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05x08 - Strangest Alien Worlds

Posted: 03/04/24 13:01
by bunniefuu
For 25 years, the astronomers remained. They sweep
the night sky in search of the desired ambience

I hope Planet as our planet

They found thousands of other worlds

But most were not as we expected

The most exotic

The universe has a great imagination

starless stars without stars

worlds made up of diamonds

Even large balls revolve around their sis

If we, humans, could visit
Such a planet lost our minds

Can it be one of those worlds?
Is Earth a life like Earth?

Umm al-Watan? Only?

Translated by:
dr_sameh_nour yahoo, com

Ways of working the universe

The strangest worlds in space

For over four hundred years, he made a
brave philosopher asking the first question

If the stars were the night sky Like
our sun, do they also have planets?

Current research on outer worlds The
space worlds revolve around distant stars

It started seriously in the 1990s

The early astronomers are expected to find
themselves in planetary systems like ours.

But what they found at the beginning
Shocked with the scientific world

We think that if systems existed, then
the solar system should be like us.

Now we find tremendous diversity in planetary
systems, they are very different from us.

We see planets if you see them in a movie. I was
amazed and said that this was a wonderful sight.

I'm sure this will not happen in reality

But we find this

Shocks arrived early

The First Set Planet Discovered
Out of Our Solar System

It was not something like our sun.

It was one more more Objects of the
universe are violent and ambiguous

Magnetic star

It was a challenging logic

If I got up at midnight and wondered
about the last place where planets exist

I replied with those spinning around a magnetic star

More bodies of magnetic stars
Delivered by the universe, shaking

, "The largest of which the mass of Everest
peak It rotates hundreds of times per second

Do you also imagine a beast?

The magnetic stars are very dense

Imagine that the mass of the sun constrict itself "To
a body that does not exceed the size of" Manhattan

When it turns, it flashes the light and the radio belts

But the birth of these violent stars Making
them unbearable harboring the planets

Because the magnetic stars are born in the
flames Cosmic explosions for great twists

These explosions are so powerful that they happen One close to
a normal planet, like the Earth, to evaporate in the expl*si*n

Find planets orbiting a star
After the supernova expl*si*n

How to go to a devastating earthquake site and find a Chinese
shop with many dishes and everything intact did not cook

This is not reasonable.

For the planet to escape a great expl*si*n
It must consist of a very strong substance

But what is this?

The signal came in 2011

When the astronomers found a strange planet
It rotates near a fast rotating magnetic star

In a live constellation

The planet huge, three thousand times The
size of the orbit of the magnetic star

But the real surprise in its components

The planet looks rich in carbon, but an adult
Focus on it to exist only in the form of diamonds

If you told me twenty years ago with diamonds
A giant revolves around a magnetic star

I wondered if we were taking off

If humans could visit such a planet

We lose our minds

People love diamonds and pay a lot of money.

Now we find an entire planet made up of diamonds

Can be a diamond planet One of
the best points in the universe

It shines like a danmarin with a width of 37 thousand miles

"For Planetary Geology" by Jenny Radibagh

The closest here is the surface of a diamond planet.

The Black Volcanic Plains
"Incandescent in" islam

Imagine we are on the surface of a diamond planet.

You will see this as level, regular and sparkling

I think it's very handsome.

Despite his beauty, you will not want to visit him.

The density of the planet very small Attractively
stronger than the Earth fifteen times

Make life quite uncomfortable for any visitor

We put ourselves in a very dense body.
Which means that gravity is optimal.

too big for us to be crushed to paste

How to be a diamond planet if?

Scientists believe there is an explanation

He must have started his life as a star, but in
a bilateral partnership with a larger partner

We are rare, our system
contains Solar in a star

Most solar systems More than
one star, they spin each other

H billion years ago, it was Planet
Diamond a yellow star like our sun

His biggest bilateral partner burned his w*apon Quickly,
and then exploded in the biggest violent torrent

He left a residual object, a magnetic star

The star of the sun huge
Enough to escape the expl*si*n

But after billions of years he
ran out of fuel and died too.

Leaving a fiery heart known as the white

The attraction of the magnetic star begins with
a robbery Least elements, Hydrogen and Hell

From the outer layers of the white

Only carbon remains Made by
the dead star during life

But the pressure on the ball of three excellent
Carbon crystallized into a dense diamond

But it turns out that this diamond
The universe will not last forever

Attracting Magnetic Stars
Tighten the Diamond Planet

To pull it slowly The
death orbit slows and slows

Approaching the magnetic star more
and more affected by the attraction

When very close, they are those
A for a t o grave that shattered

Imagine the scene tearing up 10,000 billion
A billion gallons of diamonds to Nathair

There is no gravity
Working on body cohesion

And shattered

The result is a miracle.

