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06x03 - Trouble in Paradise

Posted: 03/06/24 07:16
by bunniefuu
We made it!

Say "honeymoon day one."

Honeymoon day one!

- Are you taking a picture?
- Video.

I wanted to see how long
until you broke.

Hi. I'm Rafael.

- Hello!
- That's my daughter, Elise.

Elise, hi, I'm John.
That's Bailey.

- Hello!
- Hi.

And we run
the Oceanside Dreams.

I know that you booked
our luxury villa.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

So let's get you
in there, yeah?

Oh, I like
the sound of luxury.

You did say, villa, right?

Yes. Yes, sir.

We're still recovering
from the last few hurricanes.

The power goes out sometimes.

The internet works sometimes.

But to us,
this is still paradise.


It's just that the
pictures on the website,

they look a little different.

Yes, exactly.

We used AI,
to generate renderings.

So those are photos of
what the place feels like,

yeah, according to the AI.

That's what separates us
from the other resorts.

The false advertising?


What was that?

Oh, um...

possums, most likely.

They are loud.

But rest assured,
if you hear anything at all,

it's either a mating sound
or a k*lling sound.

Happy honeymoon. [CHUCKLES]


That's good.

No, this is gonna be great.

- Mm-hmm.
- This is...

I am so sorry.

♪ I'm gonna win for you ♪

♪ Like I know you want me to do ♪

Hey, did you get any sleep?

I will sleep
when I pass this exam.


I-I don't think
you're gonna sleep more

after you make detective.

How's it going?

I feel pretty good
about my knowledge.

I mean, the written
portion was easy.

But the oral exam is

what is literally
keeping me up at night.

I mean, the test
is so subjective.

If even one person on the panel
has it against me,

I mean, it's over.

And you think Lieutenant
Primm still hates you?

I brought him
homemade cookies,

- and he threw them in the trash.
- OK.

You can't control Primm.

You can only control you.

And now it's time for you

to step away from the highlighter.

Wait. No, no, no, no, no.

That's exactly right, though.

'Cause I can only control me,
so I just need to be perfect.

- You can over-prepare.
- No.

That is an idea
that lazy people created.

No, I've seen it happen, OK?

You get in your own head.

You just need to trust yourself,

and then let it go.

Yeah, I don't think
I can do that.

All right.

I'm gonna take a shower.

- Right now?
- Yeah.



Hmm, maybe
I could take a break.

♪ ♪

It was a wedding, you know.

Everything was all romantic...

Music, soft light...

And, I kind of...

Kissed Celina.

Celina, who you work with?

Celina, who saved your life
when you were shot?

- That Celina?
- Yeah.

Did I mention the light?

Because I really believe,
like, the mood lighting

was 20% responsible.

- How did she react?
- Not good.

Yeah, the look she gave
me was somewhere between

horrified and...

Really horrified.

She doesn't share your feelings?


I'm not sure I share
my feelings, you know.

We've been so close,

and she was the only
person I could talk to.

Look, it's very natural to
confuse that kind of bond

with something romantic.

OK. So...
So what do I do?

How do I fix this?

You and Celina have been
through a lot together.

You have a shared trauma.

And as tempting as it is

to want everything fixed

that's not how
these things work.

Now, when you say
trauma, are you talking about

Celina rejecting me
or me getting shot?

Because they have been equally
traumatizing in my eyes.

You're both adults.

Clear the air.

Set some healthy boundaries,
and give her time.


♪ ♪

Are we starting an OnlyFans?

I thought we would want

to remember this honeymoon forever.

Now of course, I'm not so sure.

- Is this a button cam?
- Mm-hmm.

- A drone?
- Mm-hmm.

Are we launching
an intelligence agency?

It came as a package,

and, it was on sale.

And, I got excited.

Can I show you?

This one is waterproof.

It makes it perfect
for swimming, kayaking.

Or we can do that thing where
we go cage diving with sharks.

We can't.
They don't have it here.

- Oh.
- I made sure.

This one attaches right to us.

So when we go zip lining
and you're zipping on past

and I'm watching
from the ground,

we can cut into it later from
all sorts of different angles.

OK, and this one is
a button camera in case

we have to go undercover,

break up any monkey
drug cartels.

