't get caught.

Do you know how many
evil robots I've faced?

Too many.

Wow, Boyd, you said you've only
been playing since yesterday?

Yes! Daddy
took me to Funzo's,

and we played
all the games,

and then had ice cream
and flew kites!

Big day!

What did you do
two days ago?

I... I can't seem to remember.

Why can't I remember?!

I dunno, sport.

Uh, maybe it was
all that ice cream, huh?

What's wrong with my friend?

Is it something
my butler did?


No-no-no-no. Noooooo!

I think he's
a little over-stimulated.

We'll have to remember
that for your birthday.

Hey, when
were you born again?


Wait, that's not right.

No, no, no, no!

Do not peer behind the curtain
of reality, bud!

Aah aah aah aah!

Does not compute.

No, I am not a computer!

I am definitely
a real booooooy!

Oh, man!

I'm gonna need,
like, a real big bag of rice.

- My party!
- Aaaah!

No! No! No!

No! No! No! No! No!

Whoa! Ah!


You conned that boy-bot
right out of sentience!

Maybe we should team up
on a more permanent basis.

Really? You mean it?

This looks like the beginning
of a fruitful partnership.

I swore, after last year,

no one's eyes would
melt out of their heads.

Who is responsible for this?!

We ran out of chumps to...

- He did it.
- What?!

Llewellyn Duck,
I am so disappointed.

Ruining poor Doofus' party,

trying to take
the extra bags for yourself.

Who raised you?

Not you, lady!
She is a fraud!

- Mmm mmm mmm!
- Children can be so cruel.

Doofus makes us
share a fork.

You march home
right this instant.

And to teach you a lesson,

I'm going to take
your gift bags

and donate them
to charity.

It's me.

The charity is me.

What happened
to working together?

Sorry, sharpie.

I only work for myself.

I want you gone, mister!

That can be arranged.

Hi, I'm Boyd,
a definitely real boy!

And I'm going
to destroy you!


Aah! Help!

You're a real boy!
You're a sweet, kind, real boy! I swear!


Aah! Whoa! Ow, stop!

What are you doing?!

It's piñata time.

I'm the world champion.

But I've never hunted

the most dangerous piñata...

Huh! Unh!

No! Uh, tell me
about your hobbies, friend!

Syncing to other devices!

Aah! No!




You've passed the test.

What a loving parent.

Willing to sacrifice herself
for such a foul child.

You've given me a great
birthday gift, Llewellyn...

A new Guhmeemama!

I'm sorry, what?

Long reign Goldiemama.


Take thine bags and go!



Aah! Oh!

Aaaaaah! All my crops!

This is my nightmare!


Unh! Hup!

Oh! Huey! Help!

No! Mom!
I'm not strong enough!


His power level,
it's over 9,000!

Make way for the Duke!


Get away from my mom!

Aaah yah!


Whoa! Well, at least he's
out of his comfort zone.

I did it!
I'm a millionaire!


Who's the sharpie now,

I'm out here, rich.

And you're in there,

suffering who knows
what unspeakable horrors.

After you turned on me...

saved my life...

which was probably
part of her big con somehow!

She broke her own rules.

She got too close,
she got caught.

She's on her own!

Tell me a story,


Well, this one time,
I was trapped

in a dimension
where imps jabbed me

with a million
tiny splinters

as they whispered my most
devastating failures in my ear.

This is worse.

Good one!
Tell me another!

Party's over, Doofus.


Give me
my "aunt" back.

She's mine, you hear?!




But, how?!

Guess what you dropped
in the gift bags?

See, I don't think
you need a Guhmeemama.

- Guhmeema...
- Knock it off.

I think you need

your own age
to get close to.

Happy birthday,

I got you
a new baby brother.

He's only a day old.

Mommy? Daddy?

Come here... son.


No! No!
You will obey me!

I'll cut off your money!

Don't worry.

I'll transfer
half of Guhmeemama's money

out of Doofus' account
and into mine.

After all, she was
my Guhmeemama, too!

What?! No!

She was my Guhmeemama.



You sentimental toaster!

Don't you speak
to your brother that way.

You're grounded.

He's not
even my brother!

I'm... free.

I'll get you for this,
Llewellyn Duck!

Oh, give it time.

If you get close
enough to someone,

they start to feel
like family.

Right, Goldie...

The gift bags?!




I will destroy you! Aah!

Huey! It's done!
You slayed it!

Huey! This is far enough
out of your comfort zone!

You're in too deep!

I got in too deep!

I had the money!

I was in the clear!

"Crocodile's Waterworks"?



I'd say you get used to it,
but that'd be a lie.

I thought I found
someone who really got me.

We had a connection.

When you spend all your time
looking for an angle,

it's hard to see
what's in front of your face.

And that doesn't
make her too sharp, eh, lad?

But why did she save me?

Maybe she let you
get close, too.