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01x07 - Warp Sonic

Posted: 03/08/24 11:26
by bunniefuu
Blue streak speeds by,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Too fast for the naked eye,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

Look out when he storms through,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Don't doubt what he can do,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

He's the fastest thing alive.

He's the fastest thing alive!

Sonic the Hedgehog [SatAM] Episode 11:
Warp Sonic

Sacrebleu! It is hu-fungus.

You mean "humongous", Ant.


It has to be... to handle all of Robotnik's traffic.

What's with all the wrist-action?

I think I know.

Just as I thought! An alarm grid.

Woah! That is nasty.

I am thinking that not even a little moose can get through that thing there.

A little moose? No. But a hedgehog, no prob!

Where there's a hedgehog, there's a way.

Oh, my!

Nicole! Boot up holographic overlay!

Proceeding, Sally. Overlay complete.

Color code each square and increase to five times normal size.

Are you sure you can get through there, Sonic?

Sal, are you asking if I can get through there?

Sal, is the sky blue? Is dirt dirty? Do bears-

Sorry I asked.

Juice and jam time!

Thank you. Thank you.

Come on guys, how about a round of applause?

Even a square of an applause?

Sonic, just the circuit interrupter ready.

Nicole, scan for an injector slot.

Scanning, Sally.

Injector slot located.

Time to fry some of the ol' brain cells, pal!

Sonic, get out of there!

We did it Sonic!

All of Robotnik's traffic is paralyzed.

Then we should better be speeding?

Yeah. We'll use the tunnels.

Which way, Sal?

Go right!

- You were kidding
about going right, right? - Right.

- You meant left, right!?
- Right!

I knew that.

We'd like to hang with you guys...

...but we've gotta motor!

You didn't mean left, right? You meant middle?

Middle! Right, right.

Oh, this is terrible.

I'll get us out of this. Trust me!

Ant, juice time!

Uh, need a hand?

Oh, yes! Thank you for the help.

Yeah, you saved me the trouble.

I'm Sally, this is Sonic.

Hello, I'm Griff.

Oh, my goodnesses.

Where am I going?

The Swat-Bots.

Follow me!

Wait for moi!

Where are we going, Griff?

Lower Mobius.

Lower Mobius?

Yeah, we escaped Robotnik's Swat-Bots and built an underground city.

There's about thirty of us.

We've heard about you guys.

Welcome to the Pipeline Express.

What was that?

Well, I think the gear box needs a little work.

I am thinking it needs very much of the work.

Sacrebleu! We are going crashing into pieces!

Don't worry, Antoine.

It's to keep the Rat-Bots out.


Yes, Robotnik created them as tunneling rats years ago then abandoned them.

Now they run wild in here.

The rats are all dangerous, but there's one in particular.

You see, he's a mutant and he's much bigger than the others.

Welcome to Lower Mobius, Freedom Fighters.

Oh my gosh! It's beautiful.

Yeah, past cool.

Welcome back, Griff! Have a successful trip?

No, not really, Dirk. I'll tell you later.

But I did meet some Freedom Fighters.

We're honored.

Oh, merci! Merci!

This is our energy chamber.

It supplies all the power for Lower Mobius.

Man, we could sure you something like that in Knothole.

Without it we couldn't survive down here.

Whoa-ho-ho! Is the ol' nose playing tricks, or do I smell a...

...chilli dog!

Pig out time!

Are really gonna eat all twelve of those chilli dogs?

Yeah! But those are just snacks.

I'll do some serious eating later.


Pinch me! I must be dreamin'.

Yo, what's up?

Sonic! Sonic! I need your help.

Rat-Bots are trying to penetrate the pipe system.

We're trapped.

I can fix it but I need some time.

Not a prob! I'll handle the rat-butts.

Sonic! Watch their tails!

Hey rat-butts!

Nice try, ratso.

Actually, it was a weak try. Really weak.

Come on, give me your best shot!

Sonic, behind you!

Close, but no cheese, slime-wad!

Come on, creepos! I'm not even working up a sweat here!

Now you're cookin'! Yeah!

Ow, that's hot.

You rat-heads in the mood for a lil' hedgehog-cabob?

Come and get it!

I had to blow off a little steam.

I am thinking you will need more steam, Sonic Hedgehog.

It's the mutant.

Griff, what about the gear shift?

No, I've tried everything.

Stuck solid.

You guys, hold on!

I'll push you outta here.

Push us? How?

A power ring.

Grab your socks, we are gonna juice!

A power ring.

Bailing Warp-7!

Sonic, that... That was absolutely incredible!

How does this power ring work?

Only my uncle Chuck knows for sure.

He made them for me before he was captured and robotocized.

