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02x34 - Minnie's Bee Story

Posted: 03/07/24 10:19
by bunniefuu
Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Aw, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,
we get to say the magic words:

"Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse."

Say it with me:

"Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse."

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside, it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

Roll call!


-MAN: Daisy!

-MAN: Goofy!

-MAN: Pluto!

-MAN: Minnie!
-Oh, here.

-MAN: Mickey!
-Right here.

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside, it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. [GIGGLES]



Welcome to our clubhouse.

[SINGSONG] Oh, Mickey!

Hello, Mickey. Look who I have with me.


[CHUCKLES] It's Buzz-Buzz the bee.

Hiya, Buzz-Buzz.


Ha, ha! Whoa! Say, you're fast.

Hmm, gosh, it must be fun to be a bee.

♪ It's so much fun to be a bee ♪

♪ Like Buzz-Buzz, who's a bee, you see ♪

-♪ He flies around and goes "buzz-buzz" ♪

♪ And does the bee stuff a bee does ♪

-♪ It makes me wanna say "Oh, gee" ♪

♪ It's so much fun to be a bee ♪


I'm glad you could "bee" here.


Uh, Mickey, I'm sure Buzz-Buzz
would love to play all day,

but he came to ask us a favor.

A favor?


Aw, sure thing, Buzz-Buzz.
What do you need?



MINNIE: Oh, my. Buzz-Buzz says
a strong wind blew him away

from his flower in Mickey Park.

And now he really needs our help
to find his way back home.

[BUZZING] Uh-huh.

Well, don't worry, Buzz-Buzz.

We'll help you get back to your flower.

Will you help us get Buzz-Buzz
back to his flower?

You will? That's swell.

And I'll bet some Mouseketools
can help us out too.

♪ Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi, Mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go ♪

♪ You're a thinkin' and a solvin'
Work it through-er ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪


♪ Oh, Toodles! It's time to get to it ♪

♪ Show us the Mouseketools
To help us do it ♪

Meeska, mooska, Mousekedoer!

♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools
Mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are your Mouseketools ♪

A hand fan. [CHUCKLES] Breezy!

-A sheep.

[GIGGLES] Fuzzy!

Oh, boy, a silly slide.

And the Mystery Mouseketool. [CHUCKLES]

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools ♪

♪ The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need them ♪

♪ Toodles will bring them ♪

♪ He's here for meedles and youdles ♪

♪ And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles" ♪

♪ All we have to say is "Oh, Toodles" ♪

Now that we have our Mouseketools,
let's get Buzz-Buzz back to his flower!

We're off to the Mickey Park
Flower Garden!


Hiya, Donald. Hiya, Daisy!

We're having a honey picnic today!
We've got honey-glazed ham...


-DAISY: Honeydew melon...
-DONALD Yum-yum-yum!

DAISY: Honey cakes...

-DONALD: Delicious!
-And of course, honey!


-Want to join us?
-Oh, we'd love to, Daisy,

but we're heading to
the Mickey Park Flower Garden.

You see, we're helping
our friend Buzz-Buzz the bee.

-A bee?


No, no! Shoo! Shoo!
Go on, get out of here!

No, Donald, don't!

You should never, ever swat a bee.

MINNIE: Besides, that's Buzz-Buzz.
He's our friend.

He is? Well, how am I supposed to know?

-Aw, I'm sorry.
-Oh, that's all right, Donald.

But the one you should apologize to
is Buzz-Buzz.

That's right.

But, where did he go?


Buzz-Buzz could be anywhere.

And he's such a small little fella,
he's gonna be really hard to see.

But, we've got to find him.
Ooh, I have an idea.

If it's too hard to see him,
maybe we can hear him.

We can listen for the sound
of his buzz-buzzing,

and then follow the buzz-buzzing
to find Buzz-Buzz.

That's using your head.
Come on, now let's use our ears.

Okay. First, let's see if we can
hear Buzz-Buzz in this direction.


Does that sound like Buzz-Buzz?


Nope. What makes that sound?


-A chicken, right!
-A chicken? Aw, nuts.

Hmm, let's see if we can hear him
this way.


Oh, my, did that sound like Buzz-Buzz?


No, I don't think so.
What makes that sound?


Yep, it's a cow.

Hmm. Well, let's try
listening this way again.


Oh! Does that sound like Buzz-Buzz?


You betcha, it does.
And it's coming from...

Pluto's doghouse.

Let's go!

Don't worry, Buzz-Buzz, here we come.

