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03x15 - New Gods on the Block!

Posted: 03/04/24 09:37
by bunniefuu
There it is. I've searched
half my life for it.

The helmet of hengis khan.


all right, huey,
analyze the swinging pattern

of the wee beasties
to find a way through.

Dewey and webby, work together
to distract the big one,

giving me a chance to att*ck.

Then louie, fueled by a
combination of panic and greed,

sprint for the helmet, ready?

Let's dewey this.

- Aw, I told you to dewey this!
- Well, if we had just worked together...

How was I supposed to know

they could change direction

I just wasn't greedy enough.


Another victory for the world's
most fierce...

Wait, where's the helmet?

The mission was a failure.


the rare failed
scrooge adventure.

First comes wallowing...

Decades of searching.

...Then anger.

Ugh! Who wants a dumb helmet

Then he shakes it off.

I'll show those
malignant mealworms,

or my name isn't...

- ...Scrooge mcduck!
- Scrooge mcduck.

See? Scroogey'll come up
with a new plan,

and you guys will get
that helmet.

Della's right.

Every setback is an opportunity
for our team to grow.

Grow the team? That's it.

If our team couldn't handle
this one,

we simply expand the team
with better people that can.

- Better people?
- Just different,

more experienced adventurers
that can help handle this one.

- Two heads are better than one.
- But we have, one, two, three, four, five.

Five heads right here.

Who wants hot chocolate?

Are we not good enough
for this one?

Junior woodchuck rule #642:

A team's only as strong
as its weakest link.

We're the weak link?

What if he puts these new
teammates in the will?

Does he not need us anymore?

Hey, scrooge will come
to his senses

and realize you are the best
adventure team he's ever had.

Nothing bad is going to happen.

[pounding on door]

the king of the gods is no more!

[thunder crashes]

hi, della.

♪ Life is like a hurricane ♪

here in duckburg ♪

♪ racecars, lasers airplanes ♪

♪ it's a duck blur ♪

♪ might solve a mystery ♪

♪ or rewrite history ♪

♪ duck tales, whoo-ooh ♪

every day they're out there
making duck tales, whoo-ooh ♪

♪ tales of derring-do
bad and good-luck tales ♪

♪ whoo-ooh ♪

wait, zeus is...

Alive, very much alive!

By the wrath of olympus,
I smite thee!

[all whimper]

smite thee.

Ugh! Give me back my wreath.

Father, not in front
of the mortals.

Selene, storkules, hi.


The gods of olympus have decided
that zeus is a jerk.

'tis you who are jerks.

All I did was steal
selene's chariot,

zap her steed pegasus with
lightning to up her horsepower,

then crash into a volcano,

sending lava raining down
on plumepey.

A godly whim.

Now give me back my wreath
so I may regain my powers.

So without that head wreath,
zeus is...

- Powerless.
- Retired.

- Still almighty.
- Zeus hasn't done a worthy thing

since trapping the titans
eons ago.

I'd like to see someone
do better.

- Which is why we're here.
- [snaps fingers]

we need a new god
to take zeus' place.

the mortal who proves worthy

shall gain all mighty powers

that would make them part
of the greatest team of gods

the world has ever known.

So we came to noble family
of the epic, heroic...

Wait, where is donald?

Nobody make any engravings
of this moment till we get back.

Wait, if we had crazy
god powers...

- We'd be all-knowing.
- Unstoppable.

Scrooge wouldn't need
a new adventure team.

I already have such godly whims!

Actually, I thought della
would be the most worthy.

- Giving it to an adult
makes sense.
- Go, mom.

Besides, if scrooge
doesn't think we're worthy

to be on his team, why would we
be worthy to be gods?

Because you are worthy.

Selene, these kids would make
amazing gods.

Della, they're children.

And way more mature
than your dad.

- Are not!
- Are too.

I smite thee!

Hm, okay.

Let's see what they got.

[all] whoo!

[donald grunts]





no. Not today.

Today and every day henceforth,
bosom cohort donald!

For I have come to offer you
the power of the gods.

[gasps] a celebratory feast?

How didst thou know?

No, no, no. Don't...

This grilled cheese
is an immaculate rendering

of dairy in it's truest form.

[daisy clears throat]

hi, I'm daisy.

And you are...

Heading out. This is a date.

Our second one, actually.

Two dates?

Then surely you are to be wed!

And I am in time
for the wedding feast. Huzzah!

No, seriously, who is this?



all right, my shining stars.
Show them what you can do.

Who cares what old man
mcduck thinks, huh?

- [all] I do!
- It consumes me.

Not exactly what I... sure.

Louie, what powers
were you thinking?

Extreme strength?

Ma, don't worry,
it's in the bag.

I believe in you!

This wreath will
temporarily give you

a god power of your choosing.

We'll monitor your progress
in this mystical fountain.


Selene, you need
someone who knows

how to make people's lives

You know what I find
makes things easier?

