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01x06 - If You Believed in Me

Posted: 03/06/24 16:55
by bunniefuu

[INTERROGATOR] Catherine. There
is a softness in your name.

Perhaps you will not
be too much trouble.

You can help yourself by talking to me.

And if you don't...

I will hurt you.


will not stop to hurt you

until you tell me everything.

Seventy-two hours without rest.
[SIGHS] Don't you want to sleep?

If you don't speak to
me, this will never end.



was a sixth student.

Tell me their name, or
you're going back in the ice.




- I have nothing to say to you!
- [CHRISTIAN] No, no, no... [MUMBLES]

- No, no. You're safe.

You're safe. You're home.

- [SHUSHES] No, no, no. No, it's me.

- It's me. It's Christian. It's Christian.
- Please! [PANTING] Please!


So you told them I was suing,
and they had nothing to say?

But you need to understand
what you have started here.

[COCO] Started?

I didn't start it.
I'm going to ruin them.

- Coco...
- Pierre and Paul violated my contract

when they moved
production of Chanel No. 5

to America without my consent.

Behind my back.

That's for a court to decide.

This will be attack
and counterattack and...

g*dd*mn it, René. Are
you going to do your job,

or do I have to come back
home and do it for you?

I need money.

[BARONESS] I have organized a lunch

with the wealthiest
women in Switzerland.

If they like you, they will pay
you a lot of money to dress them.

[COCO] Hi. Oh. Hello.

- Hello.
- [COCO] Nice to meet you.

- [ARISTOCRAT] You too.

- Hello. Nice to meet you.
- Hello. How are you? [CHUCKLES]

- Have they not seated you?
- No, not yet.

Sorry. Uh, seat us all
at my table, please.

Certainly, mademoiselle.
And may I have a quick word?


- [WHISPERING] Mademoiselle, your account...

I don't have time to discuss this,
hmm? You have my word. I will pay.

Please now, this is an
important lunch. Step aside.

Tell me, how is André faring?

Oh, he and Gabrielle arrived
in Paris a few days ago.

His treatment has begun.

- Oh. Fingers crossed. [CHUCKLES]

[STAMMERS] Those two
are all I have left.

I love them more than the world itself.

Do you have a photo?

My grandchildren are here.

- How lovely.

Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Th-Their
portraits are getting framed.


I must ask, who is that lady?

What lady?

The woman in the far corner
staring at you since we sat down.

Coco, darling. Hello.

- She's waving at you.
- [KISSES] It's been too long.

Oh, her?

- [ELSA] Darling, Coco. I can't believe it.

- [ELSA] Coco! Coco!
- Seems insistent.

Yes, she is, isn't she? Yes.

Everyone's watching. You'd
better go over and say hello.

[DOCTOR] Catherine is
dehydrated and exhausted.

You need to feed her simple foods,
because she most likely has ulcers.

Okay, but there's...
Something else is wrong.

She... She often doesn't know
who I am or where she is...

Yeah, but starvation and malnutrition,

you know, the effects are complicated.

We're seeing multiple symptoms in those

who have returned from the camps,

and in some cases, there
is amnesia caused by trauma.

But her memory will return?

Most likely.

Although it is essential
that she'd not be pushed.

Make sure she rests.

Monsieur Dior,

Catherine has suffered greatly.

Starvation can drive people mad.

It is an excruciating pain.

It really damages the body
but also the mind, the spirit.

What can I do?

Just give her time.

Take it slowly, please.

I'll check on her again
every couple of days.

Limit visitors. Best
to have none if you can.


I don't want her to see me worried.

[SIGHS] You have your
meeting with Vigouroux now.

Oh, I can't go. It's... It's impossible.

I can manage here.

No. I... I would never have
made a leap if I'd have known

that she was going to
return. It's a miracle.

Yes, it is.

And Monsieur Boussac giving you
this chance is also a miracle.

Christian, don't waste it.

Catherine is home now.

That's the important thing.


You should be proud of yourself.

So please go.


- You must do what's good for you.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.


- Hello.
- [CALLER] Have I reached

the home of Christian Dior?

- Yes. This is the Dior residence. [SIGHS]
- [CALLER] Has Catherine returned?

- I'm sorry, Catherine?
- [CALLER] Yes,

- I would like to speak to her, please.
- No, it's not possible.

- [CALLER] Are you sure? Uh...
- No, I'm sorry.

You wouldn't believe the trouble
I had getting out of Madrid.

I mean, those people
at the British Embassy,

every one of them,

all they cared about was
where I'd been, what I knew.

So many questions. It was
really quite exhausting.

Sounds tedious.

Tedious? No, it was absolute t*rture.

Yes, well, you made it out in one piece.

That's all that matters.

Tell me, why are you here?

Oh. It's lunchtime.