Buzz-Buzz. Oh, Buzz-Buzz.



What? Oh, that isn't Buzz-Buzz.

Ha, ha! Nope, that's Pluto.

He's taking a dog nap
with a nice cooling breeze from his fan.

Hmm, I still hear a buzzing sound
like Buzz-Buzz,

but I don't see him anywhere.

Wait a minute. Listen to Pluto's fan.

It makes a buzzing sound.


But, it's not Buzz-Buzz.

So maybe we didn't hear Buzz-Buzz
after all.

This is exasperating!

I'll say. We better turn Pluto's fan off

so we can listen again
for Buzz-Buzz's buzz.


Oops. Without the fan,
we need some other way to keep Pluto cool.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Maybe we can use a Mouseketool.

It's worth a try.
Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!


MICKEY: Hmm. A hand fan,
a sheep, a silly slide,

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Which one can we use
to help keep Pluto cool?

The hand fan, the hand fan!

Oh, Daisy, what a good idea, the hand fan.

It makes a breeze
without making any noise at all.

We got ears, say, "cheers!"


Now, let's try to hear Buzz-Buzz.

Are you ready to listen?


It's Buzz-Buzz!

Gosh, sounds like it's coming
from Mickey Park. Come on!

Buzz-Buzz! Oh, Buzz-Buzz, where are you?


Oh! That's not Buzz-Buzz.

Hmm. What is it?

[LAUGHS] Hello there, ladies.

Oh, hello, Professor Von Drake.

Hiya, professor!

You're just in time. Observe, would you?

My brand new brilliant invention:

The Von Drake Remote Control
Laser Lawnmower!


With this handy-dandy remote control,

we're gonna cut the grass
just how you want it.


-DAISY: Incredible!

DONALD: I don't know what's going on.

-Why is it always Mickey Mouse?
-[RIM sh*t]

Voilà , there.

Oh, professor, you're a genius.

And don't you forget it.

Come on, everybody.
We have to listen for Buzz-Buzz.

But-- But-- But, you just got here.

Aw, sorry Professor,
but we gotta listen for our friend.

Here, we're gonna turn this off...


[LAWNMOWER STALLS] you can listen
for Buzz-Buzz's,


Of course, now I gonna need
some other way to cutting the grass.

Uh, how about we try a Mouseketool?

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!

Hmm. Let's see.

Which one of our Mouseketools
can we use to cut the grass?

The sheep, the silly slide,
or the Mystery Mouseketool?

You know, sheep eat grass.

Hey, do you think we could cut the grass

by letting the sheep eat the grass?

Yeah, me too.


We got ears, say, "cheers!"

Baa! Baa!

All right, Mr. Fuzzy-Face, take it away!




Now, that's more like it.


Hot dog, the sheep cuts grass
just as fast as your laser lawnmower.

And it's cuddlier too.
[CHUCKLES] Fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy.

Now, we can listen again for Buzz-Buzz.

Get ready to listen. Come on.


Hey, did you hear that? I hear buzzing!

Me too!

Me three, too! Ha, ha.

[CHUCKLES] Well, what are we waiting for?

Bye-bye, kiddies.

And Mr. Fuzzy-Face says, "Baa-baa."

That's Sheep for "toodle-loo."

Buzz-Buzz! Oh, Buzz-Buzz!



It's Goofy!

Hi, everybody!

Did you all come to hear me
practice my kazoo?

I like to practice it in the forest

because my kazoo sounds
so sweet and bird-like.


Wanna hear my tune again?

Gee, I wish we could, Goof,

but you see, we're trying
to find Buzz-Buzz the bee.

Why don't you join us?

We'll all listen together
and try to hear Buzz-Buzz.

Come on, listen with us.


Jumping jellybeans. I can hear it.

It's coming from over that way.
Come on, let's go.


Ah-ha! Look.

Oh, it's Buzz-Buzz.
And he's on the Surprise Switch.

I'll get him.

MINNIE: But, Donald,
you should never try to catch a bee.

Yeah, yeah, I know!







The Picnic Pavilion?

Quick, Donald, turn the switch off!

[GRUNTS] Uh-oh.

Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do.

Ha, ha. It's more like a
"how-do-we-get-down, do-you-do," you mean.

Maybe a Towska-Mule can help?

Ha! You mean "Mouseketool."

Everybody say...

Oh, Toodles!


MICKEY: Hmm, which Mouseketool
can we use to get down?

Let's try the silly slide.

We can silly-slide down it.

We got ears, say "cheers!"


Hot diggity, it worked.

