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04x05 - Dawn of Life

Posted: 03/04/24 12:52
by bunniefuu
Look around you for life on Earth

Then look at the sky

Stars and planets, animals and plants

Everything we see consists of the same material

But how does this matter, those atoms

I met to be?

Are we the only living?
Who ask this question?

"The Ways of the Universe"

, All we see in the universe

See the same article follow the same rules

The universe is made up

... of little basic ingredients

Hydrogen, helium, lithium, carbon and so on

All these chemicals, in varying degrees

What are we

And the same chemicals, in varying proportions

Be it all

Chemicals that make up galaxies and stars

The same thing is amazing
On the ground, and perhaps something unique

, Become living beings

Creatures can grow, multiply and think

We are a conscious part of the universe

I think this is ... a vital miracle

You look at the sky
And you know that you are connected

In some way

It's great

When did the story of life start on Earth?

In fact, I started before
The land must be composed for a long time

After the great expl*si*n, the universe was only

A huge cloud of hydrogen gas

Then pressed pockets of gas cloud to be stars

The stars alone can not convert hydrogen

To more complex molecules that will become planets

And flesh

I think there is no way to make a life

Of hydrogen

You need other vehicles
To give you a more complex chemical composition

It was the beginning of life in
Reality is the beginning of the first stars

Perhaps after the Big Bang by half a billion years

, Within the hearts of those first stars

Heat and pressure
Crushing hydrogen atoms together

So strongly merge

Helium atomizer
It produces an expl*si*n of energy

Over time, atoms merge
Helium also, to make carbon

Nitrogen, oxygen and even heavier atoms

Over hundreds of millions of years

The older stars formed all the elements

Which is our current solar system

It contains atoms in your body

But by doing so, you pay
Those stars are a catastrophic price

By draining its energy, the first stars will collapse

Then explode in super-convulsions

It spreads its star dust
Chemically rich across space

Iron in your blood
And calcium in your teeth

And in your bones, you formed

In a much larger burst

Maybe different stars that
Exploded billions of years ago

She has posted these materials in space around her

We are not the product of a single star expl*si*n

But many starbursts

The atoms in our left hands may have come from a star

Different from the atoms of our right hands

Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron, are all

The stars are only formed

And the only way to reach here on earth

The expl*si*n of those stars and the integration of those elements later

In our solar system

, Bursting through space
Those atoms are complex

Inert gas withdrawals represent
New Star Nurseries

4.6 billion years ago

A certain cloud began to be squeezed by its attractiveness

Our sun lit up

Most of the old star dust has been absorbed by the sun

He will not see again

But the debris met together to be comets

Asteroids and planets and then life

Take it myself
00:04:49,519 --> 00:04:51,253
Rock is very complex

I make things like iron, copper and manganese

When you sit on the side of a mountain

And a rock, they are also your relatives

Thanks to the ancient great waves, the earth formed

With all atoms required to form rocks and life

But what distinguishes us

About a piece of granite?

There are basically three parts
Major organisms

A system or system must also occur

Of chemical reactions extend your life to energy

There must be a pod containing you

Your internal equipment contains the external environment

Thirdly, you must store a scheme

Describe for yourselves

... three things

, An energy source, and a protective pod

And more manufacturing plans
Of energy sources

DNA is planned

It is a long molecule, consisting of small units

Called nucleotides

DNA contains instructions on how to build

Drive protein cell using
Small molecules are called amino acids

DNA also tells
The cell is about the way fat is made

A greasy molecule that is an ideal protective wound

That's all

You have the basic component of life

Chemicals that
The pave of life is very simple

It is twenty amino acids

They are nucleotide bases for making
DNA and ribose acid

Little fat, that's all

Think of it as a lego game

Where did those rules come from?
Are you alive?

