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01x06 - The Death of Mrs. Resnick

Posted: 03/04/24 08:32
by bunniefuu
Mom, I'm gonna miss the first pitch.

Go faster! Alex, you know Mrs.

Resnick doesn't go faster.

Unless we're going downhill, and then she might not stop.

We are so late.

Just try.

Mom, I smell gas.

All right.

Now, you smell Hawaii.

Maybe the car's bad 'cause papi stuck it with the name Mrs.


You know your papi named her after a hot teacher he had a crush on.

Yeah, but by now I bet Mr.

Resnick's traded her in for a younger model.

That's not funny, papito.

It's not funny.

Society treats middle-aged women shamefully.

I read a study online Okay, who wants to hear some tunes? No! Don't leave me in all this pain Don't leave me out in the rain Aw, right before the good part.

There is no good part.

That CD's been stuck in this car my whole life.

Uh, excuse me? It's a cassingle.

Why are we slowing down? Who turned on the AC? You know Mrs.

Resnick can't handle that! I'm sorry, but it's 90 degrees and you won't let us roll the windows down.

Because then they don't go back up.

And it's only a crime to leave children in a hot car if it's parked.

I looked it up! Great.

Okay, guys.

You know the drill.

Por favor, Santa Francisca de Roma, ayúdanos.

Uno, dos y tres.

See? Mrs.

Resnick's still got it.


Well it'll probably be 20 minutes before a tow-truck gets here.

So, what should we do to pass the time? Oh, I know.

break my heart Say you'll love me again Everybody! Undo this hurt you caused Oh, hello.

What are you doing, Mami? This is supposed to make your skin glow.

It's called a sheet mask.

Mami, sheet.

It's called a sheet mask.

That's what I said, sheet.

So, would you say you are sheet-faced right now? Ah! Stop or the sheet will hit the fan.

You are back so late, I decided to have a little me time.

Can you feel it working? Hey, guys.

Oh! And we are 29 again.

Where you guys been? Mrs.

Resnick broke down again and had to be towed to the mechanic.

Hector's looking at it now.

Oh, how is Hector? I feel like I haven't seen him for days.

Did he ask about me? Oh, papito.

What happened to your pants? I ripped them getting out of the trunk.

You keep him in the trunk now? No, the doors got stuck again so we all had to climb out through the back.

It was terrible.

Now the whole team calls me "Butt-trunk boy.

" They could've called me "Junk in the trunk," it was right there.


Oh, guys.

This is Hector.

Hector Hector! Hello, give me some good news.

What? No! Okay, well, what exactly needs replacing? Uh-huh.



Okay, well, what about Oh, huh.

Uh-huh? Oh, you saved the cassingle! It unspooled.

That's okay, Hector, no.

Um, thank you.

Thank you.

Guys, Mrs.

Resnick is Muerta.

I can't believe it.

You know, your papi picked me up for our first date in that car.

It was brand new.

Only 60,000 miles on it.

We drove Mrs.

Resnick up the coast and at sunset, your papi bet me $5 that he'd marry me.

He even wrote our initials in a little heart on the bill.

I still have it somewhere.

Aw, you never take us to Malibu.

That's what you got from that story? Yeah, but the good news is you're getting a new car, right? Oh, sure, I'll just have the butler pick it up.

Oh, butlers work at the estate.

Chauffeurs pick up cars.

Lupe, if you need money for a car, I am here to help.

I will teach dance again! It is a gift that I have withheld from the world far too long.

She taught me how to salsa.

She was amazing.

I do it for the joy.

You owe me $30.

Okay, well, why don't we take public transportation and reduce our carbon footprint? It's the best way to save money, and besides, I don't want you to have to go into my college fund.

College fund? You see that dish of change by the door? That's your college fund.

Well, not the quarters, 'cause I need that for laundry.

Elena, mi niña, a family needs a car.