It looks incredible

Thick diamond planets made of The hearts
of dead stars are full of imagination

But researchers on outer planets They only
want to find worlds that resemble our world

Astronomers usually search for outer planets

They are wonderful

But we humans, and we want to
find On another planet like Earth

In 2016, the astronomers were amazed at
their discovery, On a Planet Like Earth

It revolves around the next closest star

Amazing scientists wondered if this contained The
new outer planet has what it takes to create a life

Intelligent life civilization

Look at the night sky

Now we know that the planets are probably
Surround every point of light that you see

But then, more, for each star we see other
stars Many are too weak for our eyes to see

These red ants, much smaller Of
the sun, but hosts many planets

Most of these worlds consist of rocks like Earth

There are more red ants than any
other type of star in gal xia

These stars also have planets

And the most common types of planets in our
galaxy Those who circulate around the red rings

Of the billions of red ants in the Via L ctea

There are more than twenty planets at a distance
Suitable for allowing water to collect on the surface

If the heat has approached
Many waters of cooked surface

If you go out to freeze the water

Generally called a feasible range

Because suitable to emerge The
oceans also appeared on Earth

Can it be one of those hot worlds wet Be
a suitable environment for life like us?

This is the greatest aspiration of all

Find something like home

For nothing else, it can take life.

It may be valid, that Something
we wanted to know, answered

We are alone?

These rock worlds can seem to
Wet similar Earth completely

But there is a dilemma

Most of the worlds of the red Anis revolve around their stars

So that the same side of the planet always enters

Stabilized in place by the star's strong gravity

"Scientists call this phenomenon" joined

We all get used to the reality of Earth's
rotation Around its axis and night and day

But if you approach the star, the interaction will
occur. The charismatic will make that turn at the end.

One of the faces of the planet will always face the
star The other always distant and adhered to the debt

If you landed on this planet and looked around

You will see different things depending on where you are

If you were on the planet under the star

When you seek, you will be
At the top, always will be so

Do not shine, do not wander, do not move, always do

If I were on the other side The
planet will have a purple night

When you seek, you will not You
see your star in heaven never

In 2016, the astronomers
discovered a planet as the Earth

It revolves around the nearest sun star

The closest centaur

"Planet Alias" The Centaur -
b He stands close to his star

There are oceans like the Earth

But scientists believe it is linked to debt

The result is that the "centaur-b" can
be Looking at his star like a giant ball

The night side is a dark and frozen wild region

The side of the desert illuminated by the sun

But there is hope among them

A long, long strip at dusk Permanently
encapsulates the planet like a bar

"Jenny Radibagh" a wonderful twilight zone

Where the melted ice dissolves to fill the
lakes As much as the ice does in the summer

Between these two completely different environments

Represents what we currently do

We basically have liquid water being made
of it. Ice, pour and it means dry earth.

Glaciers are visible from this bay

, We have liquid water and derive energy
from the bright sun a we seek life

A glimpse of hope for life on a planet It
revolves around the neighbors nearest sun

The civilizations of the host country "Centaur-B"?

We do not think about it until we go there.

But red pygmies burn for thousands of years

The number of other stars
greater in O c tr s for one

If there were advanced spatial civilizations,

They can be pygmy planets Red
spots are ideal for searching

Suppose we are on a planet revolving around one
of these The Red Pygmies Thirty years from now

We will stay, we have
not seen The red cat dies

If so, there's plenty of
time until life begins.

, We will not only find germinal
life But perhaps a more complex life

So, one more step we can find
Intelligent Life in these places

It's fantastic to have small stars With
rocky planets that have the power to live

Regardless of the strangeness of these worlds

But when the astronomers turned their telescopes
to the bigger stars, surprises rolled

These stars can contain the size of the sun They are
also planets, and some may be the strangest yet

Imagine a dark planet of gêns Much
where it seems to be eating light

For more than two decades, the astronomers have remained.
They sweep the c u in search of spatial worlds

They found wherever they seemed

They hope to find as many planets as Earth

But they found a gal xia in
return Full of strange planets

When you look for these worlds The Foreign Affairs
Ministry knows that the universe has a wild imagination

some of them are super attractive

others have two stars and not one star

There are all the erotic forms

In 2011, he was an astronomer David
Kiping "is reviewing the data"

In a giant gyro spinning
Near a distant star

When he studied the brightness of the
star He found something very strange

The planet seemed to be spinning
Around him was eating light

When I first saw this data,
I thought we were wrong.

