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09x06 - Kristin Chenoweth vs. Kathy Najimy and My Unorthodox Life vs. Summer House

Posted: 03/03/24 20:26
by bunniefuu
It's time
for "Celebrity Family Feud"!

We've got Tony- and
Emmy-winning actress and singer

Kristin Chenoweth and friends
playing for

the Kristin Chenoweth
Arts & Education Fund.

They're going up against
"Hocus Pocus 2" and "Veep" star

Kathy Najimy and friends

playing for
the Fund for Women's Equality

And now the star of our show,
Steve Harvey!

Welcome, everybody.
How you folks doing?

Welcome to the show.

Thank you very much.
I appreciate that.

Thank y'all.
I appreciate it, everybody.

I do. Thank y'all.

Thank you very much.


Well, welcome to "Celebrity
Family Feud," everybody.

I'm your man, Steve Harvey.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, we got a good one
for you tonight, everybody.

These celebrity teams
gonna be battling it out

for 25,000 bucks
for their favorite charity.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Well, if you're ready for the
show, everybody, say "yeah."

All: Yeah!

Let's go meet
Team Chenoweth.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Ladies and gentlemen,
Kristin Chenoweth right here,

Emmy- and Tony-winning actress
and singer,

best-selling author,

star of the original
Broadway cast of "Wicked."

How are you, darling?

I'm so good.
I'm so happy to see you.

You are just bubbly.
I'm ready.

Good. We're playing
the greatest game on Earth,

"Family Feud,"

[ Cheers and applause ]

Kristin, what charity
you playing for?

It's called the
Kristin Chenoweth Arts
& Education Fund.

And we are raising money
and awareness for
arts and education,

not just in my home state
of Oklahoma,

but all across the globe.

[ Cheers and applause ]

You know what?
I'm really good with people.

I know.

You are
an exceptionally nice person.

Thank you.
That's a pleasure.

Thank you very much.
Love you.

Hey, let's go meet
Team Najimy.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Kathy Najimy, everybody.
Dan: Yeah.

She's starring in the
upcoming movie "Hocus Pocus 2,"

also known her from "Veep,"
"Younger," and "Sister Act."

She and Kristin --

her and Kristin together
wrote a book called "My Moment."

It's about
the first moment

when women fought back
for themselves.

[ Cheers and applause ]

who you playing for?

My charity is
the Fund for Women's Equality

to support
the Equal Rights Amendment

'cause everybody
should be equal, right?

Everybody, yeah.
Equal rights.
Thank you.

Thanks for
that opportunity.
Thank you very much.

Well, everybody ready
for the show, say "yeah."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Give me Kristin.
Give me Kathy.


Kim: Let's go, Kristin!
Come on, Kristin!

Dan: You got this.

Ladies, we've got the
top six answers on the board.

We asked 100 women,
after the lips,

what's your favorite part
of a man to kiss?


Rhymes with [bleep]

[ Audience "ohhs",
laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Right out the gate.

Right out the gate.

[ Laughter ]

I'm sorry.

I'm a good Christian girl.
Forgive me.

It rhymes with it.

[ Buzzer ]

I'm gonna say cheek.

A cheek. Cheek.

[ Ding ]


You go stand right over there,
young lady.

You stay right over there,
young lady.

I will.

Nicest woman I've ever met.
[ Laughs ]

"Oh, my God.
I can just tell

you're just
a wonderful person."

[ Imitates buzzer ]
"Rhymes with [bleep]

Kiss [bleep]"
Dan: Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Welcome to Sunday-night TV,

[ Laughter and applause ]

Alright, I'm gonna say this
one time --

we talked to 100 women.

This is all 100 women.

Dan, after the lips,

what's your favorite
part of a man to kiss?

Yes. The neck.

[ Chuckles ]
The neck.

Good answer.
Good answer.

Good answer.
Good answer.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Jess, after the lips,

what's your favorite part
of a man to kiss?


-Yeah. Good answer. Good answer.
-Good answer.

[ Ding ]
Dan: Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Miss Mona, let me
ask you something.

Now, after the lips,

what's your favorite part
of a man to kiss?

The chest.

Ooh, good answer.

[ Applause ]

That'll get you a new car,
Miss Mona.

[ Laughter ]

The chest.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

John, we've got no strikes.
We talked to 100 women.

After the lips, what's your
favorite part of a man to kiss?



Yeah, good answer.

[ Applause ]

Kiss the bicep.
The g*ns.

