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01x06 - Sonic's Nightmare

Posted: 03/08/24 11:25
by bunniefuu
Blue streak speeds by,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Too fast for the naked eye,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

Look out when he storms through,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Don't doubt what he can do,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

He's the fastest thing alive.

He's the fastest thing alive!

Sonic the Hedgehog [SatAM] Episode 10:
Sonic's Nightmare

Sonic, where were you when the brains were handed out?


Hang in, Sal! Here comes the hedgehog!

Oh, man! Augh!

Mega muck.

This is starting to tick me off.

I'm coming, Sal.

Sonic, where were you when the brains were handed out?

Man, I gotta stop eating my own cookin'.

Yo, Rote! What's up?

Same ol', same ol', Sonic.

How about you?

I had a wild dream this morning.

You know anything about dreams?

Not much.

Sally told me once that they're usually about some kind of personal fear.


Guys, Nicole just intercepted one of Robotnik's transmissions.

I know it's not good news.

No, it's terrible news.

Listen to this!

Nicole, replay intercepted transmission!

Replaying Sally.

Attention Swat-Bot unit one...

...prepare chemical payload for cloud seeding!

Rendezvous with cloud burster on Island of Nimbus...

...precisely 1200 hours.

Coordinates to follow.

That's all of it.

He's gonna seed clouds with chemicals?

Toxic rain.

What's a little more toxic rain?

All of Mobius is fuming with the stuff!

I bet it's another one of Robotnik's crummy traps.

You're probably right, Rotor. But we don't know for sure.

If that island is inhabited, we need to warn people.

Well, that's no prob.

But what about dustin' Buttnik's acid rain?

I have the old plan.

Stand back guys! This could be ugly.

Oh, my stars!

And I thought my closet was a mess.

Yo, Rote! We're waiting.

Oh, I know they're in here someplace.

Aha! Here's one!

How many Swat-Bot suits are you having, Rotor?


One for Sally.

One for Bunnie.

And one for you.

Well, do I look like a Swat-Bot?

Help! Swat-Bot! I'm juicin'!

No! Not even close, Sal.

Stars alive!

Would you look at the size of that ugly old thing?

That must be the cloud burster.

Just relax, Antoine.

Oui, oui. I am chillin'.

Ready, Bunnie?

Always ready, sugar.

Do it!

Swat-Bots team one.

See what that smoke is about.

They're in the smoke, let's go!

Come on, Sally!

That's right, pull up!

Allow me, sugar!

Ma chérie, Swat-Bots, they are coming!

You guys guard the door! It won't take me long.

Nicole, access cloud burster security code.

Attempting access, Sally.

Come on, Nicole!

Swat-Bot coming.

Just keep your cute lil' old knees quite, Antoine...

...and we'll be fine.

Return to station!

Halt! Intruder!

Don't move!

I sure do hate when this happens

Oh, no.

First digit in place, Sally.

Second digit, Sally.

Hurry, Nicole!

Intruders, sir.


Well, well. Wolves in Swat-Bot clothing.

Dr. Robotnik will be very pleased.

That's gotta be ol' Nimbus Island.

Yo! Anybody home?

Anybody here besides you, rats?

Guess not. I'm outta here.

Sal! Ant! Where are you guys?

Better check out that convoy.

This was Antoine's.

What's wrong with your great leader?

Is he too chicken to confront us himself?

My, such a challenging tone.

Hardly appropriate for a princess.

Not to mention the slander of poor Cluck's species.

Where is the hedgehog?

In your dreams, Doctor!

No matter, Princess.

Patience is one of my strong points.

He'll be along.


Recheck all functions. There will be no errors.

Dr. Robotnik, the guest of honor has arrived.

Excellent, let the party begin.

Hang tough, guys! I'm there in a Sonic second.

Welcome, hedgehog!

You're right on time.

Get ready, Snively.

Patience, Snively.



Better hit the ol' after burners.

Time to douse this lame old fire.

Now I have you, hedgehog!

Look around!

I hoped the great hedgehog would be more of a challenge.

You disappoint me.

It ain't over 'til the fat-bot sings, Robuttnik.

Woah, man!

Mondo problemo. I'm stuck.