And what about this one?

Oh, why is it so dark?

- Hang on a second.

- Night vision.
- No.

- Yes.
- No.

Just listen, listen.

I was thinking we can take
one of these, set it up,

you know, outside.

See what the possums are doing.

Oh, yeah, totally,
that's what you were thinking.

It is what I was thinking.
What were you thinking?

I think you know
what I was thinking.

- Hey, I'm married.

♪ ♪

Celina, hi!


Are you cleared
for active duty?

No, uh, not yet.


I, um...

I got something for you.

Picked it up
on the way to work.

No, you didn't have to do that.

New laptop.

Aaron, that's
completely unnecessary.

Yeah, but you were saying
how your computer was slow.

I know what you're doing.

You're trying
to apologize for the...

For the kiss,
but you don't have to.




Anybody want a laptop?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll take it!

The m*rder scene exception
is the misbelief

that when a crime scene
is so heinous,

you are allowed to go
around the search warrant.

Correct again.
Next question.

What is my favorite
leisure activity?

Um, excuse me?

You know, am I more
of an outdoor or indoor cat?

Smitty, please just read
from the cards I gave you, OK?

Look, you asked me
for my advice.

- I did not!
- And my advice is,

you should do
a little research on Primm.

Find out his likes,
his dislikes, favorite hobbies.

Then you can take
that knowledge

and score some bonus points.

I'm worried,

that I focused too much
on Aaron after the attack,

and did you a disservice,

let you fall
through the cracks.

Oh, thank you, sir,

but I'm fine.

What about the wedding?

You went rogue.

You know better
than to meet with a CI

without alerting
other officers.

I do.
I just thought that...

It would impress me?

- Yes.
- Well, it didn't.

That situation could
have ended a lot worse.

- Don't ever do it again.
- Yes, ma'am.

Harper is needed
back with the detectives.

You'll be riding with Sergeant
Bradford until Nolan returns.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.
Get the w*r bags, Boot.

Set up the shop.

He's a major dog guy.

He goes to the shelter
every weekend

looking for new ones to foster.

And he won't stop
until he sets them up

with their forever homes.

Wait, what...
that is beautiful.

I am also a dog lover.

What's going on here?

I'm helping Chen study
for her detective's exam.


What happened
to not over-preparing?

It's Smitty.
Is it even really helping?


I just need a few minutes.

No, you need to take a break.

I got Celina today.

Come on.
You're riding with us.


Well, that actually sounds
kind of fun.

The second you two start
talking about birth charts,

I'm kicking you both out of the car.

Thank you, Smitty, thank you.

I've done all I can do.

The rest is up to her.


Elise was right.

This place is beautiful!

And all we really need
is each other, you know?

- Oh! Unbelievable.
- What?

Oh, I'm just checking
the possum camera.

Man, they were really going at it.

Fighting or...
You know?

I thought we were
the only ones staying

on this end of the island.

Uh, maybe he got here
after us?

He looks introspective.

He looks like a vampire,

trying to avoid sunlight
at all costs.


- Oh.
- Oh.

I wasn't expecting that.

Just because you brought
all the cameras

doesn't mean you can use them
all the time.

You're totally right.

Be in the moment.

No, it's... I can hear
what you're saying.

Wait a second.


He is not a vampire.

He is eating...
Avocado toast?

So who do you think he is?

Uh, I'm gonna go with
billionaire playboy

faking his own death,
went under the knife

to change his features
to start a new life

with a secret second family.

But he chose to stay here.

Oh. Yeah, maybe he's lost.

- I'm gonna go talk to him.
- No, no, no, wait.

What if he just wants
to be left alone?

Or even worse, he doesn't
want to be left alone,

and then we have a third wheel
for the rest of our honeymoon.

I just want to get a read on him.

And don't worry, I'll make it sound

like we're old and no fun.

By the time I'm done,

he won't
want to be anywhere near us.


You can make us sound
a little fun.

"Hi, I'm John Nolan."

"That over there is
my stunning wife, Bailey."


"Wow, yes,
she is really beautiful."

"Yeah, she is."

"Did I also mention
she's talented, and smart,"

"and funny, and..."

