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04x13 - Pounding Harts

Posted: 03/05/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
Max: This is my
boss, Jonathan Hart,

a self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous.

She's one lady who knows
how to take care of herself.

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of both of
them, which ain't easy,

'cause when they
met, it was m*rder.

( no audible dialogue )

( knock on door )

( speaks Spanish )

Come in.

The plane leaves in an hour.

Is Momo's little house ready?

Right on schedule.

Follow me.

Um, ladies first. Step in here.

I've chosen our deluxe model.

I think you'll appreciate
the floor plan.

Oh, very good.

I understand that
you've been paid in full.

For my kennel, yes,
but for my silence, no.

Oh... that's too bad.

I just spent the last of my
travelers checks an hour ago.

Oh, that's all right.

I'll just lighten
the load a bit.

There was the loveliest g*n
shop on the Boulevard Marquesa.

( g*nsh*t )

( telephone rings )

Oh, it's fine, as long as
we have it by this afternoon.

( telephone rings )

Joel Beck.

Man: Did you get my
little package yet, Beck?

No... not... not yet.

It's due on tomorrow's boat.

I'm coming to Los Angeles.

Is something wrong?

There's too much heat down here.

They're about to blow
open my operations.

When are you coming?

The day after tomorrow.

As soon as you get the
cocaine, you turn it into cash, huh?

I'll carry the last
shipment through myself.

( sighs ) My biggest
problem is that the dealers...

I'm your biggest problem, Beck.

I'll take care of it, though.

Yeah, yeah. Yes, sir.

( ship's horn blows )

Man: Oops. Well,
we have arrived!

Mrs. Hart, I told you
she would make it.

Yes, she certainly did.

Mr. Hart, how do you
like that new suspension?

Oh, it's terrific.

( air hisses )

Oh, not to worry about a thing.

( speaks Spanish )

Mrs. Hart, Mr. Hart, it's been a
real pleasure being with you all week.

I hope the next time you come,

I can take care
of you again, okay.

Thank you very much.

- Take care, huh?
- Thank you.

Mrs. Hart... it's
been a real pleasure.

I'll take care of
the luggage for you.

Thank you, Sito.

Did you enjoy my surprise?

Oh, I loved it.

It was everything
the travel poster said.

- Yeah?
- Marvelous Malapique,
the perfect getaway.

- ( barks )
- Ooh.

- It's unanimous.
- Oh.

Hey, hold it, hold it.

I'll take that. Thank you.

- Come on, Freeway.
- ( grunts )

Not yet.

Come on.

Mrs. Hart: No, no, no,

I got them at the Aztec Monkey.

- Aztec Monkey.
- Uh-huh.

Don't you remember
they gave us that onyx pig?

The onyx pig? That's
the one that I dropped?


Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Your name, please?

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hart...

and... come here... Freeway.

Oh, what a lovely dog.

What breed is he?

Only his mother knows.

We found him in a
box next to the freeway,

hence Freeway.

( chuckles )

Okay, that will be outside
cabin 203 A and B, A deck.

Thank you very much.
Come on, kid, time to board.

I hope he enjoys his trip.

Oh, Freeway's used to traveling.

As a matter of fact, we
have a whole collection

of these kennels at home.

Woman: Best friends already.

Aw, too bad they have to
stay cooped up in their kennels.

But until you
board... Easy, boy.

Better the kennel
than a paternity suit.

Come on.

Well, you're not due
to board quite yet.

I'll be happy to chaperone.

Why don't you have
a drink at the bar,

and I'll make sure that
Freeway gets his own drink.


Oh, wait, uh, do
you think it's possible

if Freeway and the kennel can
be delivered to our stateroom?

Woman: Yes, of
course. Our pleasure.

- Good morning.
- Bartender: Buenos días,

Buenos días. Two margaritas.


Excuse me, I couldn't
help overhearing.

Is that your kennel over there?

One of them, yes.

Oh, for a minute, I thought
I was seeing double.

Oh, sorry. I'm Susy Jensen.

How do you do?

Jonathan Hart. This
is my wife Jennifer.

- How do you do?
- Mind if I sit down?

Would you like to have a drink?

Yeah, I think just
to calm my nerves.

One more margarita, please?

- Here you are, darling.
- ( mouths words )

Thank you.

- Mmm.
- There you are.

- Bartender: Gracias.
- I love animals, don't you?

I'm just devoted
to my little Momo.

It's funny how you can
grow so attached to things.

Here's to first class pets.


( telephone rings )

Parisio Lines.