In the 1950s
, "The chemist" Stanley Miller

He conducted an experiment to discover

He filled a bunch of flasks

Water vapor and volcanic gases to reshape

Early Earth atmosphere

Then he passed an electric spark through the mix

To emulate lightning

The result?
Chicken fat was included

One of the three building rules of life

We found some amino acids
Resulting from those experiments

Some amino acids produced by life

Before Miller's experience, he was supposed to

That this kind of organic material can not

, To come only from the living
This is called membership

Miller showed that it was not vital

They produce as we expect from different places

Because amino acids facilitate their synthesis

The scientists wondered if they were the same molecules

Which formed in the cloud of gas that formed the sun

Before the sun is born

If the theory is correct, the asteroids

Wastes from that era of planetary formation

Maybe still contain those
The particles are so antique today

This question has been answered
In the 1960s

When an older space rock fell from the ground

"On" Murchison - Australia

When you pick up parts of this
The culprit

Stinky like materials
Organic volatile chemicals

And when you analyze what it is

We find a lot of amino acids

Constructions of protein

We found fatty molecules to be those wrappers

Those membranes around all our cells

We found the bases of DNA

"Proved guilty" Murchison

That the component parts of the cell
The living is everywhere

It was mixed when the earth was formed

The Earth's young atmosphere makes more

Organic building units continue to decline

For millions of years after the crust had cooled

The young earth is immersed in the structural units of life

But gathering together needs a miracle

The latest it?

More than four billion years ago

The young earth was land and oceans

The modern moon appears in the sky the largest

From today, raising the huge tide
Which sweeps the land for miles

Volcanoes throw hot stifling vapors

To the atmosphere is very hot

Above the fog

Asteroids and comets continue to fall from the sky

It was a time without oxygen in the atmosphere

It was hotter because of radiative heating

Backward from the growth of the earth

The hottest collision of the underdeveloped earth

It is a strange place of contention

The land we see today

However, life arose there

If we want to search for the origins of life on Earth

We have to put that in our minds

Scientists are studying today

Earth's most precious environments to understand how life existed

On the surface of our young planet

The land was not young

Continental land as we see it in the land today

But it's like an archipelago of volcanic islands

There was a tide that swept the land for miles

Then the back of it will recede

Much like the features we see here

With rocky pools of warm steam water

Some scientists believe that life began

In those warm rock pools

Each time the tide recedes

The lagging water evaporates

It concentrates the structural units of life

Inside ponds push these organic molecules

For interaction

"In this geothermal location in Iceland"

A similar process concentrates metals

In a thick white paste

One of the most important types of chemicals

Which may have focused on those

Volcanic rock pools on the ground
For the origins of life on Earth

Are fat molecules, very fatty molecules

She was able to accomplish intelligent work

It is naturally self-assembly

On the young earth, individual fat molecules

Free surf in the ocean

But were confined together in rocky ponds

Those fatty particles gathered together to be bubbles

This is important for the origin of life

Because they are the outer membrane

For all cells, all living quarters are on earth

To show you what I mean, I can use

Fishing hooks here

These hooks have an end to water resistance

The end you like water, like the fat molecule completely

To see what happens

No matter how you go, you will naturally

Guided by the end of the adhesive

The end will remain in the water

And we can see it coming together

Fatty particles were injected into each other

Such as oil droplets on the water surface

To be thin membrane

No matter what the dry water touched

The layers will have been submerged in the volcanic rocks

Oil bubbles

These rocks have a spongy property

If these molecules formed
Fatty acids naturally into those layers

And bubbles, and these vesicles are embedded in rocks

You have basically made primary cells

The primary cell now has its fatty sac

Other molecules such as amino acids and nucleotides

Will be paid within when the rocky pools evaporate

These simple structural units may have united

To be protein and DNA

Maybe it was an excellent environment

To focus things

There is water, but there is an opportunity for things to sink

Together in shallow pools, where
Molecules can be reacted

Treina Rocky ponds were how easy things were

For organic cell systems until they accumulate

But as a place to start life

The surface of the earth was a major obstacle

The land was being bombed
UV radiation

Of the sun, a thousand times stronger than it is today

This powerful radiation quickly destroyed

Any nucleic acid may be in shallow rock ponds

Life seems to need to be made up in the shadows

Away from this attack of ultraviolet radiation

But you still need life
The first is a steady supply of energy

So start

Though not sunlight

What is it?

