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07x06 - Did the Big Bang Really Happen?

Posted: 03/05/24 08:02
by bunniefuu
the great expl*si*n

The story of everything

Time and the universe we are

the great expl*si*n
First:a beautiful name

Second, it is the history of our universe

It's so, it's all of us, it's all

That is the traditional view

But is it true?

Most scientists are not sure

The theory of the old great expl*si*n
That the universe suddenly appeared from nowhere

We speak of it as the beginning of the universe
But it is actually the end of our understanding

Astronomers break old rules

But it created new problems

How to say that the universe has
Expands the fastest of light

But are they asking questions that have no answers?

What was the beginning? It is possible that
We ask:Is there time before time?

We do not know, we have nothing, it's difficult

He does not tell us what happened
At first, it is still an absolute mystery

How did everything start if?

The Big Bang Theory was a good story

But is it real?

How the universe works
Has the Big Bang really happened?

Let's start from the beginning

There is no place or time

All that the known balloon
Compressed at a smaller point than the corn

Suddenly, the universe expands them

Stars and galaxies arose
To create the universe we see today

The story of our universe begins with the great expl*si*n, is not it?

The big bang is the truth
Notable but there are details not known

Maybe a lot happened
Things, it's just one explanation

Science is not right
The length of time is even wrong

We may be wrong about
A key element in our understanding of the universe

We are experiencing one of the greatest stories of science

It may sound like a great bang
Like the expl*si*n, but is it?

The expl*si*n is a sudden emission of energy from the point
One to generate normally light and heat and pressure

And a bang

But did the Big Bang explode?

When you hear the word expl*si*n you imagine noise but
You have to realize that they are sound waves spreading through the air

After the Big Bang there was no air
To hear something in this sense was silent

So the big bang did not explode

But to form the universe must be paid
Articles ,, Lots of articles

Each burst has a point of ignition
What about the Big Bang?

If I thought of the big bang as just an expl*si*n

You have the right to ask where the center
This expl*si*n? Where is the center of the universe?

There was no central point, there was no place in
The sky where it refers to the location of the Great Bang

The big bang is all
Something, happened here where I sit

The big bang happened on the other side
Of the earth, and happened in the galaxy of serial women

The great expl*si*n happened across the universe at once

During the expl*si*n, the shrapnel is scattered from the middle

These fragments are scattered unevenly
The size falls in different distances from the center of the expl*si*n

But did the Big Bang blow?
Materials in this expl*sive pattern?

To find signs we have to look in the night sky

One of the most amazing things about the universe when you put
The telescope starts looking at different directions

It seems almost equal in all directions

Although the universe is encrusted with galaxies and galactic clusters

The overall picture is what
" Called astronomers" h*m*

When we say that the universe
h*m* means that it is symmetric

By large scales with variations
Slim, it's quite symmetrical

If we believe the story of the traditional big bang

The same amount of material has been launched
Same distance in all directions

Our h*m* is not equal
It seems to be the product of what we know as an expl*si*n

It was not great and it was not an expl*si*n

The Big Bang was not a blast or a b*mb
Or expl*sives where there is a substance spreading from one center

There is no ring of galaxies emanating from an expl*si*n

, A firecracker expl*si*n occurs by a fuse
What sparked the Big Bang?

I say that there is not, that something
I lit the big bang

We believe that when something happens
When an effect occurs there is no reason

There is something else

But we are speaking here of the universe
In its entirety, there is nothing beyond it to exist

Science is clear, the universe did not start to explode

But if there is no expl*si*n, how it began
Everything is too small and too big?

, the newborn universe we understand
The old synchronized universe also understands it

We linked that story to that
We do not understand the first pages in full

But we know the rest of the book

How do we tell the story of the Big Bang?
We can even read the front page of the book

Our only hope is to look
In the past line by line

One of the most amazing things in being a connoisseur

The telescopes are time machines

It takes time to light up here

If we look farther, we stare at
Reality in the history of the universe, this is stunning

The first signs of the mystery of the Big Bang came
With the emergence of advanced approaches in the 1990s

Edwin Hubble was studying light
Coming from distant galaxies

We realized that the more galaxies
Further the light was more red

Did not it? It turned out that the light tends to red if
The galaxy has moved away from us, this is called the red shift

He had discovered that every galaxy in
The sky was moving away from the Milky Way

This was one of the moments of science

Hubble proved one of the rules
The basic story of the Big Bang

The universe expands constantly

There was one conclusion

If the return of time stabilized, everything would emerge from
One point at a time ,, This is a great bang

