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05x05 - Harts and Hounds

Posted: 03/05/24 11:24
by bunniefuu
( music playing )

Max: This is my
boss, Jonathan Hart,

a self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H.

She's gorgeous.

She's one lady who knows

how to take care of herself.

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of both of them,

which ain't easy,
because when they met,

it was m*rder.

( music playing )

( expl*si*n )

( music playing )

( engine revving )

( dog barks )

( music playing )

Max: I'm sorry about
the driving Mr. H.

I just can't get used to cars

coming out on my right.

If you want, I'll take
another s*ab at it.

Jonathan: Thanks, Max.
But one s*ab was enough.

Max: I'm really looking
forward to meeting Sir William.

Jonathan: I think you and
Billy might get along well.

Jennifer: He's got
a bit of a reputation

when it comes to women.

Max: I thought he
just got married?

Jennifer: No, remarried.

His first marriage
didn't fair too well.

Jonathan: Well,
from what I hear,

Claire's got everything
going for her,

including Billy's attention.

Jennifer: Billy's letter sounded

as if they were really happy.

Well, it shouldn't
be much further.

I sure hope there's
some money on the hunt

because I'm betting
Mrs. H all the way.

Oh, Max, I don't think

they give odds on fox hunts.

Odd, isn't it.

Look out!

( horses galloping )

That was close.

Think how the fox must feel.

( music playing )

( dog growls )

( dog barks )

( heart pounding )

( g*nsh*t )

No, wait, no!

( panting )

Another nightmare?

Claire: They're getting worse.

And I'm not getting any sleep.

See if you can compose yourself.

( sighs )

Remember, we're expecting guests

in the morning.


( music playing )

Man: Good morning.

( music playing )

Max: Is this where Sir
William lives all the time?

Jonathan: No, Max, he
has a townhouse in London.

This is his weekend place.

Jennifer: He really knows
how to enjoy his weekends.

( music playing )

Jennifer: Oh, isn't
this beautiful, darling?

Jonathan: It certainly is.

Claire: Hello.

- You must be Jennifer.
- Jennifer: Yes.

- Claire?
- Claire,

- Claire Belgrave - How are you?

And this is Jonathan.

- Claire: Jonathan.
- How do you do?

- How do you do?
- And Max.


How do you do, Lady Belgrave?

Well, we're very
indebted to your husband.

He was gracious
about this invitation.

Yes, I'm sure.

See you later, Mr. H.

- All right.
- I'm delighted you could come.

William's told me
so much about you.

Shall we go inside?


( horses galloping )

Jennifer: Oh, darling, look.

Claire: The chestnut's
Prince Valiant.

You'll be riding
him in the hunt.


This is a dream come true.

The Belgrave hunt is
famous even in the States.

Well, it's a tradition
my family's maintained

for over a hundred years.

Right through here.

Oh, Claire, what
a beautiful room.

Thank you.

This table was given

to Josephine by Napoleon.


Uh, some of the family?

At least three
generations of them.

Come on, this way.

( g*nsh*t )

( sighs )

William's out sh**ting.

Jonathan, Jennifer,

I realize this may
sound a little strange,

but over the next few
days I may need your help.

Something wrong, Claire?

It's William... Excuse
me, Lady Belgrave.

Sir William is
expecting his guests.

Of course.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart,

This is Arthur Lovejoy,
our estate manager.

- Arthur: How do you do?
- Hello.

- Arthur: How do you do?
- Hello, Arthur.

Uh, this way, please.

William: Pull.

( g*nshots )

William: Pull.

( g*nshots )

Not bad, getting better.

( chuckles )

William: Come on. Come on.

Right. Pull.

( g*nshots )

Jonathan: You're a
little off to the right.

William: Jonathan.


How are you, Jonathan?

It's good to see
you again, Jennifer.


Oh, we're feeling fine
and you're looking well.

That's because I'm relaxing.

That's what I'm best at.

I see you've already met Claire.

- Jonathan: Yes.
- Jennifer: Of course.

What do you say, Jonathan,

10 pounds a toss?

Oh, come on. You wouldn't try

to take advantage
of me, would you?

Look at it this way.

The exchange
rate is in your favor.

- Wish me luck.
- I will.

I just saw the way he sh**t.

Come and have a drink.

William: Come on, we'll
choose a w*apon for you.

Ah, this looks a good one.

Let's see.

This g*n is filthy.

I've told you about this before.

If these g*ns get jammed,

they'll backfire and blow

someone's head off.

Let's see what's here.

That's better. Load this.

