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03x19 - Beaks in the Shell!

Posted: 03/03/24 22:43
by bunniefuu
Huh. In and out faster
than you can say...

Blathering blatherskite!

Ugh. Here we go.

Not so fast, you FOWL agent!

Unhand that Electronic Disrupter
or face GizmoJustice!

- Right, Gizmoduck?
- Um, yes!

I'm afraid that doesn't
belong to you, Agent Dee.

Oh. And I'm afraid I don't care.

Ha! No mere marble can stop...

Urk! Incredible! Innovational!

Er... Diabolical!

You remember you can fly, right?

Yes! Of course. I'll just...

Hey, I drop this into the water,

and the resulting shock-wave
will short circuit
all of Duckburg.

You wouldn't dare!

She dared.




Aw, man! She got away.

But we kept FOWL from getting
that dangerous Disrupter.

And I've got a feeling
we haven't seen the last
of Gandra Dee.

[elevator dings]

- [gasps]
- Dr. Intern...

What are you doing
at the lab so late?

I was... just
pulling an all-nighter

because I can't quite
figure out this experiment

because I'm not nearly
as smart as you
because you're so smart?

Sounds about right.
Don't blow anything up.

Phew. Finally alone.

[phone buzzes]

Mama! You're still awake?

I'm your mother.
I don't sleep until you do.

Why aren't you at home?

- Just working late.
- Que raro.

' Cause I talked
to your coworker,
the Horse-Thing,

and he said you hadn't been
in the lab all day.

[nervous laughter]

Don't listen to Manny.

His heart is in the right place,

but his eyes are made of statue.

Are you seeing someone?

Whaaat?! Nooo...

[faking static] Oh no!
Dangerous lab accident!

But not so dangerous
you need to come check on me.

Talk later, Mama. Bye...

Sorry, Mama. I can't tell you
what's going on.

Not yet.

Do you think they bought it?

Of course they bought it.

Well... Mama sounded suspicious,

and I can hear my heart
beating so loudly

that I think other people
can hear it but...

[chuckles] Aw, suit.

I'm gonna choose to believe
your heart's beating for me

and take it as a compliment.

- Mwah.
- Mwah.

["DuckTales Theme"
by Felicia Barton playing]

♪ Life is like A hurricane ♪

♪ Here in Duckburg

♪ Racecars, lasers Airplanes ♪

♪ It's a duck blur

♪ Might solve a mystery

♪ Or rewrite history

♪ Duck Tales, whoo-ooh

♪ Every day they're out there
Making Duck Tales, whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do
Bad and good-luck tales ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh

♪ D-D-Danger lurks behind you

♪ There's a stranger
Out to find you ♪

♪ What to do?
Just grab on to some ♪

♪ Duck Tales, whoo-ooh

♪ Every day they're out there
Making Duck Tales, whoo-ooh ♪

♪ Tales of daring bad And good ♪

♪ Not pony tales
Or cotton tales ♪

♪ No, Duck Tales, whoo-ooh

So, how much secret science time
do we have today?

A few hours.

FOWL is busy
on their own missions,

so nobody should notice
if I hijack their servers

for a little private
world building.

Collaboration in action!

That's what the GizmoCloud
is all about.

- Meh.
- I planned alternatives.

The GizmoVoid? GizmoSpace?


Yeah, it wasn't the Cloud part
I had a problem with.

Aw, man. Another glitch.

Uhh! You know, Dr. Gearloose could help us
get rid of these bugs.

No! No. We can't tell
anyone about this place.

Er, not-not yet.

But we made this place
to share with the world.

Shouldn't we... start sharing?

How many times have you shared

an amazing invention
with someone

only to have them call you
a "dangerous crackpot"?

- Today?
- Everything has to be perfect
before we share this place.

Any place where we're together
already is perfect.

Mmm, gross.

This is going to be...

The greatest scientific
achievement in "hizistory"!

My hot new software update
is guaranteed

to reduce the chance
of your Waddle Phone
catching fire

by a jaw-dropping 7%!

Bringing it down
to a solid 50/50.

Any questions? Any...

Wait, where is everybody?

Yes. Why are you still a thing?

Excuse you?!

Waddle sales are tanking,
your phones are exploding.

I'll have you know
that I'm actually working
on a top secret new project...

Does it involve stealing
the Gizmoduck armor?

What? N-no!

Because you've tried it
five times.

It's very, very sad.

No, it's not!

They've got your number, Beaksy.