The basic unit of life is the cell

To understand how it works

Imagine it is an industrial city

The micro-structures inside the cell act like factories

You take raw elements and transform them

For more complex forms such as devices
Which are building new cells

And as the city

Cells also want to produce energy

To maintain the functioning of the industrial units

Some scientists believe that the key to the origin of life

Disappear in the way of life
In the manufacture and use of energy

It's all about energy

Energy is what drives complexity and sophistication

In technology

We see it in human history

We have progressed and complicated

In the story of life

Today, the cells have

Complex bioenergy plants built into them

These structures help guide chemical energy

Inside and outside the cell membrane

This chemical flow is provided
Cell powered in the end

But the primary cells did not have a luxury

Complex system to generate their own chemical flow

The energy from the sun will be very large

In contrast, scientists believe that life must begin

In a shaded chemical card spot

Already moving

In the 1970s, scientists began

Bold mission under the sea

To a long volcanic fault at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean

They were amazed to discover

Long structures like chimneys
Pour hot volcanic water

And amazement

These structures were wrapped in life

People really amazed when we discovered it

They were environmental systems, an oasis of life gathered

, Around those black spaces
Deep in the water by miles

In the sea where sunlight never reaches

Before the discovery of those ships

No one knew of life without light

But here are organisms that thrive on chemical energy

Which emanates directly from the seabed

Then scientists began to question
If that is chemical energy

It is itself that spark the spark of life

But there was a big problem

Those discovered

It was too hot to be the origin of life

, Then in 2000

Scientists working west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge nine miles

They discovered a new kind of cooler

They called alkaline vapors
Depending on their unique chemical condition

... what we discovered by these alkaline spaces

This warm water is rich
With minerals emanating from the seabed

They blend and interact

... with cold water around

It precipitates solid metals and builds

This chimney is vast, towering towers

The heat inside these towers

They were suitable for aggregating organic molecules

For more complex forms

But do these structures have remarkable energy

Need to turn a simple chemistry into a life?

"Laurie Barge," a NASA team,
Which incubates an alkaline competitor

We start the lab by testing

What happens specifically in the minarets

In the young land

We have to take into consideration the conditions

Initial atmosphere, first ocean

The type of ocean crust and interactions

Which were occurring

Laurie begins by injecting alkaline fluids

In what mimics the initial Earth's circumference

The ocean here contains iron as it was

On the young earth, and the chimney you see

Is the deposit that is in existence
They are replaced by two variables

A thin chimney grows inside the flask

Because this structure is alkaline

It reacts with the acidic water around it

It draws chemical energy into the chimney walls

This chemical flow is similar to flow

Which is generated by living cells today

But energy and heat are not the only ones

Which are shared by those ships
Alkaline with live cells

Exciting about these alkaline vapors

That pockets and pores

Channels and cracks that we found

Its way through these structures

These chimneys are the same size as the cells

On the young earth, these fine pockets

She supplied a warm crucible

For the meeting of the three basic units of life

Chemical energy flowing through chimney walls

It may have enhanced micro-metabolic drives

Within those primary cells

After millions of years, the primary cells

By developing a way to synthesize energy for itself

Then it can be liberated

For the first time in history
Chemistry becomes life

Alkaline diffusers are the main theory of the origin of life

But is it possible that those
Simple cells have faced competition

, From another form of life

- a more sophisticated cell - came to earth
three hundred fifty
00:21:45,924 --> 00:21:48,595
Full of being from another planet?

Can our ancestors be spacemen?