[ Buzzer ]

Hey, Miss Kathy.
Yes? Hi, darling.

Talked to 100 women.

Other than the lips, what's your
favorite part of a man to kiss?

I would say bottom.


[ Cheers and applause ]

We've been married
for years.


[ Laughs ]

His bottom.

[ Buzzer ]

Alright, Dan,
we got two strikes, man.

We got to be careful.

Chenoweth team can steal.

Talked to 100 women.
After the lips,

what's your favorite part
of a man to kiss?


His forehand.


[ Buzzer ]
That's stupid.

That's crazy.
I object.

I object.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Who are these people?

[ Laughs ]

Can we ask
anybody else?

[ Laughter ]

Okay, Kristin,
here we go.

We asked 100 women.

After the lips,

what's your favorite part
of a man to kiss?


[ Cheers and applause ]


Steve: His hand!
Come on, come on.


So we win?
So we win?

Number 6.

All: Shoulders.

Steve: 5.

All: Back.

Let's go to question two.

Give me Josh.
Give me Dan.

Come on, Dan.


Steve, I got a --
1-800-LOSERS called.

Oh, wow.
Figure that's for Dan.

This from the loser.

That's amazing.

[ Laughs ]
Going down.

Steve: Hey, fellas,
top seven answers on the board.

Name something that's better
at a gay bar than other bars.



[ Cheers and applause ]

Give me
that slow burn.

Come on.

[ Cheers and applause
continue ]

You're going to be
standing over there

next to Kristin
in a minute.


That's so stupid.




[ Cheers and applause ]


Play, play, play, play.

We're gonna play.
We're gonna play.

[ Laughs ]


name something that's better
at a gay bar than other bars.


The dancing.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Kim, name something
that's better at a gay bar

than other bars.

I would say flirting.

[ Cheers and applause ]



[ Applause ]


name something that's better
at a gay bar than other bars.

I've been in a few.

I would say
the fashion.

Yes, yes.

The fashions.


[ Applause ]

[ Chuckles ]

I don't know where you're
gonna go with this one.

[ Laughs ]

Kristin, we got two strikes.
You got to be careful.

The Najimy team can steal.

Name something that's better
at a gay bar than at other bars.



Good answer.

That's really good.


[ Cheers and applause ]

we got two strikes.

Name something
that's [chuckles]

better at a gay bar
than other bars.



The food.

[ Ding ]

Go ahead.

Kristin: Go, Josh.

Two strikes.
The other team can steal.


The entertainment.

Come on!


[ Cheers and applause ]

Kim: Oh, my gosh.

Kim, every time
I come to you,

you cover your mouth

like you can't believe
it's your turn.

Oh, my gosh.

Now, Kim,
we're going down the line...
I know.

...and right after
It's me.'s always
gonna be you.

I know.

There's two strikes.
The other team can steal.

Name something that's better
at a gay bar than other bars.


Tiffany: Let's go.

The strippers.


[ Ding ]

"Hot men/people."

-That's good. That's good.

Yeah, Jack.

Your turn.
[ Laughter ]

You got two strikes,

The other team
can steal.

Name something that's better
at a gay bar than other bars.

The attitude.

The attitude.

The attitude.

Come on.
Come on.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Here's your chance,
Kathy: Ugh.

Name something that's better
at a gay bar than other bars.

Line to the bathroom,

Great answer!

The line to the bathroom.

[ Ding ]



Steve: Team Najimy,
they got 181.

Team Chenoweth
not on the board,

but the goal is 300 points,
so don't go away, y'all.

We'll be right back.
We got a good one.

This is
"Celebrity Family Feud."

Yeah! Whoo!


Welcome back, "Celebrity
Family Feud," everybody.

Team Najimy got 181.

Team Chenoweth
not on the board.

Give me Tiffany.
Give me Jess.


[ Laughter ]

Okay, now we're --
now we're good.

Alright, here we go.
Point values are double.

Top five answers on the board.

This is a fill-in-the-blank.

Hot blank.


Hot dog.
Hot dog.

[ Ding ]


Kim, hot blank.

Hot damn.

Hot damn.

Hot damn.
[ Laughs ]

Hot damn.
Come on.

Oh, man.

Jack, hot blank.

Hot guy.

Hot guy.

[ Cheers and applause ]


Miss Kristin, now, come on.
We got two strikes.

The other family can steal.
We need this one.

Hot blank.


Hot chicken.

