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03x22 - The Harts Strike Out

Posted: 03/05/24 10:51
by bunniefuu
my boss, Jonathan Hart,

a self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous.

She's one lady who knows
how to take care of herself.

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of both of them,

which ain't easy,

'cause when they
met, it was m*rder.



MAN [OVER RADIO]: 3 and 1.

The Dodgers came
within inches of winning

this ball game in
the bottom of the 9th

with a spectacular sliding
catch... by Lonnie Smith,

with two on and
two out, on a fly ball

down the right field
line by Reggie Smith,

kept the Phillies in it.

The 3-1 pitch to Monday.

A drive to right field! Back
goes Smith, to the track,

to the wall. Monday's hit
it out and the Dodgers win!


JENNIFER: We won! Aww.

Ohh... Am I
getting to first base?


Second base?



Third base?

[LAUGHS] Uh-huh.

Home run.

Yeah? Mm.

Darling. Hm?


Please... just don't send

nine players up to the plate.





This better be important.



Oh, hi, Stanley.

Uh, why you calling so late?

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.


Yeah, okay, Stanley. I'll,
uh... I'll talk to you tomorrow.


What happened?

You know Jack
Fulton at the office?


Well, he passed away.

Had a heart att*ck.

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.


This is Bill Westfield,
one of my attorneys.

This is Mrs. Fulton.

How do you do? Hi.

This is Jack's sister, Dorothy.

How do you do?

Jack's son, Jess. Hi, Jess.

How you doing, Jess?

I'm okay.

Hello, Jennifer.

I've asked Bill to
oversee everything.

Uh, before we begin,

I'd just like to say
one thing, that, uh...

my relationship with
Jack was much more

than an executive
here at the company.

You know that. I mean,

you know that he was my friend.

And Jennifer and I
would just like to extend

our deepest
sympathies to all of you.

Thank you.

Please, uh, sit.

I'll try to make this as brief
as possible, Mrs. Fulton.

Uh, some years ago,
uh, Jack made Jonathan

the sole executor of his estate.

So, on Jonathan's
behalf, I'll read the will.

"I, Jack Fulton, hereby bequeath

"all my worldly possessions
to my wife, Valerie.

"This includes my life
insurance, my stock and bonds,

"and cash on hand.

"I leave the care and
trust of my son Jess to her,

"and," uh, "know, she
will wisely use this money

"for his upbringing
and education,

"as well as for her own support.

"In addition, I wish to leave
a little keepsake to my son.

"I pass on my old collection
of baseball cards to Jess.

"I collected them
when I was a boy.

"They're my fondest
memories of childhood.

I set my hand this
day, June 4th, 1975.

Jack Fulton."

Uh, his sister wasn't
included in the bequest?

Well, I'm sorry, that's...
That's all there is.

Well, Mr. Westfield,

there... must be some
way for me to give

some of the stocks to Dorothy,

if I so choose.

JONATHAN: Valerie...
there are no stocks...

and there are no bonds.

Wh... what?

Mr. Hart, what about insurance
for Valerie and the boy?

Now, J... Jonathan,
what is all of this about?

My husband was
your vice president.

He and I live very nicely.

And as concerned as
Jack was about this firm,

he wasn't that concerned
about his own business.

I tried to convince him
to buy some blue chips

and some T-bills, but he just
wouldn't listen to me, Valerie.

I... I don't understand.

Look, we were never in debt.

There was always
plenty of cash on hand.

That's because he borrowed
on the insurance policies.


Look, Jonathan, I-I don't
mean to seem maudlin,

but his was no pauper's funeral.

Mr. Hart.

Where did the money
for the funeral come from?


Oh, Jonathan.

Thank you.

Uh, would you just
excuse me for just a minute.

Uh, D-Dorothy.

Are you gonna be staying
in town a few more days?

Yeah, sure. Good.

Staying with you
and Jess will help.


my brother was to be
the success in our family.

My father gave him
the best education.

He wanted him to
have every chance.

To leave you and
the boy penniless...

it's just such a waste.


