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06x10 - Mystery of Spacetime

Posted: 03/04/24 13:03
by bunniefuu
What is our universe?

It is the biggest unanswered question in science

Despite the name, it is not space
In any way empty space

The space itself consists of something

There is a hidden structure, and a force in the same space

Space is a dynamic, very dynamic medium

Power binds everything in our universe

He is a vital player in the game of life

It strengthens our reality, connects
Time and space from the beginning

"We call it" space-time

It's all, space-time is what the universe is

Space-time is how our universe works

But what exactly is it?
How does it control our past, our present and our future?

We can not see him

We can not touch it

But without space-time

, Space-time texture our reality
It shapes and governs our lives

If we want to understand the story of the universe it is
It is important to understand the behavior of space-time

, Active spacetime since everything started
It is the key to the evolution of everything

We have to understand space-time to understand the history of the universe

To understand how the universe began, how
Evolution, and what will happen in the future

The story of space-time is the story of our universe

To know how the story revolves, how
It will be over. We have to go back to the beginning

To the time there is nothing

, No stars or space
Time before the existence of time


Our entire universe was born in the Great Blast

He began in a moment, where our universe grew out of nowhere

The definition of the moment of the Great Bang is
The origin of time and place at that moment

It is as far as we know is the origin
Time and space themselves

The newborn universe, an infinitesimal point of
Energy and energy, embodied from nothingness

Then the universe suddenly expanded

The idea of ??expanding that spot is tiny, in little time
Very much less than a second, grow to fold and fold

Imagine me suddenly become the size of a galaxy

In a fraction of a second, the universe grew from
Size is less than corn to the size of a basket

In cosmic terms, it is like growth
Sand grain to the size of the universe perspective

The universe is magnified at the moment of expansion faster than light

It seems to be a violation of everything we have learned in physics

You may argue with the astronomer
Nothing travels faster than light

This is somewhat true

But Al Qaeda does not travel
Something across the universe is faster than light

In the expansion, the space itself is what
Expands, there is no breach or contradiction

By rapidly expanding, the universe underwent a terrible growth rate

At the moment of the Great Bang was the space-time entity
Moving in all directions, the space itself was expanding

But the universe did not expand evenly

There was more of a universe
A little density that adjoins them

, And talk about a very small percentage
Part of a hundred thousand, but that was enough

The differences in space-time
Expander to create higher density areas

The expansion made those
High density areas are larger

This allowed the formation of our universe

When the parts of our universe did not expand
Equally, things began to gather suddenly

When the universe cooled, the energy turned into matter

The material was linked to the more dense areas

I had those areas in and out
Decisive mass larger than other regions

The block slows space-time
Consists of matter that resists space-time

The more the material is in
Somewhere was bending over

I'm slowing down space-time right now

When I bend, I fold it
More because of greater muscle density

I do not bend for as long as I can
Destroying the Earth and the Solar System

But it's an effect, it's a reality

If I imagined wearing glasses allow
Lee to see the space-time directly

Suddenly, these hidden traits appear
For the curved universe of the hand in front of my face

We were to see the curvature of the space-time network
Moves and interacts with objects inside

We felt the curvature of space-time
As a force we call gravity

Gravity differs from all other forces

It is connected to the space-time curve

The thing that hates space-time has an attraction

That gravity, folding the space-time itself

This is difficult to represent

But good similarity is the acrobat's swing and the safety net

Imagine a tumbler falling on the net deliberately and those
The grid is flat and looks like a grid of equal distances

But when they fall, they distort that
Network, and this is much like space

When an object is in space, it deflects the frame

When the acrobat settles on the grid
The space-time network swims slightly

If the Hellenian is settled, the mass will double in the same
The size and the more drop and the greater the deviation

Thus spacetime works
00:07:24,696 --> 00:07:29,376
The excess mass means greater curvature in space-time

Means more attractiveness

But understanding the nature of gravity
The need is not easy

It is an idea formulated by one
Greatest minds ever

Einstein formulated the idea that space is an entity
By itself can be folded and can be folded

We are bound by the will

Einstein assumes that space
Time is itself a mathematical engineering

They have their lives and their driving power

That driving force is what we call gravity

The greater the density of the material area
Gravity intensified and the curve deepened

This bond is the basis of our physical reality

Interaction between matter, energy and energy
What created the universe we see around us today

But that does not mean we fully understand it

We do not know much and this is frustrating

With the laws of physics I can
I'm talking about how the spacetime behaves

But it seems to be an entity that lengthens and shrinks
And that gravity is the embodiment of space-time

As they grew up in the Great Blast, they merged
Time, space and energy to make our newborn universe

Those basic materials were the foundation

But how we got the compositions is extreme
The complexity we see today?

