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02x02 - Sonic Conversion

Posted: 03/08/24 11:29
by bunniefuu
Blue streak speeds by,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Too fast for the naked eye,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

Look out when he storms through,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Don't doubt what he can do,
Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic, he can really move.

Sonic, he's got an attitude.

Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive!

He's the fastest thing alive.

He's the fastest thing alive!

Sonic the Hedgehog [SatAM] Episode 15:
Sonic Conversion

Sir, your Virtual Reality Shriekbot

is ready for flight-testing.

You oversized toad.

Excuse me?

What was that, Snively?

I said, I'll key in your code, sir.

Very good.

I must say I'm excited by the prospects of this, Snively.

Very excited indeed.

And I'm very excited for you,

your immense density.

Smarmy fool.

Woah, that tub looks too swift.

What are those pipes behind the wings?

Blast thrusters.

That plane may actually be faster than you.

Faster than moi? In Robuttnik's dreams.

Check this!

Sonic, not now. We need to get back to Knothole.

Yeah, you're-

Sal, it's Uncle Chuck!

Sir, monitor one!

Well, surprise surprise.

Activate laser cannon!

That's it, hedgehog, a little closer.



Sweet dreams, rodent.

Sonic, above you!

Haunch time, Sal.

Man, that sucker cranks serious.

Way to juice me, Sal.

Hang on!


You lied to me, Snively.

Lied, sir?

You said that

the Shriekbot could outrun the hedgehog.

It can, sir.

We just have to install more thrust boosters.

Snively, what color is my heart?

I don't see a heart, sir.


You can't go in, Tails. Sonic's orders.

Come on, Dulcy. How come?

'Cuz they're doing some experiments,

and they don't wanna be disturbed.

Ready, Bunnie?


Nicole, activate Deroboticizing sequence.

Activating, Sally.

Five, four, three, two, one.


Sequence complete, Sally.

Bunnie, are you okay?

How do you feel?

Well, I-

Oh, my stars. Look at this.

Alright, the bunnie body is back.

Got it, Sonic.

Past cool, huh?

Way past!

Okay, big guy, slide in the old pack and I'm outta here.

Sonic, wait. We have to talk.

Save it, Sal. I'm going after Uncle Chuck.

If the Deroboticizer worked on Bunnie,

it'll work for Unc. End of story.

But we still don't know if the effects will last.

Can't you wait 24 hours?

Hey, if it doesn't work, you'll fix it.

Fine. And what do we do with Uncle Chuck while I'm fixing it?

Why do you ask so many questions?

Why don't you use your brain?

It gives me a headache. Later!


Yo, Uncle Chuck. Over here!

You in there or what?


Hang in, Uncle Chuck. It'll be cool.

Nicole, activate Deroboticizer sequence.

Activating, Sally.

Internal circuitry malfunction.

Executing preemptive shutdown.

Uncle Chuck!

Capture Freedom Fighters.

Priority one.

By order of Robotnik.

Capture Freedom Fighters. Priority one.

Priority one.

- Uncle Chuck, chill alright.
- Capture Freedom Fighters.

Sal's gonna fix the old machine

and we'll be cookin' again, Unc. No prob.

Detain Freedom Fighters.

By order of Robotnik.

Detain Freedom...

How's it going, Sal?

Not very good.

Nicole, status report.

Sections 1, 2, 3, and 5, failure.

No salvageable components.

So we need a couple parts, no biggie right?

It's a major biggie, Sonic.

Nicole, search databanks for compatible component panels.


Match found, Sally.

Is that what I think it is?

Yes, the only match is Robotnik's Roboticizer.

Yeah, so?

So we have to start again from scratch.

Detain Freedom Fighters.

Well, this hedgehog is never giving up.

I give up!

Take me to his royal dopiness.

So nice of you to drop by hedgehog.

I do love surprises.

Now why are you here?

It's the stress, I can't take it anymore.

My hedgehog nerves are sh*t.

I tell ya, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!

No, please, something is rotten in Topeka.

Wherever that is.

Now what are you up to?

Eh, about 3"-4", give or take an inch. Hehe, little joke there.

Very little.

Put him in the Roboticizer!

Wait, wait.

There's one more thing I've gotta do.

I'll get you!

Have a seat Robuttnik.

Win and spin time, baldo.

And you lose.

I'll get you!

Activate anti-gravity system.

Way cool.

Ciao, baby.

I'll get you, hedgehog.

I'll get you.


Come on, Nicole.

Yo, what's the big holdup?

Sequence complete, Sally.

Uncle Chuck, wake up call.


Man, I'm sure glad you're here, Uncle Chuck.

I missed you big time.

I missed you too, Sonic.

I've been dreaming of this since the first day I was roboticized.

You have?

But I thought when you were roboticized, you didn't...

...know what was going on?

We know everything.

We just can't do anything about it.

Without a stronger capacitive reactor,

the electromagnetic fields

will disable the attenuator.

Creating harmonic frequencies. Right, Uncle Chuck?

That's right, Rotor.

So, what I need is a 3 dash 3 CP.

I think I have one in my storeroom.

Oh man, not the storeroom.

Oh come on, Sonic. It's not that bad.

Just kidding, Rote.

I'll help, hang on.

It's incredible.

And Uncle Chuck made it in less than an hour!

He's good, sugar.

Maybe I should take a second look at that man.

