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03x04 - What Becomes a m*rder Most?

Posted: 03/05/24 10:35
by bunniefuu
my boss, Jonathan Hart,

a self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous.

She's one lady who knows
how to take care of herself.

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of both of
them, which ain't easy,

'cause when they
met, it was m*rder.













More, yes. Good. Great.

Joyce, a little
bit of hair's fallen

down on Jennifer's right side.

Fix that, will you, darling?

Uh, you know,
Mr. Hart, uh, your wife

is gonna do for synthetic furs

what Aunt Jemima
did for pancakes.


Well, Jennifer would do
anything for a good cause.

And what could be a better cause

than preserving the
wildlife of the world?

JONATHAN: Well, that
really is the only reason that

she's involved in this
Whitefury campaign.

Well, I know it wasn't
for the free coat.

After all, Mr. Hart, you
can afford the real thing.

Well, who needs a
coat when I've got

the real thing in it to keep
me warm? [CHUCKLES]

MAN: Well, you could
always write copy for Whitefury.

JONATHAN: Oh, I don't know,
Mr. Wallace. I think your slogan's good:

"the only copy for an original."

That's a good idea.

Believe me, all our
ladies are originals.

Evelyn Chase
Carney, the heiress.

Uh, Laura Bancroft,
the legendary star.

And, uh, of course...

the one and only Jennifer Hart.


They broke the mold
when they made my wife.



Morning. Inter-security Systems.

Is, uh, Michael Carney in?

I'm sorry. Mr. Carney's

for calls at this time.

Uh, I'll call back later.

Ooh. May I take a message?

No, that, uh...

That won't be
necessary, thank you.


Not necessary at all.


[LAUGHING] Oh, baby.

That is absolutely ridiculous.

Oh, I know. But
you know how she is.

Listen, I meant to call
you to tell you about Flo.

No, she can't have
it. She's got the flu.

It's going to be at Weezie
Morgan's house in Pasadena.

All right, fine.

Oh, here's breakfast.
I'll talk to you later, love.


The morning mail, Mrs. Carney.

Oh, thank you, Louise.

My heavens, is it 11:00 already?

Just about.

There's a picture of
you in that magazine too.

Ah, yes.

Well, you have a nice day off,
Louise. I'll see you tomorrow.

Thank you.


Uh, what have we here?



Oh, what a surprise.

What are you doing?

Oh, no.




These proofs are
radiant, Mrs. Hart.

Mr. Garvey, the president
of Whitefury, was ecstatic.

Huh. You are a natural.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you
very much, Mr. Wallace.

Yeah, I wonder if you realize

your market position,
Mrs. Hart. Oh.

You are going to
be hot. Very hot. Oh.

If, uh... If you're
properly handled.

Mostly it's proper.


Yeah, I see you

as a very upmarket spokesperson.

Uh, designer sheets,
maybe your own line of jeans.

Uh, naturally,

we'd meet with your
authorized representative.

Mr. Wallace, this is
a very special project.

A once-in-a-lifetime project.

There won't be another.

Ho-ho. But Mrs. Hart?

Shall we have a look
at the mockup now?

We'll talk. In the meantime...

All right, nobody
speaks or moves

until I get my free coat.


Oh, darling. They
told me you were here.

How are you?

Good to see you.

Good to see you. And Jonathan.

How's tricks,
honey? How's tricks?

Not too bad.

Glad to hear it.

Okay, buster,

this hit the stands yesterday,
and I'm here to collect.

Your Whitefury coat's
at the furrier's being lined.

China silk, Mrs.
Hart. Exquisite.

They ought to line
the thing in lead,

with a very high collar.

are you talking about?

Well, the m*rder.


Oh, gee, I'm sorry.
I thought you knew.

I heard it on the radio
coming over this morning.


Well, Evelyn Carney.

She was found m*rder*d

in her own bed wearing
her Whitefury coat.

How awful.

Why on earth do you
suppose she was doing

sleeping in her coat?