You know,
like Nashville hot chicken.

Like Nashville hot chicken.

Tiffany: Yes.

Hot chicken.

[ Audience "aws" ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Hey, Miss Kathy,
fill in the blank.

Hot blank.

Hot tamale.

[ Cheers and applause ]

It's good. It's good.

Hot tamale.

Dan: What?

Who are these people?

Who are these people?

Number 5.

All: Hot chocolate.

That's a good one,

Steve: 4.

All: Hot potato.

Steve: 3.

All: Hot mess.

Steve: Number 2.

All: Hot sauce.

God bless.
Those are so easy.

Let's go to question four.

Give me Kim.
Give me Mona.


Kathy: Mona! Mona!

[ Audience "ohhs" ]

[ Laughter ]

Miss Mona's a poker player.

[ Laughter ]

Point values are triple,

We've got top four answers
on the board.

Name something Santa might count
to help him fall asleep.


Tiffany: Yes.

Jack: Yes.



[ Applause ]

[ Ding ]

That's the poker player,

That was good.

[ Applause ]

John, name something

Santa might count
to help him fall asleep.

Candy canes.

I like that.
Dan: Good answer.

Candy canes.

[ Buzzer ]

I like that answer.
I liked it.

I thought candy canes
was good.

Give me something
Santa might count

to help him fall asleep,

How about gifts?

Presents, gifts.

Could be.
I'm not sure.

What could it be?

[ Cheers and applause ]

Dan, name something
Santa might count

to help him
fall asleep.


That's a good answer.

[ Chuckling ]
It's a good answer.

[ Applause ]

That'd drive me crazy,
counting damn snowflakes.

It'll put you to sleep.

"20 million, 30 million,
75 mill-- aah!"

We're gonna count snowflakes
for the win.

[ Buzzer ]

Kathy: It's okay.
We can do it. We can do it.

Ah, Jess,
we got one answer left.

If it's there,
your team wins the game.

If it's not there,
the other team can steal

and they will win
the game.

Jess, name something
Santa might count

to help him fall asleep.


Yeah, that's...

[ Chuckles ]


[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Chuckles ]

Well, family,
here's the situation.

I got one answer,
one answer only.

If it's there,
your family steals.

Your family
walks away with a win.


But if that answer
is not there...


...the other family
wins the game.

This is the deciding answer.
Winner-take-all right now.

Name something
Santa might count

to help him
fall asleep.


[ Chuckles ]
That was pretty sexy
right there.

[ Laughter ]

I never felt that way
about cookies before.

[ Laughter ]

[ Sultry voice ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Ding ]


[ Normal voice ] Wow.


Hey, thanks for hanging out
with us, guys.

We're gonna make
a contribution to your charity.

We're really happy
for you!
I don't know how
they go that one out.

Hey, I need two players.

I need two players.

Come on, let's go.
Right there.

Right there.

Right after this, folks,
Fast Money.


[ Laughs ]


20 seconds on the clock,

Fill in the blank.

In a restaurant,
the blank better be clean,

or you're leaving.


Name something above the waste
a man has that might be big.


Name a word that starts
with "ego."


[ Laughter ]

How many items
are allowed

in a supermarket's
express lane?

Name an injury
that a chef might get.

Cutting. Slice.

Yes, yes.

Here we go. Fill in the blank.
In a restaurant,

the blank better be clean,
or you're leaving.

You said...

the menu better be clean,
or you're leaving.

Survey said...

[ Buzzer ]

Name something above the waist
a man has that might be big.

You said...

Survey said...

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Name a word that
starts with "ego."

You said....


What is that?

What is that?
It's the lead character
from "Wicked."

Like, I should have
said "egotistical."

something like that.
A zero.

Okay, "Al..."
[ Stammers ]

That word.
[ Laughs ]

Survey said...

[ Buzzer ]

How many items
are allowed

in a supermarket's
express lane?

You said...

Survey said...

[ Ding ]

Name an injury
that a chef might get.

You said...

get cut.

Survey said...

Tiffany: That's number 1.

There we go.

That got you
halfway there.

You're good.
You're okay.

You're okay.
You got halfway there.

You got halfway there.

Your fiancée got 95.

You got to pull it off,

You need 105.

They're gonna be
a little bit tougher this time,

so we'll give you
25 seconds.

You ready?
Yes, sir.

Alright, let's remind everybody
of Kristin's answers.

25 seconds on the clock,

Come on, Josh.
Let's nail it.

