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03x20 - Hart, Line, and Sinker

Posted: 03/05/24 10:49
by bunniefuu
my boss, Jonathan Hart,

a self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous.

She's one lady who knows
how to take care of herself.

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of both of
them, which ain't easy,

'cause when they
met, it was m*rder.



JENNIFER: Finished packing, Max?

MAX: Almost.

Whatever you do,
don't forget this.

This is one of
Mr. H's favorites.

It is? I don't remember that.

Hold it up.

I don't think it's me.

JONATHAN: Anybody home?

In here, darling.


Oh, that's cute, Max. Very cute.

But, uh, I don't think it's you.

Go on, Freeway. [CLICKS TONGUE]

Well, we're all set.
We leave tomorrow.

Are we going to the cabin?

Yeah, is that all
right with you?


The cabin?

You mean, you're not going

to the south of
France or somewhere?

You ain't been to that
cabin in a long time.

It might need sprucing up.

Don't worry. I called
Danny this morning.


Oh, yeah. The kid.

Yeah, he'll have
everything set today.

Deer Lake. Let's
see, that's about a...

four-sandwich drive.

I'd better get busy.

Oh. I'd better get my woollies

out of the mothballs.

Hey, darling. Hm?

You're not
disappointed, are you?

Are you kidding? I'm delighted.

Yeah, we can slip
off into the woods,

back to nature.

can go fishing, hiking,

swimming in a cold lake.

And at night we can rub
a couple of sticks together

and sit by the cozy
fire and, uh... voilà.

You know what I mean?
Ooh. I like that part.

You do? Yeah.





Mm. Beautiful, isn't it?

Mmm. Gorgeous.

Yeah. [SNIFFS]

Smell that air.

Mmm. Tsk.

It's absolutely amazing

this place hasn't
been developed.

Well, the government
owns most of the land.

Remember when I inquired
about buying a few acres?

Oh, yeah. The animal sanctuary.


I guess they think they can

take care of...
our furry friends

better than we can.


Maybe we should have
Freeway write his congressman.


Oh. It's gonna be dark soon.

We'd better get going.

Ah. I won't let the
grizzlies get you.

I like the grizzlies.

You're the one who
always locks the cabin door.

I have my reasons, you know?

Oh, yeah?


Come on.



Why do you think Hamlin stopped?

Maybe he's gonna try and
get romantic with Karen.

That's not funny, Christy.

Well, if you hadn't had
that stupid fight with Karen

on the dance floor,

you'd be taking her
home now instead of me.

But why did she
have to hitch a ride

with a guy like Roy Hamlin?

I don't trust him.

Karen, I know it's late,

but this won't take
but a minute, okay?

Okay, Mr. Hamlin. But I
have a few tests tomorrow.

Oh, listen, I'll take you
home right after that.

And you don't have
to call me Mr. Hamlin.

My name's Roy.

Okay, Roy.


Hey, look, Hamlin's getting out.


It's about time.

Have any trouble?

Not when they're paying for
something they want real bad.

Did you get it? Did I.

Take a look at that.


We got it made.

Nobody knows but us.

Nobody can even find out.



I'm gonna talk to Karen.

Danny, I think you should
calm down a little first.

You wait here.


Just stay out of this, Christy.



Mr. Hamlin. Listen, I...

I thought I told you
to stay in the car.

But I really have to get home.

What's she doing here?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to r... Interrupt anything.

I sure am sorry
you had to see this.


MAN: She's dead.

Why'd you hit her so hard, Bud?




We're never gonna
find him out here.

What we gonna do now, Bud?

First thing we gotta
do is get rid of her.

Bud, you sure got us
in a hell of a mess now.

Oh, shut up.

Listen, that kid can put a
noose around our necks.



I think it's gonna be the
other way around, Roy.

I think we're gonna
put that noose right back

around the kid's neck.





Mmm. Mm?

What a meal.

Thank you.

And how about the dessert?

Oh, it was the best.


Really, it was the
very, very best.


You know what I
wanna do tomorrow?


I'm gonna catch you the
biggest trout you ever saw.


Sounds delicious.


I hate to admit this...

but I think I'm falling asleep.

Well, you go right ahead.

I've already put the bear
out and locked the door.


Out with the trout.




Did you hear that?


There's somebody out there.


Well, aren't you
gonna do anything?


Maybe it's a raccoon.



Well, if it is, he
has his own key.




What happened?

Come on, get up.

[GRUNTS] I'm sorry, Mr. Hart.