Rex. The wife got
stuck with a mortgage

and the kid got a pile
of bubble-gum cards.

That's all there was.

Yeah, no. I know.

All those years I did without.

For his education...
for his trips abroad.

And, uh... I got nothing back.

[SCOFFS] I wasn't
even in the will.

Yeah, well...

if you ordered champagne
from room service...

cancel it.


May he rest in peace.

JESS: So, Mr. Hart, how
long have you had that glove?

Why don't you try,
uh, "Uncle Jonathan?"

All right. Uncle
Jonathan, how long?

Well, this glove, see,

was modeled after an
old Joe DiMaggio glove.

Does that give you an idea?

Joe DiMaggio. Doesn't he
do coffeepot commercials?

That's the man.

Okay, here's a
grounder to short.

Fly it over here to
first and we'll get him.

He's out.

Listen, it's a little
late, don't you think?

Why don't we head
back for lunch? Okay?

Okay. I enjoyed that.


Ah. You two major
leaguers have a good catch?

Well, he's a major leaguer.

I need another season
in Albuquerque, I think.


Would you mind if I took
him out to have some lunch?

Oh, no. That would be wonderful.

Good. Come on, Jess.

I'll take you out and
we'll get a bite to eat.

I'm not too hungry.

Oh, I'll tell you what.
Let's take a look

at that collection of
cards your father left you.

I really don't feel like it.

You know, when I was a kid,

I collected cards
just like those.

I'd love to see them.

All right.

Here's the closet.

This must be it.

Well, let's have a look.

[GRUNTS] Boy, it's kinda heavy.


Hey, there must be
10,000 cards in there.

So what?

Well, let's see
what you got here.

Look at this.

Hey... Ted Williams.

Yogi Berra.

Willie Mays.

One of the all-time greats.



Old-timers, huh?

Well, I don't have
any use for 'em.

Mom wants 'em thrown out.

Why don't we just
take it downstairs

and leave it for
the garbage man.

Well, Jess, they're yours.

I mean, you can do with
them what you want, but, uh...

how about giving an
old-timer a chance to look at

some of his childhood
heroes, okay?

Before you do that?

All right.


That's, um... Ted Williams.


Well... I better get going.

Your favorite nephew's in
my bedroom with Jonathan.

Don't leave without
saying goodbye.

Okay. I wouldn't dream of it.

Joe DiMaggio.

Babe Ruth.

Isn't that a candy bar?

Yeah. They named
a candy bar after him

because he was so famous.

You know, these cards
are worth a lot of money.

I've heard that on the news.

JESS: The news? JONATHAN: Mm-hm.

I've also read about it in
the Wall Street Journal.

You know, you see,
any of these cards

that are over 25 years old,

they call 'em collectibles.

And they're a
terrific investment.

I mean, they could
be worth more than

art, real estate, gold.

Your dad could be

sitting on a fortune, here.

A fortune?

I'm telling Mom.

Well, wait a minute.
Let's wait for a second.

Let's find out what these
cards could be worth

before we say anything to her.

See if we can find somebody
that handles this kind of thing.



3-1 pitch to Monday.

A drive to right field.

Back goes Smith, to
the track, to the wall.

Monday's hit it out!

McKenna Sports Memorabilia.

I'd like to get an idea

of what an old collection
of baseball cards is worth.

Tell me what you got. The
condition and the years.

Well, they're, uh,
30, 40, 50 years old...

in mint condition.

Thousands of them.

JONATHAN: I've got
Hark Aaron's rookie card...

the, uh, original
Brooklyn Dodgers,

and, uh...

I've got a 1952 Topps
card of Mickey Mantle.

Well, that '52 Mickey
Mantle you've got

is going for as much as $3,000.


Three thousand dollars?

For one card?

In 1952, you could
buy six of those cards

and a stick of bubble-gum.

You see what I was
telling you about?

Well, look, not every card

goes for that kind of money.

Only the superstars
and the old, rare ones.

But it sounds like you're
sitting on about $250,000 worth.

A quarter of a million?