First class lounge.

( gasps ) Oh, no! Come on.

Come on. Come on.

( kisses ) Come on.

Go on, go on. Get in.

Go on, get in.

Would you excuse
me just for one minute?

- I got a quick call to make.
- Surely.

What about that?

Freeway meets a girl
and five minutes later,

we've got in-law trouble.

It was a great vacation.

- And I love you.
- It certainly was.

Come on.

( woman speaks Spanish
over loudspeaker )

Final boarding call
for Los Angeles.

All aboard, please.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart, Miss Jensen,

the ship is now ready to board.

- Well...
- See you on board.

I wonder what kind of
a trip we're gonna have.


Okay, Durante, you
can do me a favor, huh?

There. Didn't
hurt a bit, did it?

Durante, let's
have a little game.

( laughs )

Don't worry, kid.

You'll get your senses
back in a while...

a while after the baggage

from Malapique
passes under your nose.

Well, how's Durante, Dr. Beck?

Pass his physical?

One detective dog
ready for duty, Inspector.

Isn't that right, Durante?

Come on.

All systems go.

( ship horn blows )

Well, that's nearly
all, Inspector, I hope.

So do the people
in the line behind us.

I'm afraid we're a little short

- on dog teams,
today, Mr. Hart.
- Thanks.

Well, your lieutenant seems
to be doing a very good job.

Inspector: Well,
he's a great help.

He saves us from
opening everything up.

We're having a real
light day today, anyway.

Uh, excuse me.

Okay, all clear. Thank
you for your patience.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

- Hi.
- Hello, miss.

Have a nice day, miss.

Come on, girl. ( kisses )

And this is for you, Max.

Oh, Mrs. H., you shouldn't have.

It's all right.

Jennifer: How do you like them?

Is there something wrong, Max?

They're the wrong size?

No, the size is perfect.
What a coincidence.

I bought a pair exactly
like this last week.

Footwear Unlimited had a
special shipment in from Mexico.

I'll bet I can guess how
much you paid for them... $60?

- Mm-mm.
- $50?

- Mm-mm.
- How much?

- $24.50.
- $24.50?

Why, Mrs. H., what
did you pay for it?

Uh... Max, uh,

don't you think it's time
to get dinner ready?

Come on, sport.


Let me try that on.

Does it fit?

Yeah, that's perfect.

- Well, if the shoe fits...
- Well, can I have them?


At least someone in this family
will get some use out of them.


Oh, they're perfect.
Thanks, darling.

( Jennifer sighs )

I was beginning to
think you'd run off on me.

You're so trusting, Joel.

The thought did cross my mind.

All that lovely cocaine and me,

and I wouldn't have to
look at you again for months.

You know I'd k*ll you if you
skipped out with my stuff.

Your stuff?

You mean, Herrera's
stuff, don't you?

Where is it?

Where is the cocaine?

What do you mean?

I-I don't know.

I saw the pawnbroker
put it in there

before he closed it up.

You two are in this together.

No! No... ( grunts )

I k*lled him just like
you told me to, Joel.

Look, it's got to be
a different kennel.

Somebody must
have switched it on me.

Look, there was another
couple on the boat

with the same brand of kennel.

Herrera is gonna be in
Los Angeles in 48 hours.

Hart... the people on the boat,
his name was Jonathan Hart.

I'll get the stuff
back for you, Joel.

I swear it.

Oh, you'd better get it back.

'Cause when Herrera gets here,
he's gonna come looking for me.

And he may find
me at your funeral.

Jonathan: I don't
know what I enjoy more,

being away on vacation with you

or celebrating our arrival home.

But... we've got all
weekend to find out.

Jennifer: Darling,
there's no soap in here.

It's out here.

You know, I think
I need new blades.

Oh? No, it feels fine to me.

Malapique was terrific,

but anywhere with
you would be terrific.

Why don't you come in
here and soap my back?

Oh, what's it worth?

Come on in and find out.

It's worth it already.

It's Susy Jensen. I'm
here to see Mr. Hart.

We met on the
boat from Malapique.

Oh, good morning, Max.

- Morning, Max.
- Morning, folks.

You got a visitor on her way up.

- Oh, who?
- Susy Jensen.

She says it's urgent.

- Susy Jensen?
- Momo's mother.

- Oh, I wonder what she wants.
- ( doorbell rings )

I'll get it.

- Hello, I'm Susy Jensen.
- Come on in.

Hello, Susy.

Oh, Jonathan, I've
got terrible news.

Oh, what's the problem?

It's Momo. It's all my fault.