Fill in the blank.

In a restaurant,
the blank better be clean,

or you're leaving.


Name something above the waste
a man has that might be big.


Name a word that starts
with "ego."


How many items
are allowed

in a supermarket's
express lane?


Name an injury
that a chef might get.

[ Buzzer ]
Try again.


Give me a word
that stars with "ego."


It's okay, Josh. Turn around.
Don't worry about it.

We got a little surprise
for you here.

[ Chuckles ] Elphaba?


That's the lead actor
in "Wicked."


Fill in the blank.

In a restaurant,

the blank better be clean.
or you're leaving.

You said...

Survey said...

Yeah! Good job.

Number-one answer
was bathroom.

I was thinking table.

That's what
I was gonna say, yeah.

Name something above the waist
a man has that might be big.

You said...

Survey said...


[ Cheers and applause ]

Chest and belly
was tied for the top answer.

Name a word
that starts with "ego."


Egomaniac was
the number-one word.

How many items are allowed
in the supermarket express lane?

You said...

Survey said...

[ Ding ]

10. 10 was
the number-one answer.

We're 38 points away.
[ Chuckles ]

Name an injury
that a chef might get.

You said...

Survey said...

[ Ding ]


Wow. That was good.

Cut. Cut was
the number-one answer.

Better believe
burn was two.

Well, that's $25,000

for the Kristin Chenoweth
Arts & Education Fund.

I'd like to thank Kristin
and Kathy

and everybody else for hanging
out with us right here

on "Celebrity Family Feud."

Hey, listen, everybody,
stay tuned.

We're gonna have
two new teams

when "Celebrity Family Feud"

[ Cheers and applause ]

Welcome back to "Celebrity
Family Feud," everybody.

Let's meet our next two teams.

We've got the stars
of "My Unorthodox Life,"

and they're playing
for VOW for Girls.

[ Cheers and applause ]

And they're taking on the
housemates from "Summer House,"

and they're playing
for Shatterproof.

Everybody ready for the show
to get started, say "yeah."

[ Cheers and applause ]
Let's get it on.

Give me Julia.
Give me Carl.

Let's go Julia!


-Come on, Julia!

Alright, guys, we've got the
top seven answers on the board.

Tell me, what makes a kiss
a bad kiss?

Bad breath.

Bad breath.
Bad breath.

Miriam: Yeah!

[ Ding ]


[ Buzzer ]

Pass or play?
Pass or play?

Play! Play!
Play! Play!

Alright, Robert,

tell me, what makes a kiss
a bad kiss?


[ Audience "ohhs" ]

[ Laughter ]

One of my specialties.

[ Laughs ]

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

how are you?

I'm good.
How are you?

Tell me, what makes a bad kiss
a bad kiss?



Too much tongue.

Too much tongue.


[ Laughing ]
Is that not good?

Too much tongue.

What are we doing?

[ Laughter ]

Too much tongue.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Good job. Great job.

Shlomo, what makes a kiss
a bad kiss?

No passion.

My man.

Hey, hey, hey.
Julia: I like that.

Hey, he's dating, huh?
I'm telling you.

No passion.
No passion.

No passion.

[ Buzzer ]

Miriam: It's okay.

That's a good answer,


Nailed it.
Julia: Whoo!

[ Applause ]

Tell me, what makes a kiss
a bad kiss?

Too long.

It's too long.
It's too long.
You can't breathe.

[ Applause ]

What the hell
have I been doing?

[ Laughter ]

Too long.


we got two strikes, family.

Come on, now.
We got to be careful.

"Summer House" can steal.

Tell me, what makes a kiss
a bad kiss?

Body odor.

Body odor.

Body odor.
Stinky, stinky.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Alright, guys,
tell me,

what makes a kiss
a bad kiss?

Too much teeth.

Good answer!

[ Laughter ]

What the hell?

Yeah, we got this.
We got this.

Too -- [ Laughs ]

Too much teeth.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Number 7.

All: Grabbing bod.

Steve: 6.

All: Biting/blood.

Yeah, that's a little bit
too far.


All: Gunk in teeth.


We were so close.
Yeah. 4.

All: Tight lips/no tongue.

Let's go to question two.

Give me Robert.
Give me Lindsay.


Oh, wait,
we have to...
Do we do this?


[ Laughter ]

Alright, guys,
we've got the top seven answers

on the board,
and we asked 100 women.

Name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.



[ Audience "ohhs" ]

Oh, wait, what?