Discover "Hubble" publishes news

But the idea of the expanding universe was imposed two years earlier

From a Belgian priest and physicist

The real idea of the expl*si*n
" Great came from" George Lamitra

I realize that if we go back to the beginning
Time is all in one atom

Primitive corn

I think "LAMETRA" that the universe
The newborn was tiny and dense

, pressed in one point

Primitive corn

The scientists then identified that point as an entity
Infinite is called exclusivity

but there is a problem

The uniqueness and laws of physics do not conform

Perhaps it was a tiny point
But it caused enormous problems

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

The Great Bang, for more than a century it was
The optimal scientific description of how everything is created

But there was no expl*si*n
Or a bang was not great

" In fact, the father of the Great Bang claimed" George Lamitra
That everything had arisen from a small point called primitive corn

I think the most difficult thing to surround
About the theory of the Big Bang

All that you see and what you have known

Every man, house, tree, and planet
Moon, star and galaxy in the entire universe

At a time before 13,8 billion
Year-old was pressed at a tiny point

In fact much smaller than the point
Very small, tiny

A point called exclusivity

This exclusivity has plagued astronomers for decades

" All because of one word" finite

Once he uttered the word "finite", as the end of grandeur or
In physics, it means that you do not understand anything

" Einstein's general relativity predicted,"
The default existence of uniqueness

But in practice, the rules of physics are broken when singular

Do not understand singularities

It is one of the theoretical questions
Mysterious people are trying to understand

The universe tells us something happens
We do not understand him well in our sports

Our mathematics is incomplete

This is an indication that general relativity
Are not qualified to describe the first moments of the universe

General relativity predicts individualities

But it really does not apply
With tiny things

The general relativity of Einstein is very successful

In describing the motion of planets around the sun
And the refraction of light around giant objects

And the growth and expansion of the universe

But it breaks down when it becomes
Gravity is very strong or weak

Maybe not general relativity
The most appropriate tool to understand the origin of the universe

For example, if you want to weigh some spices in your kitchen

The use of kitchen scales works well

On the other hand if you want weight
Your truck will not be the right tool

Forget relative command

Perhaps a basic branch
Another of theoretical physics

Quantum mechanics

It deals with small, tiny things

But what about nanoparticles?

Quantum mechanics can
Prove the existence of exclusivity?

General relativity assumes the existence of singularities

This is an explicit assumption of general relativity

It does not fit the laws of quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics tend to make
Things are blurry and this is the opposite of singularity

In some quantum mechanics theories
The science of small things

There is a limit to how small

For example, I will not be able to
Fold that paper for more than seven times

One, two, three, four, good
Five, six, can do

,, I can do, I can breach the rules of physics
Mahal, there is a limit, I can not move forward

You can not continue folding the paper
Or space for smaller and smaller parts

According to most quantum mechanics laws you can not
To make the thing small and extremely dense

It seems that singularity is inevitable

Is the theory of the Big Bang wrong?
Or is our mind unable to solve it?

Our laws of physics are not our best attempts
Let's deal with the mathematics of our observations of the universe

The universe does not care what we think

The universe does not care how we understand it

These are our attempts to explain the behavior we see

The first moments of the Great Bang
Is the greatest example of our lack of understanding

Perhaps the solution lies in the collection
General relativity and quantum mechanics

But they do not fit together

Imagine that the rules of quantum mechanics as rules
The game of lacrosse used by its players

And that rules of general relativity are like rules
The basketball used by its players

If you see a basketball game you will see the players
They follow basketball rules or general relativity

If you see the game of lacrosse you
You see its rules or the rules of quantum mechanics

But if we take a team from the Lacrosse with a team of
We brought them together and asked them to start playing

They will not even know how to play with each other

They are different rules in
Foundation that does not meet together

They are pillars of modern science, mechanics
Quantum and general relativity are remarkable in their scope

But when we want to bring them together and that's what we need
To describe the first moments of the universe things are floundering

Both teams may have played a combined set of
The rules shed some light on the Big Bang

Mix quantum mechanics with relativity
The general is the golden standard

It's what he likes to do
Theoretical physicist of the present age

We have not done that yet, but we have some theories

When I say we have not done it yet, I mean
We did not agree on any theory is right

What will be the mechanics?
Quantum with general relativity?

! Is there a consensus between them?