I would have thought

that London would be a more
desirable place for you to visit.

Well, after our little tango in Madrid,

I, um... I was labeled
a traitor, you see.

And my family in England,
they all disowned me.

So, now I'm all yours, you know.

Lucky me.


Tell me what it's like here.

All these Swiss people seem so...

rich. [CHUCKLES]

Don't get any ideas, Elsa.

What ideas?

I'm trying to keep a low
profile. You should as well.

It's still dangerous.

Is the French government after you?

Lower your voice.

[CHUCKLES] Sorry. Sorry.


If you want me to keep
quiet about what I know,

why don't you just make sure
I get what you promised me?

Oh, there it is. This is about money.

Darling, you said it yourself
in Madrid, it's just money.

That's what you told me
when... when Spatz spent it all.

You said, "I can get more."
And-And... And then... [CHUCKLES]

... then you compared my heart
and soul to a tablecloth.

I didn't mean that.

Just look after me, yeah?

be sealed with a kiss.



Congratulations are definitely in order.

This venture, your house...

I'm not well informed as to what
you said to Monsieur Boussac,

but he has never before invested
this much money in any one individual.

Well, it's an honor.

Have you told Lelong yet?

He must be beside himself
that you're leaving him.

Not yet. But I will.

But you must do it immediately.

Christian, we have to
finish the paperwork.

Hire the tailors, the seamstress.
Hire the models, the staff.

Find the location. Location is crucial.

Boussac wants something
larger than life.

I was thinking something a little
more intimate, more personal,

something that expresses my desire
to dress a few women exquisitely.

Of course. But it still
needs to be on a grand scale.

And Boussac will want something
more than a few women dressed.

I'm sure you know that.


But... [STAMMERS] ... I
will need a little time.

- I'm not sure whether you know, but...
- Your sister is back from the horrors.

Yes. It-It... It's wonderful,
Christian. How is she?

She's adjusting, but it
will take a little time.

- [GEORGES] It's an amazing feat.
- Mm-hmm.

Go home and take care of
Catherine as best you can.

[SIGHS] Thank you, Georges.

But as your business partner,

you should know that Boussac
is not a very patient man.

He has his own timetable.

I understand. I am grateful.

Don't be concerned.

Well, I am concerned.



Is it true? She's here?

Yes, she's here.

Thank you.


Thank you.

I, um... [SWALLOWS] I have to see her.

Hervé, she's weak. It's best to wait.

No, no, no. I must talk to her.

And you will soon.

Not today. She-She-She's too confused.

Did she ask about me?

- Did she ask about me?

She's suffering from amnesia.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have to see her.


[HERVÉ] Catherine. [PANTS]

I thought I'd lost you.

It all sounds...

It's so foolish to say anything.

Okay, let's let her rest.


Just a moment.

She knows I'm here.

I thought I'd lost you.

Look, we can't be on the
streets for the next 72 hours.

And don't worry. We'll
leave immediately after that.

We will sneak out Jean after it is dark,

and then we will all leave.


I'll come back tomorrow.


[INTERROGATOR] Take my hand, Catherine.

Tell me the name of the other student,

and all this will stop.

Take my hand.


- Yes? Hello.
- [MARCEL] I have good news, Monsieur Dior.

Uh, forgive me. Who is this?

This is your destiny calling.

I have identified the perfect
location for your new atelier.

Georges Vigouroux will call you
later and set up an appointment

to see the location for the atelier.

Oh, Mr. Boussac. Um, Georges knows
I-I... I need another day or two.

[MARCEL] Monsieur Dior,

I am unflinching in my desire to
turn your vision into a reality,

but you have to do your part.

[STAMMERS] This is a
business, after all.

Yes, I know. And... [STAMMERS]
... believe me, I'm very grateful.

[MARCEL] Good. Then all that
needed to be said already has been.

w*r is ending, Monsieur Dior.

- It's time for life to begin anew.

You know, it's unusual
for me to feel hopeful.

And yet, somehow, you made that happen.

[COCO] Have you heard
from the Wertheimers?

- [RENÉ] Not yet.
- This is ridiculous.

I'm going to ruin them.

[RENÉ] You need to understand something.

- Nothing can come back to haunt us.
- What are you talking about?

[RENÉ] If you are going to go
to w*r with the Wertheimers,

then all the skeletons are
going to come out of the closet.


Now, is there anything
you haven't told me?


No. No. There is, uh, nothing.

Any secrets that I don't know about?

Stop asking the same question.

If you don't call them today
and demand a reply, I will!

Oh, dear. Sounds like you're in trouble.

Don't start, Elsa.

All the things I have
in life, I earned them.

I built the House of
Chanel from nothing.

And Chanel No. 5, I invented
it. I brought it to them.

And now they think they can get
away with stealing it from me.