So you mean there's more than one?

Yes, we receive a new ring every twelve hours.


I've never seen so much condensed energy.

- Can I see it?
- Sure.

Listen, I have some unfinished business. Catch ya later!


All right!


I doubt it will last another 24 hours, Griff.

We have to do something.

The Freedom Fighters have an incredible energy source.

But they are very protective of it.

This calls for drastic measures.

Can they help us?

I don't know yet if we can trust them.

But I know what to do.

Sonic, Sonic!

Oh, this is terrible! Terrible!

I can't be believing it!

Can't believing what, Ant?

Griff! He is stealing the heart of my princess.

Say what?

No-no-no! Coming along, I show you!

Ah, sacrebleu!

This is most terrible day of my young and handsome life.

Yeah? Well, anything he can do, I can do better.

Oh, thank you for the flower, Griff. It's beautiful.

Not as beautiful as you, Sally.

For you, Sal!

Why Sonic! How sweet!

I wrote a poem for ya.

You wrote a poem?

Hold on to your socks...

...'cause this is gonna blow you right out of your shoes!

"When it comes to speed, I can't be beat."

"I'm faster than lightning, faster than heat."

"I'm so fast, I'd burn up the street!"

"Ain't that mondo sweet?"

For you, my princess!

Oh, Antoine! Thank you, but I-

I, too, have written you a poome.

I'm sorry, a what?

A poome!

Oh, a poem! Oh, I see.

Yes, oui, that is what I said.

"I am a royal guard, brave and true."

"Who gladly would be laying down my life for you!"

Excuse me while I chuck my chilli.

You are insulating my poome?

No, your poome insulates itself.

Well, it is much more romantic than your stupid poome!

Boys, please! You're being very rude to Griff.

Who cares?

Oui. Who?

I care.

He saved our lives and I think you owe him an apology.

I'm supposed to apologize to him...

...for trying to steal my girl?

I am not your girl!

Since when?

Since forever!

I can wait.

Sonic, I'm not trying to steal Sally. Honest.

Yeah, right.

Look, let me drive you back to the surface. It's the least I can do.

We can walk.

You can drive me back, Griff.

Huh? Hey!

Wow! This is really, really beautiful.

Home sweet home.

Would you like a Knothole tour?

Thanks but I should get back.

Best idea you've had yet.

You coming Sal?

Bye, Griff.

Thanks for everything.

Allowing me, my princess!

No, thank you, Antoine.

Well, I hope we meet again, Freedom Fighters.

Griff? What's wrong?

It's this darn engine acting up again.

Oh! Well...

Why don't you spend the night here?

We have plenty of room and you can just fix it in the morning.

Well, that's very kind but...

Alright, I accept!


Please do identify your own selves!

Relax, Antoine. You know it's us.

I am sorry, my princess.

But a royal guard is never taking anything from granted.

Especially when there are strangers jerking about!

Antoine, you are being a toad.

A toad? What is a toad?

This is where we get our power rings.

That's very nice but...

I'm not sure I quite understand.

Great! We're in luck, a ring is coming.

It's magnificent!

Yo, Sal!

Sonic, you scared me!


I've been thinking...

Trying something new, are we?

- Funny.
- Thank you.

Are you still jealous?

Me, jealous? Ha!

And what is that supposed to mean?

"Ha" is short for "You have no clue."

I have no clue?

I hear a parrot.

I'll tell you who doesn't have a clue.


Look in the mirror.

All I see is...

...hedgehog perfection!

Aw, brother.


What does he have that I don't have?

You mean besides a brain?

Sonic! My princess!

Something terrible has happened.

What's wrong, Antoine?

I do not know. The power ring pool!

Something is wrong with it but I do not know what.

Yeah, something is way past uncool.

The power rock is gone!


But who would-


What is it, Sonic?

Griff's hover sled is gone.

And I found this!


Griff took the power stone?

Yep and I'm gonna get it back.

Juice time!

Let's hope this works.

Griff! The Rat-Bots got through! There coming!

Bailing Warp-7!

You cheese-bags are really starting to annoy me.

My turn!

Yo, no-brainers! Over here!

Wanna give it up or what?

Guess not.

Okay, see how you dig this!


You want me? I'm right here.

Thank you, Sonic.

Forget the thanks, Griff.

Where's the power stone?

I used it to keep our energy crystal alive.

Without this crystal we couldn't survive.

That doesn't give you the right to steal from us.

I'm sorry.

I was desperate.

Where is it?

Look, Griff. What you did was wrong.

But we're all in this w*r against Robotnik together.

This should keep you crusin' for a while.

I don't know how to thank you.

Maybe you ought to turn the lights back on.

You're the best, Sonic.

I know.