Come on, Jonathan.

Jonathan: I told you I haven't
done this for a long time.

Oh, come on.

Thank you.

( g*n cocks )



( laughs )

Told you, I'm a little rusty.

I'm sorry, I didn't call
for 20 pounds a toss.

It's never too late.

Well, you're the guest.

20 pounds it is.

Have another go.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Jonathan: Thank you.


Jennifer: Great shot.

You know, Billy,

I think it's coming back to me.

Your turn.

I think I've been had.

Nobody's ever beaten
you at your game.

( chuckles )

Not yet anyway.


And this is the kitchen.

Well, I have work to do.

If you're hungry,

Annie will find
something for you.

Do not feel free
to help yourself.

Don't you be scared of Cyril.

With all his airs and graces,

you'd think he was
the master of the house.

Don't worry, Annie.

I've handled plenty
of Cyrils in my time.


This smell is the best smell

I've smelled since I left home.

What is it?

- Oh, this?
- Yeah.

This is tonight's supper.

Yeah, I'll give you
taste, if you like.

Oh, thanks, Annie.

By the way, my name is Max.

Don't tell anybody,
it's short for Maxwell.

Oh, well, I'm Annie.

I'm very pleased to
meet you, Maxwell.

I'm more than please
to meet you, Annie.

This here is Sir
William's favorite.


Annie, that's fantastic.

Why don't I set out a
couple of wine glasses

and you and I have
dinner together.

Oh, no.

I'm too busy anyway.

I'll tell you what?

You eat now and then
later on, after dinner

we'll have some
wine together then.

- All right, love?
- All right.

That's even better,
Annie, thanks.

Max: I can't wait to taste
real English cooking.

Hiya, Cyril.

How's it going, baby?

Just fine.

Thank you.

Seems Lady Belgrave's
had another nightmare.

Oh, yes?

But it seems to me

that some people should mind

their own business.

Oh, thank you, Annie.

I believe Mr. Lovejoy's
got himself

into a state about something.

Oh, him. I reckon

he thinks he ought
to own this place.

He's not content
with just running it.


before I go home,

you got to give me
the recipe for this.

This is terrific.

Annie: Oh, well the sauce,

there ain't nothing to it.

But it's getting the brains
really nice and tender.

That's the trick.


Can you spare one of those?

I guarantee it, Jonathan.

Prince Valiant will be the best

mount of the hunt.

With Jennifer as his weigh-in,

it'll be a sight
Brandybrook will remember.

Jennifer: Oh, Billy,
you're very kind.

Jonathan: I'm sure the
fox will remember, too.

William: No fox
anymore, Jonathan.

We ride off for a scent

which has been dragged
across the ground.

The sport is the chase.

Jonathan: I'm all for that.

No, thanks.

It was a wonderful evening.

Oh, yes. Thank you, Claire.

It was lovely.

William: You've been
awfully quiet tonight, Claire.

Are you feeling all right?

Just a little tired, that's all.

Woman: Coffee, sir?

William: Please.

Thank you, Cyril.

Well... Thank you, Annette.

You all have to excuse Claire.

With all the
servants around here,

she obviously tires easily

watching them clean
and cook for her.

If you'll excuse me, I
have a slight headache.

Will you be up, shortly, dear?

Ah, I think I'll have a
drop more of brandy.

I'll be up, later.

Why don't you run along?

I'll be up soon.

- Well, um...
- Well, um...

I think we'll
follow suit, Billy.


- William: Good night.
- Billy.

Thank you,

Billy, for a lovely,
lovely dinner.

- Good night.
- Jennifer: Good night.

Anything else?

( music playing )

I think I know what
you're thinking.

You do? What's that?

That maybe Lady Claire Belgrave

is a little strange,

and that maybe you
have second thoughts

about riding Prince
Valiant in the hunt,

and that maybe
we should pack up,

get out of here, and go home.

Well, actually, I was
thinking that maybe

Lady Claire Belgrave

isn't quite as strange
as we thought,

and I'm dying to ride
Prince Valiant in the hunt,

and maybe we shouldn't
pack up, get out, and go home.

So, I was pretty close?



( laughs )

( music playing )

( horse neighs )

Claire: Well, we can show
you a bit of the countryside

and then we'll take a
look at the first cover.

Hello, hello. All set?

Fine day for it.

Come and see Arthur's hounds.

They are Dorset bloodhounds.

He breeds them.

- Jennifer: Hello.
- There, boy.


Here, give them something.

Oh, thanks.


Come on.