I never should have taken
her with me to Malapique.

Well, um, come in
and sit down and we...

There's no time for that.

She caught some kind of
tropical bug and she's so sick...

Oh, I'm sorry. How can we help?

Well, I'm actually
here to help you.

I'm afraid that Freeway
might have the same thing.

Well, he seems to be okay.

Oh, that's just how it
happened with Momo.

She was perfectly all right
and then all of a sudden,

bang, it got her.

I came here
directly from the vet's

to tell you myself in person.

Well, we certainly
do appreciate that.

If he shows any signs of
fever, I'll have him checked.

Oh, but you've got to take
him to a vet immediately.

Look, my doctor is
the best in the field.

Why don't I drive Freeway
over there right now?

Oh, that won't be necessary.
Freeway has his own vet.

Yeah, Dr. Barrett
of Beverly Hills.

I can drive him
right over there.

All right, but, uh, in case
you change your mind,

here's his card.

He really is the
best in the field.

What did you say
the disease was?

Oh, uh, I don't
remember. Some virus.

Look, be sure and
take his kennel with you

because it's gonna have to be
checked out and disinfected as well.

We will.

It's still in the
kitchen, isn't it, Max?

Yes, Mrs. H.

Well, we certainly hope
that Momo gets better.

Thank you.

And thank you.

Oh, you won't forget
Freeway and the kennel, right?



Well, what do you think?

She's a little hysterical,

but I don't think we
should take a chance.

I'll call Dr. Barrett.

Let's go get that
kennel out of the kitchen.

That's okay,
Mrs. H., I'll get it.

Now come along. That's a boy.

Well, I don't know why
I'm so glad to see him.

If all my patients
were like you,

I'd soon be out of business.

He does look good,
doesn't he, Jane?

Malapique agrees with him.

Now what's all this
fuss about a virus?

Well, there was
this lady on the ship

that had a dog, and
that dog had a virus

so we thought we'd have
him checked out just to be sure.

Yes, of course. You
can't be too sure.

But don't worry, and
I mean that, Jennifer.

I'll give him a
thorough check-up,

and you can pick
him up about teatime.


And you be a good
boy for Dr. Barrett.

Now run along.

- See ya.
- We'll get right to work.

Now, what has that silly lady
been saying about you, hmm?

You couldn't be healthier.

If you've got a bug,
you'd better keep it.

You stay there.
I'll be right back.

( barks )

- ( barks )
- Shh.

Jane: Freeway, what is it, boy?

- ( barks )
- I'll be right out.

What on earth?

Freeway, are you all right?

What is this?

What kind of a game
are you playing?

I-I-I don't understand.

Joel, maybe they
took the cocaine out.

Wait a second.

Joel, this isn't my kennel.

Mine had red carpeting.

My kennel must
still be at their house.

( telephone rings )


I spoke to the bank, Beck.

The money hasn't been deposited.

I just didn't get to the bank.

Oh, of course. I
just didn't have time.

You sound a little
nervous, Beck.

You're not holding
out on me, are you?

No, no, everything's
under control.

Well, I'm glad
because I'd hate to think

of what would happen
to you if it wasn't.

( clicks, dial tone )

I don't think Herrera's
gonna appreciate the fact

that you're lying to him.

Well, then you'd better
make an honest man out of me

before he gets here.

Jonathan: And you're sure
that nothing was stolen, Jane?


Except it's funny.

My receptionist's
white jacket...

She left it on her
chair during lunch

and now it's gone.

Well, that doesn't seem
something important enough

to break in for.

And you heard no noise?

The kennel fell down,
the door slammed,

and after I made sure
Freeway was all right,

I went out into the street.

A red pickup was just
pulling out on Third,

but I don't know if that
has anything to do with it.

Well, do you think you
should call the police, Jane?

Oh, no. Heavens, no.

I'm perfectly fine.
No harm done.

And this little chap was
better than 12 squad cars.

Oh, I'm certainly
glad he's all right.

Oh, he's absolutely tip-top.

( sneezes, barks )


Oh, I disinfected the kennel.
Maybe he doesn't like it.


Well, Jane, thanks for a
cup of your marvelous tea.

( barks )

- Freeway!
- It's my fault.

I forgot his treat.

You think I spoil him?

Yes... and he loves
every minute of it.

- Thanks again.
- Good-bye, Jennifer.


( Freeway barks )

Here we are.

- Freeway's in perfect health?
- Perfect.

No virus, no nothing, right?

Not a thing.

I could tell from
the look in his eyes.

