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01x08 - Desperation & Desperados

Posted: 08/13/13 00:31
by bunniefuu
So you finally found the bollocks to come out in the open.

I don't hide.

Is that what you tell yourself now?

It's the truth.

Well, look around you, brother.

It's not exactly Dublin.

This is where my job is.


You laugh again, I'll knock the teeth out of your head.

Well, careful, now.

I'm not exactly 10 years old anymore.

You're no smarter than you were back then.

Alex Vaughn?

You're running around with that Brit?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I saw you on the roof of that bank.

I was home with the wife and kids that day.

I didn't say what day.

Pick one.

Does da know you're with this tosser?


You talk to me about da?

Which do you think would bother him more?

Me running with Alex Vaughn or standing here talking to you?

Vaughn is bad people.

He never turned grass.

I'm no grass.

You're on the other side.

I never informed on the family.


I'm trying to help you.

Why do you even care?

You're still my brother.

I thought you didn't want me to laugh.


Now, you listen close.

The next time I see you at a crime scene, I won't let you walk away.

You let me?

I had you in my sights five or six times, and you know I never miss.

Then why didn't you take the shot?

Because you wouldn't know it was me.

When I k*ll you, I want you to know.

Always a treat, big brother.

[Cocks g*n]


Open it.

You're crazy.

You know who owns this building?

[Hits him]

Paolo, no one was supposed to get hurt.

It's not like I k*lled him.

He's gonna have a headache.

Come on.




My God.

This is amazing.

We have to go.


Run! Run!

[sh*ts blasting]


This way! This way!

Come on!

[Tires squealing, horn blaring]

Move! Idioti!

What's going on?

I'm very sorry. You must come with us.


Just drive the car!

Go, go, go, go!

Hey, put your g*ns down!

Where the hell are you taking me?

You idiot!

You want to tell Mr. Conti that you not only let him get robbed, you k*lled his daughter?

Let them? They att*cked me!

[Muttering] Poor man.


Get the cars.

Giancarlo speaking.

There's been trouble at the warehouse.


Crossing Lines 01x08
Desperation And Desperados
Originaly Aired On August 11, 2013

Pull over.

Pull over!

Can you go grab us some food.

Don't do anything stupid.

She protests: Hey!



Go. You're free.


What do you mean, no?

This is my car. You go.

I'm the one with the g*n.

Well, I'm not giving you my car.

[Market chatter]

[Giancarlo]: We tracked her cell phone to Manzano.

Yes, don't worry, Mr. Conti.

There he is!

[sh*ts blasting]

Run! Run! They're coming!

Start the car! Start the car!

We need to go!


Go! Go, go, go!

Come on! Come on!

Giancarlo: Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

No witnesses. Come on.



Hey, it's okay, Paolo. It's okay.

It's not okay, Antonio. It's not okay.

They shot innocent people.

They m*rder*d them...

It's over, come on.

Hey, you said they shot people?

Yeah, in the market.

They didn't care who they hit.

My father's security would never act like that.


Nicola Conti is your father?


That's why they stop sh**ting at us every time we get near her.

I don't understand why Giancarlo just didn't take you into custody.

Custody? Who do you think they are?

I know who they are!

My father is a very important businessman, and those men are his security!

What kind of businessman has a warehouse full of this, huh?

What did you think we were stealing?

Paolo, we have to go. Come on.

I'm sorry, but you're coming with us.

[Rings doorbell]

[Footsteps approach quickly]

Okay, I have two bags.

I'll have to carry them one at a time.

Hey, um... I thought you were the taxi.

So I gather.

I'm in a hurry.

You gonna pretend we have nothing to talk about?

I'm not going to apologize for surviving a life or death situation.

I don't blame you for telling them that I'm a cop.

I was about to tell them.

I sure wasn't going to have them hurt anyone else.

Was it about the needle?

No, but...

I didn't want to talk about that, but your boss was pretty insistent.

My boss?

The Frenchman.

The robbers were the first to tell, but he wanted me to corroborate it.

In writing.

It's not about that either.

Well, I don't have time for guessing games.

Yeah, have you got time for 100,000 euro?

I'm sorry?

That's what you reported.