( laughs )

It's hard to tell
from looking at them

but one of those little brothers

can tear a man to shreds.

- Ooh.
- Right. We'll get started.


( horse neighs )

There we go.

( horse neighs )

Claire: Well, let's hope
for a good ride today.

Where do you keep
the foxhounds, Billy?

We don't keep them
here at Brandybrook.

They'll be brought in
on the day of the hunt.

How do you like him, darling?

William: Yes,
Jennifer, what do you

think of Prince Valiant, eh?

He's beautiful.


Let's ride.

( music playing )

( screams )

- Jonathan: Are you all right?
- Ah, it's my arm.

I think it might be broken.

Jonathan: Claire, what happened?

Are you all right?

Don't touch me.

Don't let him touch me.

Don't you see, he's
trying to k*ll me?

( music playing )

Jennifer: How is she?

The doctor said it's
just a slight sprain.

He's setting a sling.

Look, I hope you didn't let
Claire scare you back there.

She's been under a
lot of stress recently.


No thanks.

She seems terrified
about something.

Oh, she's a thoroughbred.

But of course, you don't believe

that nonsense about
my trying to k*ll her.

She's been having nightmares.

Frankly, I've been
thinking about seeking

psychiatric help for her.


She seems perfectly lucid to me.

I think we'll give Claire a
chance to get some rest.

Peace and quiet can do her good.

Jennifer and I will
go down to the village

- and look around little bit.
- Good idea.

You could probably
use the diversion.

Where's Max?

Max, um, he's been spending

a lot of time in the kitchen.

Well, you can get down
to the kitchen that way.

Oh, fine, Billy.

Well, we'll see you later.

- Coming?
- Hmm. Billy.


( door closes )

Four aces.

Why are we going to the village?

Because we can't talk here,

too many eavesdroppers.

Ah, Max.

Just a second, Mr. H.

Five nines.

Eight nines.

I'll call you.

I'll call. How many you got?

- Two. Cyril?
- I've got one.

You're five?

I ain't got any.

That's why it's
called liar's poker.

( sighs )

Don't know about you, Cyril,
but this is of little interest to me.

Excuse me.

I'll give you a
game later tonight.

You're on.

Well, Mr. H, what's up?

How's Lady Belgrave?

Ah, it's nothing serious, Max.

Mrs. H and I are going
to go into the village.

We want you to come with us.

Oh, Mr. H, I'd love to.

Thank you very much, but I
made some other arrangements...

I'm ready, Maxwell.


Annie, you look wonderful.

Thank you, Maxwell.

Annie, may I present,
Mr. and Mrs. H.

Mr. and Mrs. H, Annie.

Oh, good afternoon, Madame.

- Annie: Good afternoon, sir.
- Good afternoon.

How do you do?

Annie promised to take me

on a tour of the better saloons.

Uh, pubs, Maxwell, pubs.


Maxwell, what about the driving?

Annie: Oh, don't worry.

I'm taking him.

She's taking me.

Nice, huh?

Well, Annie, come on,

let's partake of
some British culture.


Enjoy yourselves.


Ah, it's kind of cute, isn't it?

Let's get out.

( music playing )

How would you like to
sample some of the local brew?

Yes, please.

My favorite answer.

( music playing )

( indistinct chatter )

They don't look English to me.

Man: Oh.

Good morning.

- Morning.
- Jonathan: Morning.

Morning, sir.

Two pints of bitter.

- Tourist.
- Yeah.

Nice day.

Tommy: One pound, forty, sir.

We don't seem to be
hitting it off too well, do we?

I know, yeah.

Here you go, sir.

Man: Well, go ahead.

Mind if I play?

We only play for pints in here.

I'll play for a pint.

Eddie: I'll play him.

Eddie Hudson.

How do you do, Eddie?
I'm Jonathan Hart.

This is my wife, Jennifer.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Don't pay no attention
to the boys, Johnny.

They don't take
kindly to new blood.

Ah, now. Which would you like?

Well, uh, these look nice.

How about some 101.


How about American Style?

Closest to the bull's eye?

Sure, why not?

After you.

Jennifer: Yay.

( laughs )


( cheers )


That's the name of the game.

( laughs )

( cheers )

That's the name of the game.

That was some shot.

Here. Hang on, you laddies,

you laddies should be
buying Johnny a pint.

Gripe all you like,
but not one of you

had the backbone to play me.

- I'll play anytime, Johnny.
- Ah, thanks.

Nice to meet a
fellow with spirit.

Tommy, three pints for
me and my friends here.

Oh, we'll buy pints all
around for everybody.