What's the connection
with the coat?

WALLACE: The coat?

The coat has
nothing to do with this.

Do you think I
should I pull out?

Oh, that's entirely
up to you, darling.

Whatever you think.

JENNIFER: Well, it is a
very important campaign.

That's true. It is.

Well, then, let's
just go ahead with it.

Oh, good for you, Jennifer.

Good for you.







Mr. Carney, you frightened me.

I'm sorry, Jana. I didn't think.

I didn't know
where to reach you.

They... They asked
me questions about...

The police?

Yes, they, uh...

asked me some questions too.

H-he said it was routine.


It's been a long day, Jana.

Oh. I'll transcribe
this tomorrow.

I just wanted to
say, Mr. Carney,

how very sorry I
am about your wife.

Thank you.

I'm going to stay
and work for a while...

try to take my mind off...

Oh, of course. A... And
then try and get some rest.




Ladies and gentlemen...

it gives me great pleasure...

Here's looking at you, kid.


It gives me great pleasure
to introduce to you all,

as we will soon
introduce to the public,

the next Whitefury classic.




Bravo. Bravo. Bravo.

Now, let's dump
the vintage soda pop

and break out the bourbon.


MAN: Lovely.

And now...

for Laura Bancroft.



Hey, Max. Morning, Mr. H.

Whatever you're
cooking, keep it coming.

Smells great.

It's bacon and eggs.

Good morning, Mrs. H. [GROANS]

Max, please.


remind me, won't
you, the next time...

Laura Bancroft offers to mix me

a Whitefury whammy.


MAN [ON TV]: Ladies
and gentlemen...

Not entirely. I remember
all the good parts.



Don't worry, darling.

This has happened
to millions of people.

[SIGHS] You'll be
just fine in no time.

Ah. You have such
confidence in me.

Oh, thanks, Max.

Yes, I do have a lot
of confidence in you.



The "White Fury m*rder."

"A police spokesman would
not speculate on the possibility

of a connection with
the Whitefury campaign."

How could they?

I don't know, but it
sells a lot of papers.

MAX: That's
not all it's selling.

controversial gossip weekly.

The presence of the fur coat

has sources speculating

on the White Fury
k*ller's next move.

At her hotel this
morning, Laura Bancroft,

the latest classic,

was asked how seriously
she's taking this possible threat.

Her response, uh...
Well, it was negative.


Maybe that free fur coat
wasn't such a bargain after all.

After breakfast, we'll
go and have a little talk

with Lieutenant Grey.


GREY: "The White Fury k*ller."

Press is having a
field day with this case.

It's that damn coat.

What about more
conventional approaches?

Now you're talking.

There are plenty
of possibilities.

Evelyn Chase Carney just
about controlled four corporations.

So a lot of power
changed hands yesterday.

Well. That ought to be
good for a motive or two.

And she was loaded.

A very rich lady.

We've been checking
out the husband.

Poor man.

We met him at a fundraiser

some time ago.
Remember, darling?


Did you find anything?

Off the record?

So far, not a thing.

Solid, well-liked citizen...

electronic security business,

had a happy marriage.

And according to his secretary,

at the time his
wife was m*rder*d,

Carney was
dictating in his office.

Well... thanks very
much, lieutenant.

If there's anything we
can do, let us know.

I'll let you know.

You know, so far, I just have
two headaches on this case:

Number one, the
press. Number two...

LAURA: If I see you
following me again,

I tell you, I'll never give up.

Number two is approaching.

All right, lieutenant,
let's knock it off,

and let's get rid
of the cub scouts.


[LAUGHS] Harts. Darlings.

Oh, Jennifer,
darling. [CHUCKLES]

Don't tell me he's got

his filthy mitts into you too?

Mrs. Hart's photo hasn't
been published yet.

Yours has.

Protective measures.

Listen, lieutenant.

If there's any
k*lling to be done

over this wretched coat,

I'm the one that's likely
to be doing the k*lling.

And I just might start with
baby dumpling over there.