This is the land after that
The crust has cooled by half a billion years

The climate is warm and humid

The asteroids have done
Bringing in the structural units of life

It is from the deep past

Some simple forms of life may have continued

But perhaps it is not life that turned us

Because the earth is about to be bombed

With another wave of asteroids

"It assumes a radical theory called" universal cunning

That some of those space rocks

Filled with space life

"So the" universal cunning
Is the idea of ??the emergence of life on

On a planetary particle or other environment and come to Earth

And brought them drooping fallow

... I do not know, but I think

That the idea of ??playing mass cunning plays a role

There must be a lot of evidence

We went to this direction

The argument began to vanish massively with a game

Cosmic Pinball 4.1 billion years ago

The outer planets of the solar system

Not yet settled in fixed orbits

They are contending for their positions

Atomic fuzzy falling dust
Sends a barrage of giant asteroids

Towards the Earth

"Called" heavy shelling late

What we bite around the sun is happy

Except the outer planets were thrown

These are huge objects on us

They still come again and again

There were asteroids and giant comets pouring down

On the ground, sometimes causing the ocean to boil

If weak creatures arose

In the first oceans

The late heavy shelling wiped them out

But the land was not
The only planet in the range of fire

Mars asteroids also hit

At that time Mars was a different planet

Mars is smaller than Earth

Faster refund

It had a dense atmosphere and ocean of water

Before being made up in the ground

With a previous evolutionary beginning

A bacterial life may have arisen on Mars

At that point, perhaps
Live deep in the surface rocks

We saw life on the ground hidden inside the rocks

They hide in those rocks

And to avoid radiation and the harsh environment

By hiding and thriving within this surface

A huge collision on the surface of Mars

Perhaps he threw rocks full of bacteria in space

These completed creatures are ready for air transport

Imagine one of them confined to a rock

It was tossed out of a planet, flying through space

And landing after thousands of years on a different world

Open burst, managed to breed and grow

So did a Martian rock
Sowing life on earth

Near the end of the heavy shelling late?

It is an amazing possibility

But how did Martian beings survive the long journey

Across space

NASA engineer Mojiga Cooper knows the extent of bearing

Bacteria, because their function

k*lled her

So do not make super bacteria from the ground

Spread through the space missions of other planets

If we sent a spacecraft and it was covered with bacteria

They are likely to multiply in that environment

We are bacteriologists

In the ideal case, we would like to have each part

Of sterile machines

The reason for this caution

The exotic ability of bacteria to live in space

Some bacteria on the ground

When faced with a strong environment

"They begin to form what we call" spores

And spores, if you imagine a seed

All genetic information in the middle

And is protected by many defensive layers

It encapsulates itself in space vehicles

Allowing them to live in space

You can take a bog and play
Put it in space and then prepare it

It will remain viable

Spores allow for bacteria
To remain alive in a state of inertia

For a very long time

The record on the ground was a bog

Before the era of dinosaurs

He was brought back to life recently
After a nap of 250 million years

Spores can live theoretically

For millions and millions of years

But seeing a guide to the re-life of Bog

It is amazing

The last obstacle to universal prominence

Is the fiery contact on the earth's surface

Planetary scientists simulate
Violent collision events

With high-speed g*ns
Can the Martian bacteria

To survive

Not every part of the extruded was destroyed

And collided strongly in the collision

, When we do those experiments
We usually find small parts

Of the remnants of the projectile in the collision chamber

If there were bacteria
You live in this part of that rock

They can survive the collision on the planet

Science shows us that universal cunning is possible

But it brings us closer to understanding

Origins of life?

The basic problem with mass caving

It removes a step from the problem

And place it elsewhere

We do not know how life came to life on earth

They seem to have originated on Mars

But we do not know how it originated on Mars

So you have this basic problem, which is

How did life begin?

Many people say you should not take the crap

In mind, because it moves the question to another place

But this may be important

Because then you will say we need two planets

... to form what we see on Earth

Planet to its origin and a planet to carry it away

Did our ancestors come from space?

Or did they originate from the Earth's oceans?