Gold! Behold the louie touch,

trademark louie duck.

I am the god of fortune!

Allow me to make my people's
lives a little richer.

[all laugh]



[dog barks]

well, little buddy, if you can't
have it I guess it's mine.



okay, nobody saw that.
Play it cool.

[all screaming]



- [all scream]
- now that's funny.

Oh, I messed up real bad.

All those people,
the whole park...

Will be fine.


phew. But I'll always
have this gold dog

to remember my mistake.

- [barks]
- [gasps]

oh, man! This is not my day!

[zeus] hurry it up, normals.

The sooner you all fail,
the sooner I get my powers back.

No. If we don't find
a replacement here,

then we'll find them
somewhere else.

- What?
- [scrooge] what?

What in blazes is that greek
tragedy doing in my home?

Calling down the wrath
of olympus.


the kids are about to be crowned
with god powers.

Why would they waste
their time with that?

Be supportive. Huey here's gonna
be the smartest god in olympus.

[gasps] huey.

That is exactly the text
I've been looking for.


Now who can translate

- Oh! Oh!
- Quackfaster.

Maybe I could coax her
onto our new team.


[birds tweeting]

would you care for some punch?

- Sure...
- Yay.

Verily the mountain
of mykonos thirsts for...

Oh, you meant her.

Why is your friend here?

I'm sorry. I didn't know...

So, fair daisy, mm-hm.

What are your intentions
with my donald?

To get to know him better?

[laughs] oh!

I can tell you loads.

Likes, dislikes,
bathroom habits.

We used to be roommates.

What are your thoughts
on sharing toothbrushes, hm?

- Well...
- I agree!

See, donald?
'tis not unhygienic.

- [chuckles]
- [sighs]

so, what do you do?

Surely a maiden grand enough
for donald

must be some sort
of warrior or demigoddess?

Daisy designs clothes.

You make clothes?

I wear clothes.

Have you designed any togas
I may have seen?

I mainly do dresses.

Hang in there.

I'm sure one day you will
work your way up to togas.

I have to powder my beak.

I think this is going very well.

Storkules! I need you to...

Find some way to make this date
even more perfect?

Say no more!

Cupid's arrow will not be far
from her heart.


Wait! What do you mean?

All right, you got this.

I think I've figured out
the perfect way to predict

scrooge's every
adventuring need.

With my power, I will be able
to see the future

and use that knowledge
to keep others from harm.

I am the god of intuition!

[car horns honking]

- [all gasp]
- [laughs]

there will be 72 people out
on the town today,

six will spill coffee on their
white shirts while driving,

and those two... oh, no,
their relationship is in danger!

- Ah!
- Don't worry. I'm here to help.

He will ask to sample several
flavors, but settle on vanilla.

She finds it cute now,
but after a few years

she won't be able to stand
that he's always going to pick

- the boring option.
- He's not always boring.

You will grow upset because
she won't be able to accept
that you like things simple.

You alphabetize your bookshelf,
label your label maker and, yes,

always order vanilla.
"why do you taste every flavor?"

"I want to be sure
I'm making the right choice."

"ugh, you're even boring about
being boring. We're through."

[gasps and whimpers]

you'll win this game and become
a master chess player,

and no one will ever want
to play with you.

And you're going to b*at up
some big-headed freak

because he is making
everyone feel bad.

- Wait.
- [knuckles cr*ck]

no! Aah!


[selene] oh, thank you.

- Next.
- [panting]

I can never know
that much again!

[heavy metal music blaring]

[cell phone vibrates]

- [mutes music]
- [zeus, on phone] hades!

How's my favorite brother

stuck in the underworld?

Oh, still, you know,
stuck in the underworld.

Great. Could you start an undead
uprising around mcduck manor?

Yeah, no.
I'm a little busy, you know?

Keeping the titans
you locked down here at bay

for all eternity!

That's it!
If I can defeat a titan again,

that's sure to prove me worthy.

Hades, I command you
to release one.

You can't.
You don't have powers.


who told you?

it's all anyone's talking about.

It's hilarious.

You're hilarious!

Next up, webby.

When things get rough,

there's one thing every team...

I mean, pantheon.

...Needs to hold them together:


I am the goddess of sunny
friendship get-along times!


a little extra vitamin d
is sure to make everyone happy.


whoa, hey.



it's time to give
someone else a turn.

- [sizzling]
- [screams]

[whispers indistinctly]

secrets, secrets are no fun.

- [cries]
- give her a hug.

In fact,
everyone hug each other!

What a great day!




stop fighting! Be friends!

[thunder crashes]

- [all scream]
- [webby cackles]

tremble before the terrible
might of friendship!

- [webby laughing evilly]
- thank you.


Oh, I think I may have messed up
a bit at the end there.

Are you kidding?
You were terrifying!

Okay, dewey,
I think you should...

Mom, it's an audition.
I got this.