Officer Bailey has been
assigned to your case

for your own protection.

Lieutenant, my name...
is Laura Bancroft.

Not Heidi, the little goat girl.

I assure you, I am quite capable

of taking care of myself.


He's only trying to help you.

GREY: Of course,
I can't force you

to accept police protection.

Oh. Well, then, you've
decided to be reasonable.

Now, you see how simple
and sweet everything is

once I get my own way?

Well, I'll just
find a babysitter

for Sweet Pea over
there and be off, all right?

Have it your way, Mrs. Bancroft.

"Miss" Bancroft.

You know, you
might just scare off

a homicidal maniac.

Lieutenant. Captain
wants to see you.

All right.

You know where to
reach me, Jonathan.


Thanks, lieutenant.

Oh, he's really a
very reasonable

fellow once you, sort of,

point things out to him. Laura.

I'm sure he's only
doing his duty... Laura.

Well, what is it,
Jennifer, darling?

I don't know how Laura
Bancroft is gonna like this,

but I have a little suggestion
for the little goat girl.


JONATHAN: You're amazing.


She never knew what hit her.

Oh, come on.
Even she can realize

that she'll be much safer

at our house than at the hotel.

Besides, we have
Max to think about.


Mm-hmm. I understand
she's a demon at gin.

I'll bet she's a
demon at rum as well.

I believe it's bourbon.



Oh. He left a note.

"Shopping. Back at 4. Max."

Well, you're just gonna
have to go pick up Laura then.

Oh, no. Give me a break.

Darling. There must be

millions of men
all over the world

who'd die to pick
up Laura Bancroft.

You know the number of one?

[LAUGHS] Oh, Jonathan.

I can't go. I have things to do.

Oh? While you're
doing those things,

will you shuffle up the cards
and get the bourbon ready?

Things to do. [LAUGHS]





it's Michael Carney. May I come up?

Mr. Carney. What a surprise.

Of course. Come on up.


Hello, Mr. Carney.

Ms. Hart, I'm, uh... I'm
sorry to bother you at home.

Oh, it's no bother.
Please, won't you come in?

Thank you.

Well, uh...

may I offer you
something to drink?

Yes, please. Um...
Scotch on the rocks.

Fine. Thank you.

It's unfortunate.

You just missed my husband.

He'll be really
sorry he missed you.

Yeah. You have a...

A very beautiful
home, Mrs. Hart.

Why, thank you.


My wife and I...

I'm so sorry about your wife.

That's really what I wanted to

talk with you about, Mrs. Hart.

Evelyn mentioned you're to
be the next Whitefury original.

Yes, that's true.

As a matter of fact...

she recommended me for it.

We served on a couple
of committees together.

She was very well aware
of my concern over wildlife.

Thank you.

This is a copy of my wife's
contract with Whitefury.

I don't think I understand.

They did this. It
was their fur coat.

That's why she was k*lled.

I understand how upset you are.

I wish I'd never
heard of Whitefury.

No, you don't understand.

They knew this would happen.

I mean, look, they put
a clause in her contract.

There. You must
have the same in yours.

Well, I'll... I'll
just have a look.

Oh, yes, I... I do.

Something about the
company or the ad agency

not being responsible
for any adverse effects

of the publicity.

Huh. Adverse effects.

I'm... I'm sorry.

I... Th-that's
all right. I'll...

I'll just get a... Don't worry.

I'll just get a cloth. You...

There we go. There's
no harm done, I'm sure.

Oh, I am sorry. Uh.

I've, uh... I've made
a fool of myself.

Going after Whitefury won't...

bring Evelyn back.

Mr. Carney...

don't pay attention to
what the press is saying.


I'll try. I, uh...

I am sorry. [CLOSES SNAPS]

Forgive me.

No, don't bother, I'll,
uh... I'll see myself out.

If my husband or I
can ever help you...

Thank you.

I hope next time we meet
under happier circumstances.

Happier for me, anyway.