How did the space-time build our great universe?

Our entire universe grew up in the expl*si*n
Great 13.8 billion years ago

Everything grew out of nowhere

But our contemporary universe is a complex mix of materials

We marvel at our closeness to this strange structure
For our universe and its galaxies, and you ask yourselves, where did all this come from?

The material in the universe is organized
Itself on a vast cosmic network

Hungarian galaxies and clusters are clustered on slabs and threads

... This complex network was organized by Kony architect


He formed everything from the planets
Galaxies, and atoms of cities

The universe consists of space-time

Whatever the matter is, time and space are intertwined
They expand and create the universe that we see around us

It's all, space-time is what the universe is

It's a hard idea to understand

And the most difficult to imagine

Scientists observe the universe in
Different wavelengths of light

This is the sun with visible light
X-ray and ultraviolet light

Imagine if we could see it in the spectrum of space-time

We will see the deflection of space-time as objects pass through it

The flask can bend and push objects around it

It can stretch and remove objects

But the shape of space-time determines how we see it

Imagine that you are in a car as you ascend and descend from a hill

The shape of the earth's surface is what determines
How to travel across the earth

In the same way, space-time geometry is determined
How light and matter move through space-time

The rules are simple

Material, and any body that tells space-time how to bend

The curvature of space-time tells the material how to move

Because the shape of space-time tells the material
How to move, as we call gravity

This means that gravity and the shape of space-time tell
How to combine and form larger structures

But at first, it was an environment
Space-time is different from today's environment

The first article began to change the shape of space-time

There is a substance in this space
A bit more space here

Where there is an excess mass
The space will swim more

If more space bends, there will be more mass

In the newborn universe, most article regions
Intensity created deeper curves in space-time

And when the mass increases with a fall
Materials become deeper and deeper

Attracting more material, it's a quick process

Gravity attracted more and more of the material

It became more intense, and the stars were born quickly

Then many stars then arose a galaxy

These stars evolved and began to form compositions
The largest and burned all of its nuclear fuel

All the heavier elements were blown up

Over time things like planets emerged
Air coverings, human beings and everything we care about today

All of this began as a break in
The energy in space-time expands

At first, the slight differences became those
The huge structures we see today

Over the course of billions of years, that article has begun
By gathering into galaxies, stars and planets, and you

The differences in the expansion of space-time created the pattern of the universe

The curvature of space-time is controlled
In the evolution of everything we see today

If space-time did not exist
The property holds the material together

We will only be a thin mist of hydrogen gas

Kuna will not be interesting

Lamm does not bend space-time because of the material
Inside it will be a strange universe

I mean there will be no attraction
There is something that brings things together

The lack of gravitational force means
No stars, planets or humans

We attribute our presence to space-time

But scientists are struggling to understand it

I hope you know what space-time is

We know about spacetime, but about the same
Time we feel we do not know anything about space-time

Then in 2015, we got the chance

For the first time we "heard" ripples in space-time

It generated one of the most violent events in the history of the universe

The universe is full of energy

We believe that it exists since each start
Something quietly pulls the strings of the universe

And sometimes we watch this controller at the time of his work

In 2016, Silicon saw a strange visual phenomenon

A curious circle of light like a cosmic aura

This is what you see already in heaven if it were
Your eyes are as sensitive as the telescope, it's real

Not a phony image when we adjust images

Something actually slows space-time into a lens

This thing is a red galaxy away
Earth is seven billion light years away

It deflects light from a blue galaxy that should be hidden behind it

This is called gravitational lentil

Gravitational lenticular effect is a spectacular phenomenon as it appears
Clearly, Einstein told us that space was curved

Space works as a lens
The two lenses work in my glasses

When we look at the universe we see it all, this is awesome

The mass of the galaxy is made of front bends
In space-time, which we know by gravity

Light follows those bends
He fends, and bends around the galaxy

Giant objects can be like clusters
Hungarian to bend the path of light through space-time

Such as a glass that fades the path of light

When we look at a distant galaxy
We have light passing through a galaxy

We see many images of the same galaxy

We see the circles and circles as if this
The Hungarian cluster consists of glass

We see space-time collapses in front of our eyes

The lenticular effect gives us
The field to see the effects of space-time on the light

But it is only an indirect monitoring of the need

Is there another way to monitor space-time here on Earth?