Ah, if I can't steal
the next big thing,

I'm gonna have to... [gasps]

come up with an original idea.

Ow! Ow! Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!!


Ahem, ahem...

- Huey?!
- Fenton! I'm sorry
to interrupt...

whatever you were doing,
but I was searching the docks

and found a piece
of Agent Dee's clothing
embedded with nanites!

Agent Dee, you say.

If we can reverse-engineer
their signal,

it could lead us right to her!

Hey, what are you working on?

Oh nothing. It's really
not at all revolutionary

or earth-shattering
or even a little brilliant.

Did you create
a virtual reality cloud space?!

With thought-based
environmental manipulation?

-Can I see it?
Please, please, please!
-I'd love to.

You can only access it
through a VR helmet.

The Gizmo helmet
only responds to me.

- Ahh, if only I...
- [door opens]

Thank you, Manny.
How convenient.

No! Huey, stop!
You don't understand...

Wow. Amazing! Incredible!

What the...?!

FOWL? Ahh!

Gandra Dee?
How did you get in here,

a place we've never been in
together... villain?

Ugh, you're such a bad liar.

He was lying?! Wait, Fenton,

are you... working
for Gandra Dee?

No! Not working for,
working with.

But she's a FOWL agent.
Are you a FOWL agent?

What is happening?! [screams]

What's this?
Some evil FOWL trap?

No, it's a weighted blanket.

It helps with anxiety.

Well, it can't stop me
from being anxious!

I... I...

Curses, I'm totally relaxed now.

I can't believe
you let someone in.

It was an accident!
But he's not gonna judge us.

Huey, Gandra and I
have been working

on the GizmoCloud
in secret... together.

But she's an evil cyborg.

Yeah, this kid seems
real judgment-free.

[sighs] My whole life,
I've tried to push
the boundaries of science.

But that means peopledon't always get
what you're doing.

Oh, yeah!


Super-science can be dangerous.

It's why I ended up having
to experiment on myself.

And why the only people
who would fund my work

are villains who don't care
how much destruction I cause.

But what if there was a labwhere
you could perform any experiment

with no chance
of anyone getting hurt?

[Huey screams]


No one gets hurt
because it's all virtual.

If you have an idea,
you can make a gizmo!

We could share it for free.

Bring super-science
to the world.

No! You att*cked us.
You stole stuff for FOWL!

I've been tipping Fenton off
to stop me before I do.

I'm using their resources
to build this place.

Once it's done,
I can quit FOWL for good.

We're so close to finishing,
but the lab keeps glitching.

If Dr. Gearloose or FOWL
discovers us before it's ready,

they may shut us down.

Then I shall keep your secret.

Because I believe in science,

but I also believe... in love!

[Fenton quacks]

OK, Huey. You got this.

Just keep a huge secret,
and if you fail,

you destroy
your best friend's life.
No big deal.

[elevator dings]

Hello, Huey.

I have some questions
about Fenton's girlfriend.

And I want answers... now.

So, Huey, tell me what you know
about Fenton's new girlfriend.

Girlfriend? No...
Who says he has a girlfriend?

Are you some kind
of an interrogation expert?

Worse. I'm a mother.

He's gone all hours
of the night,

his head is constantly
in the clouds,

he's started dotting
his equations with tiny hearts.

Who is she? She's not
a bad person, right?

What? No, of course she's not!

So he does have a girlfriend!

My pollito! Falling in love!

Who is she? What does she do?

- You seemed stressed.
- Seemed-stress...

S-She's a seamstress!
Yup. Seamstress.

From, uh... Canada! Alberta!

That's nice.

I need a background check
on all seamstresses in Alberta.

Huey! The project's going great.

Just make sure
we don't tell... Mama?!


Huey here was just telling me

about your girlfriend
the seamstress.


The seamstress! You should see
the seams she sews!

What's her name?

- Melissa... Beth...
- Melissa... Beth...

- Ellen... MelissaBethEllen!
- Ellen... MelissaBethEllen!

- She's French!
- I thought she was Canadian.

Some Canadians are French!

[elevator dings]

[quacks] Dr. Intern?

Officer Cabrera? Kid with hat?

What are you up to?

Not working on a secret project!


I mean, sea... project... tiles!

The Sea Projectiles Project.

That study was canceled

after those dolphins att*cked
that party boat.

[gasps] Uhh...

[fake cop voice]
Uh, copy. We've got
a crime alert in Silverbeak.

Assistance needed.