In Cuba, my best memories are the long rides with my papi in a Chevy the size of this apartment.

It was glorious.

His beloved little daughter on one side and on the other, his beloved bottle of rum.

That sounds dangerous.

No, no, no, no, we didn't have seat belts then.

We would just roll out quick.

Well, I'm going to start taking public transportation, you know, to help atone for the environmental devastation that my ancestors and their gas-guzzlers so cruelly left to this earth.

Why does everything have to be a crusade that is also annoying? Abuelita's right.

We need a car, but we can't afford a car.

Unless we get a crazy good deal, which means we're screwed, because car salesmen are scary.

But not to you.

You were in the Army! Yeah, you're always saying you're a "badass.

" I am a badass! But I'm also kind of a scaredy cat, you know, because I never bought a car before, you know? That salesman is gonna see me coming a mile away.

Then he's gonna do that thing where he talks to the guy.

And then they're gonna say something about floor mats, and then, "blah, blah, blah," I wake up in an ice tub, because someone took my kidneys.

I am a total stereotype.

A woman that doesn't know anything about cars.

It would be so much easier if Victor were here.

I hate to say this, but this is husband work.

Okay, Mom, this is not just a car anymore.

It is the symbol of the oppression that the bonds of marriage have placed upon you as a woman.

You can do this.

- So you are for the car now? - No! But as a crusade, yes.


- Yeah, I can do this.



- Yes! 'Course you can, you just need to do a little research.

In the meantime, I'll take Alex to baseball.

Gives me a reason to break out the athleisure wear.

What the hell is that? It's workout clothes you cannot sweat in.

My car broke down yesterday and I have to buy a new one.

- Oh, no, no, no.

- I hate car dealerships.

I went to buy my daughter an inexpensive car, and she drove off in a BMW! And then I had to buy it! Very hard to negotiate when the car's halfway to Vegas.

Well, I'm feeling pretty good, 'cause I spent all last night - learning about cars.

- Oh! Oh! Can you tell me what "anti-lock brakes" are? I mean, why should they ever lock? I believe you're talking about ABS.

Which is just a system that allows the wheels to maintain tractive control during sudden stops! What? What? Very impressive! Uh, do you know how to repo a BMW? No, but I am very proud of myself, because this is my first big purchase without Victor.

Yeah, girl! You don't need no man! Ooh! Actually, I do.

Apparently when a woman goes to a dealership without a man, they are quoted a higher price.

So I was thinking, maybe you can come with me and pretend to be my - Husband? - I was gonna say "dad," but sure I am in! Great! That's so great! We're gonna go tomorrow, okay? I am out! I I can't do tomorrow.

It has to be tomorrow.

It's the end of the month and it's the best time to negotiate.

I'm sorry, I'm seeing my daughter for the first time in ages, and she's bringing her therapist, and lawyer and life coach.

It's going to be so good to see these people I've been paying.

You're home later than usual.

Saving the world takes time.

You know I used all public transportation today.

I went to school, I went to the library.

I came home.

Zero carbon footprint.

Zero interesting words.

Come on, abuelita, I saw beautiful parts of the city, I talked to fascinating people, and I pushed myself outside my comfort zone.

When's the last time you did that? When I moved here as a 15-year-old girl without my family and not speaking the language.

Is that well ever gonna run dry? They took our well! Anyways, I explored the city today, too, when I was putting up my fliers, so I may teach the world to dance again.

There's a part of you that actually thinks the world stopped dancing when you quit teaching, isn't there? Yes.

- Mom, today was the best day.

- Ooh! Everyone saw me in Schneider's Range Rover and thought I was a total pimp! Mmm.

Don't say pimp or you'll get grounded! Seriously, Mom, his car is amazing.

The seats warm up.

You wouldn't think you want a warm butt but you totally do.

It's all the best parts of peeing your pants without any of the wetness.

You should've seen Schneider.

The other parents were obsessed.