I thought we had failed in our analysis.

David was studying the star's brightness when Balan
doos on the side of the day next to the night

He predicted with great brilliance

But, in turn, it was a decline.
Slightly on clear levels

The only explanation is that the
planet hardly reflects light at all.

This planet seemed to reflect less
than One percent of the light it brings

He wore black acrylic paint

Beware of a piece of charcoal you carry in your hand.

And watch out for any substance you see in your life.

That's why we call this planet the Dark Knight.

Dark objects look black Absorbs
most of the light it brings

The more the body absorbs
light More, the darker

But the dark knight is dark It
seems that he eats light around him

This strange planet has another secret.

He is very close to his Tampa
Faisal star for amazing temperatures

Alpha Fahrenheit degrees, heat enough to melt gold

Can the dark knight's burner help also
explain its strange, darker appearance?

There is a very strange chemistry going
on In the covering of this outer planet

There is sodium vapor and potassium vapor And
possibly titanium dioxide in the atmosphere

These elements are solid on the
floor But the heat here makes g s

These gases, such as sodium, absorb light well

To make a dark appearance
Strange to the Dark Knight

This absorption is usually limited. The
colors are not as narrow as the yellow light

But this planet is very hot.
Characteristics of absorption extend

So this absorbs all absorption
Visible wavelengths of light

The planet is basically too dark

Planets like the Dark Knight capture astronomers

Because these giant planets are near the star We did
not expect it to be in this proximity to its stars

When little stars explode alive
They explode the dust and the g s

To leave little material that is not
enough to form Jupiter-sized planets

In contrast, tariffs may have begun The darkness
of your life away from the flames of your star

Where ice and water were available

Then gradually twisting inward toward your current position

We believe that Jupiter's planets are hot.
They appeared as planets in our solar system.

There's a huge spinning planet.
Too far from the star.

Works on the accumulation of elements of a disk
G s and dust that revolves around the star

And when it moves through this disk
Of the elements with which it collides

This as a pull of w*r and gradually lights up The orbit
of millions of years for the star getting closer

And ends with a huge planet circling near the star

Hot Buyers

"Tris 2b" has started its life more as
Much for what the buyer is currently doing

Bright color with a stormy windy cover

But when he approached his hot star
The cover of the planet began to warm

Black and became the Dark Knight

This shows how dynamic planetary systems are

The planets migrate

Where we see the planets now It does
not mean that they were formed l

In fact, we make sure that it is not constituted where

, "Thanks to alien worlds like" Tris 2b

Make sure the planets are invasive The
giant may be on his way to the stars

But the opposite is true? Can
you occasionally step away?

Astronomers have turned their
telescopes into interstellar space

They marvel at many planets The
exterior flows into the open space

And one of those lonely worlds Could be
the strangest outer planet we've ever seen

00:23:11,613 --> 00:23:19,241
A group of astronomers sweep the night sky searching For
the offense of the mysterious category called an brown

The ancestors are incomplete stars

Very small in this Explode
completely in their dogs

But these gaseous balls The
darkness radiates some heat

To allow astronomers to lift
them With infrared telescopes

That star just a huge ball
of Hydrogen has a huge mass

Inside, it has enough heat to start a nuclear reaction

The universe can make objects without mass
Enough to conduct such nuclear reactions

And call her brown

Scientists have detected their infrared exposures

But it was not what they expected.

The body they saw was small The
mass to become an old builder

It had to be a planet of g s

But he did not see his star

The planet seemed to be on its way to the open space.

Astronomers have found one of
the strangest objects in galaxy

Solitary planet solitary

We know the planet
somehow about what a star

But they are starless planets

The idea of ​​the lost planet is insane, this
Madness, but we have seen it, so it exists

This is really crazy.

Our galaxy can harbor billions of lost planets

Walk around interstellar space

Without a star, it's hot. You
expect cool and scattered planets.

But the planet discovered in 2013 very strange

It's hot, the planet's clouds burn inside its G s cap
above one thousand four hundred degrees Fahrenheit

Difficult to imagine A more
difficult place to visit

If you want to go to this planet

If you can protect yourself from the pressure
The enormous coverage that leads to you

And the heat that's trying to scare you

It will be a rough neighborhood

This subject certainly has a fierce climate

and strong storms

And lots of hot air
High and low cool air

Not only that, we find this
In most of these objects

It was if he was hot enough to
evaporate iron and other minerals

And when it's cold, rain falls

And you can imagine the drops of
A cast iron must fall from the c u

This is not a great place to buy accommodation.