You can not see everything that happens in space

You should also listen to him

Believe it or not, space is an element
More like this iron plate

Like this iron, space can bend

If you put a lot of weight on this
The metal sheet will change shape and bend

It can space amazingly
To carry waves, as well as this iron board

And to create ripples with this board
You need something strong

Something like me and bump me

Do you see those waves moving through this iron board?

The waves travel through space completely
In the same way, we call it cultural waves

Gravitational waves are vibrations of
Cosmic events transmitted through space-time

To launch waves in space you need
For the strongest and largest events in the universe

Something like a collision of two black holes

When two black holes collide, the energy is released
Send shock waves through space-time across the universe

When you reach the ground you will be
Slim can not be measured


In 2015, scientists at the Lego observatory staged revolutionary observations

They detected ripples in space-time


The uproar began to spread but it became clear after a while

This was the first direct detection of the waves
With man-made equipment on earth

We discovered gravitational waves after waiting for signals for a long time

... not only did most of us believe it

But continued to doubt the examination of all theories
Plot by all means to be false

When I saw those data, I still remember them
Now, I remember their emotional impact on me

It is not matched by the feeling of seeing only the face
My daughter for the first time after her birth

Their emotional impact was huge, to reap the rewards
Everything we worked for in one moment, this is amazing

We can hear those gravitational waves on Earth

- What amazed us was that it was a coincidence - which was good

The signs that Lego measures are of a scale
The frequency of the sounds that the human ear feels

We can hear the wave frequency change when
The black holes approach and collide

It is a rise in frequency that sounds like a sound

What we have heard with this sound is that two black holes
They were about each other and then collided

So it was

Listen to ripples in space-time may
He gave us a powerful new tool to explore the universe

, We now hear things attractive for the first time
It is an awareness that we have not been able to apply to the universe

We begin to know that

Monitor the gravitational waves of black holes

Is one of his most important discoveries
One in astronomy in the last 100 years

It's hard to exaggerate how important
Gravitational waves in astronomy

"It's like Galileo's guidance
The first stars to see something new

We now have a new window towards the universe

Gravitational lenticular and gravitational waves
Seeing the complex relationship between gravity and space

But what about the other half of the equation?


It is space-time, gravity does not hit
Space, but also distort time

We may believe that time can not
Change it, pass by a fixed rate

But not that in the universe we live in

In some insane circumstances it may
My time depends on you

We are also likely to travel across
Time, and go back to the future

For science fiction lovers, space is another haven

For scientists who are investigating
Time is their biggest challenge

We thought that time was recognized as sunrise and sunset

We realized today that time is a more basic concept

Time is not just something to pass
But it is an essential part of our universe

It is part of the space-time fabric

The big bang was the beginning of space and time

Space has since expanded
Time went on

It has been doing this for 13.8 billion years
To make the universe we see today

Space and time are connected, they are the same

When the material affects space-time, it does not make a deviation
But also to the passage of time

Then the space-time is great

Gravity diminishes space
They also skew the time flow

It is not about our understanding of time
But at the rate at which time applies

Large objects can distort and flatten space-time

Not only does space deviate, but it can
That the same time or even stops

The higher the gravity, the greater the deviation

And what has the strongest appeal? .. Black hole

By its presence near the strong tensile tension of the black hole

Clocks can do strange things
And then things become more interesting

About the black hole bend
Space-time and deflection slows down time

Scientists dream of sending a probe there to test their hypothesis

There is a famous way of thinking
"So called" twin paradox

Where twins are born at the same moment, they have the same age

But one of them accelerates near a black hole
He waits there for a while and then returns

If I had a symmetrical twin shade on
The ground as it flew near the black hole

... When we call, he will see me

.... I will see him

We'll notice that the time passes in
Different rhythm for each other

The closer we get to the hole
Black slowed the time

Instead of returning home, I fell into a hole
... my twin black twin on the ground slowed more

I completely stop and look fixed on the horizon of the event

Time seems to stop

I feel Distressed that is back To the homeland again

If Enable Twin From Escape From
The hole the black He will return For the future

Probably Mud T a few days or Weeks
According to On From Travel to me The hole the black

But The other Impaired and has Grandsons
Where Live For decades On Earth Here

Bend The hole the black Space-time Much
in which Becomes Fantasy Scientific research Reality

Travel Through Time Basis Fantasy Scientific research
And we know that Travel Of the past Excluded in a We are

But Travel In time to me the future Acceptable Completely

Travel Through Time No way Until right Now, But I have
Space-time Effect real On Our lives Daily