100,000 missing from the vault.

Yeah, one of the robbers got away.

Yeah, the Irish kid, the tiger.

Yeah, newly rich Irish kid.

$100,000 isn't rich, but it's a nice number for a new start.

I came to the bank that morning about an account that belonged to a carnival, and you seemed to know what I was talking about.

What do you want?

My guess is that you don't need anyone paying attention to how you're financing your new start.

Paying attention?

I work with a bunch of people, and you know what, they will track you anywhere in the world.

They're good. They're really good.

And the moment you spend a penny more than you should, guess what? I'll be there.


Or I'll ignore you for the rest of our lives.

Forget we ever met.


If you close that account.

That's my number.

Anaka, call me when it's done.

Hold the g*n. I'll be right back.

And I need to go.


Unless you want me to pee right here.

Just give me the key.

Excuse me, I'm not stupid. You'd leave me.

Who's the hostage?

I'm not giving you my car.


Thank you for coming.

I've been walking.

All night?

It didn't seem so until the sun came up.

Louis has been calling you.

That's why I threw my phone away.

You threw it away?

In the river.

From a bridge.

Well, he is very worried about you.

I want to apologize.

I was cruel to you yesterday on the train.

You did not deserve that.

Cruelty and honesty...

It's very hard to separate the two of them sometimes.

I know what I intended, and that was to hurt you.

And I'm sorry.

"In order to move others deeply, we must deliberately allow ourselves to be carried away beyond the bounds of our normal sensibilities."

Joseph Conrad.

The immortal.

What if cruelty becomes my normal sensibility?

That's nonsense.

This has been a very difficult time for all of us, but we will persevere.

It is who we are, Rebecca.

Did you tell Louis I was here?

No. You asked me not to.

Will you call him?

Yes, of course I will.

Shall I tell him you're here?

Yeah. Please.

I need to work things out.

You're looking for me?


Did you talk to Anne-Marie this morning?


All right, listen.

[Plays back voicemail] Major, this is Anne-Marie.

I got a call about an open case that I left at my old unit, a group of trafficked women coming to the South of Calais.

I'm going to help my former team make the arrest so I can close the case.

I'll let you know when I'm back, and I have my ICC cell if you need me. Bye.

She never checked back in, and I can't reach her.

Do you know if she ever made the arrest?

Can you ask Sebastian if there is any record of the arrest in the system?


Thank you.

You asked me about my needle after the bank robbery.

Who told you about that?

The robber, Vaughn.

He told the local chief, and the local chief told me.

Did you talk to anybody else?


The bank manager.

She confirmed it, in writing.

You want to see?

No thanks. I was there.

[Cell phone rings]



Switch on the TV.

There's something you should see.

20 dead in a mass sh**ting in Manzano, Italy, including the alleged sh**t, this man.

Preliminary reports identify him as a local farmer who committed su1c1de at the scene.

That's horrible.

No, it's more than horrible.

What do you mean?

I mean that this guy is not a farmer.

He's a member of an organized crime group called 'Ndrangheta.

It's a kind of mafia.

I arrested him before.

His name is Gino Fruscetti.

Carl, I need to go somewhere.

Can you take charge here?


Yeah, you got it.

Thank you.

The locals think I'm wrong.

They have a witness who says he knew him and confirms he was both the farmer and the sh**t.

Could you be mistaken?


I not only arrested him, I know who he works for.

Did you guys see the mass sh**ting?

Yeah, we were just talking about it.

The guy they say is the sh**t is someone I arrested in Italy.

They caught the sh**t already?

Yeah, well, they say he's a local farmer.

Local? Didn't even know they had farms in that part of Slovenia.

It's not in Slovenia. It's in Italy.

No, it's Slovenia.

Hey, you're both right.

There's a second mass sh**ting at a petrol station near Brda, Slovenia.

At least nine dead there.

Two mass sh**t?

Eva: They're not even an hour apart.

Can't be a coincidence.

You're sure that this guy they say is the sh**t is not a farmer but some mafia guy.

Yeah. He works for an 'Ndrangheta called Nicola Conti.

His base is right in that area. I know him very well.

The we got this second sh**ting scene, an hour away.