"That's so amazing.
You're so lucky, dude."

I made sure my radio
batteries are charged up.

And I have a spare one here
too because you never know.

I threw an extra case
of water in the back, so...


I'll stop.

Hey, what's going on
with you and Aaron?


Well, I saw you guys
in the parking lot,

and it looked awkward.

Huh, I don't know.

OK, just a little.

I just...
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Both of you, out now.
- Whoa.

You said no birth charts.

You didn't say we couldn't
talk about boys.

That goes without saying.

We will talk at lunch.

DISPATCH: Seven-Metro-one hundred,

I have a four-eighty-four in progress

at Bellevue & East Kensington.

Show us responding.

I've got this.


I need you to stop right there.

Oh, is...

Is something going on with...

Oh, we got a report
of someone shoplifting

at this location.

Wasn't me.

Well, can you raise
your arms for me?


♪ ♪

I'm sorry.
I just...

My arm really hurt,

and I don't have any money.

OK, we need to get you
to the hospital.

What's your name?

I don't know.

Well, it says here
your name is Jonathan Knight,

and you work
for Trusted Security.

Is that my name?

Jonathan Knight.

OK, drop the act.

Lying about your name isn't gonna

keep us from arresting you.

- Cuff him.
- No! No, no, no, no.

I... I woke up,
and I was just bleeding!

And I saw
the convenience store.

I... I don't remember
anything from before that.

All righty, let's go.

Is that plaster dust?

I... I don't know.

Are you buying any of this?

Not a word.

I mean, the gash in his arm
is real enough.


- Oh!

I don't feel that good.

No, it's OK.
It's OK.

We're gonna... we're gonna
take you to the hospital.

No, no, pukester is
going in an ambulance,

and you're going with him.


Can we talk about
that guy from breakfast?

I mean, that was weird.

When I asked him his name,
it took him a full five seconds

to tell me it was Dean.

It's probably
'cause he's on pain meds.

Any kind of facial surgery
is quite serious.

I don't know.

Told me a wonky story
about a dog attack.

Something about it
just doesn't smell right.

Can you turn your cop brain
off for just a few hours

so we can go kayaking?

Of course I can.

Let me just land
this little beauty.


- Don't be alarmed.
- Careful.

Lands with the touch
of a button.

- Hey... ooh.

- And I'm sorry.

Could you just state it
one more time for the record?

- You beat me.
- Uh-huh.

Which means?

Which means that I lost.

You really had
a staggering improvement.

If you ever wanted
a second career change,

you could be
a professional kayaker.

And what is the lesson here?

That don't make everything

a contest unless
I'm sure I can win.

That's right.

Did we leave that open?

Maybe it was like that, before?


We were just too distracted

by the grandeur of this place
to notice?

- [YAWNS] What time is it?
- I don't know.

It's 8:30.

Oh, perfect!



Just a second to lie down.

Then we'll grab some dinner.




♪ ♪

Bailey and I had somewhat
of a stressful morning.

The camera I left on
last night,

recorded someone
standing outside our window,

watching us sleep.

- For almost an hour.
- Right.

So, I have charged all the cameras.

We are setting up a small,

but very technologically
advanced perimeter.

Let's see if he wants
to come back.


Watch me sleep now.

♪ All gold teeth, ♪
♪ I like my girls like that ♪

♪ And never smiling ♪

♪ I like my girls like that ♪

♪ Dirty-ass knees ♪

♪ I like my girls like that, ♪
♪ I like my girls like that ♪

It's on.

Are we being crazy?

Somebody watched us sleep
last night for an hour.

That's crazy.

Why can't we have,
like, a normal honeymoon?

Tell you what, let's take
the first ferry out of here.

When we get home,
we're gonna book a trip

to the most normal place we can find.


[WHISPERING] It's Elise.


♪ I like my girls like that ♪

Hey, there.

- Housekeeping.
- Come on in.

Brought you two
some fresh towels.

Thank you.

Um, Elise, when is
the next ferry out of here?

No ferry today, or tomorrow probably.

It's about as reliable as
the internet and the power.

But I'm sure it'll be up and running

by the time you guys check out.

What if there was a problem?