But, we lost Buzz-Buzz.

Guess we all gotta listen
for his buzzing again. Ready?


Come on!

Buzz-Buzz. Come on out, little fella.


You're not Buzz-Buzz.

Oh, no, I'm Pete.

Pete the bee.

That's me.
I heard you're looking for a bee.

Well, sorry, Pete, but we're not looking
for just any old bee.

We're looking for our friend, Buzz-Buzz!


When we heard you making a buzzing sound,
we thought you were him.

Oh, well, that's very understandable.
After all, I--

Wait a minute,
I didn't make any buzzing sound.

Well, shucks. If Pete didn't make
a buzzing sound, who did?


Oh. Do you hear that?
It might be Buzz-Buzz.

Hmm, it sounds like it's coming from...

that tree!

Let's see what we can see
through my "bee"-noculars.


Thanks, Goofy.

Oh, Mickey, it is Buzz-Buzz. We found him!

-We found Buzz-Buzz!

Yeah, at the top of a tree
too high for any of us to get him.

Oh, right. Uh, how are we
supposed to get Buzz-Buzz down?

Ooh, that's where I could help.

I could talk to Buzz-Buzz bee-to-bee. Heh.

Because I'm a bee, see?

Sort of.


Of course, I don't know how
I'm supposed to get all the way up there.

We need a Mouseketool. Everybody say...

We need a Mouseketool. Everybody say...

Oh, Toodles!

MICKEY: Oh, boy,
it's time for the Mystery Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool."

Mystery Mouseketool!

And today's Mystery Mouseketool is...

A bunch of balloons. Oh, goody!

MINNIE: We can use the balloons to help
fly Pete up to the top of that tree.

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "super cheers!"

Ha, ha.
[SINGSONG] Pete the bee is on the job.

♪ Oh, I am Pete the bee ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Flyin' up the tree ♪


♪ I'm flying up the tree ♪

♪ Because I am Pete the bee ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

Why, hi there, Buzz-Buzz.
I'm Pete the bee.


Why don't you come on down, huh?

We can "bee" friends. Ha, ha.

[BUZZES] Uh-uh.

Now, that's no way to be, bee.


♪ Well, I am Pete the bee ♪

♪ You know I'm goin' down the tree ♪

♪ Yes I'm goin' down the tree ♪

♪ On account of I am Pete the bee ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

So is Buzz-Buzz coming down?

Well, he said:


Which I'm pretty sure is "no."

Gosh, now what? Buzz-Buzz won't come down,

and we just used up our last Mouseketool.

Oh, I know what to do!

All right, Donald.

But, no butterfly nets!

Um, he's coming back, right?

Oh, goody. My honey picnic.


MINNIE: Good thinking, Donald.
Buzz-Buzz loves honey.

Yum, yum!

Boy, oh, boy!

Yum, yum, yum!

MINNIE: Now, Donald, isn't there something
you want to say to Buzz-Buzz?

Aw, I'm sorry I chased you, Buzz-Buzz.



Oh. Buzz-Buzz says,
"I forgive you. Let's 'bee' friends."


Hooray! Donald got Buzz-Buzz to come down.

And now all we gotta do
is get him back to his flower.



Aw, home sweet home.

♪ It's so much fun to be a bee ♪

♪ Like Buzz-Buzz, who's a bee, you see ♪

♪ He flies around and goes "buzz-buzz" ♪

♪ And does the bee stuff a bee does ♪

♪ It makes me wanna say "Oh, gee!" ♪

♪ Oh, gee! ♪

-♪ It's so much fun to be a bee ♪

♪ It's so much fun ♪

♪ To be a bee ♪


Boy, oh, boy, what a hot-dog
beautiful-bee-finding day!

Thanks for all your help
getting Buzz-Buzz back to his flower.

And now, you can help us
do the Hot Dog Dance.

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears, it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, the problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

Thanks for helping us
find our friend Buzz-Buzz today.

I love doing the Hot Dog Dance, don't you?

Kick up your heels.
It's so much fun! Ha, ha.

What a hot-dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day
What you waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now from Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by.

MICKEY: When we were
trying to find Buzz-Buzz,

we heard different things
that sounded like Buzz-Buzz, but weren't.

MINNIE: Do you remember
what we found that buzzed like Buzz-Buzz?

There was Pluto's fan...

The professor's laser lawnmower...

And Goofy!

GOOFY: Yep, I was practicing my kazoo,

in the key of "B." [CHUCKLES]

See you real soon!