Who wants to steal it from you?

Pierre Wertheimer and
his stupid brother Paul.

They aren't gonna get away with
it. I will get what I'm owed.

Good. I'm all in favor of
people getting what they're owed.

Myself included.

Looks like it's going to be
quite a good party tonight.

Did you get your invitation?

Mm-mmm. My invitation? No. Why?

All the hotel guests are invited.
I got given one at the front desk.

We're not going to the party.

- Why not? Let's see what it says, shall we?

"Distinguished guests
and future friends"...

Oh, that's quite sweet.
Kind of flattering.

"After so many years with
nothing to celebrate"...

True. "You are cordially invited to come

and raise a glass to life with us

today anytime from

We don't know these people.

Actually, I think you do.

[COCO] What?

"Looking forward to
making your acquaintance,

Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Wertheimer."

[LAUGHING] Very funny.

That's what it says here.

That is not a coincidence.

Ah. That's why he hasn't responded.

You see, he's playing
games, but this is w*r.



I need guidance.

Something's not right.

It's just... Catherine is gone.

I knew she would be changed,
but she's unrecognizable.

- To whom?
- To me.

I... I don't know what to do.

I keep imagining... [STAMMERS]

... the things she
must have gone through,

and... [STAMMERS]

... the scenarios that... that
I see in... in my mind are so...

They're merciless and, um, so bleak.


Do you feel she blames you?

I blame me.

It's safer for you if I leave.

And... And I can stay
with the other students.

It's safer for all of us.

[HERVÉ] Our reports
now confirm that, um,

all five students will be ex*cuted
at the Balard sh**ting range.

Catherine, I need you to
deliver some messages, okay?

Please don't send her.

- [HERVÉ] We have to try.

I understand.

Bring me to Catherine.

Thank you.


When we get inside the party,
let me take the lead, hmm?

I don't care.

You can talk to Pierre as
much as you want. He's married.

I'm looking for someone more available.


Want a drink?


Okay, thank you.

And if anyone asks how
you and I know each other,

just tell them we're old friends. Hmm?

From before the w*r.

Whatever you do, don't mention
any of the more complicated issues.

No complicated issues like Madrid.

- You know what I mean, right?
- Yes, I certainly do.

I'm just here visiting one
of my dearest friends in life.

That's all there is to it.


You know me. Please step aside.

I do apologize, mademoiselle. We
need to confirm all names on the list.

Coco Chanel.

I'm sorry, mademoiselle. There
is no Coco Chanel on the list.

Oh. I have mine.

Oh. "Miss Elsa Lombardi."

Yes. Your name is right here.

- So good to see you this evening.
- You too.

- Please. Right this way.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Well, what about her? Aren't
all the hotel guests invited?

Almost all. Hmm.

Mr. Wertheimer personally
approved the guest list.

Well, I'm sure it's just been
some sort of mix-up or something.

I'll see you in there, darling.

This isn't acceptable. I'm going in.

- No, no.

Not you. You don't have an invitation.

- Now, look here.

Please, mademoiselle.

- I don't want to have to call security.

Don't you touch me, you
tiny, little beast of a man.

Mademoiselle, this is a private party.

You're welcome to dine with the
other guests that weren't invited.

I will have you fired for this.

Worth it.

Here you go.


Here. I'll give it a try.

[SIGHS] Pathetic.

[WERTHEIMER] Welcome, everyone.
I am Pierre Wertheimer.

It is so good you are all here

to celebrate the new chapter of
prosperity and peace in our world.

Please raise a glass to all
of us who have gathered here.

- Cheers.



It's a shame you
couldn't come to my party.

Did you have trouble getting in?

Oh, you mean the fabulous
party you just left

so that you could come talk to me?

Yes, that one. I apologize
for your lack of invitation.

So my brother and I
got your little letter.

The one threatening to sue us.

Quite articulate actually.
Almost professional.

I'll make sure you
give me what you owe me.

Yeah, I think not.

That little stunt you pulled invoking
the Aryan laws to force us out.

We can push the button anytime

- on spreading the word about that.

Not to mention your
many nights at the Ritz

spent entertaining those
goose-stepping clowns.

I've heard enough.

Don't walk away from me
when I'm talking to you.

Then stop talking.

I'm suing you.

You've made a fortune out
of my name and fragrance.

Twenty years we've been
doing business together,

and now you think you can steal from me?

I'll see you in court.

You and your pathetic brother.

That will never happen.
We won't allow it.

You owe me, you f*cking idiot!


We made a deal. You, me
and my brother. A good one.

You knew what you were getting into,

and we kept our end of the bargain.

You got your 10%. I don't know
why you keep complaining about it.

- Because you tricked me!
- By backing you? Believing in you?

[CHUCKLES] Get serious.