Sorry, bolt-brains. Gotta juice!

Oh, forgot to tell ya.

Watch that first step.


Chill, guys! I'll bust you out of there.

Sonic, don't touch the bars!

Why not?

Because they'll repel you.

To say nothin' of knockin' y'all on your little ol' sugarhog behind.

Besides, we're not the important thing right now.

You're not?

You know, I'm thinking not to disagree with you, My Princess, but...

Antoine! If we don't stop Robotnik...

...we'll all be swimming in real acid rain.

Look for yourself!

Gotta be a way to take out that sucker.

Cloud Burster in position, sir.

Prepare to commence seeding.

That blimpo's gonna chunk.

Sacrebleu! What can we be doing?

Good question, Ant.

Sonic, we have to do something.


What the hey is eatin' that hunky lil' hedgehog?

He looks like he's seen a ghost.

He seems to be daydreaming.

We have to snap him out of it...

...or we're all done for.

Sonic! Sonic, you uncivilized pincushion!

Wake up, wake up!

Sonic, it's Sally. Can you hear me?



Come on, Sonic!

Sonic, where were you...

...when the brains...

Sonic, we need your help!

- Sonic...
- Can you hear me?


Sonic, where were you when the brains were handed out?

Brains. Brains. Brains!

Sonic, hurry!

He's gonna release the acid rain storm.

Gotta use my brain.

Hurry, Sonic!

Man, if there was some way to use those wells...

...I could make it rain on old Buttnik's parade.


Sal, got a past cool idea.

Gotta juice!

Yo, Robuttnik!

Got a little surprise.

I don't like surprises, hedgehog.

Especially from you.

But this one will be a kick. Promise.

What is that fuelish hedgehog doing?

What is that miserable rodent up to, Snively?

I don't know, sir.

Time for some major hedgehog power.

Well, it appears that your foolish w*r against me... finally lost, Princess.

Snively, what is that!?

I suppose it's the hedgehog, sir.

I don't like that sound. Change our course!

Snively, get us out of here now!

That lil' sugarhog did it, Sally.

He knocked Robotnik for a real loop. Wooh-Wee!

Where are you, Sonic?


Are you alright?

Nothing a serious shake and snake can't fix.

Check it out!

Let's get out of here!

Hurry, Snively! We are going to crash.

Activate stealth system!


I do believe Robotnik has finally bought the farm.

He has a farm?

Clever move, hedgehog.

But the final move is mine.

Dr. Robotnik, we've sustained major damage to the main circuitry.

Then get it under control.

Sir, we must return to Robotropolis immediately...

...or risk crashing.

Goodbye, hedgehog!

Why won't the m*ssile launch?

Circuit grids are severely damaged, sir.

We must turn back before we lose all power.

Any sign of Robotnik?

Nope. He's toast.

Now how do I get you guys outta that chicken-coop?

Sacrebleu! Now what is happening?

Felt like a quake.

Sonic, the river.

Oh, my stars! It's overflowing.

That's not all. The island is sinking.

Sal, press the power ring against the bars!

Maybe it'll drain the juice.

I don't know, Sonic.

That's a lot of energy.

Hey, you're always telling me I need a plan.

Yo, this is a plan!

No time to argue. Do it!

Let us be doing something! I cannot swim!


Keep your fingers crossed!

Hold on, Sal! Hold on!

I can't!

We'll help you, Princess!

Voila. It worked!

Oh, Sonic!

That was a great plan.

Hey, I just figured that...

I hate to an old party-pooper...

...but I got this here sinking feeling.

- Oh, my gosh!
- Sacrebleu!

Sal, hold on to me!

Bunnie, hold on to Sal!

Ant, grab Bunnie!

We're gonna do some major juicin'.

I tell you I cannot swim!

You think ol' Buttnik is really history, Sal?

I wish I knew, Sonic.

I wish I knew.

You know, I'm no expert Sonic...

...but my guess is that your bad dream was some kind of a warning.

So, from now on you'll think before you act, right?

Uh, Sonic?

Oh, you're the most mondo beautiful thing that I have ever seen.

You make my heart pound.

My mouth water.


There's nothing like a chillidog.

Oh, brother.