Two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars' worth?

Well, uh, the owner
is very anxious to sell.

Well, I can't handle
a sale that big.

But next Sunday at the Miramar

is the annual California
Baseball Card Convention.

It's strictly cash
and you'll find

plenty of eager buyers,
traders and sellers.

That's Sunday, the Miramar
Hotel, card convention.


You know, you're lucky.

Most people either throw
out their old baseball cards

or have them
stuck up in closets.

And they don't even
know their real worth.

Right. Well, uh, thanks
a lot, Mr. McKenna.

Thank you.


Let's get this stuff
back together.

Ought to be safe and sound
here until Sunday, huh?

Stick that one in there.

Two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars. See?

That is a fortune.



Did you pick up the
plane tickets home?

We're not going home... yet.

What do you mean, not yet?

This room cost $80 a night.

By Sunday night, I'll
buy you a whole floor.

Did you stop off at
the bar downstairs?

Do you know why this hotel
is filling up for the weekend?


'Cause the circus came to town.

What... are you talking about?

This hotel is filling
up for the weekend

because starting Sunday,

there is an annual
baseball card convention

right in the Grand Ballroom.

You did stop off at
the bar downstairs.


But I did stop off at
Jess' and Valerie's

for a little family
get together.

And we are going to be
loaded with a lot of very valuable,

very untraceable baseball
cards to sell here Sunday.

Does Valerie know how
valuable these cards are?

Well, she does now,
thanks to Jonathan Hart.

But nobody knows I know.

And not only did
my brother receive

the preferred
treatment in our family,

but he also got lent
by me a lot of money,

which he never paid back.

I also invested in a few stocks

that turned out to be
losers, that he suggested.

So the cards are just a
way of paying me back.

Well, you just can't break
in there and steal them.

No. No, I can't.


I can keep in touch
with Valerie and find out

when she's going to be home

and when she's not
going to be home.

I was counting
on your reputation

for breaking and
entering to get the cards.

Is it really worth the risk?

Jonathan had 'em appraised.

How does a quarter of
a million dollars sound?


Like money in the bank.



I thought a picnic
with just the two of us

would cheer us up.

Figured. Five blocks
and the car overheats.

Should I get some
water for the radiator?


No. I'll call the Auto Club,

they'll send a tow truck.

I'll be right back.


JESS: Mom, help! Mom!



Mom! Mom!



Get out!





Oh, Jess.

Call the police.

Maybe we surprised
him before he...

They got anything.

Oh, my neck.

My cards.

Oh, he must've
messed up my cards.


Funny. The suitcase
weighs nothing.

All Dad's cards are gone.

Gone? Oh, Jess.


This is great.


Reggie Jackson was right.

There is big money in baseball.

It's the Harts.

REX: You're not gonna convince
me they're into baseball cards.

I swear, I grabbed those
cards and got away clean.

If the Harts find the
guy who just bought 'em,

he can describe us perfectly.

I assume there are
mug sh*ts of you

from coast to coast.

Well, I have no intention
of being a three-time loser.

So I'll find our buyer
before the Harts do.






Oh. No, thank you.

No, thanks.

Oh, darling, look at this.

The Chicago Cubs.
Isn't that sweet?

I'd like to buy that.

You? The Cubs?

Oh, sure. I feel sorry for them.

How much is this?

Uh, $95.

Ninety-five dollars?

Well, it was 1945.

That's the last year the
Cubs won the pennant.


Well, thank you very much.

Ninety-five dollars?

I don't feel so sorry
for them anymore,

they already won the pennant.

Darling... why don't you

work this side of the room

and I'll work that side.


Do you know someone
by the name of McKenna?

Oh, yes. This is he, right here.

Thanks very much.

You're welcome.

Mr. McKenna?

Excuse me.

Uh, I'm Jonathan Hart.

We, uh, spoke on the
phone the other day

about that collection of cards?

Oh, right. Right.
I'm glad you made it.

You found a buyer for the cards?

No, I was wondering if you
could, uh, tell us whether

somebody else found
a buyer for the cards.