[ Laughter ]

A monthly occurrence.

[ Buzzer ]

Tight dress.

Tight dress.

Actually makes sense.

[ Ding ]

Pass or play?

Play. Play. Play.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Alright, we talked to 100 women.
100 women, okay?

So, now, name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.

Like, VPL --
visible panty line.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah.

I've never heard that.
You're welcome.

That's got to...

VPL --
visible panty line.

I didn't know that.
That's a good one.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Alex, name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.


My man.
Good answer.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckling ] Yeah!

This is my dude
right here.

This is my dude.

Italian stallion.

Name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.

When she go to
the aesthetician.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, to take care of...
what's down there.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Laughter and applause ]

Good answer.

To get waxed, yeah.

The aesthetician.

[ Buzzer ]

Alex: It's alright.
It's alright.

Name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.

For temperature.
It's too hot.

It's too hot.
It's too hot.

Good answer.



Lindsay, darling,
only one strike.

Give me a reason that a woman
decides to go commando.

They don't have
any underwear to wear.

[ Chuckles ]

That they don't have
any underwear to wear.


[ Cheers and applause ]

Only one strike, Mya.

Name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.

What about running away
from, like, a one-night stand?

[ Audience "ohhs" ]

[ Laughter ]

To hastily get away,

and you don't have time
to put them on.

Or you can't find them.
You know what I mean?

Or you couldn't
find them.

Had to escape, get away,
fleeing quickly.

[ Laughter ]

[ Buzzer ]

Alright, there's two strikes.
The other team can steal.

Name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.

I mean, I have to say this --
sports and athletics?

Sports and athletics.
Love that.



[ Buzzer ]

Come on! Let's go!
You can do it!

Redemption. Redemption.

...we talked
to 100 women.

Name a reason a woman
decides to go commando.

'Cause she's going to bed.

[ Cheers and applause ]

She's going to bed.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Steve: Number 7.

All: Too lazy to put on.

Steve: Number 6.

All: It's freeing.

[ Chuckling ] Yes.

Well, don't go away, y'all.

We'll be right back
with "Celebrity Family Feud."


Welcome back to "Celebrity
Family Feud," everybody.

We got a good one.
"Summer House" got 91.

"My Unorthodox Life" got 84.

Give me Miriam.
Give me Mya.


[ Laughter ]

Ladies, point values
are double.

Top six answers on the board.

Name something
a couple does

after the last child
leaves home.

Have sex.

They have sex.
They wait.

They wait to have sex.

That's good,

[ Ding ]


Smoke weed.

They smo--

[ Laughter ]

They smoke weed.

They do
degenerate things.

[ Buzzer ]

Pass or play?
Let's play!

Miriam: What should we do?
Let's play!

Let's play!

[ Applause ]

Shlomo, my man, give me
something a couple does

after the last child
leaves home.

Go on vacation.
They go on vacation.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]


Give me something
a couple does

after the last child
leaves home.

Sell their house.

[ Laughter ]


They sell their house
so you can't come back.

[ Laughter ]
Sell the house.

I love that.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Julia, darling,
name something a couple does

after the last child
leaves home.

They redecorate.

They redecorate.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Alright, Robert,
give me something

a couple does after
the last child leaves home.

Ugh, they retire?

They retire.

[ Buzzer ]

Only one strike,

Hey, Miriam, give me something
a couple does

after the last child
leaves home.

They get divorced.

[ Laughing ]

I thought
that was good.

I got to
tell you something.

They damn sure do.
[ Laughter ]

I got so many friends, man,
after that last one left,

they went,
"Yep, finished my job."

[ Laughter ]

They get divorced.

[ Buzzer ]

We got two strikes.
We got to be careful.

"Summer House" can steal.

Shlomo, give me something
that a couple does

after the last child
leaves home.

Throw a party.

Throw a party.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

I don't know.
Batsheva, you have
the look on your face

like he took your answer.

[ Chuckles ]
Yes, they did.

But you have two strikes.
"Summer House" can steal.

They get a dog
or a pet.

They buy a dog
or a pet.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Come on, Carl.
-Come on.

Alright, guys.
Here's your chance.

Give me something
a couple does

after the last child
leaves home, Carl.

They get more sleep.

[ Chuckles ]
Mya: Good answer.

They get more sleep.

[ Buzzer ]


Steve: Number 5.

All: Cry.

Let's move on
to the next question.

Give me Shlomo.
Give me Alex.


