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01x10 - Sub-Sonic

Posted: 03/08/24 11:27
by bunniefuu
Blue streak speeds by,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Too fast for the naked eye,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

Look out when he storms through,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Don't doubt what he can do,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

He's the fastest thing alive.

He's the fastest thing alive!

Sonic the Hedgehog [SatAM] Episode 12:
Sub Sonic

Excellent, Snively.

It appears that the probes have found another oil lake.

It appears that way, sir.

What are the holding t*nk oil levels?

By tonight we should reach 50 percent.

Oh, I assure you, Snively, you will do better than 50 percent.

Much better.

But sir, we've been running at maximum power for 10 days and-

We will go on 10 days if necessary.


Understood, sir.

There is a world of oil down there, Snively.

And I shall have it all.

I just don't understand it, Rotor.

I calculated the exact proportions of water to sun ratio...

...and energized the soil but these trees don't respond.

Yeah. They look pretty sick all right.

In fact, a lot of the trees around here aren't looking so hot.

Antoine, how are the other trees doing?

Oh, not so too very good, my princess.

How come the trees are dying, Aunt Sally?

Well, I think Robotnik's pollution is spreading...

...farther and farther from the city, honey.

Well, I am thinking that maybe they die from this horrible fraternizer.

Not fraternizer, Antoine. Fertilizer.

What is this?

Looks like a storm is coming.

Maybe some rain will bring these trees back to life.

Just put the pedal to the metal and baby I guarantee...'ll be juicin' to the tenth degree.

Crank it supersonic. It don't take any fuel...

...cuz the rocket's in my pocket and I'm way past cool!

Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you!

Man! Hang on, fish sticks, cuz we're gonna rock 'n' reel!

This is one tough tuna.

Rather have a chili dog anyway.

And I'll tell ya, that fish stick was so big...

...he pulled me right off the bridge.

And I water-skied behind him for 10 miles.

Then he stole my pole.

Bummer. I was ready for some fish sticks.

I bet he was big as a tree. Huh, Sonic?

Bet it was even big as a house, huh?

You got it, big guy.

Pardonnez-moi, Sonic, but are you thinking we were born tomorrow?

It's all true, Ant. A hedgehog never lies.

Whoa! What's up with the old flower?


Oh my gosh! Sonic, what did you do?

I don't know. I just knocked water out of my ear.

Like this.

Guess it wasn't the water.

Wow! Cool, Sonic!

I do not believing my ears.

Sonic, where did this water come from?

The Great River, near our bridge.

Then we have to get more of it.

Very cool boat.

Gosh, no big deal.

Come on, man! You're totally hot with the old hammer.

Yeah, but who cares about some nerdy handyman?

I'd rather be a superhero like you.

Now that's cool.

Can't argue that.

When you're right, you're right.

But it's still a cool boat.

Rotor, look out for the big log!

Just chill and enjoy the scenery, Ant.

Oui. Oui.

I am chilling.

Look, guys!

Those trees are dying, just like the ones in Knothole.

Somehow we have to figure out a way to revive them before the whole forest dies.

Maybe that weird green water will do it.

Rotor, why are we going too fast?

Yeah, the current is picking up speed.

Can't you slow down, Rotor?

I can try.

Man, we're really starting to juice.

Hey! What's up?

I am not liking this too much, Rotor.

My gosh! Where are we?

That's what I'd like to know.

Looks like some kind of underground lake.

Definitely a dump.

Which means Robotnik can't be far.

Get a grip, Ant.

Oui. Oui. A grip.

Crank up the motor, Rote.


Nicole, check the map file for "subterranean".

Checking, Sally.

No "subterranean" file exists.

Looks like we're on our own, guys.

In more ways than one. We lost the motor.

Lost the motor?

Then how will we be getting out of this terrible place?

Turn up ahead, Antoine.

Palace guards are not meant for the rowing of the boot, my princess.

Ew. Check this junkberg.

Yo, Ant! Angle to the right!


Nice move, Ant. Ant?

Antoine? Antoine?


I just don't get it.

One minute he's here and then he's gone.

We'll find him, Rote.

I sure hope so.

Man, this is some major mong.

Oh, now what?


Hang on! I'll give us a little juice.

Come on, Sonic, you can do it!

That's it, Sonic.