Now watch this.

Oh, my stars. That is really somethin'.

And here it is.

Here what is, Sally girl?

Target one.

The first group we're gonna deroboticize is in this factory.

It's really happening, isn't it?

We're gonna do it, we're gonna...


Oh, my gosh.

Oh, Bunnie.

Oh, what the hoo-haw happened?

Oh, my look!

It's okay, Bunnie.

We'll get you back to normal again.

Listen, all we have to do...

Oh, no!


Uncle Chuck!

You know, Uncle Chuck,

I am thinking that maybe it is time for me to be lunching.

Chow time, guys.

Merci, Tails.

Merci beaucoup.

Uncle Chuck! What is wrong?

Oh my, this is nothing to fool.

Uncle Chuck, what's going on?

Freedom Fighters, priority one.

Detain by order of Robotnik.

Please, Uncle Chuck, you can have my sammich.

I can make you another sammich.

What kind of garnish would you like?

Where're we going?

Capture Freedom Fighters.

- Priority one.
- Uncle Chuck!

- Priority one.
- Uncle Chuck. No!

Maybe a special desert?

With some cappuccino!

Do you like decaf?

Dulcy, look out!

Or maybe some nice fruit tart

to keep your eyes red. They're so creepy when they're red.

Dulcy, can't you fly above the trees?

There he is.

He's heading for the swamp.

You know, Uncle Chuck,

I can make a very nice herbal tea.

Dulcy, take us back to Knothole.

We have to get Sonic.

Sacré bleu-cheese, we are dead b*at.

You mean dead meat, Ant.

Just chill out, Sonic will save us.

Freedom Fighters. Enemy.

Priority one. Detain by order of Robotnik.

Mega muck.

One part petroleum, one part quick sand,

one part clay mud.

I gotta juice, Sal.

He could be in Robo-town by now.

Sonic, will you relax?

How can I relax?

My sneakers are just itching to hit the old road.

Here we go.

Sal, I'm sorry about...

I know.

But right now we need a hero.

And you're it.

That's true.

Better grab on to something, Sal.

Freedom Fighters, priority one.

It's Sonic.


- Stop!
- It's a trap.

- Listen, Sonic!
- You can do it.

Sonic, it's Uncle Chuck. He...

Freedom Fighters, priority one.

Detain by order of Robotnik.

Don't do it, Uncle Chuck, let them go!

This is very good advice-ing. You should...

I will return for hedgehog.



There's the sugarhog.


Going down.

Easy, Dulcy, easy.

Don't worry, this one's gonna be perfect.

Don't say a word, Sonic hedgehog.

I've had a real bad day.

Got it.

Go, Dulcy. Go, go!

Harder, Dulc, harder.

Thanks, guys. Go low and go time.

Please, Uncle Chuck, I don't wanna be a robot, let us go.

Well, thank you, Uncle Chuck, but

I am being much too very young and

extremely to very handsome to being a robot, nes pa?

Yo, Uncle Chuck.

Cool, I knew you'd save us, Sonic.

Freedom Fighter, priority one.

I know you're in there, Unc.

Fight Robotnik!

It's him.

I'm going to fight...

Uncle Chuck!

- ...Robotnik!
- Uncle Chuck?

Priority one.

Freedom Fight...

Yeah, yeah! That's it, Unc.

You can do it.

Freedom Fight...

Fight Robotnik.

Fight Robotnik!

It's working.

Sonic, you were right. It actually worked.

You okay, Unc?

I'm back, Sonic.

At least up here. That's the most important thing.

The body will come later.

Good to see you, Sonic.

Good to see you too, Unc.

Uh-oh, Sonic. Here come the Swat-Bots.

Let's stir fry, Unc.

Yo, Unc, bail time!


You go, Sonic. I'm staying here.

Say what?

Robotnik won't know that inside I'm still me.

I have a better chance of getting the Deroboticizer parts from here.

You mean like some kind of mondo spy?


Sonic, I know this isn't what we planned

but I can help more from here.

Now play along.

You two stay out of sight.

But Unc, your eyes.

I can control them now.

Intruder, hedgehog intruder.

Act like we're struggling.

Sir, monitor one.

Hey, let me go!

Well, well, well.

Dr. Hedgehog has captured his own nephew.

Who says family values are dead?

Sir, your Virtual Reality Shriekbot is ready.

The Shriekbot.

Better juice, Sonic. I love you, boy.

I love you too, Unc.

Woah, some serious thrust,

but he ain't seen nothing, yet.

You guys chill, I'll be back.

Where is that sucker?

Having fun yet, rodent?


You are fast.


Fast but stupid.


Oh no!

Yes, sir?

Ciao, baby!

Boy, oh boy, this sure is a mess.

You're right, Dulcy. It'll take time.

But we can get it online again.

I hope so sugar,

cuz I liked havin' my cute little old bod back if even for a minute.

I should have listened to you, Sal.

I was a total bonehead.

But Uncle Chuck's gonna be a spy for us.

That's cool, right?

Yeah, except he has to live in bogus city.

I should have waited 'til everything was ready.

I just should have waited.

Yes, we know that, Sonic. Little joke there.

Very little.

Look, we may not have the Deroboticizer,

but we know that roboticized people can fight it off from inside.

All we have to do is help them.

Plus, we have Uncle Chuck on our side, and he'll help a lot.



Serious, yeah!