( cheers )

Thanks, very much.

To the Yanks.

To the champ.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Eddie, you're a
man of many talents.

What brings you all the
way out to nowhere, Johnny?

We came to ride in
the Belgrave hunt.

Ah, guests aboard
of Billy, are you?

You know him?

There's only one.

I suppose he has
quite a reputation.


I'll say, yes.

Mind you, he's
gone selective now.

He likes them under 25.

That was the old Billy.

He's married now.

Surely, he must
have settled down.

Well, yeah.

But it's all around the
village that his missus

is going to drop him
like a red hot brick.

If she divorces him,

she'll come out
with a pretty penny,

I can tell you.

Tommy, another round, please.

( music playing )

( indistinct chatter )

Hey, look who we found
here, Mr. and Mrs. H.

- Jennifer: Max, hello.
- Jonathan: Hi, Max.

Annie: Hello,
Eddie. How are you?

Fine, thanks. See
you found a live one.

A yank at that.

Well, as you all
know each other,

I'll go and practice.

Boy, you missed the excitement.

There was quite a nasty scene

at the house before we left.

What sort of a scene?

Sir William and Lady Belgrave

really had a go at each other.

He was going on about
her not knowing anything,

not even how to sh**t skeet.

I swear, I thought
he would k*ll her.

Here you are. Thanks a lot.

( suspense music playing )

Do you think he'll really do it?

I don't know, darling.

I don't want to wait
around and find out.

( car revving )

( music continues playing )

Claire: Pull.

( g*nsh*t )


( g*nsh*t )

Come on, come on, come on.

( music playing )


( g*nsh*t )

( car revving )


( g*nsh*t )

Come on, come on.

( clicks )

William: Pull.

( g*nsh*t )

His g*n misfired.

It was an accident.

( music playing )

( music playing )

Claire: Thank you so much.

( car revving )

Man: Lady Belgrave,
I'm very, very sorry

about Sir William's accident.

I think that clears it up.

I do appreciate
your cooperation.

I appreciate yours, Inspector.

( bell ringing )


Jennifer and I have decided
that it would be easier

if we went back to London.

Jennifer, what about the hunt?

Claire, under the circumstance.

The circumstances are
that this is the Belgrave hunt.

It's been run every year
for over a hundred years.

It will run this year as well.

Claire, wouldn't you
prefer to be alone?

Alone is the last
thing I need to be.

Please, stay for me.

This house, it's so big.

Everything's so empty now.

I really want you to stay.


Well, on one condition.

That you'll let me help
you settle any problem

you might have on
tidying up Billy's affairs.

I'd be very grateful
for that, Jonathan.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

it's been rather a long morning.

I think I'll lie
down for a while.

Of course.

( music playing )

You know, you're both so kind.

Don't you think there's
been a significant

change in Claire's attitude?

In this house, it's hard to tell

the players without
a score card.

( music playing )

( motorcycle revving )

Johnny, what brings you
all the way out here, eh?

Come for another game

or you're having
problems with the car?

Neither, Eddie.

Tommy at the pub told
us where we could find you.

I'd like to talk to you.

Sure. I'll just get
rid of the bike.

Customer's coming to
pick it up end of the week.

Bet you're here
about Billy's accident.

If it was an accident.

Did I hear a Yankee
doubt? Well-founded, too.

- Jennifer: You think so?
- Uh-hmm.

Do you think that Lady Belgrave

could have been involved?

She had her reasons, mate,

two or three million of them.

( door closes )

Hello, Arthur. Mr. Hart.

It's 3:00, do you have
Lady Belgrave's car ready?

I said I would.

Keys are in there.

I'll see you back at the house.

Yes, Mr. Lovejoy.

Problems with your engine?

( car revving )

Yes, it's fixed up fine now.

Car's around the back, Arthur.


( music playing )

A real charmer, eh?

I was thinking you
made a mistake.

You should let the Harts go.

You're very sweet, Arthur.
Not smart, but very sweet.

You're underestimating
Jonathan Hart.

He'd never have gone
to London and let this rest.

What's his stake in all this?

Hmm, no stake, it's
what he's made of.

One thing you can
give Billy credit for,

he knew how to
pick his associates.

Jonathan's sharp and persistent.

He's also got a
healthy curiosity.

Hmm, maybe not so
healthy for him this time.

Now you're thinking
along my lines.

I want the Harts out of the way.

Another accident?

You'll think of something.

Something wrong?

You will take care of the Harts.

I think I can throw
them off the scent.

You know, I couldn't
have done this without you.