Diving under scorching clouds

The pressure intensifies until the gravity is crushed

So, the hydrogen gas turns
to a strange liquefied metal

But where did this planet come from?
How did he get to this heat?

The heat of the planet is sulky
Scientists with gaseous nasal giants

In the band of violent fire
Of a modern planetary system

This planet can be vain and childish. It was thrown out
of its custody by its jealous siblings of the planets

The planets are formed next to a star

But they are in incubator with other planets

And when you get too close in your early days

And the seductive rigidity decreases One
of the planets and accelerate the other

If his speed had increased enough, he would have lost
The planet escapes completely to the astral system

And it goes out to the depths of the garbage

A giant rf g gazelle rf in the universe

But this world may not be alone.

May be accompanied by moons

In our solar system there are families of satellites
The snowy orbits are oval around Jupiter and Saturn

Scientists have discovered glacial layers
The outer covers the vast liquid oceans

As seen in the satellites in our system
The solar system can be very active

If it were snowy, your interaction with the attractive
Your planets can be stretched, compressed and heated

These sea forces can cause a volcanic rivalry
as hot as the depths of the Earth's oceans

The rival of our planet can withstand all kinds
of alien life without the benefit of sunlight

Something similar can happen
On the lost planet's moon?

Probably by a big assumption
I am clear in saying this

But there is probably a life They
originate in a moon without sun

These satellites can unite around this outer planet

Keep the heat through your attractiveness

Even without a star, life is still possible

Strange alien planets allow us To
dream of interstellar space life

But it's hard to imagine deep creatures. The sea
evolves into an advanced advanced intelligent life.

In the weak energy of the volcanic stick

Looking for evidence of the existence of
civilizations We need to look elsewhere

It is possible to behave strangely For a
distant star, we extend the first signal

May these advanced civilizations exist

We are accustomed to believing that our galaxy was filled only with stars

Now we know that these stars also have planets

Hundreds of billions of them

Astronomers call these worlds
Alien with outer planets

We do not know the presence of external planets

amazing to think about the extent to which we
learned About our being in the last 10 to 15 years

This is a fundamental change in our understanding of what is

Since 2009, the Space Observatory is
looking "For the planets named" Kepler "

He revolutionized the search for external planets

Locates more than All
land sets together

He attributes Kepler's success to his ability to monitor
One Hundred and fifty thousand stars at the same time

Lu Kepler monitor low light One
of these stars, even for a moment

It may be an external planet that goes through its path

The smaller the light, the larger the size of the outer planet.

"But in 2011 and 2013 monitor" Kepler
Drops and brightness beyond the borders

Starring the mysterious star as "Taby Star" in The Name
of the Astrologist who explored his strange behavior

His strange behavior led scientists to study the
possibility of a completely different universe

Star TAPI " interesting because we are" We
know there is an object circling around it

Blocks a lot of Light and
so we know the existence

But it obscures most of what the planet usually does

If there is a planet of size The
buyer revolves around a normal star

Obscuration of light, very slight drop

But in the "Tapi Star" we see large falls
Where 20 percent of the light is obscured

"If Kepler's readings are correct",
"Something big is moving" Star TAPI

There are few chances that this thing The remains
of a planet that has been dismantled by starships

And reused it as a soft solar power station

What advanced societies do A worthless
planet like Neptune in our solar system

And rebuilding it as a huge mistake out of the orbit of your planet

Collect all the sunlight and use it

The best source of energy anywhere your star

They can build huge buildings to harvest energy

Freeman Dyson called it a "Dyson
ball," can we find "Dyson's ball"?

If they were the remains of an outer
planet "Light obscured by" Star TAPI

The astronauts are busy.

Its enormous structure must be vast To
cause the decline seen by scientists

Dyson's Ball "of dreams of science fiction"

But how can we prove that real?

"Astronomers put the sights on" Taby star "

I hope to hear Humming the radio
for your daughters of aliens

Once we know the "Tapi Star", we drive our matrix
matrix array of "Aline" in the direction of this star

We spent about a week or two looking for a
Mechanism in a wide range of radio communication

Look for any signs

We did not find any of them.

We also use a table in Panama for search for
flashing laser lights, we also do not find them

"If" Dyson's Ball "was built around" Star Taby

Your work force silent suspicion

Every big claim needs a big test.

