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03x12 - Drinking and Driving

Posted: 03/03/24 21:16
by bunniefuu
Mami, we need to talk.

Hold on. I'm watching the President.

Oh, wait. It is a hemorrhoid commercial.
Hold up.

I-I couldn't sleep last night

because Victor told me
he thinks Schneider fell off the wagon.

You know, my cousin Miguel
fell off the wagon once.

And he rolled down a hill
into a cave of bats

and lived among them for many years,

and to this day, he can see in the dark.

Oh, my God.

- Mami, this is serious.
- Okay.

I haven't noticed any signs
of Schneider slipping. Have you?

- Well, what are the signs?
- Not showing up for work.

So he has been drunk
for the last 20 years?

All right, that's a good point.

Uh, spending money recklessly
is another sign.

But this is the guy who, while sober,

bought wax statues
of Ice Cube, Ice-T, and Vanilla Ice.

Alcohol. Is there any alcohol missing?

My rum is gone.

Wait. That was me.

Maybe we should go check in on him,

because if he was drinking last night,
he will be a hungover mess today.

What up, fam?

Beautiful day. Got up at 6:00.

Crushed a smoothie, went to goat yoga.

Ironically, the instructor
had a camel toe.

Drunk, sober. Who can tell?

Yoga, huh?

Let me ask you a question.

Did you do this move?

- Yeah.
- Did you do this move?

- Yeah.
- Did you do this move?

What's that? Thirsty Warrior?

Ach. Are you using again?

Booze, pills, sticky icky icky?

What? Where's this coming from?

Victor thinks you slipped. Did you?

Oh, my God.

I'm fine. Addicts always think
everyone's an addict,

just like Elena thinks everyone's gay,

and Lydia thinks
everyone's in love with her.

Stop flirting with me
and get to the point.

Schneider, you know we care about you,
so I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Are you drinking?

Okay, the truth is,

I did think about having a drink
when my dad was in town,

but I didn't, and I promise you, I'm fine.

If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna change into
something a little more comfortable.

He's definitely drinking again.

What? You saw him. He's his normal self.

Oh, yeah? 'Cause before he came in,
he knocked.


School zone?

Reduce speed to under 25.


Nun crossing the street?

Do not hit her.


Did you really need to put that
on a flashcard?

I know you've never passed a test before,
but this is how it's done.

Why are you wearing your nicest shirt
to the DMV?

Because this place is jam-packed
with 16-year-old girls with cars.

'Sup, girl?

Sick Mazda.


You came here to hit on girls?

You can't even go out with anybody.
You're still grounded.

Girls love what they can't have.

After you get your license,
maybe you could drive me to the mall.

I need to get something for Lydia.

Our one-year non-iversary is comin' up.

What's a non-iversary?

It's one full year
since your grandmother first told me

that she had absolutely
no romantic feelings for me.

I should get her something.

I will drive you anywhere you want

because you're the best teacher ever,
and I am gonna crush this test.

I should've hired a driving instructor
instead of relying on a family friend.

Why did I waste so much time
making flashcards?

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, my God. I'm actually gonna fail.

- Elena, relax.
- Relax?

No. I'm never gonna get my license.

I'm never gonna get a job.
I'm gonna live at home forever.

Then Syd is gonna leave me
for a soft butch with a Subaru.

Okay, I think you're having
an anxiety attack.

Here, sit down

and just take a deep breath.

Think about something calming,

like that Supreme Court lady you like...
Darth Vader Ginsburg.

You mean the tiny old lady

clinging to life with one hand
and to our frail democracy with the other?

Oh, God, she's right.

- Calm down, Doc.
- I can't.

If Elena fails, it'll all be my fault.

They always say, "If you can't do, teach."
But if you can't teach, what is there?


Man, I thought the DMV was gonna be fun.

- Lupita, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
- What?

How are we going to play this?
Who is the law? Who is the order?

No. Schneider's not even home, Mami.

We're just gonna go in,
take a quick look around,

and make sure
he's not hiding anything, okay?

Ah, okay.

Okay, Mami, let's spread out.

You go look in the cactus garden.
I'll check out the wax museum.

Oh, Mami, look!

Oh, deodorant. Good. I'm sweating.

No. Mami, this is a fake can
for hiding dr*gs.

This is what Alex had.

Yes. You just twist it.

Ooh. Uhh?

Now I smell like a horny eighth-grader.

Oh, look. A giant smoking bing-bong.