You realize, Jonathan,

I'm only doing this
to oblige your wife.

The lieutenant will
be happy to hear it.

One word to that
flatfoot, and the deal is off.

I have not lived my life
by running to the police

every time there was
some little bizarre incident.

Quite the contrary on more
than one occasion, I'm afraid.


You're a bit
reckless, aren't you?

What do you mean?

Wearing that coat around
is taking quite a chance.

Oh. Come on, Jonathan.

You don't believe
all that malarkey

about the Whitefury
K*llers, do you?

Who on earth would
k*ll for this coat?


You're right.

It's not the coat he wants.

He left Evelyn's
behind with the body.

My point exactly.

Nobody ever kills
anybody for Dynel.

Not even classy Dynel.

Now, loot. Real loot...

Money. Now, that's a
motive I can understand

and sympathize with.




How are they doing?

She is brutal.

All he's got left are
his Mantovani records

and his mother's
recipe for strudel.

LAURA: Gin, baby.

Gin, gin, gin, gin. Hm?

Mm. Let me see.

At a dollar a point,
you now owe me...

$785 so far.

Plus my Mantovani records.

Plus your mother's
recipe for strudel.

Okay, lamb chop, how
about another game?

You got a great
sense of humor, kid.

Listen, you two.
We're going to bed.

So if there's anything
else you need, Laura...

Oh, well, come on, group.

How about a... midnight swim?

Uh, it's a little late for me.

Uh, me too.

Oh, well, it's perfect.

The semi-tropical moon

shining over the water.

The smog-filled air.

Come on.

Max, baby. You coming?

You get wet, I'll
get you a nightcap.

If there's one thing I love,

it's a really good loser.



Max. Oh, Max, darling.

A midnight snack.

How delightful.

Hey. That's some
nice terrycloth.

Mm. You like it? They
say it's wash and wear.

I'm testing it for
Consumer's Guide.

See you in a jiff.





Perfect nightcap.

Ah. And they said
it wouldn't last.

Who said it wouldn't last?

Your Aunt Alice
said it wouldn't last.

She did?

Yes. She took one
look at me and said,

"I give it six months." [LAUGHS]

And what did you say?

I said, "Aunt Alice,
that's what you said

about rock 'n' roll."


Good old Aunt Alice.

She never did have
a sense of rhythm.


Oh, Max. Max, darling.

Don't tell me you've decided to

get your feet wet at la...


LAURA: No. No!


What was that?

I don't know.

Hey, Max, did you hear

No. What was it?

Where's Laura?

The pool.




The maintenance men are
checking the security system.

I just don't understand
why it didn't work.

Poor Laura.

Darling, think
back to yesterday.

Did you really consider
that Evelyn Carney's m*rder

had anything to do with
the Whitefury campaign?

No, not really.

None of us did.

But that was yesterday.


Maybe it's time I pulled out.


Mr. Hart. I don't know
why you're so upset.

The... There's really no
need for all this energy.

Maybe you don't read
the papers, Mr. Wallace.

I explained to the
police yesterday.

That was yesterday.
This is today.

Laura Bancroft is dead.

That makes two.

You tell me the connection.

I'm not an unfeeling
man, Mr. Hart.

But a coincidence is,
after all, a coincidence.

Surely you appreciate
our position, Mrs. Hart.

Our contract...

I go along with my
husband, Mr. Wallace.

But surely... You
have a paper shredder?

Why, yes.

Let me give you a list of what's

gonna be in it by the
time we leave this office.

I have no authority...

I'm your authority
on this, Mr. Wallace.

I want every document

connecting my wife
with Whitefury destroyed.


Understand that?

You have my word.

There won't be
any evidence left.

I'm counting on it.

Come on, darling.


I love it when you're forceful.

He said coincidence
once too often.

Wait till he tangles
with Michael Carney.


He's obsessed with the
idea that his wife's m*rder

had something to do with
the Whitefury campaign.

How do you know this?

I forgot to tell you.

He came over
yesterday afternoon.