Is there a problem?

No, no.
That's it.

Thank you.

OK, let me know
if you need anything else.

- All right.
- OK.

♪ I like my girls like that ♪

♪ I like my girls like that ♪

Well, we are stuck here
for a few more days.

So we might as well
make the most of it.

- Shall we go for a swim?
- Sure, of course.

- Yeah, let's make the best of this.
- Come on.

♪ I like my girls like that ♪

♪ I like my girls like that ♪

Hey, Luna.
How's the new job going?

Energizing, mostly.

Being a patient advocate is rewarding.

Um, we're actually here
to check up on a patient

that we brought in yesterday.

- He claimed to have amnesia.
- Right.

The John Doe in 415.

I have called other hospitals,
homeless shelters,

rehab facilities...

Anything I can think of.

No one has reported him missing.

Do the doctors think
he'll get his memory back?


But brain injuries
can be tricky,

so it could be a few months.


We'll go talk to him.

Hey, how's Aaron?

He's fine, I think.

I don't know.

- I sense trouble.
- No, no, not at all.

OK, maybe a little.

He kissed me at the
wedding out of nowhere.

And now I'm...

- Angry?
- Yeah.

I think he was just confused.

And I mean, the way I reacted,

it must have been
so embarrassing.

And I'm sure he wants to forget
it ever happened.

I'm hearing a lot about
what you think Aaron's feeling.

But, you can't know,
until you talk it through.

- Hey.
- Mm.

Did you find something?

- You know who I am?
- I'm afraid not.

Look, we contacted
Trusted Security.

They have never heard of you.

And we can't find

a Jonathan Knight matching
your description in California.

Well, I have been
thinking about it.

And I think the only
rational answer is that...

I'm a spy.

- Not my first guess.
- No.

No, it makes sense.
It's a cover identity.

I was probably
infiltrating a high-rise

full of government secrets.

Maybe I got poisoned.

That's why I threw up.

You know, like radiation
poisoning or something?

Yeah, you know, let's
not jump to conclusions.

You probably threw up
because you're concussed.


North Korea.

Wait, it's all
coming back to me now.

I-I was targeting North Korea.

And I had a partner,

and we were on a mission.

Do you know where he is?

He could be in danger.

We need to find him.

Um, do you know
your partner's name,

or, when you last saw him?

- No.
- Mm.


OK, we're on it.

We'll get back to you.

You turned off the TV?

Any chance he's right?

We ran his prints.

If he worked for a three-letter

it would have set off alarms.

Yeah. I mean, maybe.

But the way he talked about
his partner, that felt real.

Maybe there's some
kernel of truth there.

You saw the news.

He's just repeating
the last thing he saw on TV.

Maybe there's some
memory that's surfacing,

and he just can't make sense
of what it really means.


Regardless, there's not
much we can do

until he starts
to remember more.



♪ ♪

Excuse me.

Have you seen Officers
Bradford and Chen?


Then I'm in trouble.

Look at this.

There she is.

So nice.



Normal honeymoon!

Just wanted a normal honeymoon.



This is John Nolan, LAPD.

With me is Bailey Nune, EMT.

We have just discovered a dead body.

Uh, female, 30s, Martha...

Oh, Delgado.

Her body is still stiff.

She's been dead
for at least eight hours.

Wasn't in the water long enough
to sustain much damage.

It's such a tragedy.

I gotta say, it's not as
uncommon as you might think.

What do you mean?

Well, even people
who grew up here,

they sometimes
underestimate the undertow.

They have a few drinks,
they go for a night swim,

and then...

Then this happens.

Well, that may be.

But I'm sure you'll agree,

we do need to call
some professionals

to determine
what really happened.

Oh, of course.

I already called the constables
on the main island.

And they said they're gonna
get here as soon as they can.

It's usually just
a couple of days

with the accidental drowning.

Um, but we'll put poor Martha here

in the walk-in fridge
until they arrive.

Oh! I've got bars.

I've got a bar.
I'm gonna...

Would you?
There you go.


Why is Nolan FaceTiming me
from his honeymoon?

Are you calling to rub in

how beautiful your island paradise is?

I wish.