All right, just take it easy. I
didn't know where else to go.

Sit down on the couch.


Please don't turn me in.


I didn't do anything.

Turn you in?

What are you talking
about, "turn you in"?

Danny, did you have an accident?

No, it wasn't an accident.

I don't know, it...

Look at that ankle.

I didn't do anything.

I'll call Dr. Jensen.

I'll get some ice.

I didn't do anything.
And they're after me.


I didn't touch her.

Touch who?

All right, hold it.

Now, you folks just
stay right where you are.

Officer, uh, this boy's
ankle's in bad shape.

I'm calling a doctor.

Yeah. A banged-up ankle's

the least of his
worries, mister.


That's him, all right.

Get him to my car.

Would you mind telling us

what's happening around here?

m*rder, my friend.

We've been looking
for Danny for hours.

He k*lled a girl.





Well, this is a surprise.

I thought you folks
would be taking advantage

of this beautiful
fishing weather.

on the agenda, chief.

On the agenda. [CHUCKLES]

Well, what can I
do for you folks?

Oh, we just thought we'd
come by and say hello to Danny.

Well, that's mighty
nice of you, Ms. Hart,

considering all the
trouble he put you to.

He always was a
wild kid, you know?

Really? He's been taking care

of our cabin for three years.

I've never noticed
that. Have you?

No. As a matter of fact,

he's been extremely
dependable with us.

Well... who knows
about kids nowadays?

But he did k*ll that girl.

That much I do know.

What makes you so sure?

Well, he was running awful fast

for somebody who
hadn't done nothing.

Well... that doesn't
make him a k*ller.

No, sir, it doesn't.

This might, though.

Found this in the
dead girl's hand.

"To Danny, love Karen."

That's right.

Maybe he gave it back to her.

That still doesn't
make him a m*rder*r.

No, sir, it doesn't.

But I've got an eyewitness

who says he did it.

Saw him running out of the room.

A witness? Yes, ma'am.

Roy Hamlin. He's the, uh...

federal land surveyor up here.

He was driving
past, heard a scream,

drove up to investigate,

and that's when he saw
the boy run out of the room.


Maybe we better talk to Danny.

Oh, I'm sorry. He is
awful scratched up,

and, uh, I had the
doc give him something

for his broken ankle.

Kinda put him under.

[SCOFFS] Broken?

Yes, ma'am. He must've
taken a bad fall last night.

Darling... why
don't we come back

and see Danny later?


Yeah, I think
that's a good idea.

Maybe he'll be up
to seein' you then.

Uh, you be sure to
tell him we stopped by.

I sure will.

Thanks for your concern.

Ah. Bye-bye.

Bye now.



Danny's ankle didn't
look broken to me.

And those cuts seemed
pretty superficial.

I have a feeling they're

never gonna let us see him.

You know, something's
beginning to smell

very rotten in this town,

and it's not the fish.

Let's have a little
talk with Sam.


Hey, Sam.

Well, as I live and breathe.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart.

You folks should come
up here more often.

I, uh, forget what
you look like.

Heh-heh. How are
the fish biting, Sam?

Same as usual. Listen, I have

some fantastic
new baits for you.

Made 'em myself.

What is this?


All natural. Pistachio,
honey and cheese.

Cannot miss.

Actually, Sam, we wanted to

talk to you about last night.

You heard what happened?

Yeah. Bad news travels fast.

Did you know the girl?

Not too well.

Oh. She was a
pretty little thing.

She was a student at
one of the local colleges.

Did you ever see her
around here with anyone?


No, she kept... to
herself pretty much.

Uh... excuse me, miss.

By any chance,
did you know the girl

that was k*lled last night?

You're about her age.

No, no. I hardly
knew her at all.



Excuse me. I'm... I'm
sorry to be so clumsy.


Oh, are you all right, Christy?

I don't feel very
well, Mr. Owens.

That's all right. I understand.

Why don't you go take
a coffee break now?

Thank you.

Something bothering
Christy, Sam?

Just upset. You know
how young girls are.

You were the one that
introduced us to Danny.

You have any idea...?
I'm afraid not, Mr. Hart.

Listen... I want you to
take these salmon eggs.

They got no
preservatives in 'em.

And I suggest you
go up to Painted Rock.

They tell me the trout
are really jumpin' up there.


I'll be up at your cabin
around lunchtime...

and we can talk.

Oh, I can taste
those trout now, Sam.

[SIGHS] Thanks for your advice.

Oh, it's my pleasure.
You have a good vacation.