He wanted to compare contracts.

Sounds like he's taking
this Whitefury k*ller

seriously from the start.

And it's beginning
to look like he's right.

Maybe we'd better talk to him.



Do you know when
Mr. Carney will be back?

Well, I... I really can't tell.

Are you friends of the Carneys?

Well, uh, socially, I'd say.

Uh, we just dropped
by to say hello. Oh.

Isn't it terrible? It's
on the news at night,

and the police, why,
they even questioned me.

What for?

OH, they were checking
Mr. Carney's alibi.

Can you imagine?

Well, it's usually routine.

Could you remember?

Oh, of course.

You see, he was in his
office dictating all morning.

Well, I remembered exactly

because it was 9:30
when he came out.

He said, "Jana, it's 9:30,

"and I'm going to be in there

"for the next few
hours dictating,

and I don't want to be
disturbed for anything."

Was that usual for him?

Mm, yes and no.

But it was urgent dictation.

Well, here it is.

additional expense this system will involve

is substantially greater than
original estimates. [CHIMING]

However, as per our
conversation on the 15th...

in his office all morning.

Oh, I heard him
through the door.

Oh. Just... If you'll excuse me.

I... I have to get this
to Repro before 1.

You can wait here
for Mr. Carney.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you very much.


Are you in for something
a little unethical?



What are we supposed
to be looking for?

I wish I knew.


What is it?


A way out.

False alarm?




Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.

Look, just punch it up.

What do you mean, "libel"?

What's a "libel"?


Just get someone to say it.

Yeah, an unidentified source.

Jennifer Hart?

Jennifer Hart.


Hey, Harry!

I just got our headline story!


JONATHAN: I'll try to get in
touch with Carney again tonight.

There's a few questions
I'd like to ask him.

I don't get it.

First, we find an
office that has a door

that leads to another door,

that leads to the street.

That leads to the house
that Carney built. Maybe.

Good afternoon, Mr. Carney.

Hello, Jana. Any messages?

Yes. And Mr. and Mrs.
Jonathan Hart stopped by.

You just missed them.

What did they want?

They said they were
friends of your wife.


Is something wrong?

No, no. Nothing.
Um... thank you.

JENNIFER: Max, we're home!



What a great smell.
That is beautiful.


Smells like Italian night
at the Palazzo Hart, hm?

Ooh. Taste that.


Che buon gusto.

Grazie mille.

I hate to ruin your appetite,

but Lieutenant Grey
called and left a message.

Mrs. H has to lie low.

What does that mean?

Meaning no phone calls,
no leaving the house,

and particularly,
no midnight swims.

The lieutenant is worried that
you might be number three,

seeing that you're the
only Whitefury lady left.


I wish you'd found another
way of putting it, Max.

Sorry. No offense, Mrs. H.

Lieutenant Grey said we should

watch the newsbreak
on Channel 7.

the cover of the next issue.

Larry Merkin, the editor

of the Hollywood Tattler,

refused to disclose the
source of his information,

however, he did say that the
photograph of Jennifer Hart,

the wife of the
wealthy industrialist,

was personally delivered
to the Tattler office.

Merkin said the picture,
which was to have been next

in the famous series of
advertisements for Whitefury,

but was withdrawn at
Mr. Hart's insistence,

will appear on the
cover of the next issue

of his controversial
gossip weekly.

That rag will print anything,

even death warrants.

Excuse me. No offense, Mrs. H.

I wonder if that
Wallace character

could have leaked that.



I think I'll pay that
Mr. Merkin a visit

and see if I can jar
his memory loose

on who the delivery boy was.

Can I go with you?

No, darling. I think
the lieutenant was right.

What is this? House arrest?

No. Well, let's just call it

home sweet hideaway.

I'll see you.

MAX: Don't worry, Mr. H.

I'll hold the fort.






JENNIFER: What should we watch?

Ah, The Monster
That Ate Manhattan.

But that's almost half over.

Half over, huh?

Four million down,
four million to go.