Somebody else? I don't get it.

Well, you see, um...
our cards were stolen.

And we thought maybe the thief

came here to try to sell them.

Bujie... anybody
sell a mint collection

in the 250-grand range?

About, uh, 10,000 cards?

That's it.

Oh, the $3,000 Mantle,
Babe Ruth and Ted Williams?

Sounds like it.
Uh, who bought it?

A guy named Wilbur.

I sold him a program
for the '48 World Series.

Um... Oh, there he is.

Thanks very much.

Nice seeing you.

Hey, lady. How much is that, uh,

Washington Senators penknife?

Well, the Senators are
no longer a franchise,

so things are hard to get.

Uh, 50 bucks?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Excuse me. Mr. Wilbur?

Yes. Uh, my name
is Jonathan Hart.

How do you do?

I'd like to talk to you about

that collection of
cards that you bought.

They're stolen. Stolen?

Yes, I'm sure that you
bought them in good faith.

And sold them in good faith.

So fast?

About 10 minutes ago.

I paid 260,000 for 'em
and turned right around

and found a buyer for 300,000.

Gentleman named
Brooklyn. Has a suite upstairs.

Well, uh, what
really concerns me

is, uh, who you
bought them from.


WILBUR: Thieves, huh?

Oh, I didn't get their names.

They? Yes.

were two of them?

That's right. He was,
uh, about 35, and...




MAN: Oh. Oh, my God.

I struck out.


Did the Harts catch
up with Wilbur?

Not before I did.
Listen, we gotta pack up

and get out of here, but fast.

Not too fast. Use your head.

Dear Aunt Dorothy
should continue

to visit Valerie and look in
on little Jess now and then.

We'll leave in a week...

so you don't arouse suspicion.

Besides... it'll give us
a little time to shop...

for our trip to Acapulco.


JONATHAN: He's alive.

But until he can talk, the
thief could be long gone.

Yes, gone, just like the cards.

Well, not "gone" gone.

Why not?

There's a Mr. Brooklyn

in this hotel who
bought them all.

Now, we told Jess we'd
get the cards back for him.

If Mr. Wilbur was
willing to sell them...

then maybe Mr. Brooklyn will be.



Mr. Brooklyn?

I'm Cary, his secretary.

Oh. We're Mr. and Mrs. Hart.

I was wondering if
Mr. Brooklyn would be interested

in selling that collection of
cards that he bought today.

Oh, Mr. Brooklyn
never sells his cards.

Oh, we'll make him
a very generous offer.

Surely he'd sell them to us.

Uh, perhaps you can
win the cards you want.

This may be too
rich for your blood,

but tomorrow night,
Mr. Brooklyn will be here

with several other
important collectors,

flipping their cards.

It's the country's
highest stakes match.

But I warn you, he's very good.

He's almost unbeatable.

You'll need a minimum of $1000
in cards to get into the game.

And a great deal of luck.

We'll be here.

It's formal. To get in,

just tell the security
guard the password.


It's Ebbets Field.



Ebbets Field? Flipping?

What's going on?

Let's get down to
the convention floor.

I gotta buy some cards so I
can get in the game and flip.

Darling... I think
you've already flipped.

Come on, will you?


really did the right thing

by asking Jess to stay
here with us tonight.

Mm. I think so too.

Be a nice change
of pace for him.

Yeah, and with his mother
in the hospital and everything.

We really did the
best thing. Mm-hm.

Isn't that awful? Imagine. Tsk.

A thief stealing baseball cards.



Hey, Freeway.

What's the matter?

What's bothering you,



Uh, something must be wrong.


You're thinking
about your dad, hm?

You miss him.

Yes, I do.

I've tried not to cry, but...

You know something?


Sometimes, it's just, um...

better to... just to cry.

Just let it go.

Uncle Jonathan?

Where is he?

He's in a special place, Jess.


I'm sure he must be there.

He's also in your heart.

You see, his...

His spirit will never leave you.

His spirit?

The special way that
he feels about you.