Mami, that's too big to be a bong.
I'm guessing.

It's actually a didgeridoo.

And not one lesson.

We thought you were at the Farmers Market.

Yeah, well, the figs were sub-par today,
so I came home disappointed.

Now I'm even more disappointed
to come home and find

my best friend and her daughter
sneaking into my apartment.

It is true.

I have violated the bro code.

You know what? I don't care.
Get mad at me all you want, okay?

You're hiding something,
and I'm gonna find out what it is.

Let me see if your pupils are dilated.

What? Stop. I told you, I'm not drinking.

I went through a really hard time
where I was tempted to,

so you're not making things easier on me.

- I just want you to be honest with me.
- I am.

I've never lied to you.

Other than once
when I told you chartreuse was your color

when really, it's nobody's color.

Look, I'm sensitive, okay?
I've been through this before with Victor.

By the time I confronted him,
it was too late.

Well, I'm not Victor.

I've always been there for this family.

And the fact that you, of all people,
think I'm a liar makes me feel like crap.

I'm sorry.

Well, you should be.

Oh. Ahh.

What is this?

That's not my yoga mat.


I screwed up.

- We should get ahold of your sponsor.
- You're right.

Uhh. I'm so ashamed.

I'll text Nick right now. I can't believe
I let this happen. Thanks, guys.

You probably saved my life
by catching me before I hit bottom.

Okay, Nick's on his way.

Good, because we're not going anywhere
until he gets here.

- Thank you, but you don't have to do that.
- No, we do.

- Is there more booze in this apartment?
- No.

- Are you lying to me?
- Yes.

There's a bottle of vodka in the freezer.
Wax Ice-T is full of Long Island Iced Tea.

there is no iced tea in Ice-T.

Yeah, I don't see any vodka, Schneider.


Oh, boy.

He sent us on a wild Grey Goose chase.

Okay. Are you feeling better?

Yeah, I think so.

This pug with a wig
looks just like Dame Judi Dench.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Yeah, I'm feeling better, too.

Well, you should. You're gonna do great.

You're up.

Thanks, Alex. You know what? You're right.

I'm gonna make this test my bitch.

You can't say that. I can.

Let's do this thing.

Well, my work here is done.

Plus, I made a date with a girl
who failed the test four times.

She needed a win.

Wait. Wait. I still need help
with your grandmother's non-iversary gift.

Okay. Well, the traditional gift
for a first non-iversary is...

nothing, because that's not a thing.

Okay, here's a picture
of Abuelita's bouquet list.

Maybe you can get an idea from it.

That's private. I can't look at that.

Without my reading glasses.

"Take a hot-air balloon ride."

No can do. I'm afraid.

- Heights?
- Baskets.

Let's see. "Kiss Andy Garcia."

"Kiss Julio Iglesias."

"Kiss the ugly Property Brother

to make the handsome
Property Brother jealous."

This part of the list
was after she had some rum.

"Buy more rum."

I've got it.

There's one on here
that I can make happen,

and I know she'll love.

It's perfect.

Oh, I...

I can't let you see it.
It has to be a surprise.

Great. Because I don't care.

I just want my phone back.


Thank you.

Okay, let us know if you hear from him.

You're the person
he's most likely to call in a crisis.

Okay, thank you. Bye.

Avery hasn't seen him?

That was his almond milker.

But Avery hasn't seen him, either.

She says they broke up.

IAi, que triste!

Well, I-I-I checked with
all our neighbors. Nada.

Mami, that's the kids. Don't say anything.
I don't want them to get freaked out.



What has two thumbs
and a provisional driver's license

to be used only between the times
of 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

with no passengers under the age of 20

without a licensed driver
aged 25 or higher present?

This guy!

Yay. Congratulations.

I am so proud of you.

It was pretty intense. I actually
started to have an anxiety attack,

but Alex helped me through it.


It was nothing. I knew what to do
because of everything we talked about.

Ah, sorry.

My phone's blowing up with crying girls
who didn't get their licenses.

Wait. How are they gonna get to me?

No! I didn't think this through.

Don't worry. I will find you an Uber.

Elena, your name is now Uber.

So much to celebrate.

Sparkling cider?

Yep, and I sprung for the good stuff.

Ahh. Martinelli's?

Ooh, we're gonna party
like slightly rebellious Mormons.

Thank you, Alex.

I knew you would pass.
Why do you think it's chilled?