- Uh...
- [claps hands]

[rock music playing]

- ah!
- [gasps]

[rock music playing]

[breathing heavily]

did scrooge see?

Was I the best one?

Why didn't you use
any god powers?

Oh, my gosh, I forgot
that was part of it.

Can I get a redo?



- [bow snaps]
- [arrows thump]

- [donald squawks]
- [water splashes]

- [gasps]
- [squawks]

am I swimming in garbage water?

Is this how you clean
your house?

And your best friend
just att*cked us?

What else are you hiding?

Oh, this feels like a mistake.

Well, I guess she wasn't
the one for us, donald.


Whoo! Lot of great choices
out there.

So have you picked which one is
gonna be the next olympian god?

Uh, no.

Because you're picking them all?

Della, I'm sorry, but your team
simply isn't ready.

But they need this.
They're worthy.

We lost? Again?

Scrooge was right.

We're not even good enough
to get the powers

to prove that we're good enough.

No, kids, wait. Of course you...

Oh, phooey.

[owl hooting]

[zeus] okay, zeus.

You need to get a titan here,

but you don't have any powers...

[storkules sobbing]

...Except the power
to manipulate my children.

[blows nose]


oh, father!

I have forsaken my best friend!


I mean, what happened... Son?

I was tasked in aiding
donald's courtship.

I wanted to make sure that their
love was destined

to be spread across the stars,

but my actions seemed
only to thwart

their second of dates,
and now...


...My don-don is mad at me.

Oh, if only there was some way
I could get them back together.

You know how your mother and I
fell for each other?


By defeating
the titan crownus together.

We were bonded in battle
and romance.

Would that your friends
could do the same.

But to release him,
you would need someone

with superior strength.

Someone who also had the power
of the gods.

A god who was really strong.

Wait, father.

I am really strong, and a god.

For I am storkules!

Now, split the ground open
and call forth a titan.



Hi, I'd like to order
a ton of pizzas.

No, we don't deserve toppings.


How about that hot chocolate?


- Ow.
- [dewey] but you heard selene.

We're not worthy.

Our glory days are over.

We were so young.

Who cares what the gods think,
or scrooge?

You know that you are all unique
and irreplaceable.

New mcduck special ops team
is ready.

Penumbra is the brawn.

Quackfaster is the wild card.

Djinn will provide special

It's no longer happening.
It's here.

Oh, well, uh,

it looks like you have
your own thing going on here,

so I can just go with them
if you're deep in...

Whatever this has become.

- [loud rumbling]
- [all gasp]

I won't be his mother,

teaching him to take
the trash out

and not drop it in the pool,

managing his playdates
with his weird friends.

Oh, but he is cute,

and I feel like I can be myself

No! You do not need to fall for
another man who needs saving.

[loud roaring]

[footsteps crash]


curse me kilts!

A titan? I thought they were
locked away in the underworld?

uncle scrooge, what should we...?

This is your chance. Let's go.


[engine revving]


- donald!
- [storkules] ah.

Everything is going
according to plan.


- [squawks]
- [shrieks]

not-not-not to worry,
we can salvage this, mm-hm.

You k*lled my boyfriend!

[donald] wait.


Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!



[car alarm beeps]

[selene] storkules, now.


zeus's time to shine, baby.

Nope. Failed immediately.

[scrooge] we need to break open
his stomach

and free the others.

Where are those blasted kids?

They're on the ground
doubting themselves,

because they've spent the day

you're replacing them.

What? What made them think that?

When you told them you were
replacing them.

They're kids, they feel like
they need to constantly

prove themselves to you.

Is that why they're wasting
their time with god powers?

Because of me?

You expect so much.


Maybe I got a little
carried away.

The kids truly are the best team
I could ask for.

So tell them that!

Kids, you are in no way
suitable to replace zeus.

You're ten times more worthy

than he will ever be.

I'm lucky to adventure with you

and call you family.

I'm sorry I made you doubt that.
I lost track of what I have.

I don't need different
people on my team.

I just need you.

Now, grab that laurel wreath

and defeat this
gleekin' greek goon.


listen, you overgrown
lawn statue.

I've had enough.



what godly powers is she using

to keep the beast at bay?

That's all daisy.



louie, go for his feet.

Dewey, now.

How would you like
a little kickball change?


it's time to play nice!

[thunder crashes]

[electricity crackles]

- [both gasp]
- gross.

Della I'm going to go use
your shower,

and then let's order a pizza.


what a magnificent union!

Thanks... Friend.


Mark this day, my friends.

For henceforth, we shall be
the greatest trio known to man.


well done, kids.

I knew you could do it.

And I'm sorry I didn't tell you
so in the first place.

Win or lose, I've got the best
adventure team right here.

Now let's go and get
that blasted helmet.

[zeus] I defeated him.

Once more,
zeus has saved the mortals,

defeated the titan
and reclaimed his throne.

For I am the mighty zeu...


[hades] zeus?

[hades laughs]

- hilarious.
- [zeus] you are!