Oh no! Someone needs
Gizmoduck's help!

[whispers] Get out of here!
I'll buy you some time.
For science and love!

Thank you. Um, someone
in Duckburg needs my help!

I need to go to the bathroom!

[click, click]

Come on, Beaks, you got this.

An original idea.
How about... a... cup

that connects...
to the internet... for apps?

Ohh, even the stupid ideas
are taken!

- Wow! Check out!
- Look! It's Gizmoduck.

Gizmoduck is so cool!

I gotta get a picture
of him... Ahh!

Don't look Beaks.
Don't get tempted.
You're better than this.

Fine. I get it, OK?
I don't have any ideas,

so I have to steal
the Gizmoduck armor yet again!

- [Beaks] Are you happy now?
- Who was that?

- About time.
- We have questions.

And I have answers.

Ready to address all
your pressing concerns.

Why would Fenton keep
another big secret from me?

Especially after
he didn't tell me
he was Gizmoduck.

What?! I mean... yes!
Because Fenton is Gizmoduck.

Something that I knew.
Please excuse me for a second.

Fenton is Gizmoduck?!
Man, if I'm gonna lie for you,
I gotta know every detail!

I'm sorry, Louie.
Are they buying it?
Do they think you're me?

For now. But I can't
hold them off forever.

Please. This is
for science and love!

And six months of my allowance.

Sorry, forgot to wash my hands.

Now, I'm happy
to help you fine folks

with any information
you might need.

You seem pretty confident.

The Junior Woodchuck
Guidebook says,

"An honest soul
never doubts his role."

Words to live by.

I wish your brother Louie was
as truthful as you are.

Yup... Wait, huh?
I mean, he... I am.

Uh... what does Louie have
to do with anything?

His name came up
in a major fraud case.
A phony charity.

Because you're so truthful,

maybe you can tell me
about... Louie's Kids.

No! Please!
Huey made me do this!
Do not arrest me!

- Louie!
- Red nephew? Red nephew?

[gasps] Green nephew!
No, no, no, no! [knocks]

- Sorry.
-[Gyro] Why do I keep
going in this closet!

Unh! Ah! We're running
out of time.

Fenton, what's wrong?

People are asking questions.

I'm putting too much on Huey.

It's time for the GizmoCloud
to go public.

- It's not ready.
- Let's let others help us
make it ready.

The more minds the merrier!

The more minds the more chances

people are going to shut
the project down!

Gandra, please, it's not like
letting one person in

is gonna wreck everything!

Stupid Gizmoduck being
so stupid cool

that he's forcing me
to steal his stupid ideas again.

[sighs] Well, well, well.

So this is Casa de Gizmoduck.


So GizmoBoy has a new GizmoToy.

Solid rhyme. But what is it?

- [door knocks]
- [gasps]

Fenton, I'm sorry.

But I don't know
how much longer
I can do this!

Gyro keeps asking questions,
and your mom broke Louie.

Louie! I just can't keep
the GizmoCloud a secret
all to myself for much longer,

so you'd better be
hurrying in there!

[catches breath] I need a nap.

[Huey snores]

The GizmoCloud, eh?

Well, thanks for the info,
conflicted little boy.

This experiment means
everything to me!

Why can't we just
keep this our secret?

Because great science
is worth sharing!

But what if it all falls apart?
Right now it's just us,

but once other people know,
it'll be just like
any other project.

They'll judge and poke holes,
and what if I'm not good enough?

Th-the project,
th-the cloud, I mean.

I never cared what people
thought about me

until I... met you.

And I don't care
what anyone thinks about us,

because I know you.

- Oh, Fenton.
- [Beaks] Oh, Gizmoduuuck!

- Oh, no.
- Whoa, nice cloud
you got here, muchacho!

Ooh, and lady muchacho?

Dating the enemy? You dog!

- Mark Beaks?!
- Get out of our cloud!

No can do, Dee.
This is my cloud now.

Hashtag, ya captured!

[Beaks laughs]

Let us out of here!

Oh, would if I could, Dee.

But you just gave me
a great new idea.

Why wait until people
actually invent something
before you steal it?

Here in the WaddleCloud
I can pre-steal
other people's ideas

before anyone
finds out about them

and then take all the credit.

Too bad I added
a little security feature.

Blathering Blatherskite!

Ah. Thanks for the suit, bra.

Now, to give this place
an extreme cloud makeover,

pew, pew, pew, pew,
pew, pew, pew, pew, pew!

You were right.
One bad apple gained access
and it ruined everything.