Place is run down,

phone and internet
are very spotty,

there was a creeper
outside our window

watching us sleep for an hour,

and now we found a body.

- A body?
- Yeah.

The housekeeper just
washed up on the beach.

Something is wrong here,

and local law enforcement
is non-existent.

I'm worried somebody
maybe found out I was a cop

and is targeting... Could you...


Seems like he needs
some backup.

Are you suggesting
a trip to the tropics?

- I wasn't, but now I am.
- Hm.

Sergeant Grey...

We have a problem.

Uh, Nolan just called.

They found a dead body
on the beach.

Why do I feel like I should
be more surprised about that?

Yeah, he and Bailey are
basically trouble magnets.

- Hmm.
- He doesn't have his g*n, no backup.

And now he's in the middle
of an active crime scene.

We want to go down there.

To an island where
you have no jurisdiction?

By the time you get the funds
approved to book the travel,

he'll be celebrating
his anniversary.

I can put it
on Wesley's card,

which is also
technically my card.

He's always saying
we should take a vacation.

And then the department
can reimburse us.

You know they won't
cover first class.

But the trust fund does.

OK, seriously,

do you think
Nolan needs saving,

or are you just trying
to get out the office?

Who says two things
can't coexist?


♪ ♪

Hey! Hey!

Uh, Celina,
can we talk after shift?

It's not fine.

Come again?

I know I said
this morning that the...

that the kiss wasn't a big deal.

But the truth is,
I still feel weird.

And I have to be OK with that.

You need to be OK with that.

Yeah, of course.



I don't know.

I want us to get back
to normal too.

But it's... It's going
to take some time, OK?

And it will be weird until it isn't.


I'm about to hang
a bell around your neck,

'cause I keep losing you.

You get that paperwork all done?

Oh, yes, sir.

Is there anything else you
need before I end my shift?

- What do you think?
- I...

You are all done.

Clock out.
Good work today.

Thank you.
Good night.

Good night.

Would it k*ll you to give her
some acknowledgment?

I'm trying to help her
become a good cop,

not boost her self-esteem.

Yeah, but when
you're teaching someone,

it's important to tell them
what they're doing right

as well as what
they can improve upon.

Yeah, it sounds
like a good plan

if you're going for mediocre.

Have I not softened you at all?

Is it weird that I'm nervous?

No, it's not weird.

This is creepy.


- Huh.


Does that sound like
mating or k*lling to you?

Power is out.

Fortunately, walk-in fridge
runs on a backup generator.

- Are you ready?
- Part of me is

and a part of me
just feels sad.

- I hate seeing someone kept like this.
- Same here.

Best thing we can do for her

is trying to figure out
what really happened.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Some cameras here.


All right.
I am John Nolan, LAPD.

This is Bailey Nune, EMT.

We're doing an external autopsy
on Martha Delgado.

We found her
in the water yesterday.

Time of death was estimated
eight hours prior.

She's been in cold
storage for six hours,

giving us approximately

Her fingers look good.

Usually with some sort of poisoning,

there's a color change
or white lines on the nails.

Not seeing any bruising.


Hang on a sec.
Got a...

It's a laceration
behind her left ear.

Did she hit her head
when she fell in the water

or was she hit,
and then fell in?

No way to tell without
a proper autopsy.

Let's go through her pockets,

see if there's anything
in there that might

fill in the blanks.



What is that?

A bandage claw.

Maybe she picked it up

when cleaning Dean's room.

And then took it for a swim
with all her clothes on?

Do you think he k*lled her?

I don't know.

But I am starting to think
we need to check out his cabin.

- Where's your hand?

I'm right here.
It's so dark.


The lights are off.

and the power's out too.

So that's no help.

You think he's in there?

Only one way to find out.


- Empty. Let's go.
- OK.


This guy travels light.

- Here.
- OK.


Oh, wait.

I found something.

What is this?


That is not your average
hunting equipment.

OK, um...

there's no serial number.

- Let's take the a*mo.
- What if he misses it?

Well, better than him using it.

Wait, wait.


♪ ♪

I'm jamming the barrel.

Here. That'll do it.

- Let's go.

- It's him.
- Back door.

♪ ♪

Go, go, go.