And just see a change of style The
light attractive and captivating

But he does not pay me or represent me yet

I think this tells us constantly
Research and continuous learning

I think I would like to be an astronaut

This will give me a job, but for the
Secretariat I try to be realistic about it

If they were not astronauts, they would reuse a planet

What causes this significant reduction in light

Is it an astral activity? Is there a disc around the star?

I am a disintegrating planet, but the main
competitor A group of comets that orbit this star

Do these decreases occur?

Comets are big dirty snowballs Far
from the formation of planetary systems

But if there is a giant group
"Comets Around" Star TAPI

It may seem much bigger

If it approached its stars, it would
warm Ice turns into g s and expands

And this extended cloud will be bigger From
the planet we see this in our solar system

This may be what obscures the star

This is reasonable and explains much of what we see

But it does not explain everything we see

A large cloud of comets may be "What
obscures the light of the" Tapi Star

But there is a problem

The presence of comets improbable
Enough to make these declines

The infrared footprint was not out of the ordinary

Or we feel the lack of dispersion
Dust is fast and this is possible

Or something happens here
over simple collapsing comets

Do not solve any of the current
"Star TAPI" jigsaw theories.

So far, the spacecraft's construction has been built
on a huge planet of possibility - catchy, but far

We saw worlds made of diamonds

And planets falling from iron

Perhaps now it is the first evidence of space intelligence

But there is another planet in The
galaxy may be the strangest of all

'Cause no matter how hard we looked, we
did not find anything else to compare.

Our search for outer planets showed a full gal xia
Strange planetary systems and alien space worlds

But the biggest surprise is the little
Similar to the worlds of our planet Earth

So far, we have not found any of the
systems that similar to our solar system

We always assume that there are small planets inside
and a huge planet on the outside like our solar system

We do not find many of these worlds

We find that the most common types of planets around
The other stars are what we call superlative earth

These super-high density envelopes are very thick. They
create high pressures that do not allow a life like ours.

Why does our little planet become the object of the
phenomenon? And its relatively thin crust rarely so?

Take on a radical new theory that Earth Generation My second
planet arose from the ruins of a destructive conflict

Among the great rocky worlds dominated
In the first solar system in the past

Maybe there were planets before we met them.

Destroyed and cast out or thrown into the sun

Earth made a second planet

Maybe we had brothers and sisters that we never knew

Imagine the scene 4.6 billion years ago

The planets begin in our solar system
Comprised of a huge disk of dust and reptiles

The first giant buyer that He grew
up and settled in a distant orbit

A land group has arisen Where
the Earth is currently sitting

The worlds are ten times greater The
mass of the earth thick and thick

The attraction of these huge worlds is not possible

Controlled the internal solar system

To avoid smaller planets
The size of the Earth

This continued until Jupiter appeared on the scene

We believe that this first generation of planets
He drove to the surface of the young sun

Migrating the Great
Planet Solar System Buyer

After the birth of the solar system a few million years ago

The Gravity of the Initial Planets
Tablet Decelerates the Buyer

He began to sneak into the sun.

When moving within the waves are conducted from
Aster ides and r pteis to the supernatural

The next signs are broken The
orbits of the giant planets

some of them collide together to break

Others send others to the sun

When the Planetary m*ssacre ends

The buyer withdraws again With
the newly formed gravity of Saturn

There is only one place for the
solar system To run of solids and g s

a place where rustles flock for hundreds of years
Millions of years for the planets we have today

The planetary construction has begun
again In the inner solar system

But the new planets feed on crumbs

They are smaller than their
successors Thinner and less stressful

Including our planet Earth

A second planet of life

For a long time, we have tried to identify the
factors that make life possible on a planet.

We Know It Must Be
Hot It Must Be Stable

Maybe we already have a new planet

We can be a second planet One of the
characteristics we need to look for

If it is true, the history of the birth of our planet is incredible.

You can present a reason for not seeing us
Other worlds are full of intelligent life l

Maybe Earth is a planet that has broken the rules.

What we see is that our solar system may be the exception

And when you look at our system,
what's the weirdest planet?

The strangest planet will be Earth

It seems that the Earth currently anomalous in the universe

Because we do not find life in the universe

But we continue to search and hope to be wrong

In the end, among the bilh es of worlds l

We can find another planet that violates the possibilities

creates life

and clever life flourishes

He creates a civilization intelligent enough not to perish

Then we will know for a fact
The land was unique or not.