What we know for sure is that the next stage

Of their journey is full of dangers

Because even life becomes intelligent

You must face the loss first

Our planet is full

With a great variety of neighborhoods

, There is plant life and animal life

...simple life

And intelligent complex life like us

However, every creature on earth

He can track his family tree

To the same small cell
Which lived billions of years ago

All neighborhoods on Earth are interrelated

We share 50%
Of our DNA with bananas

I mean we are completely different from bananas

But when you look at her heart

The shape of its DNA, they are almost identical

DNA is the operating system of life

It stores the program that tells the cells

How to form complex structures

And how energy is generated

In the end, how to make a similar copy of it

, When we look at life
We tend to focus on

Installed .. This is important

It is composed of acids
Amino acids and molecules, and so on

But the main difference between
Life and simple chemistry

Is the content of the information

So using computer terminology

It is not the amazing hard plug of the computer

It's programs

The greatest property of DNA

His ability to change

Over billions of years, have made little "mistakes"

In DNA synthesis

Led to the tremendous diversity we see today for life

These mutations can occur
When the DNA is damaged

The incomplete part is tampered with
Usually to a full copy

But from time to time, set
Different from nucleotides

Slide in place

Sometimes, asymmetry occurs, and those mutations

, Sometimes harmful

But may be useful sometimes

Sometimes it may make you a simple change

To treat food better, maybe make your own

Better, makes you a better fisherman

It may make you taller
You can see the grass better

These changes are useful, and they are random

It does not happen much, but it does

This basically led to what we are now

Of all the mutations that led to human life

The most important of which is also one of the first

Is the leap of simple mono-cell life

To complex multicellular life

It is hard to imagine without multicellularity

That intelligence is possible

The creature must be great
Enough enough to specialize

So that some cells are .. some parts

This creature, you can
Focus on being a brain

Jumping from simple life to complex

Began about 2.4 billion years ago

What was the excitement behind this radical change?

... Scientists put it back to a radical mutation


"What happened was a mistake

Mutation led to great power

The first object develops this superpower

Blue bacteria are called

Turns green and can use sunlight

To make her increase

For the first time, it became life

Its internal source of energy

Wherever you are, when it is
There is sunlight, you have food

You can rest and be free

And begin to branch

In terrestrial environments

Blue bacteria thrived

But photosynthetic residues are oxygen

Very toxic gas for most other primitive life

Weapons of mass destruction

At that point, there was not

Free oxygen in the atmosphere

It was the first time that this happened

When those beings arose and flourished

I began to immerse this toxin into the atmosphere

Most of the life on Earth is k*lled by oxygen

But the creatures that survived

Developed to use oxygen

And promote their development

Oxygen is very dangerous because it is easy to interact

But this made him very good fuel

So the proportion is meager
Of the living that he did not k*ll

The toxic gas, oxygen, suddenly multiplied

It had enough fuel to use

And more energy
, Means more complex molecules

, And more complex chemistry
And a more complex biological complex

That means the ability of those
Creatures to evolve faster

With oxygen support, some monocytes have evolved

Do something you have not done before

I met together

They were microorganisms
Mono cell is smart enough

When I realized how they were together

Because it enabled them to protect themselves

It acts as a community

Different cells within these communities

I started to specialize in different tasks

In the end, communities started to work

As one creature

... the stage is ripe for the next superpower

Multicellular organisms

But the second world catastrophe is imminent

Away from attention, blue bacteria

Its numbers are still exploding

When oxygen is released it grows

It will change the chemistry of the whole planet

When oxygen filled the air

He interacted with the first atmosphere

Remove greenhouse gases such as methane

The result?
Rapid cooling of the Earth's climate

We believe this will make a climate

The planet is very cold

A frozen world, what we call snowball

Perhaps the first climatic disaster

Which occurred after the emergence of life on earth

The snowball lasted 200 million years

In the end, the volcanoes
To release enough greenhouse gases

To restore the climate to its condition

The surviving creatures inherited

A warm world rich in oxygen
Ideal for multicellular organisms

Multichannel thrived

And coincided with increased oxygen

Over the next five hundred million years

Oxygen levels continue
Rise, and used by neighborhoods

To grow in size and complexity

Most animal groups have evolved
The main thing we see today

The fish turned into reptiles

The reptiles turned into mammals
Then small to the mains

In the end, two hundred million years ago

The first man on earth

We exist because life
The first I learned to generate oxygen

What this means for smart advanced life

Elsewhere in the universe?