Connie Merkelson told me she's never seen anybody slice apples with such grace.

Not gonna lie, she was throwing me some red hot heat.

Connie Merkelson is a gay lady.

But thank you for taking Alex.

And actually, I have another favor to ask.

Okay, but with Connie I think she might walk both sides of the street.

I'm gonna stay on the case.

Tomorrow I'm gonna buy a car, and so that I don't get screwed, I need a male presence to pretend to be my - Son? - Really? You're older than me.

I was gonna say husband.

Oh! A May-December thing.

Gross, but okay.

So I know you've been doing your research.

- What's our play? - You don't talk.

- Arm candy.

I hear ya.

- Yeah.

I'm just gonna walk up to that salesman, I'm gonna look him in the eye and I'm gonna say, "Here's what's up.

" You're gonna sell me a 2012 pre-owned Honda CR-V, low mileage, no upsell, for the bluebook price, "or I will burn this building down!" Save that fire for the bedroom, babe.

You're comin' on way too strong.

No, I gotta be tough.

They gotta see that I ain't no punk.

Hey, they also gotta see that you didn't just get out of a women's prison.

Look, you know your stuff.

Just throw in a little charm.

For example, I have my own little secret w*apon.

Whoopsies! What? Guess who just got a large latte for the price of a small? I'm trying to buy a car, not impress a white girl with dreadlocks who likes flat asses.

I'm just saying, I got tricks to get people on my side.

What are you bringing to the table? Playing the veteran card is genius.

Hey! I earned this guilt.

But, yeah, I kinda feel sorry for the salesman.

Beautiful lady veteran, you're gonna own this guy.

Hey, folks.

I'm Jill.

Can I answer any questions for you? I got this! Whoopsie! Damn it, that's a Montblanc! Oh, yeah That's my husband.

I married him for his flat ass.

I see you served.

Yes, I was an army medic in Afghanistan.

Yeah Ai, sorry, sorry! I sustained a shoulder injury in the field.

It was a difficult time, but I'm proud to serve my country.

- I hear what you're saying.

- Thank you.

Sergeant Riley.

I was a driver and gunner in Baghdad.

Hooah! Hooah.

Pardon me a second.

Hey, Michaels, step away from the donuts.

The customers need them and you definitely don't.

Schneider, she is not gonna give me any sympathy.

She's more badass than I am.

Yeah, I got bigger fish here, Penelope.

Anyway, this Honda CR-V is an LX.

It's got low mileage.

Five-star safety rating, ABS Which is different than EX, because it has smaller wheels and no fog lights, 'cause I ain't no punk! Oh, I'm sorry.

Somebody's been doing their research.

Well, you know what, I am a straight sh**t.

I tell it like it is.

Then why are you lyin' about that guy being your husband? What, what? Come on! You served in the Army! You've trained to rappel out of helicopters.

And you're gonna tell me that you're married to that haircut? Do you guys have one of those grabber claw thingies? We're not married, I'm sorry.

It's just that my real husband and I are actually separated and this is my first big purchase without him.

I get it.

There's no reason you and I can't figure this out, just the two of us.

Oh, God.


Spider! I'm glad we enlisted and not him.

So, mi niña how was the crusade today? Another great day on the bus.

Oh, which one did you take? Uh, the 60? That goes to Vernon? Oh, my favorite butcher is there.

I once saw a woman rip the weave off another woman over a leg of lamb.

It was me.

Well, Vernon's library is much better than ours.

My bus driver actually tipped me off.

- Georgie, Miguel or Petros? - Petros.

Petros only works on weekends.

Sorry, it was Miguel.

There is no Miguel.

I made him up.

What are you doing? What are you doing? Okay! I hate the bus! Whoa, what? I'm a fraud! I've been lying these past two days.

It's okay, we know! Public transportation is hard.

The seats are small, it kind of smells One time, I fell asleep and somebody stole my socks.