Susy's here to see you again.

Her dog wasn't so
lucky. Momo died.

- How awful.
- She's waiting in here.

( barks )

Susy: Shut up!

- ( growls )
- Ah!



What do you think about that?

Max, call the police.

( engine starts, car departs )

Come on.

I lost her.

Didn't she say something
about the Magnolia Towers?

This is Magnolia Terrace.

It's got to be around
here somewhere.

There it is. Shall we try that?

Did you get the stuff?

It got busted up.

The Harts found it and...

look, Jo... Joel, I
had to leave it there.

They saw you.

Look, Joel, we got
to get out of here.

I can't run from Herrera,

and the Harts know who you are.

It's so confusing. I...

I have to eliminate
some loose ends.

First, you...

and then Herrera.

I don't see her car anywhere.

Maybe she lives inside.

( Susy screams )

( tires screeching )

What was that?

I don't know, but I'm
gonna sure find out.

She's dead.

( dog whimpering )

( barks )

Jennifer: Momo.

( police radio chatter )

Jennifer: Freeway,
come back here.


I can understand why
the lady was so anxious

to find this kennel, Mr. Hart.

There must be more than a couple
million dollars' worth of cocaine in here.

Would you tell Lieutenant Warner

I'll be glad to help
him out anyway I can?

- Sure thing, Mr. Hart.
- Thanks.

- Good night, Mrs. Hart.
- Thank you.

Oh, Freeway.

What's that?

Darling, there's something
wrong with his paw.


Look at that.


Maybe he hurt it in
that scrape with Susy.

- Oh.
- I'll give Jane a call.

Oh, baby.

It's going to be all
right, sweetheart.

It'll be just fine.

Hello, Jane. This
is Jonathan Hart.

Oh, I'm fine, thank you,

but Freeway's
not doing too well.

Well, I don't know.

It doesn't seem
serious, but, uh...

Oh, you could?

Fine. In about half an hour.

Thank you very much, Jane. Bye.

She said she always has
time for her favorite patient.

She'll meet us at the office.

- Good.
- Max?

I was just trying to straighten
out the kitchen, Mr. H.

We're gonna take Freeway
over to see Dr. Barrett.

What's the matter?

We think he may have gotten
hurt in that scuffle with Susy.

Take care of him. He
deserves a purple heart.

We will.

- Darling, would you
grab my purse?
- Sure.

I suppose that's what's left.


I suppose the police
have taken everything.

Look, there's nothing left.

Why don't you just turn around

and get out the way you came in?

I don't think so.

I think your employers need to
be persuaded to stay away from me

and to keep their nose
out of the drug business.

Mr. H. isn't easy to persuade.

You're gonna have to bet your
life that he can be persuaded.

Jonathan: Thanks for
coming out like this, Jane.

This little ratter... He
could charm the kibble

from a hungry Doberman.

What do you think?

He's fine. It's just a sprain.

Oh, that's good.
That'll make Max happy.


Jane, have you ever
heard of this vet?

Joel Beck? Yes.

He was the one that recommended

that Freeway be
tested for the virus.

Joel started this
fuss about a virus?

Jonathan: Actually,
it was a ruse.

The girl with the other
dog was after some dope

she was trying to
smuggle into the country.

Well, that's interesting.

Joel has done some work
for the customs service.

What sort of work?

Occasionally, he works
with the detector dogs.

In what way?

Well, he checks them out
to see that they're healthy

and that their sense of smell
hasn't been tampered with.

How could they do that?

Well, they could put
some ammonia on a cloth

and pass it across
the dog's nose

and it would burn their
mucous membrane,

and they'd be without a
sense of smell for hours.

Well, thanks again, Jane.

- Any time.
- Thanks, Jane.

I'm sure Lieutenant
Warren will be interested

in some of that information.

Sounds like Joel's
gone to the dogs.

Uh, sorry, professional humor.

Good night.

Yes, yes,
Mr. Herrera, dock five.

What time?

Oh, the connection is bad.

Herrera: 2:00 P.M.

And, Beck, there better
not be any foul-ups.

I want the dogs taken care of

and I want to see my money.

Oh, there won't be any
foul-ups, Mr. Herrera.

Everything's in order.

Oh, I guess Max
didn't wait up for us.

Well, it has been
an exhausting day.


- ( barks )
- Shh.

Freeway, you don't
want to wake up Max.

Speaking of bed...

Ah... ready, willing,
and exhausted.

This may turn out for the best.

After all, I'm rid of Susy.