- What are you doing?
- The camera.

Come on.
Let's go, let's go!

♪ ♪

That was close.


He's still there.

Maybe he's
calling it a night?

Or coming to try to m*rder us.

The nearest island is
at least three hours away.

We could grab a kayak
and be there by sunrise.

So we notify police.

They head over here,

arrest Dean before
he finishes breakfast.

What do you say?
Kayaking by moonlight?

- I'll race you there.
- Yeah.

So there's an issue
with our escape plan.

I mean, this took work!

Must have done that while
we were examining the body.

He knows we're onto him.

This has certainly been
a memorable honeymoon.

There's no one else I'd rather
spend it with than you.

Oh, sweetie.


I mean, except you
may be better off with

Harper, or Lopez.

Or Tim, or Lucy.

Right. Grey, Celina.


Heck, I'd even accept
Smitty right now,

if he brought his g*n.



That's Elise.

- She looks bad, I'm gonna go.
- No, wait, wait, wait, wait.

It's OK.
It's OK.

- I will be right back.
- John, no!

- I'll be right back.
- No.

Oh, my God.




- No...






What time is it?

Oh, my God, it's so late.

You needed the sleep.

No, I should be studying.

Ah, take the morning off.

Don't you feel better?


You know, I do.

Thank you.


Oh, my God.

My test is in 20 minutes!

What? How?

They moved it up!


No service.


Which means
we can't track their phones

or get an ETA on our backup.

I don't like this.

Yeah, there is no one
around to greet you.

Or hear you scream.


That was just an animal, right?

Sure. But just in case.


♪ ♪

- OK.

Um, hi, I'm Lucy Chen,

and I'm here for
the detective's exam.

- Chen.
- Mm-hmm.


Take a seat.

They'll be with you in a few hours.

Um... no, um,

but I got
a text from them.

They said that
they needed me right away.

What can I tell you?

Over there.

They'll get to you
when they get to you.

How's she doing?

- Celina or Lucy?
- Both.

Celina is making progress.

I think she's riding
with me again today.

Lucy's in the test now,

waiting her turn.

I'll be glad when this is done.

Hey, I did some research
on the security badge

our John Doe was wearing.

The company patrols
dozens of businesses in LA.

He kept talking about
North Korea, right?

Well, one
of the office buildings

is in Koreatown,

just a few blocks from
where we found him.

Why the fake badge?

The company has a diamond
exchange on the fourth floor.

And you think he was gonna rob it?

I think something went wrong.

He got injured
and lost his memory.

Not any better ideas.

Let's go check it out.

Great work.

Let's go, Boot.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

They put up cameras
all over the place.

All right.

The last footage has to be
uploaded somewhere.

Let's get this charged,
see what we can find.

All right, so which wall is
the diamond exchange behind?

That one.


So it looks like he tried to

break into the diamond exchange

through a shared wall,

fell through the ceiling,
knocked himself out instead.

- Is someone there?


Hey, man, get me out of here!

Someone in there?

Help me. I'm stuck!



Thank God you found me.

I knew Roger wouldn't
leave me behind.

I knew it.

I just wish you got here
five minutes earlier...

before I drank my own urine.

♪ ♪

Officer Chen.


Good evening.

- Thank you for...
- It's been a long day,

so let's just get right to it.

What would you do
if a member of the press

wanted access to a crime scene?

The press are allowed
closer access to a crime scene

than the general public.

It is acceptable for the press
to enter a crime scene

if and only if,

they are not going to
disturb the evidence

or, endanger themselves.

Let's talk about the importance

of not disturbing evidence.

Recently, you...

You failed to secure a crime scene.

- I did.
- And?

The sprinklers went off.

Critical evidence was
literally washed away.

I recovered what I could,
and I worked with the DA

to make the case
as strong as possible.

It was my fault.

I accept full responsibility for that.

But, I made the most of it.

It sounds like you're
almost glad you lost evidence.

Of course not.

But I couldn't change it.

And I didn't let it
knock me off my course.

I tracked my suspect,
and I got a full confession.

I learned a lot
from that mistake,

and I will never make it again.


♪ ♪


Looks like there's
a few cabins in the east.

All right.
Here we go.