Just remember that, love.

( music playing )

Mr. Hart, are you in?

( music continues playing )

Jonathan: We have to talk.

There is much more to say
than I can trust to the paper.

Meet me at 9:00 at
the old green house.

You think that's from Eddie?


Well, we have a
little time before that.

What do you think?

I think that you should
get ready for bed

and I should go out
and make the meeting.

Oh, no, no, no.

Absolutely not.

Where thou goest, I followest.

- Followest?
- Uh-hmm.

There's no such word as that.

There is now, okay?


How does it happen, darling?


How does it happen
that two people fall in love,

get married,

and then wind up hating
each other so much

that they're willing
to commit m*rder.

Maybe Claire and
Billy were never in love.

Maybe it was comfortable.

- Comfortable?
- Uh-hmm.

I suppose people do get married

just because it's comfortable.

Promise me something.

Promise me we'll
never stay together

just because we're comfortable.

I promise we'll
never be comfortable.

No, no, that's not
exactly what I meant.

What did you mean?

Well, I meant we
should be comfortable.

We just shouldn't
just be comfortable.

I promise we'll never
just be comfortable.


How am I doing now?

You're a lot closer.


Oh, you rat.

( music playing )

Come on. Good dogs,
good dogs, come on.

Come on, what's this?
What's this? Come on.

( music continues playing )

Come on, come on, come on.

Go. Loose! Loose!

Come on.

Good hunting.

What time is it?

It's five minutes after 9:00.

We'll wait another five minutes.


( dogs barking )

What's that?

Sounds like the hounds
of the Baskervilles.

( dogs barking )

Let's forget the
next five minutes.

( music playing )

We've got to get
back to the house.

We'll never outrun them.

We can try. Come on.

( music playing )

( dogs barking )

We can't get through here.

There's no way out.

( music playing )

( dogs barking )

Get on the boat, quick.

They won't follow
us in the water.

( dogs barking )

( music continues playing )

( panting )

So much for man's best friend.

That theory about Billy's death

being an accident
has gone to the dogs.

We may need a little
backup for the hunt tomorrow.

What are you planning?

To call in the cavalry.

( indistinct chatter )

Man: Oh, here they come.

( indistinct chatter )

Man: Over here, yeah.

Be sure to do
just as I told you.

Don't worry, I'll
see they're there.

Just you get it right this time.

( indistinct chatter )

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I, on behalf of all of us,

say thank you to Lady
Belgrave for inviting us here

again today and keeping
up the Belgrave tradition.

And may I, at the same
time express our sympathy,

Lady Belgrave,
for your great loss

in the death of Sir William.

( trumpet honks )

( indistinct chatter )

( dogs barking )

Now, well, how does it
feel to be part of tradition?

Ask me tomorrow.

You'll do fine.

Just watch your footing

and keep an eye
out for low braches.

Well, old pip, what do you say?


( music playing )

( dogs barking )

Hold on. Oh, oh, my wrist.

Are you all right?

No, it's my wrist
that's hurting.

I'll be fine. You go on.

Oh, no, we'll stay
here and wait with you.

No, I insist. You'll
miss the hunt.

I'll be along in
a minute. Go on.

All right.

( music playing )

( dogs barking )

( g*nsh*t )

( horse neighing )

( music continues playing )

( motorcycle revving )

Hey, stop it! What
are you doing?

I suppose this is the cavalry.

And just in the nick of time.

Not much good without the shot.

( music playing )

( horse neighing )

Can you handle her?

No problem, Johnny.

- Arthur?
- Arthur.

( music playing )

( horse neighing )

( dogs barking )

( grunts )

Arthur: Oh, God.

( horse neighing )

You know, I'm a little
disappointed in Arthur.


It would have been
much more British

if it had been the butler.


( music continues playing )

Eddie: You've been practicing.

Man: Come on, Eddie
now. Come on, boy.

( indistinct chatter )

Man: Yeah.

( cheering )

Your throw.

( indistinct chatter )

( cheering )

( laughing )


That's the first time
I've been beaten

in three years, she's good.

Yes, she gets
straight to the point.

Come on, I'll buy
you a couple of beers.

We'll be over in a minute.

I want to talk to you.

You do? What about?

I didn't know you could do that.

Oh, well, you see,
there are lots of things

that you don't know I could do.

You want to give me some hints?

Uh-uh. No, I want you
to find them all out slowly.

All right.

There is one thing
I know about you.

- What's that?
- Hmm.

Was I right?

( chuckles )

Bull's eye.

( music playing )