The truth is, you couldn't even see
the potential of your own business.

Sure, you take credit for it now,

but back then you were more
than happy to pass it off

so you could go party
with your idiot friends.

Liar. You dirty, stinking liar!

Admit it. Admit it.

You gave your business to a pair of Jews

because you knew we would make you rich.

That's all you people are good at.


What did you just say?

You heard me.

Money, money, money.
All you are is money.

Excuse me.

This conversation isn't over.

[BREATHES SHAKILY] You never understood
me, Pierre, and you never will.

Enjoy your party.

You are returned.

You are returned.

Your body is here.

But your spirit is elsewhere.

- I don't think I want to continue.
- That's how I felt. And then it happened.

Madame Delahaye saw you in a vision.

- She saw me?
- Yes.

She knew that you would return.

It's not possible.

There is no meaning
to this, to any of it.

I see you there now.

are in so much pain.

Everyone was suffering.

But there's someone else with you.

They tortured us alone.

That's not what I see in the bathroom.

What do you know about that bathroom?

You took their hand.

[INTERROGATOR] Take my hand.

They helped you survive.

SHAKILY] Here you are alone.

- But there...
- That's enough.

Your brother has brought you to me

so that I might bring some
solace to a troubled heart.

There was someone with
you. You took their hand.


Get out of here.

- I'm so sorry for what you went through...
- Come, Madame Delahaye.

- ... my dear
- Another time. And thank you so much.

[CATHERINE] Christian,
get her out of here.

[DELAHAYE] I'm so sorry.








Did Monsieur Dior say he's not coming?

We are scheduled to visit properties.

I don't believe so.

- Cancel the appointment.
- [SOPHIE] All right, monsieur.

Monsieur Boussac will not be pleased.



She was just trying to help you.
We all just want to help you.


You cannot help me.

But you're home.

You're here now with us.
You have to be here with us.


Just let me help you.

[SOBS] It's my fault,
what happened to Jean.

I should never have asked
him to leave this apartment.

He was safe here. [WHIMPERS]

You must forgive yourself. It
was an impossible situation.


Monsieur? Mademoiselle?

I wanted to come see you. I
heard you were not doing well.

- I called earlier.
- No.

- I wanted to speak to you.
- No. No visitors.

It's not a good time, young man. Please.

I've seen your face before.

How do I know you?

Um, I was a friend of Jean.
I heard that you were home.

Would you do me the favor
of coming with me, please?

There is something I need to show you.

[CHRISTIAN] Catherine, you
are... you are in no condition.

[CALLER] Sir, I think it's important.

[WHISPERS] Of course.

- It's just over here.

This is where they are.


Yes, Jean and the others.

There were six of us total.

We set up a... a small printing
press in my grandmother's house

and started distributing
anti-n*zi leaflets.

In the beginning, it seemed
like it wouldn't matter.

But it grew. The Resistance grew.

And then it caught the attention
of the n*zi counterparts.

When all five of my friends
were taken by the Nazis,

I thought for sure I would be next.


But then no one came for me.

And the next day, I was safe.

And my family was safe.

And the day after that too.

And that's when I knew my
friends would not name me.

My friends did not break,
and you did not break.

I do not know how you kept
silent through all the t*rture.

I'm here to say thank you.

I owe you my life.



[CALLER] You gave me a
second chance to live again.

I will take you home when you are ready.


[CATHERINE] I remember

I can remember now.


At the camp people couldn't believe

how brave I was to survive the t*rture.

[SOBS] But it wasn't bravery...
[SNIFFS] ... that kept me from talking.

It wasn't courage. [SNIFFLES, SOBS]

I remember now.

[SOBS] It was you...
[SNIFFS] ... Christian.


It's okay.


I'm so tired.

I wish they would k*ll me.

[CHRISTIAN] Dying is easy.


Only you know what you should do.



[INTERROGATOR] Do you hear
me? Who are you talking to?

I have nothing to say to you!

- Get her! Get her!




Sorry to bother you.

No bother, Christian.

I just, um... I wanted to tell you
I'm sorry for missing our meeting,

and I will be there tomorrow
and every day thereafter.

- I need to be able to count on you.
- I won't let you down.

We'll make something great
together. You, me and Boussac.

It's rare, you know.

What is?

To get a second chance in life.

Second chance?

Yes. I have been given a second chance.

I think we all have.


Find your own room, Elsa.

I'm not in the mood for your bullshit.


[SIGHS] For Christ's sake.


- What do you want?
- [WERTHEIMER] You're absolutely right.

I've never understood you. [SIGHS]


- Pierre.
- [WERTHEIMER] But I want to.


Tonight. [SIGHS]


Get on your knees.

Coco, please.

It's not me. It's my brother.

- Oh.

So then be a good boy, hmm?

- And pay me my f*cking money.