His love for you.

That'll never leave you.

Uncle Jonathan... can he see me?

It's possible.

You can see him
though, can't you?

All those special
times you had with him.

All those great days
you spent with your dad.

That's his spirit.

That'll be with you.


And forever.

You understand what I mean?

Yes. I do.


Now... what I have to do...

is to match that
card and then I win.

You win. Very good, Mr. H.

Oh, I get it.

Thanks, Max.

I was a champ in
school, you know.

But that wasn't
exactly yesterday.

This Mr. Brooklyn
could clean you out.

Don't worry. Uncle
Jonathan's got the hang of it.

Oh, thanks, Jess.

Take a whirl at it.

Hart residence.

Just a second.

Hey, Jess. Your Aunt Dorothy
wants to say hello to you.

Here, you try a
couple with me, darling.

Hi, Aunt Dorothy.

Hi, Jess, how are you?

I'm okay.

Jess, any luck in catching
the thief who stole your cards?

No, um, Mr. Hart found
out where the cards

finally ended up.

And he's gonna try
and win 'em back for me.

Win them? How's
he gonna do that?

Well, he was the
champ of school.

From what I hear, there's a
fortune in cards up for grabs.

I heard something
about a security guard

and a password.

Sounds like a big deal, huh?

Well, wish him luck for me.

Jess, I'm going to have to

head back to Detroit
in a couple of days,

so, um... how about catching

a double feature with
me this afternoon?

Okay. Oh, no, you ask the Harts.

Gonna take him to the movies,
it'll be good for my image.


Okay, honey, that's great.

I'll pick you up
in about an hour.

Right. Bye-bye.

Do the Harts have any
clues about the stolen cards?


But according to Jess,
Jonathan's going to try

to win a gold mine in
cards tonight at the hotel.

Hmm. He's gonna
try to win cards.

Yeah, and from
what I can gather,

there's a fortune involved.

Security guards
and that sort of thing.

Now, Jess describes Jonathan
as some sort of pro at it.

Well, if Mr. Hart's such
an expert at winning cards,

wouldn't you like to be
his partner in the haul?

What do you mean?

I risked going
back to jail for life...

to break into that Fulton house.

Baby... we've come this far.

Let's grab all the cards...

the Harts are
trying to win tonight.

Rex, even if Jonathan
wins a million dollars' worth,

you think he's going
to hand them to us,

like so much charity?

He will if he thinks
we have the boy.



Kidnapping's going too far.

You simply take the boy to
the movies, bring him back here

and don't let him go home.

I'll take care of the rest.

We've got our money,
let's just back off.

Listen to me.

You asked me to
steal for you and I did.

You owe me.

Those cards are our
passport to security.

We can sell them
all across the country,

no questions asked.

You got it?



Darling, you've already
b*at me 30 times.


And besides, we absolutely
must go upstairs and get dressed.

Ah, you're right.



Mr. Hart?


If you ever wanna
see Jess again,

you better do
exactly what I say.

Where is he?


Someone's got Jess.
They've kidnapped him.


Where is his aunt?

I wouldn't worry about his aunt.

I understand you're in

a high-stakes
jackpot game tonight.

You now... have a partner.

A partner?


You'll be given a
time and a place

to drop off all
the cards you win.

You'll have till sunup to score.

No harm will come to
the boy if you cooperate.

And remember, you'll be watched.

So no cops.

And, Mr. Hart... we do wanna see

your old schoolyard form.

Look, whoever you are...

there's no guarantee
I'll win the cards.

Then I can't guarantee
you'll ever see Jess again.

Good luck, champ.




Ebbets Field.


Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Hart.

You did show up after all.

Well... I don't expect
you to last here very long.

Huh. Come. I'll introduce you

to Mr. Brooklyn.


Mr. Brooklyn...
the Harts. Well...

How do you do?
How are you, Mr. Hart?

My wife, Jennifer.
How do you do?

Mrs. Hart. Hey, your cap.

That's an original
Brooklyn Dodgers cap.