Alex. No, I really couldn't have
done this without you.

You were there for me and... Ow!

Oh, my God!

Oh, don't worry. It's okay.

No, my shirt!
I need to wash it before it stains.



Alex, hey, man.

Are you doing a load? 'Cause...

I think I threw up on my pants.


Dude, what happened?


I think I ate something
that didn't agree with me.

Are you drunk?

What? No.

I thought you quit a long time ago.

Yeah, well, I recently... quit quitting.

It's all right. I'm just gonna...

go upstairs...

take a hot shower,
and I'll be good as new.

Are you sure you're okay?

- I think we should call somebody.
- No!

I'm sorry. I just...

It's not a big deal.

It's not gonna happen again, so don't
tell your mom you found me down here.

Come on!

She's just gonna freak out and overreact

like she did with you
'cause you smoked a little weed.

How long did she ground you for?

Four months and counting.

So you get it?


I do.

You did the right thing calling us.

Here, Schneider,
I made you sopa de pollo.

And, uh, I got you a wet towel
for your head.

I don't know if it actually works.
They just always did it on Nurse Jackie.

Thanks, guys.

They say while you're staying sober,
your disease is doing push-ups.

Thought I could drink like I used to,
but, uh...

guess I'm out of practice.

We love you.
And you're gonna get through this.

Thank you.

I'm gonna go to the bathroom
and try to clean up.

Okay, Schneider, but you need a hug.

Heh heh.

Okay, he's clean.

Alex, I, uh...

It's all good.

Come here. I wanna talk to you.

Mom, I get it.
Cautionary tale. Scared straight.

No, that's not what I wanted to say.

I am really proud
of how you handled everything today.

You helped Elena
through an anxiety attack.

Dr. Berkowitz called me and said
you helped solve his biggest problem.

I couldn't even narrow that down.

Plus Schneider.

It takes a mature kid to know what to do
when faced with something like that.

I guess I just realized he needed help

more than he needed someone
to keep his secret.

Well, you were right.

And that's why, as of...

ironically, 4:20...

You are officially ungrounded.


- Yeah.
- Yes!

Now go out, have some fun...

and in an added plot twist...


Whoa. A twenty-dollar bill?

I saw these in a rap video once.

Thanks, Mom.

Hey, Uber, bring the car around.

I can't drive you unless we have someone
25 or older in the car.

You're in luck. I just squeaked by.

Thanks, you guys, for the soup
and for understanding...

They're gone, so enough of the b.s.

My son has to find you passed out
in a laundry room?

How long has this been going on?
And tell me the fricking truth this time.

It actually did start
when my dad was here.

You been lying to us for that long?
What the hell, Schneider?

I know.

It's just... ahh.

Seeing him again reminded me of how
he always said I was bad at everything.

But it's not true.

I was really good at one thing...


I could always drink
way more than everybody else.

It made me interesting...

and fun.

And when he was here, I had one drink.

And I actually managed to stand up to him.

So I started thinking,
"Why does it have to be all or nothing?

I can handle a drink now and then."

But obviously, I can't.

What are you doing?

I'm removing my eight-year chip.

I don't deserve to be
in the Alvarez Museum anymore.

I blew it.

You're never gonna trust me again.

You know the first time...

you asked me to take Alex
to his baseball game

was one of the proudest moments
of my life.

Nobody ever asks the addict
to do that kind of stuff.

But you did.

You're the only one
who's ever trusted me, Pen.

All that goes away now.

It doesn't go away.

It's just gonna be hard to get back.

Eight years.


And now the thought
of going back to a meeting...

and starting over?

I can't do it.

Yes, of course you can.

And you will.

I'm not giving up on you.

None of us are.

If you don't start going back to meetings,
you're just gonna keep slipping.

You want to be a good role model
for the kids, right?

This is your chance.

Someone once told me,
"Don't quit before the miracle happens."

That's pretty smart. Who said that?

Ha ha. You did, dummy.

I just don't know
if I can face those guys.

You don't have to do that alone.

Hi. My name is Pat,

and... I'm an alcoholic.

- Hey, Pat.
- Hi, Pat.

Today is day one for me.

Okay, 10-minute break.

- I'm glad you're back, dude.
- Thanks, man.

I'm always here for you,

even if I'm putting up
500 pounds on the bench

or out with some model

or on my yacht
playing D&D with the homies.

But next time, call your sponsor.


Yeah. And I might call you, too.

For other reasons.