[ Laughter ]

Point values are triple.

We've got the top four answers
on the board. Here we go.

Tell me something you're doing
when you're wearing a helmet.


Riding a bike
or sports.

Riding a bike.

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Pass or play?

-Oh, play, obviously.


[ Cheers and applause ]

Come on over here.

[ Laughs ]

-That was good.
-Good job, Alex.

Andrea, tell me
something you're doing

when you're wearing
a helmet.

Play hockey.

Play hockey.

"Hockey." "Hockey."

Lindsay: Hockey.

Playing hockey.

Oh, my.

Hey, Carl, tell me
something you're doing

when you're wearing
a helmet.


You got it.
You're a construction worker.


[ Cheers and applause ]

Lindsay, darling,

tell me something you're doing
when you're wearing a helmet.

Jumping out of a plane.

Jumping out of a plane.
Alex: That's a good one.
That's a good one.

Jumping out of the plane.

[ Buzzer ]

Oh. Oh, oh, oh.

Mya, listen to me.

If it's there,
you're still alive.

But this time,
we have two strikes.

If it's not there,
the other family can steal

and win the game.

Mya, tell me something
you're doing

when you're wearing
a helmet.

What about
rock climbing?

[ Cheers and applause ]

Rock climbing.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Family, I got two answers
on the board.

If you give me
either one of those answers,

your family steals,

your family
is gonna win this game.

If it's not there,

the other team will have
an opportunity

to play sudden death.

Tell me something you're doing
when you're wearing a helmet.

Playing football.

Playing football?

-I thought that's what Mya said.

[ Ding ]

I thought you was gonna say it
'cause she was right there.

I thought she was
gonna say it.

Number 2.

All: Riding motorcycle.

Lindsay: Isn't that the same
as a bike?

Hey, guys,
thanks for hanging out.

We're gonna make a donation
to your charity

for playing along with us.
Thank you.

Nice folks.

I need two of you.

I got Julia,
and I got Shlomo.

We're gonna be right back.

We're gonna play
Fast Money, y'all.


Alright, you ready?

20 seconds on the clock,

Your wife would be mad

if she knew
you went through her what?

Underwear drawer.

Name something
in the bathroom

that a man uses
in the morning.


Fill in the blank --
tower of blank.


Name an animal you'd see
in a "Tom and Jerry" cartoon.


Tell me something
that goes down a runway.

A fashion model.

[ Bell rings ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Very good. Wow.

Alright, let's go.

Your wife would be mad if she
knew you went through her what?

You said...

Survey said...

[ Ding ]

Name something
in the bathroom

that a man uses
in the morning.

You said...

Survey said...


Fill in the blank --
tower of blank.

You said....

Survey said...


Name an animal you'd see
in a "Tom and Jerry" cartoon.

You said...

Survey said...


Tell me something
that goes down a runway.

You said...

Of course you would,
a fashion model.

Survey said...

Robert: Yeah!

-Good job.


-Whoo! Shlomo!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Alright, Shlomo,
Mom did pretty good.

She got 138 points.


You need 62 to win.

Alright, let's remind everybody
of Julia's answers.

25 seconds on the clock,

Your wife would be mad

if she knew
you went through her what?


Name something
in the bathroom

that a man uses
in the morning.

Try again.


Fill in the blank --
tower of blank.

Name an animal you'd see

in a "Tom and Jerry"

Try again.

Tell me something

that goes down
a runway.

An airplane.

[ Bell rings ]
My man.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Right there, Shlomo.
Let's see how we did.

We need 62 points.

Your wife would be mad

if she knew
you went through her what?

You said...

Survey said...

[ Ding ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Her purse was
the number-one answer.

Her purse.

Name something in the bathroom
that a man uses in the morning.

You said...

Survey said...

Miriam: Yeah!

Come on, Shlomo!

Razor and shaver
was number one.

We're 15 points away
from the money.

Fill in the blank --
tower of blank.

You said...

Tower -- that's what you said?
Tower of Babel.

Survey said...


[ Cheers and applause ]


Steve: Tower of Pisa
was the number-one answer.

"Tom and Jerry" cartoon --
a cat.

Something down the runway --

Well, that's $25,000
for VOW for Girls.

I want to thank
Julia and Carl

and everybody else for
hanging out with us right here

on "Celebrity Family Feud,"

I'm Steve Harvey, and
we'll see you next time, folks.

[ Cheers and applause ]

That was pretty good.