So we're going to need
a lot of good apples to fix it.

That's not how
apple picking works,
horticulturally speaking...

Hey! The Cloud's still
connected to your suit
in the real world, right?

So we need to tell everyone.

-[sighs] Dewey, stop
tap dancing, it's 3:00 a.m.

Wait a minute!
That's morse code!


Mark Beaks! Oh, no!

- Unh!
-[Beaks on computer] Ah, ah, ah,
you didn't say the magic word.

Ah, ah, ah, you didn't say
the magic word.

-Mark Beaks took over...
Tell everyone.

Everyone? I get
to tell... everyone!

Fenton created a virtual
cloud space for science

and he's in love
with Gandra Dee!

I'm free! I'm free!

Now to tell the people
who can actually help.

A few more bean bags,
pew, pew, pew...

So, amigo, amiga, you got
any more big ideas I can steal?

We'll never give you our ideas.

Oh, I think you will.

Or I might just have
to delete you from the program.

Pollito! Unh!

So this must be your girlfriend.

She is real, right? I don't know
how this internet stuff works.

Um, shyello! Omnipotent
godlike cyber being here.

Why aren't you all
paying attention to me?!

Yeah, I definitely should not
have agreed to this.

This is the GizmoCloud,
where any thought can
become reality.

If you have an idea,
you can make a Gizmo.

Blathering Blatherskite!

For science and love!

Cool idea.
Don't mind if I... pew.



Robot legs didn't work.
Got any other ideas?

Blathering Blatherskite!

Let's try a robot arm!

Ah! A robot cop?

I smell a franchise.


What's that?

[gasps] You mad man.

Well, you've never
been wrong before.

Blathering Blatherskite!

Ah! Yah!




I've got an idea.

Blathering Blatherskite!

Nice tech, Suit.

This isn't a suit.

It's a Gizmo!

Unh, uhn!

There's no way we can beat
whatever that thing is.

Yes we can.
Because we have ideas.

- And he doesn't.
- Yeah!

For a guy with such a big head,

you'd think he'd have
at least one original thought.

So I don't have
original ideas, huh?

Well, how about this?

[evil laughter]

Did you just copy what I said
about you having a big head?

No! And who cares?
I'm in control.

I can take each of you
down whenever I want.

You can stop us separately.
But not together.

Blathering Blatherskite!

- Now let's go...
- Charge!

Ahh! Ew! Ew! Ew, ew, ew!

No! There's too many...

You can't beat the Beaks!

Who do you think you are?

[everyone] Call us... Gizmoduck!

Ahh! Ow.

- Yay! Excelsior!
- Yes! [laughs]

Fenton, I'm sorry.

I kinda sorta told everyone
about the GizmoCloud.

No, Huey. I shouldn't have
asked you to lie for me.

I can't believe you were keeping
this whole world to yourselves.

I mean, [gasps]
it's incredible! It's just,
you know... It's fine.

- [glitches]
- [gasps]

Thank you!
But it keeps glitching.

Hmm. Did you try
actually closing applications

instead of just minimizing them?

Of course! [sighs]

Maybe telling some people
wasn't a terrible idea.

I was very impressed
with your fighting,

It's... Gandra.

Mama! I can explain.

I had to enlist Huey
in some temporary subterfuge,

but things quickly
spiraled out of control.

But I love this woman,
and I want everyone to know it,

and I don't care
what you think about it,
I mean, not in a rude way,

because I obviously
still respect you,
because you're my mama,

- But she's my Gendra, so...
- But I'm even more impressed

that you can put upwith my son's
endless chattering.

-Would you like to come
to dinner at our house tonight?

Oh, I'd love to.
But, if we're gonna
launch the GizmoCloud,

I've got to get it off
of FOWL's servers.

And leave FOWL for good.

Nice to meet you,
Officer Cabrera.

Call me Mama.

Heh... that's moving fast.

[cell phone buzzes]



- [gasps]
- Hello, Agent Dee.

Director Buzzard. I...

I hear you were
considering leaving FOWL.

Yes. That's right.

I'm not scared
of what people think anymore.

I've got something
better going on now,

and that doesn't include FOWL.

But I'm afraid
your request is denied.

And for using
precious FOWL resources
to build your little cloud,

I'll be docking you
two weeks pay.

Oh, and locking
you up indefinitely.

Take her to the Lost Library!

What? What library?!

You have your secrets,
Agent Dee.

And I have mine.

[theme music playing]