How about a game show?

The $10,000 Jackpot,
The $64,000 Triangle

or The $99,000 Jumble?

Why don't we watch
something we can afford.

Oh, here's one.

The Bells of St. Mary. I
haven't seen that in years.

Bing and Ingrid...

as we knew and loved them.


JENNIFER: Ah, the bells.

The bells?

The bells of St. Mary.

The alibi.


The tape in Carney's office.

In the background you could hear

the bells from the
university toll twice.

Two o'clock. Get it?


Carney was supposed to be
dictating from 9:50 to 11:00.

What he was really doing
was playing back a tape

he'd done on another day.

You mean, Carney's the k*ller?

I think it's time we
came out of hiding.

You go get the station
wagon. I'm gonna call Mr. H

and have him meet us
at police headquarters.

Uh, may I please have
the telephone number

of the Hollywood Tattler?


I'm sorry, Mr. Hart,

but I have certain
standards to uphold.

I cannot reveal my
sources to you or to anyone.

The Hollywood Tattler is
the pipeline of the free press.

Mr. Merkin...

I'm going to give
you one more chance.


Mr. Hart, I'm aware that
you're a very wealthy man,

but I will not
compromise my integrity

as a journalist, uh,
by accepting bribes.

I'm not trying to bribe you.

A threat then, Mr. Hart?

That's even more unprincipled.

I wouldn't talk about
principles, Mr. Merkin.

Or standards.

Or integrity.

The Hollywood Tattler
is the kind of pipeline

that gives sewers a bad name.

Now, just a minute.

No, not a minute.

Not even 30 seconds.

Now, you tell me right now

who gave you the
picture of my wife,

or the Hollywood Tattler's
gonna have a front-page story

of an editor who choked
on the First Amendment.

It was delivered
anonymously. I swear. Honest.

It's right over there. Get it.

Get it!



It's for you.


Darling? JONATHAN:
Oh, hi, darling.

Darling... I figured
the whole thing out.

The m*rder*r has
to be Michael Carney.

I was watching
The Bells of St. Mary

and the most ridiculous
thing happened to me.









I hope you don't
mind, Mrs. Hart.

I... let myself in.

And if I did mind?

Believe me, it...
won't happen again.


Uh, you're gonna... k*ll me?

Well, what can I say?

I, uh... made some
bad investments. Um...

My wife was a
great philanthropist,

but she... didn't believe in
giving handouts at home,

so she forced me
to... help myself.

I'm sure you had a
very good reason.

Well, what about Laura?

Ms. Bancroft had to die to
get the police off my back.

You used her?

You k*lled her as
a... smokescreen?

Exactly. To...
establish a pattern.

I mean, look, if no one
had ever heard of Whitefury,

and... Evelyn Carney
was m*rder*d,

who would be the
most likely suspect, hm?

But if a coat was found on her,

and then Laura Bancroft,
the next Whitefury original,

was also k*lled...

Then nobody thinks
it's Evelyn's husband.


And now, unfortunately,
the Whitefury k*ller

is going to have
to... strike again.


You shouldn't have
left the front gate open.

It could be anyone. It
could be the police, even.




I warn you.

I won't hesitate to k*ll him.

Answer it.

Who is it?

Uh, Mrs. Hart?
This is the Whitefury.

I'm, uh, bringing
you your gift coat.

Would you sign for it, please?







Are you all right? Yeah.

You call the police,
I'll try to head them off.





Mrs. Hart, could you
sign for the coat now?


I'd sure like to go home now.



JENNIFER: In here.


What's that?

Oh. Not another
coat from Whitefury.

No, this is from Mr. Wallace.

Uh... it's compliments
of the agency.

Well... it's not fur.

No, no fur.

It's just a respectable,
plain, ordinary cloth coat.

Yeah, it's very nice.

Should I try it on?


Oh. How pretty.

Well... now we
can paint the town.

Or we could stay home.


Yes, and prove
Aunt Alice wrong...

once again.

Find me a hanger.