What planets are likely to have around other stars

Oxygen that drives advanced development?

We're going to know that

Scientists are closer than ever before

From revealing the story of life on earth

If we thought of the main milestones of evolution

... not many, but I will prepare three

,the origin of life

The onset of complex life is associated with oxygen

And the emergence of smart life

These are all
For me, this is the story of life on earth

It then became complex and smart

Now we want to know

If it is the same process of evolution

Has occurred elsewhere

I became more confident

Over the past few decades

That life is everywhere in the universe

Is there a smart life?

Is this a more difficult question?

How to answer it

Considering the key factors that have helped our development

We see if they exist elsewhere

Examine the light from distant dust clouds

Astronomers now realize that the structural units of life

, Common across the galaxy

They monitored more than a thousand potential planet Earths

Around the nearby stars

At least the primary stage of life

Looks unlimited

But for complex multicellular life

... you need something else
Oxygen rich atmosphere

Is there oxygen in those worlds?

This is the question that I want to live to see his answer

If yes, that's amazing

This is an important leap in our understanding

For life in the universe

NASA is developing a new generation of telescopes

To search for planets around nearby stars

And search for oxygen-rich air packs

But a recent surprise from a nearby planet

Assume that the worlds are rich in oxygen
May be more common than we think

I think we can do it here

"Nina Lanza is working with NASA
"On the Mars Vehicle" Keriocyte

Interested in a mysterious black layer

They seem to exist on Mars and Earth

This is great, thanks

What we see here is called rock painting

This is a cover on the surface of the rock

Rich in manganese oxides

All living cells use manganese

These are black sediments
On the ground believed to have formed

When the metal was released from dead bacteria

And reacted with oxygen in the air

Nina wanted to understand the chemical structure

Similar to Mars

So in 2014, she wanted
"From the vehicle" Keriocyte

To dissolve a group of dark rocks
The laser beam has an analytical cutter

When the rocks melt

They evaporate a little material

If we continue guidance
On the rock in the same place

We can detect the installation

Cover if there was anything

There was a large protrusion sample

We noticed them immediately

We looked as if we were wrong

We have to check that data to make sure we are

We did not miss it

It was not wrong, I have
, We looked at the initial evidence

We have re-examined it and are still there

A huge amount of manganese

The sudden result indicates

Life may have thrived on Mars rocks

Inside an atmosphere rich in oxygen

Even if manganese deposition
On Mars by geology

You still need dyes
Dark to atmospheric oxygen

To anchor them in the rocks

So find the casing
Like this on Mars, or even a layer

Composed of a similar configuration

Opens the possibility of oxygen

In the atmosphere of Mars sometime in the past

Mars lost its atmosphere billions of years ago

But the possibility of having oxygen in the past

Great, because if there were two planets

In the same solar system and possess

The main components of life

And oxygen to develop a complex life

The odds are not
Our existence is alone in the universe

Rise strongly

When we look at the story of life

The universe seems to have started with hydrogen

Now he is finished with intelligent human beings

This is a great story

Are we the only chapter in the book?

this is the question

Whether there is a person
In a remote place in the galaxy

... He has the same thoughts or not
I'm not sure

Hard to say no, because the universe is roomy

We are a group of atoms that you understand

It's a group of atoms, that's amazing

The universe knows that it is the universe

So I think it's important to know

How can this be done

I have a bottle of Champagne

Cool in my fridge

I think we will discover the evidence of life

On other planets in my life

I'm ready to celebrate