Oh. Thanks again. [CHUCKLES]

Goodbye, you two.


Never much
appreciated weekenders.

Especially nosy ones.


Oh, that one ought
to be big enough.


Oh, darling,

how do you want
your trout cooked?

Amandine or meunière?

Well, uh... actually...

I didn't catch any trout.

You didn't?

What did you catch?

Well, it's, uh...
It's more like tuna.



Freshwater tuna?

Well, you know where the
stream splits from the road?


Well, I followed the road in
to Amber's Market and, um...

got some... tuna.

Well, don't worry
about it, darling.

You make up for it
in other areas. Oh.

I know what. I'll
make a salade niçoise.


Hey, that must be Sam.

Hi, Christy.


Where's Sam?

He sent me to tell you
that he couldn't make it.

Hi, Christy.

Sam couldn't make it.


He said that there's
nothing to talk about.

Is that all he said?


Do you mind if I ask
you a couple questions?

You know Danny.

Do you think he did it?

Will you leave me alone?

You people come up here a
few weeks a year for vacation.

I have to stay
here all the time.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

But if you ever do want
to talk, we're here. Hm?


Uh, Christy.

What was the name of the man

that was in the store
today when we were there?

What man? I-I-I don't... I
don't even know him. Heh.

Like you said,
it's a small town.

We're bound to find
out sooner or later.


Roy Hamlin.

What difference does it make?

Can I go now?


Thanks a lot.

Drive carefully.

Roy Hamlin. Hmm.

The state's star witness.

Funny coincidence.

Maybe we should
pay Mr. Hamlin a visit.

Have a little chat.


Here they come. Give 'em
a little run for their money.

Happy to oblige. I'll
run 'em right outta town.




Hey, that guy must be crazy.

Here he comes again!




Let's see how he
can drive in the dirt.



He didn't make it.


I think the fish
just started to bite.


That pickup was reported stolen.

I figure some kids got tanked up

and decided to play
chicken with you folks.

Heh-heh. Happens
all the time out here.

Too bad they got away.

There was only one
person in the truck.


Well, I don't know
what to tell you, Mr. Hart.

Um... some nut maybe.

[CHUCKLES] Who knows?

It's, uh... Sorry about
your, uh, rig, though.

Doesn't look like
it's gonna go very far.

It certainly doesn't.

Oh, I... Heh.

I hope this doesn't mean

you folks are gonna
cut your vacation short.

Certainly doesn't.

Does it, darling?

Not a chance.


Well, if there's anything
more I can do for you folks,

please don't hesitate to holler.

Looks like we're going to, um,

have to rent a car.

Oh, I'm sorry.

There's not a rental car place

in Deer Lake, you know.

Well, then, we'll have to

get it someplace else.



Hey, um... can I talk
to you for a second?


I was just wondering.

Who do you call if the
tow truck breaks down?

I hope we don't find out.

Darling, this isn't the
way back to the cabin.

Yeah. I thought we'd get back

on the track of
our star witness.





aren't they surveying
on federal land?

Draxton must have some
connections in high places.

Maybe we'd better get friendly
with our local land surveyor.

Mr. Hamlin. Jonathan Hart.

This is my wife, Jennifer.

Your office said
we'd find you up here.

Oh, I'm afraid you folks are
catching me at a bad time.

Why don't you set up an
appointment with my secretary

for later in the week.

Oh, that's an awfully
bad bruise you have.

Oh, it's nothing.

I just ran into a
low-hanging branch.

Ah. You'd better be careful

what you run into in the future.

Yeah. Yeah. Heh.

That's right.

Say, you're the man that
found that poor girl's body,

aren't you?

Look, I don't wanna
seem to be rude,

but my time's very valuable.

Imagine that.

Actually seeing the k*ller

running from the
scene of the crime. Hm?

It's amazing.

It's an awfully
good thing you did.

Otherwise, there would be a
m*rder*r running around loose.

Look, folks, I've
got work to do here.

I hate to be direct,
but what do you want?

Uh, your good
friend, Chief Williams,

suggested that if one was

looking for some land up here...

he'd consider talking with you.

You being the, uh,
federal land surveyor.

There's no more private
property for sale around here.

Hasn't been for over a year.

Look, Mr. Hart,

I don't know what your game is,

but I want you outta
here... right now.



Well, I guess... that's direct.

You're trespassing, Mr. Hart.

We wouldn't wanna take up

any more of Mr. Hamlin's
valuable time, hm?