What do we need?
We need more amazing and powerful observations

And data we did not expect

Another genius or thousands of geniuses who
They are successful and successful in bringing them together

Or maybe all of the above

So it remains the beginning of a story
The Great Blast is undeniable

But what about the assumptions
"The Other to the Priest's Priest" Lamitra

Whether the universe is newborn, corn
Primitive, too hot?

If so, how hot is it?

The story of the Big Bang is based on
Discover that the universe is always expanding

If we go back, he will
That for one inevitable result

If we go back and let the universe become smaller

He will be smaller and even smaller
Pressing everything to one point

The story of the Big Bang assumes that
That point was tiny

But scientists could not prove
The existence of these singularities in our universe

We see in our universe that all galaxies are moving away
For all other galaxies in general

If we look at the trains leave the station

If we go back, you will come together
All trains are in the same station

Have they all come from the same station?

Have they all come from the same pavement?
Maybe not

Can not place all trains
Together in the same pavement

Although physicists were unable to prove their origin
Everything from tiny singularity to density

They remain convinced that the visible universe has expanded
From one small point to very dense and hot

Imagine you and your friends in a spacious room

And loitering all of you seems all natural

But if you get stuck in a very narrow elevator

You will feel free because you share that heat

So the newborn universe, stacked
Everything together was extremely hot

It is theoretically possible that those
The era was very hot

But how do you prove it?

How to measure the temperature of the newborn universe
Which began 13,8 billion years ago?

You can not, but can measure
Heat is the coldest patch in the universe

If we move away from all the stars and galaxies it is
You think that space is too cold at absolute zero

But it is not

The space has heat eaves
About 455 degrees Fahrenheit

Above absolute zero by five degrees

Where did these five extra degrees come from?

I believe the blast confirmers
Great that they have the answer

They claimed that that little heat was
Remaining from the newborn universe is very hot

The guide took decades

But he came in 1964 purely by chance

Benzias and Wilson were engineers and contracted
With them to measure certain radio signals

In order to send wireless signals over
To enter rural areas

They used a radio antenna in the form of a huge trumpet

The problem is that whenever the face of this trumpet is heard they will not hear
Noise, radio interference comes from every direction

They thought it was an artificial satellite
Not compatible with any satellite direction

There is a nearby m*llitary base and they are asking about
They broadcast signals at this frequency and replied no

They thought it was pigeon droppings

There is a bath nesting inside the antenna
And its waste makes this noise in your place

So they entered and cleaned all the waste

But no matter how loud the noise continued

Try what they can to remove this noise in the background
And finally realized that he was coming from heaven and he was real

They did not hear radio waves
But a different kind of radiation

Microwave waves
Lagging behind the big bang

They discovered the cosmic microwave background

A hidden snapshot of the newborn universe

Different colors indicate slight variations in heat

The less hot blue areas
Stars and galaxies will be

Warmer orange areas will be
In the end the inter-Hungarian space

Cosmic background radiation
Microcosm is the birth image of our universe

It is equivalent to your picture when you are seven seconds old

We can set the date of cosmic background radiation
Microbial to 380 thousand years after the Big Bang

The temperature here is estimated at 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit

But how hot was the Big Bang?

When we go back the universe becomes
Smaller, smaller and warmer

We know the heat of the cosmic microwave background

But before it we know that the universe
He was getting younger and younger

It is getting hotter and hotter

But we do not know how hot it is

The newborn universe was smaller and more
Density and heat than it is now

He was so hot that he did
By merging hydrogen into helium

Twenty-five percent of the mass of the universe
The newborn is incorporated into helium in a few minutes

It's trillions trillion times
The amount of fusion that occurs inside the sun

We need extreme heat to integrate
Hydrogen to helium

Scientists estimate that integration has begun
After the Big Bang a hundred seconds

When the temperature reached one billion degrees Fahrenheit

During the first parts of
The first second of the great expl*si*n

Some estimate heat reaching to 250
Million trillion trillion degrees Fahrenheit

But what triggered this huge resurgence
Of energy here in the emergence of the Great Bang?

The first moments of our universe

Is a source of frustration for us because it is
It's good for us to know that

But it is also a source of curiosity

This is as far as his physics

It's where we try as much as we can
Understand the basic aspects of reality

Even if we can retrieve the story of the expl*si*n
The great way to prove the origin of everything from a minute point

There is still another problem

Where did all this come from?

You can not find anything
From nothing, we all know that

But it seems that everything started out of nowhere

The entire universe seems to have arisen from nothingness

How does that happen?

The big bang ,, No space
Darkness ,, Nothing

Suddenly, the universe grew alive

Everyone knows for sure that you are
Nothing comes of nothing

It is the biggest question, how did the universe arise?