Controls in a How to Our progress By age

a key Rates Different To pass Time he is gravity

If You come across environment Seductive Different
They will get lucky The passage Different For the time

When Go up That Grades And I move away About
Mass Earth It rotates my watch Faster Little

If I went down near the roof Will slow down Your watch More

we've got Hours Sensitive Including a Enough To measure
This the difference in a Validity Time

Maximize This the influence We will see
Validity Time Differs from Before us

The closest we Earth sound Slow down

And from Above They seem Farmers

This Means that The rich in a Their apartments High
They age Faster From People On Earth

this is idea Amazing

but she Reality

Control gravity Earth Time Until above The Planet

Above Toward 12.5 thousand Mile, There
Matrix Moons Positioning Global

the mission For systems Navigation in a Our vehicles And our phones Mobile devices

Here On Earth, We will use System
Positioning Global As a method To navigate

Will prevail most People this is the days If
Stay away Km One About Their homes

Unless They use Programs Positioning Global
On Their phones To tell them With their faces

future System Positioning Global in a Your phones Respond
Signals More From four Moons To know Your site exactly

it's a Training On Timing Flour

exist On Board Each Moon hour offspring

gravity Vulnerable in a Orbit Means that Hours
The satellites Moving Faster Little From That Which Land

that did not Please correct reality that hours in a
Our satellites Moving At rates Different

when Uncle's System Positioning Global Here On Earth

I will miss Precision At rates will not It works System
Positioning entire Useful Then in a Less From hour

We corrected that Each Accurate Each day

He did Elzimka n Controlled All
Stage in a has evolved We are Ago Birth

We discover right Now that Space-time
Will be determined Also How do will die Universe

seem We are By expl*si*n, Before 13.8 billion Public

Shadow Expands Since then

Do you It lasts This Expansion Forever?

Mother Will come Universe to me End Violent?

We knew For more From A hundred Public that Universe Expands

Expands Each What Balak Wen Away About Each Thing

We can Test that Measured the light From stars expl*sive

Patrons Great From Type 1. A It explodes The same Gloss

So Can Scientists knowledge After a accurately About Earth

He did Astronomers For decades Measured This
the light Which expansion With a smile Expander

Universe Expands, There is Matter with it

I have That Subject gravity It works On Collapse curvature Space-time

From Reasonable if it's a when Expands Universe You hold together
all Materials The Balcony Some of them On Toward Attractive

If she was there Matter Enough in a Universe They can
that Tighten On itself Including Enough To slow down Expansion

But in a 1998 , He did Astronomers
Measurements New They did Discovery Thrilling

Expect People that Expansion Slow down
But Conversely They found it Accelerates

If It was Slow down Expansion It should that Appear
That Lights Remote More Brightness

in a Interviewer she was Dare

she was Go away Faster Than We expected

No Means that but An order One

that Expansion Accelerates, it's a Accelerates Each day

He did This Discovery Change Our understanding Of the universe Completely

in a first Seven Billions Public From Universe
It was Rate expansion Universe Slower And slower

Then Event Thing insane

it's a as such If She became gravity On Contrast, allowance that
Attract Galaxies she was as such If It You pay Away

this is result Amazing No We are still we try Understand them

was it Lose gravity Its strength?

Mother It was There Thing else Far away The space?

Then component else in a We are Acting oddly

Entity The mysterious is called energy The dark

Like As needed, energy The dark Surrounding Us

No We see it but she Compose Until Seventy
percent From Subject in a We are

But What she Specifically?

The dark Means We did No We know What he is Nor We know Its shape

The Thing Pouring energy
in a Universe He makes it Accelerates

No We know What is it?

No exist Guide On Absolutely

No We own minimum Explanation, it's a Larger For the invasion in a Science Today

Act energy The dark In ways Mysterious

Subject Regular Attractive, But energy
The dark Drive For this it causes Acceleration

Affected Subject Regular With gravity
They converge, But No Happen or occur that With them Subject

Do you energy The dark Energy New The balloon?
Mother Came As gravity From Space-time Himself?

may Be energy The dark Property For the need

Probably For example The space energy Which
What Shop it To accelerate in a Expansion

energy The dark entity, No We know What is it? Specifically

But Will be to her Impact Great On
the changes The future in a Universe
three hundred fifty
00:34:16,189 --> 00:34:23,062
What Which Happen or occur If Keep energy
The dark On acceleration expansion We are Do you remember me?