He was acting a little
defensive, don't you think?


do you think they
could be fiddling

with those boundary lines?

Well, it wouldn't
be too difficult

if the price was right.

Well, anyway, we're looking

for a m*rder*r, not a crook.

Maybe we're looking for both.

What do you mean?

That is a pretty
nasty bruise he's got.

I wonder what kind
of a driver he is.

Let's go talk to Danny.

Chief Williams
won't let us near him.


then we'll have to call
in the reinforcements.





Darling, do bears knock?

Uh, this one does.


MAX: Mr. and Mrs. H?

The reinforcements
have arrived. [SIGHS]

Come on in, Max.


Well, I always
wanted to take a peek

at your little hideaway here.

Where did you catch those?

At a place called Painted Rock.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Aren't they, darling?

Uh, I'll just put
them over here.

where they're biting.

Painted Rock.

What did you use for

A touch of my
engaging personality,

plus a $10 bill.

I bought them from
a couple of kids

who were reeling
them in up there.

Reeling them in, huh?

MAX: I also bummed
a lift from those kids

so nobody would
see me coming here.

I'm glad you called me,

because I was getting
lonely for you two.

Well... what do you
want me to do first?

First, Max, um...

we want you to
have one too many.

Oh, that routine.

MAX: Okay.

Bottoms up.



♪ He's the boogie-woogie
Bugle boy of Company B ♪

How many has he had?

Four, Your Honor.

Well, that's what I figured.

Let's just lock him up
and let him sleep it off.

Free lodgings for the evening?

How kind of you, commissioner.

All aboard!

♪ He's the boogie-woogie
Bugle boy of Company B ♪

Catchy tune, huh?



Let's see what we can
do to get you outta here.

Who are you?

A friend. Now, listen, kid.

Level with me.

What really happened?


Roy Hamlin was
driving Karen home.

I followed them to
that old deserted store.

She went inside, and
the next thing I knew,

she was screaming.

When I went in,

Chief Williams was
standing over her.

They k*lled her.

Yeah, but it's your
word against theirs.

And in this town,
that ain't promising.

DANNY: Not just my word.

There was somebody else

up there with me in the van.

She saw what happened.



I gotta talk to you.

It's important.

Uh, Lou? Mm?

Why don't you take a break?

Oh. Sounds good to me, chief.

What's so important?

Bud, the kid had someone else

up there at the store with him.

She saw us.

What are you talking about? Who?

I don't know.

I just overheard him talking
to some guy back there.

The kid said he brought someone

up to the store with him.


Lou! Lou, get in here!

Hi, admiral.


What's this man doing in here?

Oh, he's just some drunk.

Well, don't put him in
with a m*rder suspect.

Take him in the next room
and keep an eye on him.

Here you go. Here you go.

Sorry, sweet stuff,

but my dance card is all filled.

[QUIETLY] No, I don't wanna.

BUD: Give me the keys.

All aboard!

Your arraignment's tomorrow.



Who is that guy?

I saw him down by
the lake buying fish.

He looked familiar to
me, so I checked him out.

He works for those Hart people.

The Harts!

Listen. If they find
out what he knows...

Bud, we've gotta get outta
here before it's too late.

Now, look, we can get across
the border into Canada...

You listen to me, Roy!

You get hold of yourself.

Nerves can be a fatal disease.

You know what I'm saying?

All right. That's better.

Now, it's gonna be
business as usual.

You got that?

Yeah. I got it.



We got us a little problem,

but I'm gonna handle it.


Everything's gonna be all right.

I can feel it in my gut.



How you doing?

I don't think there's
any fish in this lake at all.

Ah, ha-ha. Don't worry.

You'll catch something
before we leave.

Mm. The only thing
I'd bet on is a cold.

Or maybe a k*ller?

I'd settle for that. Sip?

Ah, thanks.

It's really too bad
about this place, isn't it?

It used to be such a nice,
relaxing place to come.

Well, I don't think we'll relax

until Max is safely out of jail.

By the way, didn't they say

we could post bail around 9:00?

Yeah, they did. What time is it?


Post time.


What the hell?



I gotta change a flat.

You might as well
get out and stretch.

It's gonna be a while.

Stand over there where I
can keep an eye on you.



Stop or I'll sh**t!


This is Chief Williams, over.


Lou, the boy just
escaped from me.

And he took my g*n. He should be

considered armed and dangerous.

I want everybody
out looking for him.

If you have to... sh**t to k*ll.



You think they believed us?

You mean the part about
taking a drunk home for dinner?