Same type of weapons.

It's a mass m*rder spree still moving.

If this ain't something for us then what the hell is?

Sebastian, Tommy, Go to the latest scene in Slovenia.

Eva, you and I are going to go talk to this mafia guy, Conti.

I'll let Louis know what's going on.

Oh, you're so beautiful.

I'm sorry I worried you.

It's fine.

No, it's not fine.

I was angry.

You are angry about the bugs?

Yes, but mostly about you sending Michel to handle telling me.

That was not my intention.

Hickman was trapped...

I don't need to know.

It may have been perfectly legitimate, Louis, but it took precedence.

Over us. Over me.


[Cell phone rings]

[Clears throat awkwardly]

I'm sorry, excuse me.

[Turns off phone]

We need to use the bugs to get disinformation to the Russians.

Dorn told you that?

I didn't need to be told, Louis.

I was a prosecutor, remember?

When will we do it?

I will ask Dorn to...


I need this to be over.

So do I.

Not in the way I do.

What do you mean?

I'm stuck.

Like a car in mud.

I can't...

I can't move forward, I can't move backward, and I'm sinking, deeper every day.


No, listen.

You have your work.

Your team, your life.

I have nothing.

I gave it all up for a family.

But now Etienne's gone...

And I have nothing.

We will do whatever it is we need to do to make them pay for k*lling our son.



And then...

We'll get on with our lives.


You know, I've been thinking we need time for you and me.

Like a long holiday.

When it's over.


By "Getting on with our lives," I mean a divorce.

[Stifles a gasp]

I'm going home to Paris.

Get there as soon you can so we can do what needs to be done...

[Cell phone rings]

And I can leave that apartment forever.

Answer your phone.

The job is calling.

[Cell phone ringing]

And there's another one nearby?

Yeah, just across the border in Slovenia.

But you don't know they're connected?

Sir, I know for sure the man they say is responsible for the first one is not who they say he is.

There's definitely something odd going on there, something criminal.

Sergeant, as charmed as I am by your passion, I cannot go into the court and say, "there's something odd going on there."

It's my professional judgment that this is something that absolutely falls under our purview.

I'd stake my reputation on it.

Sergeant Vittoria, would you excuse us, please?

Sit down.

So you're willing to stake your reputation on it?


And who exactly do you think you are reputed to be?

How about I was a New York City detective for 20 years.

You are a drug addict, Detective Hickman.

Recovering drug addict.

It's my understanding that you've recently begun sh**ting up.

Fairly recently, but that's only...

A numbing agent. I know. I heard.

I have no idea why Louis decided that you would be the person to take charge in his absence, but his trust in you is what is meaningful to me today, not your willingness to stake your tattered reputation.

Well, I have no idea why he put me in charge either.

But he did.

Now, I'd love to sit with you someday and discuss my drug addictions and the hell that I live through every damned minute to stay off them, despite medically needing them, just to function on this team.

But right now what I need from you is to ask the court to let us handle these moving mass murderers.

Have you already sent your team out there?

McConnell and Berger are there at the second scene.

They haven't done anything, and I can certainly call them back.


Let them do their work.

I'll deal with the court.

Stop whoever it is who is k*lling people out there.

Okay. That must be her.

Tommy McConnell. This is Sebastian Berger.

We're from the ICC.

Marina Novek, senior criminalist of the National Police.

I was told you were coming.

Good. Do you mind if I take a look around?


[Shell casings clattering]

[b*llet snipes]

[Glass breaks]

There were five sh**t firing at a car here.

Someone fired two sh*ts from back there, hit one of them, then left.

The last car there would have left a residue of its tire tracks.

Let me isolate one.

I can run that through tire pattern databases...

Okay, that tire, that pattern, that weight and that wheelbase, we're probably looking for a 2011 BMW convertible.


There's only tail light glass there, he said they shot back, right?

Hard to do without breaking windows.

And it's black!

Paint transfers.

Low tech, but effective.

You should tell your highway units to be on the lookout for that car.

Right, okay.

Five guys with machine g*ns sh**ting from here.

They let that car back out and leave?

That whole area back there should be full of holes.