They left my shoes! Mi vida, it's not that bad.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to the farmer's market and then I went to collect on some bottles that I had saved.

Wait, so you used mass transit to shop for locally grown produce and then recycled? That's like triple fossil fuel savings.


Oh, my God! Abuelita's greener than you.

Well, abuelita, I guess you're my new hero.

Ah, Elena I've always been your hero.

Abuelita, what's this? That is the flier for my dance classes.

I've been hanging them all over the neighborhood.

"Experienced latina will make your body do things you didn't know it could"? What? It's true.

Abuelita, it's just the wording is kind of provocative.

As is the photo! Don't be ridícula.

Oh, look, I got 58 new messages.

Wow! Oh, and I got a customer.

His name is Bobby and he wants I need to get a new phone number.

Congrats on the new car, Alvarez.

Oh, thank you, Riley.

I like this last name thing.

Brings me back to my old Army days.

You know, sometimes I'll get in early and hang out with the mechanics just 'cause I miss the swearin' so much.

I have kids.

So I totally fudgin' get that.

But seriously, though, I feel like I got a really good deal.

Uh, you are a tough negotiator.

In all fairness, you got a pretty great trade-in, girl.

I can't believe I gave you 40 bucks for that thing.

Hey, it's got a full t*nk of gas.

The fuel gauge is broken, so you're gonna have to trust me on that.

Now, just clear out all your personal effects and we'll get you squared away.



I'm gonna miss you, old lady.

Ah! ¡Ay, carajo! Toni Everything all right? I can't get rid of this car.

I can see why.

Talk to me, Alvarez.

This was Victor's car.

My soon to be ex.


Got a lot of memories in here.

We drove off on our honeymoon in this old lady.

My son was probably conceived in the front seat or the back seat or both.

Well, let's just say it was the back.

He was an infantry man.

He was a good one, too.

In fact my husband was a really good man.

He was so charming.

And we were happy.

You know, like one of those couples that other couples hate being around, 'cause it shows them how not happy they are? We were that couple.

I hate that couple.

He got sent on some difficult deployments, he saw some really tough stuff.

He used to make people laugh.

And after that, I can't even remember seeing him smile.

He started sleeping late, then drinking He wouldn't get any help.

Then things got really bad.

And it wasn't safe in the house.

Until, finally, one night, I had to take those keys away from him 'cause he told me he was gonna wrap himself around a tree.


That's tough.

And I get it.

I went through some stuff, too, when I got back.

I'm sorry to bring it up.

No, I can talk about it now, because I did get help.

I'm in this women's veterans group.

Lot of swearin'.

You'll love it.

The hard truth is if your husband's not trying to change, there's nothing you can do.

Trust me on that.

Leaving was the right thing to do.

It's just hard to say goodbye.

I think it's time, Alvarez.

'Cause Mrs.

Resnick kind of smells like a gas leak in Hawaii.

Oh, man! I haven't talked to another soldier in a long time.

- This was really nice.

- Yeah.

- You should come to the group.

- Maybe I will.


Wait, wait.

What's happening here? Are we becoming friends? It's happenin', Alvarez.

And you can stop milking the shoulder injury.

I already sold you the car.

No, this is a real injury.

- Oh, sorry.

- No, it's okay.

I'll tell you about it in the group.

It'd be nice to talk to a bunch of lady soldiers.

- It's hard to find women who get me.

- Oh, me, too.

What is wrong with civilian women? I know, right? It's like "Let's get mani-pedis.

" But I think we should totally get mani-pedis.


I could use a fill-in like nobody's business.

Is this great or is this great? Look at us all together as a family.

It's just like growing up in Cuba.

¡Salud! I haven't even shown you guys the best part.

Play my jam.

- No! - What? Un-break my heart Say you'll love me again Undo this hurt that you caused When you walked out the door And walked out of my life Come on! - Un-cry these tears - Baby, baby, baby I cried so many nights Un-break my heart