I'll be rid of Herrera...

and then the last
shipment will be all mine.

All mine...

after I get rid of you.


( yawns ) Max didn't
make any coffee.

Well, considering
all the commotion,

he did a great job cleaning up.

- Max.
- He left a note.

He did? What does it say?

It's not from Max.

Darling, are you sure
Dr. Beck has Max?

I'm not sure about anything,

but Max seems like the
most likely candidate.

Now come on, Freeway,
pretend you're going to the doctor.


Hello. Oh, I'm sorry.

We can't take any
more patients today.

The doctor's out.

We came to pick up Spot.

Oh, well, have a seat.
Let me see if he's ready.


There's always a Spot.

Spot is ready. I'll
get him for you.

Oh, thank you.

See if you can find
anything on the desk.

- ( Freeway barks )
- Shh.


Does that look familiar?

He certainly
doesn't like this stuff.

Dock five, 2:00 P.M.

Maybe Beck's got a
shipment coming in.

Come on.

Oh, here's Spot.

- Wrong Spot.
- Sorry.

Now... if everything
goes according to plan,

I'll be out of the country
before anybody finds you.

Okay, Durante, it's your turn.

Good boy.

Up you go.

Good dog. Sit down. Sit.

( whines )

One more little sinus problem...

and we'll both...
We'll both be all set.

Good dog. Come on.

Come on, Durante, time for work.

Man: Yes, Mr. Hart, your
office told me you'd be here.

There you are, Mr. Hart.

How many dogs do
you have in this facility?

Usually five or six.

We got four down at the mail
facility on account of the b*mb threat.

The other two seem to be
having some problems lately.

- Problems? What sort of problems?
- Health problems.

As a matter of fact, we hardly ever
have both of them well at the same time.

- I guess Dr. Beck
knows what he's doing.
- I'm sure he does.

Beck was here a
half an hour ago.

- Have you seen Beck today?
- No, I haven't,

- but he might be
down in customs.
- Can you take us down there?

Be my pleasure. Mrs. Hart.

Man over P.A.:
Passengers arriving

from Malapique can be
met after clearing customs

in the international
arrivals area.

That's one of our best
dogs, Mrs. Hart... Durante.


Inspector: Camden?

Mr. Hart. Hello again.

Your office told
me to expect you.

Mrs. Hart.

Man over P.A.:
Paging Jennifer Hart.

Jennifer Hart, please pick
up the nearest courtesy phone.

Who could that be?

Maybe it's something about Max.

Courtesy phone's right
over there, Mrs. Hart.

Oh, thank you. Darling,
will you hold Freeway?

- Man: Inspector?
- Yeah.

- How you doing, Benny?
- Fine, Dr. Beck.

It's okay.

Hello. This is Jennifer Hart.

You paged me.

Not a sound, please.

Walk slowly.

Colonel, thank you.

So, what exactly are
we looking for, Mr. Hart?

A veterinarian named Beck.

- Dr. Beck?
- Right.

( barks )

Hey, Freeway, come
on. Take it easy.

- Easy, boy.
- ( barking )

Get him to stop. Call him!


There's Dr. Beck right now.

( barking )

( growls )


Now don't. I'll k*ll her.

- Ho-hold it. Hold it!
- Let him alone.

Jonathan: Hold
it! That's my wife!

You can't go anywhere, Beck.

Don't move.

Let her go, Beck.

I can make some
arrangements for you.

- Now that's enough!
- ( g*nsh*t )

( people screaming )

Come on, Mrs. Hart. We
can get out this way. Come on.

This way!

Hey, where are you going?

What are you doing? Hey!

There's no way to go, Beck.


There is for you.

( g*n clicking )

( grunts )

All right, Beck,
now where is he?

Where is Max?

He's in the customs
shed in the closet.

( screams )

Well, it's been a hell
of a day for Dr. Beck,

but I think he'll recover.

Look, darling, he's
doing the dog paddle.

( both chuckling )

Dr. Beck!

Jennifer: Welcome home, Max.

We're glad you're
back in one piece.

I'm glad to be here.

I never thought I'd
make it through customs.

We've been tied
up there ourselves.


Oh, the guys from customs
sent this to Freeway.

"To the world's smartest dog."

( barks )

- I'll drink to that.
- To Freeway.

Here, Freeway. I love you.

I love you both, too.

Oh, thanks very much, Max.

Come here, boy. Come on.

Aw... ( chuckles )

You know, maybe I should
learn a few new tricks.

Why? I like all the old ones.

You do?

- Yeah?
- Yeah.