That is, before the Brooklyn
Dodgers moved to Los Angeles.

Moved, Mr. Hart?

The Dodgers never left Brooklyn.

My mistake.



Is that to your satisfaction?

Mr. Hart... let's flip cards.

This way, please.

Excuse me.

Uh... I'll be even.

Once, twice... three, sh**t.

Odd. I win.

You go first. Hm.

Off the wall?

You do know how

to flip off the wall,
don't you, Mr. Hart?

I've flipped off
the wall before.



Now you put a card
against the wall.

It touches my card, you win.

If I touch your card, I win.

We'll continue until
the pot is taken.




Losers... go first,
if I remember.

It's beginning to
come back to me.

I won.

[APPLAUSE] Pick it up, this one.


BROOKLYN: I won. Pick it up.


I won.

Pick it up.


I won. Pick it up. [APPLAUSE]

I won. Pick it up.

Uh, darling, will you get
me some more cards?

All right.

BROOKLYN: I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.

I won. Pick it up.


Hey, keep a couple of cards.

Don't make me clean you out.

Pick those up for me.

I won.



I won.



I won.


I won.

I won.

I won.

I won. I won.

A stake.

He's very good.

Darling... Hm.

Mm. Wake up. [GRUNTS]

Come on.

[SIGHS] Are we cleaned out?

We cleaned him out.

Oh... Jonathan.


Would you like me
to take it to your car?

Yes, please. Oh.


You okay, sweetheart?


We'll, uh, use the
service elevator, it's faster.

[YAWNS] Fine. We're in a hurry.

And we're tired.

It's on the left. Mm.


Uh, this isn't the
service elevator.

Considered the cards
delivered on schedule, Mr. Hart.

Where is he?

Get in.

You've already got the
ransom. Where is he?

He's not far. Get in.



JENNIFER: Jonathan!

Jonathan, are you all right?

Are you all right?


We got a little problem.

How we gonna find Jess?

He said he couldn't be far.

Maybe he's got a
room key on him.

Yes, but they're not just
gonna let you in the room.

Got it. 724.

Well, this seems to
be the only uniform

that'll get you in and out
of anywhere around here.




No, this is Rex Stewart's room.

It's all right.

What did you find out?

The room is registered in
the name of Rex Stewart.

Be careful.


Who is it?


All right, Mr. Hart,
I figure both of us

could get off one sh*t.

Sweet Aunt Dorothy.

Rex and I had a rendezvous,

so I knew it wasn't
him at the door.

Where is he?

He's with security.
Real security.

Is he all right?

He's just sleeping.

Walk over there and
put the g*n down.

Here are your cards.

Jess, wake up.

Uncle Jonathan.

It's all right, Jess.

Just do what she says.

Go over there and
pick up the suitcase

and come over here by me.

You've got your cards. Why
don't you leave him here?


He's gonna go with me
until I get out of the hotel.

I assume security's
involved the police by now.

Gonna head toward the elevators.


Hold it!

Come here, Jess.

Mrs. Hart and I planned a
little rendezvous of our own.



Right, Valerie. You're welcome.


Well... a dealer made Valerie

a substantial offer on
those baseball cards,

and she accepted. Oh, terrific.


Should we have a drink?


Selling those baseball cards

is definitely
something to celebrate.


You know, I had a collection
of cards just like that

when I was a kid growing up.

You did? Mm-hm.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Yeah, then I fell in love with
this girl, Cynthia Derefinko.

Oh. Then what happened?

Well... she thought it was
a little immature for me

to be collecting baseball
cards, so I threw them all out.


I think I hate
Cynthia Derefinko.

Well, was she at
least attractive?

Not as pretty as Mickey Mantle.

Oh. Well, don't think of it

that way, darling.

Don't think of it as if
you've lost an investment,

think of it as if she
gave you a lot of

wonderful high school memories.

What are those?

Well, you know, holding
hands, necking in the movies.

Oh, she wouldn't let me
neck with her in the movies.

She wouldn't? No. She
said nice girls don't do that.


So now I don't
have any memories.