Because Existence energy The dark Will expand Faster And faster

What Makes Universe A place More isolation

... will accelerate all Galaxies Away About Some of them

... will become Universe More Darker And more Cooler

Sawser Each Thing More Darker And isolation

There candidate T Iasa when Will happen in a Our future

in a End, Freezes We are Please

Freezing Great he is End Last Of the universe Which We know it

,it's a fate heinous, it's a fate bleak
But Sense n Our luck will not Happen or occur Except distance Extend Long

distance Trillions Years, may finish Universe in a Freeze Great

But Suggest a study in a 2017 to Probability More Horrible

may Become energy Almaz Wigs More Energy

There is Probability Horrible Of fate Final Of the universe

that energy The dark piety Including Enough
To crush screwing up Attractive Of the galaxy Itself

may You can not Until From tearing down Holes The black In pieces

may Tearing Fabric Which attach Each Thing together

it's called That the theory Ripped Great

Will be torn The clusters Hungarian Firstly
Then Galaxies As our neighbor path Milky Way
36 9
00:36:01,294 --> 00:36:04,354
Then Will be torn Our system Solar system

In else Half hour From Universe Will explode Earth

in a the second Last .. will evaporate Atoms

Will be torn Each Thing in a Universe Expanding Universe

No Understand energy The dark, Oh
Fixed? Do you piety? Do you Weaken?

in a That Stage No We know

future We are Please hanging

Asynithi in a rupture Great Mother Freeze Great?
Mother End she Just the beginning?

He did Space-time Controlled in a
Generator Being, And Sibt in a His death Also

We discover Today that These two The two events Connected in a
Association Reveal Disruption in a Our understanding To explode Great

Each What We see, Each Subject And all energy in a We are

she was Retained in a the previous in a
spot Smaller From size Maize

We call That the point Small Infinite The density The uniqueness

She predicted theory Relativity the public With uniqueness

But ... Judged Universe Collection Other From the rules

Quantum mechanics

Mick Anika Quantum she We described for the world Under atomic From
Particles And fields And forces the basic And how RFID

States Mechanics Quantum On Non
Existence Thing Infinite Small or Density

No Can that Exist Singularity

Singularity part little Where Each Thing Infinite Because
Densities Infinite And forces The charismatic Infinite

And violate all Laws And become Non Reasonable

Non Existence Singularity Means Non
Existence The expl*si*n Great as such We understand it

How? Starch We are if?

Believes Scientists right Now that They have the answer

... solution Is in line With Relativity the public And mechanics Quantum

Space-time Quantum

theory Space-time Quantum Successful Answer
On Question What may Event in a first Moments We are

Hopefully Except Contains theory Quantum Right For gravity On
Verse Uniqueness, We will vote for The expl*si*n Great With something else

If taught us What This The thing The other Lost
We draw On How to And why Start Universe

in a The expl*si*n Great For the need Quantum
did not It is there Singularity Explodes From Naked

But Starch Universe From remains Universe else moribund

From It is possible Existence Universe Before The expl*si*n Great And space
And time, And allowance that Expands Universe Lost It was Shrink

Probably did not It is over The universes in a Tears or Freezers

Probably falls apart

He did Universe Old Expand Then
seem Collapses Act His attractiveness

To crush Space-time to me Point

But allowance that is being Unique
So he arose You have to Exploding again

When She became Subject More density When She was crushed
She did That Power To pay Each Thing Out

Then Repetition Universe And explodes again in a round
New From Expansion And the expl*si*n Great new

Understand that The expl*si*n Great product This bouncing back

This Supposedly that Space-time Which Decide in a
Our lives Today came From Collapse Universe Old

And we live in a Course Spacetime Infinite From
Born And death And re A generator again

Universe Zmkani regressive

If We were We live By being regressive It is
Acceptable that Universe Infinite Foot

He was subjected For the series Infinite From
Bouncebacks Nor There are Start Divorced

Probably Be repeatedly Number of indefinite
From Courses in a Life Universe Basic

No Naked Understand Space-time

Probably will not We understand it Fully

But Command A clear it's a without
Space-time when Our presence Here

Space-time Thing real, it's a part From
Architecture Brother The two main pillars Of reality

To understand Destiny Final For our being You will not
Enough that Look More According to With our kisses

But We Understanding Nature the basic For the need

Think that Larger What We draw it
From Each that he is that Universe a stranger

Believes Many We did We are engaged
dr*gs We compose that And we select it

the answer We did The For this Madness

Universe More Madness Than We were Imagine

you are You live right Now in a Universe former Complex And beautiful
More From capacity mind Human On His realization