Bailing Warp 7, man!

Push, Sonic!

That was close.

Great job, Sonic.

Sonic, you are a very, very brave hedgehog.

Thank you.

Any time, Sal.


...check out the water.

It's boiling.

There's nowhere to go.

Yeah, there is.

Grab on, guys!


Ant! Where are you, man?

Hey, guys.

You get the feeling we're being watched?

By whom? The plants?

I don't know. I just feel something watching us.

You're just paranoid, Rotor.

Oh, look at this beautiful flower!

Man! What is that flower? A snapdragon?

Sonic! Behind you!

All right, that's it! Now you're making me mad.

That's what you get for being rude.

Sonic, Sally's gone.


She was right here next to me and then she disappeared!





Man, this looks like some kind of palace.

Yeah but what's with this smell?

Just like Robotropolis.

Doesn't anybody take out the trash around here?

Wow! Look at this!

Wait here, Rote! I'll scope it out.

Ant? Sally? You guys in here?

Sonic's fishing pole.


Bail, Rote! Warp ten!

Rote! Rote!

Let me go, man! My main walrus needs help.

Look what you have done to my world, surface creature!

Pal, I know you're having a bad hair day...

...but I don't have a clue what you're talking about!

I will show you what I am talking about.

What is this stuff?

Wait a sec.

It's that same green water.

No wonder this place is so green.

Ah, this is terrible. Terrible!

I have my whole life behind me.

This is all your fault, Sonic the hog-hedge.

Hedgehog, Ant. Hedge. Hog.

Now why is it Sonic's fault, Antoine?

Because he is the hero.

But he cannot get us out of this terrible place.

Yeah because this pollution pit zapped all my juice.


Sonic! The level's rising.

Try again for the power ring.



What is that?


- Someone, help!
- Help me!



Hurry, Rote! Get the power ring!

Yes, yes! Please to hurry!

I'm comin' guys! Hang on!

Fight it, Rote! Fight it!

Rotor! Hold on!

Way to go, Rote!

Hurry! The slime is rising.

Go, Sonic!



Gotcha, Antoine!

Thanks, Rote! You're a hero, man.

A big hero.

Oui. As one big hero to another...

...I salute you, Rotor.

Aw, it's no big deal.

We gotta jam! It's the snake probes.

Snake probes?

They're laser-powered diggers.

Robotnik is using them to drill for oil.

Aw, great. We should have known Robotnik was behind this.

Let's juice!

Sonic, what's...

Oh my gosh!

There is no escape, surface dwellers.

You will die from this pollution, as all my people have.

You keep talkin', big guy, and I'll just keep on wonderin' what you're saying.

I was once king of a beautiful world.

But everything was destroyed by you, surface creatures.

And I... the only one left.

This is not our pollution.

There's another surface creature.

His name is Robotnik.

He's polluted our world as well as yours.

I am making a tasty retreat.

Hold it, Ant! We've gotta help the big guy.

Rote, where are these things coming from?

The surface. Robotnik's drilling platform.

I'm goin' up!

Man, this is major!

Isn't it lovely, Snively?

A sight to behold, sir.

Snively, shoo that fly off the screen.

I'm afraid that's not a fly, sir. It's...

...the hedgehog.

Sound Code Red!

Activate all snake probes!

Activating all snake probes, sir.

Quick question. Can this chair go in reverse?

Yep. Snake probes. Emergency destruct.

Yeah, my kind of button.

No, no, no. This can't be happening.

No, no, no, NO!

Past cool, hedgehog. Past cool.

Now, I wonder what'll happen if I punch all these buttons.

Only one way to find out.

Yo put the pedal to the metal and baby, I guarantee...'ll be juicin' to the tenth degree.

Crank it supersonic. It don't take any fuel...

...cuz the rocket's in my pocket and I'm way past cool!

Uh, oh. I'm outta here.

Well, here it goes.

It's beautiful.

Yeah. Too bad there's not enough for the Great Forest.

Take this, Sonic. Maybe it will help.

Thanks, big guy.

And let me know if you ever wanna go fishing.

That's right.

Okay. Keep your fingers crossed, guys.

Alright! Cool! Sonic!

Well, that's a start.


How's it feel to be a hero, Rote?


From now on, I'm happy to be a handyman.