The truth is that we do not want to come
Everything from scratch, looks like a trick

But we exist, it must happen
Something that we do not understand yet

It's one of the biggest questions
In cosmology


I think people say the gossip
Such as that the universe grew out of nowhere

Like ,, Suddenly , the universe appeared

But remember not owning
For data on the first universe moments

We do not know what was happening

We fight in the dark to try
Find out what happened before the Big Bang

That era seems to be out of nowhere

Physicists look at the empty space

But does "emptiness" mean there is nothing at all?

Nothing is out of nowhere

Because that is the traditional idea of non-existence
Does not apply to what we believe as an empty space

It turned out that the empty space is far from emptiness

The void of space is a raging sea whose waves break
With charged quantum particles and electromagnetic fields

The void of space itself is full of movement

The material can appear automatically
Of emptiness and then disappear automatically

The vacuum is filled with particles and particles
Then there are no collisions

Space is full of virtual images that arise and are absent

, No doubt about their reality
Its impact is between, we can see

When physics freaks, things are strange

Maybe nothingness is in the end

If the empty space contains
Particles arise outwardly from nothingness

Can a similar process
Raise the Great Bang?

Quantum vacuum itself may be enjoyed
Randomly and automatically a large card

Maybe enough energy to do something
We call it the Great Bang

There are several theories about the origin of the universe

But was his sudden appearance of
Nudity is the only effective skill?

He also created matter of energy

The universe is full of galaxies, stars, planets and comets

Where did they all come from?

According to the story of the Great Bang
They came from one small point

When the universe began it was not
There is no space for matter at all

The heat was strong and space was high
Compression so that the substance does not exist

How the Universe Can
To become full of matter?

In the primitive corn there was no space
But they were energy-dense

As Einstein tells us that all
What we need to form is energy

According to the equation of energy equals the mass multiplied by twice
Speed of Light The material and energy are interchangeable

Einstein taught us the special relativity
Energy and matter are two sides of a single coin

The material can be converted to energy by blowing something up

The most horrifying examples are the conversion of matter into energy
It was the atomic b*mb manufactured in the 1940s

But in the Big Bang it reflected that process

Energy has formed matter

The material expanded until the entire universe was filled

In cosmic terms, the universe is
Its stretched article grows terribly fast

After the creation of the universe, its growth rate was terrible

He became a child of a teenager in an hour

How the universe could become an adult
The magnitude is so great

If we believe the story of the great expl*si*n it seems
It broke one of the basics of physics

Did the newborn universe grow faster than the speed of light?

In the story of the traditional big bang expansion
The visible universe of a sphere of energy is smaller than the atom

The universe's diameter today is estimated at 93 billion light-years

Imagine the space of the universe
Which we see around us today

It was a very small, very dense space

The universe must undergo a terrible growth rate

At its fixed rate of expansion there is no time
Enough for the universe to grow to its current size

The universe areas that were next to us
In the past it has become very far away

So that can not be explained
Their distance from normal expansion

The sheer size of the universe is nothing
The only stranger we discovered

The universe is what astronomers call flat

We are lumpy and small

There are galaxies, black holes, human beings and innards

, But from a broad perspective, from a general perspective
Or the real cosmic perspective, being flat

It can be a general extinction
And high-speed growth linked in some way?

We know that the Big Bang was not an expl*si*n

Otherwise, the distribution of matter in the universe would be unequal

But something pushed everything out and quickly

But what?

In 1980, Alan Guth, a cosmic scientist, came
A young man at Stanford, with a possible answer

His theory of expansion states that the visible universe has expanded from
Smaller than corn to the size of basketball almost immediately

In this exact part of the
Second at the beginning of the universe

One on one million on
Million on one millionth of a second

The universe expands from its time to the equivalent
His weakness is approximately one, followed by 50 zeros

Accelerated expansion leg expansion
For the universe to make it big and fast, then stop

The expansion seems to solve the two big bangs

How the universe became so big
Super speed and flatness

Because it expands everywhere once, all
The energy of the universe that will turn into matter

Paid evenly at the same time and at the same speed

So the stars grow together
To become the first galaxies

So here, we, in the solar system

We grew up or pushed us into an expansion event

Parts of the universe that diverge
Now 93 billion light-years

Previously they were the same space

To expand at that speed must
Breaking one of the basic rules of physics

We all know that the rule is bound by the universe
The length of time it travels nothing faster than light