Look at what you did.



All right.
We gotta find them now.

Which way is east?

- Uh, that way.
- Let's go.

I came here for peace and quiet...

To heal.



And you screwed that up.


I was finally gonna be good-looking.

And hot girls, like you...

were finally gonna look my way.

And now they'll...
Now they'll just run.


True beauty is on the inside.

Oh. [LAUGHS] Good.

Then you won't mind me

cutting my way inside you to find it?

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Look, focus on me.

I'm the one who screwed
everything up for you.

- It was me.
- Don't be jealous.

There's plenty of this
to go around, huh?


♪ ♪

You're a cop, aren't you?


Yes, I am, LAPD.

But us being here has
nothing to do with you.

- We're on our honeymoon.
- Right!

It's a whole operation.

"It's a"...

Rafael and Elise work here.

What, you-you thought
they were undercover?

- What do you know about me?
- Nothing.

And we wouldn't have
suspected anything

if you'd just left us alone!

♪ ♪

You are a liar!

- Shut up!

Or you're gonna end up
as dead as your dad!

By the way, you were smart
to take my a*mo,

- but you didn't hide it very well.
- No!




♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- You OK?
- Yeah, I'm OK.

I was so scared.

Get some towels
from the bathroom.

- I need to stop her bleeding.
- Right.

- I got it.
- Yeah, yeah.

It's gonna be OK.

What is... oh, my God.

I believe that's yours.


Who the hell is that?

That's our backup, finally.

♪ ♪

Looks like our honeymoon
ends with an airlift.

Thank God.

You did good work
today, Boot.

Paid attention to details,
thought outside the box.

Thank you.

I couldn't have done it
without my training officer.

That's a good answer.

But day's not done yet.

Right, right.

But you know, this could be
a little more manageable

with the help from my TO.

Don't mistake my
compliment for kindness.

Police work isn't
supposed to be manageable.

- Good luck.
- Yes, sir.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I heard a guy vomited on you,

and then you booked another guy
who drank his own urine?


You know, I bet you're missing
patrol right about now.

I think I can handle
a few more days

without being covered
in a stranger's bodily fluids.

Today feels less weird
than yesterday, doesn't it?

- Yeah.
- And maybe,

tomorrow will feel even less weird.

That sounds about right.

Good, because I, uh...

I miss my friend.

Me too.

Maybe we can laugh
about this, sometime soon...

not, like, today, but soon.


- Good night, Celina.
- Good night.

♪ ♪


Sarge, I'm gonna die on this list.

Sorry, Chen.

Well, well, well.

The shortest vacation ever.

You get an ID on Nolan
and Bailey's bad guy?

Yep, his real name
is Nicholas Colston.

He has been in the
wind since they found

pieces of his girlfriend,
all over his apartment.

He was hiding out
on the island

recovering from facial surgery,

and when he saw a cop
honeymooning next door,

he got paranoid.

He thought his victims were
conducting surveillance.

Glad you got there when you did.

Well, local law says
that we might have to

go back down to the island to testify.

Week, maybe two, tops.




That's funny.


♪ ♪

I can't believe I came in 17th.

It's almost worse than coming in last.

Hey, look.

There is definitely no
prize for coming in last.

But, I'm pretty sure there's
a prize for coming in 17th.

Oh, my God.


I guess I'll just
have to set my sights

on a different future,

like metro.

♪ ♪

[LAUGHS] I'm kidding.

I... I knew that.

- Yeah, right.
- Yeah.

You really thought
I was gonna come in first?

Of course I did.

♪ I'm gonna lay my head down ♪

I'm sorry for disappointing you.

♪ Let me go, let me go ♪

You could never
disappoint me.

♪ Nice and easy and slow ♪

♪ I said let me go ♪

This is cute.

- I did a good job.
- Yeah, you did.


♪ Island in my mind, yes ♪

♪ I go there all the time ♪

♪ And if I only had some time ♪

♪ I'd find this island in real life ♪

♪ Set sail for the island in my mind ♪

Happy honeymoon for real.

Happy honeymoon for real.

♪ And if I only had some time ♪

♪ You know I'm gonna ♪
♪ find my healing rock ♪

♪ ♪