It's like they didn't want to hit them.

They didn't want to hit one of them.



They shot him!



Angela, where are you?

They're still working on him.

These are g*nsh*t wounds. Call the police.

He said it was going to be easy.

We'd watched it for weeks.

No one even really guarded the stuff.

They were lazy.

Why, Antonio?

Why steal from my father?

A few years ago, your father took over all the land around our area, including our farms.

With the help of a corrupt judge, he stole all the land from under everyone.

Then he forced them to grow dr*gs instead of food.

Then the police eventually raided the farms, but he said he was just a landlord who had no control over what the tenants were doing.

Instead of the humiliation of prison, my father hung himself in our barn.

Of course, it's up to us now to take care of my mother and sisters, but the army took the property away, said we lost it when we used it for dr*gs, so...


That's why.

That's why we decided to take some money from your father, to survive.

I'm so sorry.

It's not you.

It's not you, it's your father.

Eva Vittoria, still the most beautiful woman in Italy.

Nicola Conti.

Still pretending to be a legitimate businessman.

[Chuckling] Eva...

Sergeant Vittoria.

Must we be formal?

Your father and I were like brothers.


And where is your brother today?


That is especially hurtful.

Hickman: What kind of business do you have here, Mr. Conti?

As you see.

Cartage, freight.

Shipping and receiving.

Why open a shipping business as far from a port as you can be, along a stretch of narrow roads with impossible traffic and no railroad nearby?

Are you a police officer?

Why open your business here?

A favorable deal on the property. Hmm?

Now the big question.

Who was bleeding?


Hickman: Eva...

Do we have any fluid collection supplies?

There you go.

That could be anything.

Maybe you haven't seen enough blood in your life.

Maybe a worker got hurt.

Maybe he got hurt in there.

Excuse me?

Might even still be in there, bleeding.


Maybe we should have a look in there.

You want to go into the warehouse?

Very much so.

I tremble with anticipation.

I assume you have a warrant?

We already have an authorization on the way from the International Criminal Court.

Then we'll wait.

We'll wait.

[Police radio crackles]: A unit was dispatched, but there's been no response.

Tommy: Okay, we're at the hospital now.

Sebastian: There's the BMW.

[Both pant desperately]

[Wincing in pain]

You need a doctor.


No doctors.

They k*lled Paolo.

They k*lled him.

I'm so sorry.

[Both crying]

I'll be back, okay? I'll be back.

Where are you going? Where are you going?

To see if it's clear. We can't stay here.

I'll be back.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Excuse me.

Hickman: I'll be here.

Where are you?

They're just scared boys, and they're just trying to help their family.

I promise.

My love, listen to me.

It's very common to feel sorry for someone who has you hostage.

Just tell me where you are, and Giancarlo will come get you.

I'm not feeling sorry!

It's Giancarlo's k*lling people.

He's k*lled innocent people.

He k*lled Paolo!

Who is Paolo?

He's one of the boys.

He's Antonio's brother.

You're worried about them?

Do not blame Giancarlo for doing his job.

He is trying to rescue you.

Tell them to give you and my property back, and it will all end.

Your property?

Stop, please!

Please, stop! Stop!

Please, sir...

I don't want to hurt you.

Sir, I just really need your car.

Come on, step out. Come on.

Sorry, sir...

[Cocking g*n] Throw me the bag.

Whoa, whoa, I surrender.

[Shot blasts]

Are those g*nshots?

What did you do?

Angela, what did you do?

Let's go.



I'm going to a police station to turn myself in.

We're almost in Italy, Antonio.

Then what?

Spend the rest of my life hiding from him?

Or worse, waiting for my mother and sisters to be k*lled?

It's over, Angela.

What about me? What do I do now?

You go home.

How am I supposed to go home now?

You have a good life!

No, I don't!

I have a lie!

I can't pretend I don't, never again!

Everything has changed, Antonio.


What are they doing?

I don't know!

Let them know you're in the car!

He knows, Antonio. He's looking right at me.


[Crashing] [Tires squealing]

[Both scream]

[Metal crunching]

Are you okay?

[Shot snipes]



[sh*ts blast]


Don't waste any more shot.