No, the part about
Max guaranteeing

he's never gonna do it again.

Hey, this isn't gonna go
down on my license, is it?

Max, what did you
find out in there?

Plenty. But I got bad
news for you, Mr. H.

Danny's escaped. Escaped?

Yeah. I heard 'em
talking about it in there.

What happened?

All I know is, they took
him out for arraignment,

and he escaped.

That sounds a little too
convenient, doesn't it?

And that isn't all.

According to Danny,

Chief Williams and a
guy named Roy Hamlin

k*lled the girl.


No wonder Hamlin was so
rattled when I mentioned his name.

And here's the clincher:

Danny told me a
girl named Christy

was up there with him.

She works in the
general store there.

So she did know something.

Yeah, she saw the whole thing.

We'd better get to
her before they do.



Danny, what are you doing here?

Christy, you gotta
help me. Can I come in?

[PANTING] Christy, please.

Fine. Yes.

Anyone else home?

No. Danny, how did you get out?

I was lucky.

Where are you going?

I don't know. I... I just...

Just anywhere. I...

Danny, if Chief Williams
finds out that I was there,

he's gonna k*ll me
like he k*lled Karen.

Christy, if you know that,

why didn't you tell someone?

Tell somebody?


Williams runs this town. He...

I am sorry, Danny. I just
have to get out of here.

Okay. Okay. Can you
help me out of these?


Yeah. Yes, fine.

I've got some
tools in the closet.




Christy... this is
Jonathan Hart.

We need your help.

I don't know what you're
talking about, Mr. Hart.

We know that you were with
Danny when Karen was k*lled.

Who told you that? [WHISPERING]
Christy, he can help us.

[WHISPERS] Danny, I'm scared.

Christy, this is my only hope.

JONATHAN: Are you still there?


All right, Mr. Hart, what
do you want me to do?

Danny's escaped, and
I think he's being set up.

Danny's here with me right now.

Danny's with her.

All right, get out
of there right away

and meet us at our cabin.

Okay, Mr. Hart. At your cabin.

We're in town. We'll be
there in about 10 minutes.

Fine, then. Ten minutes.



Let's not keep
the Harts waiting.

Shall we?



Danny. Oh, Christy. I'm
so glad that you could...

Good afternoon, Mr. Hart.

[COCKS g*n] Ms. Hart.

Now, why aren't I
surprised to see you, chief?

Because you knew we had
a few loose ends to tie up.

We might as well start with you.

Come on.

Let's go.

All right, let's get
up against that rail.

I'm sorry, Mr. Hart.

Don't worry, Danny.

It wasn't your fault.

Shame you folks
couldn't leave it alone.


I hope you're not
too uncomfortable.

We do pride ourselves on
our hospitality, you know.

Tsk. Yes, well... you
certainly have a way

of making people feel welcome.


What's so important to you

that's worth k*lling all of us?

Half a million dollars.

And that's just the beginning.

Once Draxton builds that
resort, the sky is the limit.

What are you gonna do to us?

Me? Heh.


That kid's crazy
though. [GAS HISSING]

k*lled his girl in
a jealous rage...

broke in here,
tied you all up...

stole your money.


Then he... blew this
house to kingdom come.


You're the one who's crazy.

You folks have a nice flight.


Any luck?

JENNIFER: He did a good job.



What are you doing?


JONATHAN: I'm gonna... try...

and hook something.





[GROANS] Almost.




Got it. Huh.

It's all in the wrist.



Darling... [COUGHING]

JONATHAN: Help me.


See if you can grab the bag.



Can you open the flap up?

Wait a minute. Okay. Yes, um...





JONATHAN: Oh, okay.










You all right? Uh-huh.

That was close.

Come on. Let's get to a phone.



BUD: Get ready to join the
Harts and your girlfriend, Danny.


ROY: It's the Harts.













Well, we hooked him.

You see, darling...

I told you you'd
catch something.

Uh-huh. [CHUCKLES]


delicious when they're burnt.

MAX: Um, I don't know.

JONATHAN: Oh. Weren't
you ever a Boy Scout?

MAX: Nah.


It's hot.

Blow on it. Hah.

[BLOWS] That's it.

What do I do now?

Well, you just pop
it in your mouth.

It's delicious.

Well, I like my steak charred.

Why not?



Not bad.

Not as good as
steak, but not bad.


You said a mouthful.

Now, isn't this cozy?

Mm. Yeah.

This is my kind of camping.


Come on, Freeway.
Let's go to bed.


Oh. Love it.