So we say that the universe
May expand faster than light

But the expansion states that the universe is inflated into nowhere

, There was no "outside" universe
The universe was everything

So space was expanding itself
He can move as fast as he likes

You can not migrate faster
Of light across space

But the same space is allowed to
It expands and expands as fast as it wants

This is what our universe does

The theory of expansion unites the universe in a distinctive way

Imagine it as a heavily fortified balance

If you solicit solvency strongly
You will simplify those wrinkles

The theory of expansion seems to be from Agnes
Theories in the history of science

So crazy to be true

Expanding helps us understand what can not be explained

But there is a problem

We do not know what triggered or spurred expansion

The expanding universe ,, Imagine that the universe was
A super-dense card is packed in its bag

Something has driven the universe apart

What made it a hot expanding material?

We must be humble and click that we do not know

But whatever he raised, he was gone
Expansion in a fraction of a second

It did not last long and this is difficult to understand

How to stop expansion?

we do not know

We have nothing, it is difficult

But has the expansion actually stopped?

A revolutionary theory assumes that if a force is made
Expansion is called a single universe expansion

Why is there no other universe?

Did the expansion make a group of new universes?

Is there a multiple universe?

If we believe the story of the Big Bang

A smaller point of the atom has expanded
To form a universe of 93 billion light-years

A theory called cosmic expansion claims
They explain this amazing growth

But the expansion raised questions
Rather than providing answers

We extended the expansion more than we wanted

We wanted to come up with a mechanism that would address our universe and end

But we quickly realized such as the factories of the vehicles
It does not make a single vehicle and stops but many vehicles

, The expansion tends to produce a universe and another
And many of the universes

It is a process called eternal expansion

Assume that when the expansion is over
Our universe has led to the formation of stars and galaxies

So we are only a small part of the universe
Multi-roomy is constantly expanding

Imagine a bunch of bubbles
Next to each other, they are different universes

Our bubble is expanding

And bump into our neighbor and expand it

If the theory of the universe is correct

The Multiverse Universe
The huge seems scientifically imaginative

However, there is evidence that supports theory

Scientists have observed an unusual sign in
Micronuclear background radiation

This snapshot of the newborn universe

There is a patch in the southern half that should not be
Colder or larger spot, but colder and larger spot

It is strange, we do not know its full explanation

It assumes an interesting but unexplained theory

, That this spot is a cosmic disintegration
Surface damage from collision with another

I work in the building with those who have discovered
That huge cold spot

They pointed to it and said it made no sense

Why was the background radiation
Cosmic universality in this way?

Perhaps this is a proof of another universe colliding with our being

It's similar to going to eat
Which makes your thinking stop

If you believe the theory of the multi-universe busy

Global impacts and collisions
Not entirely possible, but potentially

There may be several universes expanding
Abroad as a result of the current expansion

This is like thinking of a supernatural hero
It can not be k*lled, it is constantly renewed

If the novel of the universe is true, it raises
A huge question on the story of the Big Bang

The possibility of a multiple universe does not assume an expl*si*n
One great but many groups of them

But not all physicists believe that hypothesis

Society is divided on the idea
The multiplicity universe in their predictions

Because of us who believe this
The b*ating of fiction has its justifications

The other opponents say they are not
Scientific theory is supported by empirical evidence

Others welcome the fact that when
It's about explaining everything

We are not committed to the story of the expl*si*n
Great antique good

I may have been plagued by indoor phobia
If it turns out that there is only land

I am happy to discover that
This is part of something bigger

Solar system and galaxy
Hungarian clusters and our universe

I feel better if there is more
From space there, parallel universes

To cheer more

Although it is a fascinating idea without evidence
Experimental theory it needs a firm doctrine

There is no reason to believe that creatures are small
Like us, we are aware of the vast real nature of reality

, It is still a great mystery, we have ideas
I have ideas, others assume theories

But we do not have data
Help us distinguish between those theories

And I say to you, I do not support you
Those theories are strong

Oscillating oscillators model
The traditional great expl*si*n is steadily increasing

The newer theories do not assume an expl*si*n
A great one but an entire group

While scientists continue
Rewriting the traditional story

More and more questions are raised

But at present most remain unanswered

What was the origin? There is already meaning
To ask:Is there a time before time?

, I think the answer is yes
Our science and mathematics are only deficient

Maybe we have mathematics
Which describes the first moments of the universe

Maybe someday we can
The predictions we associate with observations

Not because that day is not now
It does not mean he will never come

We knew a lot more in the last year

But we have huge, hard-to-solve puzzles

So I wait for the next "Einstein"