They aren't going far.

We'll get them at the bottom.

Hurry up, let's go.


Eva: We went through the whole building.

It's completely empty.

Now will you believe I am nothing but a simple businessman?


[Cell phone rings]

It's Tommy.

They're still in Slovenia.


There's a fourth crime scene.

Someone was shot here, but there's no body.

There's five more victims back at a medical clinic.

The mass sh**t aren't random.

They appear to be a moving gunfight.

There's a group of guys chasing a smaller group in a black BMW, which is disabled outside the medical clinic we just came from.

Carl: Did you get anything out of the BMW?

Tommy: Only a guess.

The seat, the way it's positioned, I think one of the people we're chasing might be a woman.

Of course... you son of a bitch.

Where is she?

Conti: Who?

Where's your daughter?

Where's Angela?

In italian: Give me your telephone.


Give me your phone!


Where is it?

The last call he received, I think it was her.

Have Sebastian trap and trace it.

Stop, stop!

It's best not to fight, Angela.

You'll only delay what will happen.


Please what?

He's just a scared boy, Giancarlo.

You don't appreciate what you have, and you never appreciate those who help you keep it.

Men like me and Bruno have been dying protecting your family for years.

I never asked for that, Giancarlo.

Doesn't make you innocent.

She's Mr. Conti's daughter.


Mr. Conti's daughter, who...

For the first time in your life, you will pay the price for something you've done.

Tommy: Drop your w*apon!

[g*nf*re crackling]

[Helicopter whirs overhead]


You okay?


Low tech, but effective, right?

It's okay, we got them.

Where is she?

Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

Where's Angela?

They were right there.



[Angela, sh**ting]

Leave us alone!

[Whispers] There she is.

We're not here to hurt you.

Then go away!



[Crying] Please...

I'll put my g*n down, okay?

I said, leave us alone.

I'm not going to use my g*n.

I promise.

I just came from your father's compound.

The one he robbed and kidnapped you from.

He was just trying to protect his family.

But he caused a lot of people to get hurt.

But it wasn't him.

It wasn't him. They did it. They did it.

[Sobbing] And it was me.

It was me they were trying to...

It's my fault!

Angela, Angela...

Look at me.

Do you remember me?


I'm Eva.

Eva Vittoria.

When you were young, you lived in Rome.

We met once. I was home from university.

Our fathers were...

They did business together.

My father doesn't do business.

He's a k*ller and a drug dealer.

I know.

I know what it's like to think your life is one thing, then find out it's another, that it's all a lie.

When I was your age, my parents were m*rder*d.

Their car was blown up...

By my father's business partner...

Nicola Conti.


After they died, I fully learned the truth about where our luxury came from.

It took a long time, but I also realized that my past was gone.

It had happened.

It was what it was, and nothing I did could change it.

You can't control your past, but alone, you can control and change your future.


You can trust me.


You're going to be fine.

I promise.


Hey, Tommy.

They're good guys.


Eva: Can you help me with him?

You come with me.


You okay?





[Sighs nervously]

Kathrin, it's Sebastian. I, um...

Listen, I...

I had a... an interesting day, and it's got me thinking about something.

No, that's not true, um...

I've been thinking about this a lot.

Every day, in fact.

I think we should talk.

So, uh... call me, okay?

I'll be...

Just call me?


Hickman: Sebastian...

I hear you made a nice shot today.

Well... more luck than skill, really.

I can relate.

Kind of makes you think of your own mortality, doesn't it?


But you did good.

Hey, what did you find out about that Anne-Marie thing?

Oh, damn.

Yeah, she made a number of rescues, eight girls.

I talked to a sergeant in the area, who said, as far as he knew, she was following it up the chain and wanted to make the first arraignment.

I kind of figured it was something like that.

See you tomorrow.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Carl? - Hey.

Something is going on here.

They are going crazy.

Who's going crazy?

Genovese, the manager.

Oh. I did that.

You did?

I hit them where it hurts, in the wallet.

Just stay away from them, all right?

I always do.

Where are you?

[Chuckles] Your place.

You staying there?

I could.

I'll see you in an hour, all right?


[Door bangs open]

What do you want?
